Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


BB Vendor Setup - Add Buyback Income GL Account
BB - Create Debit Memo or AR Debit Memo from Detail tab and not summarized Charges tab
BB Program Setup - Charges will be free entry text
BB Reimbursement - Charges will not be from item setup
BB Reimbursement - Create AR Debit Memo instead of Invoice
BB Reimbursement - Use Sales Account of the inventory item to book all charges


Load / Shipment schedule screen integration with Inventory Receipt - Without contracts
Customs Clearance - To record the details of the quantity of goods which have been customs cleared or stay in transit.
Organic declaration document for deliveries of organic certified coffees
Stock Valuation Report for Bank
Shipment Declaration Report
Add 3rd Notify parties in Shipping Instruction and prints
Allocation - different product alert message to be enhance with user confirmation
Atlas coffee importers logo on printed DO needs to be resized
Outbound Load - Storage Cost tab - Sub currency should be available
Add SO Number, Delivery Date in Storage Cost tab of Load Shipment schedule
Stock Sale - defaulting Delivery From and To date
Allocation - allow to un-reserve for the admin role user
Make Default Future Market Price UOM default in Picked tab of Stock Sale
Add 'Item no' field to display Item Short Name in Allocation screen
Add P.StartDate, P.EndDate, S.StartDate, S.EndDate in allocated tab of allocation screen
Review vyuLGLoadScheduleForInvoice and make adjustments as needed
Allow user to print debit/credit note from Weight Claims screen
titleAccounts PayableManufacturing
Budget & Affordability
Send alert mail whenever user modifies the Recipe - once a day
Budget: Clicking on Confirm does not display confirmation message
HDTN-100869 - Proportionate recipes - i21
HDTN-184216 - Work Order Print Functionality
Work Order Mgmt - Handling item track items in cycle count screen
Inventory View: Print Blend Sheet button need to be added
Allow Item tracking while generating Pick task
Blend Requirement changes
Retrieve parent lot no field label from the company preference
Lot Transaction based on Parent lot Id
Lot pattern based on Item category
Provide an option to open recipe detail screen from work order management screen's recipe tab
Add a column 'Variance' next to 'Counted Qty' column in the cycle count grid in the work order detail screen
Load lot status in the release status control in the release to warehouse screen
Process Production - Produce multiples lot at a time
CLONE - Cost distribution for all the produced item based on recipe set up
Add Reason code and notes for all the inventory adjustment screens like quantity adjustment
When user moves a pallet into quarantine location, system has to change pallet status to Quarantine
System should not allow user to ship out a pallet that is not in the stock storage location
Allow to enter production break up in the blend production screen
Handling hand add location in the pick list
System should adjust lot qty by sample qty when user creates a sample for a pallets based on settings
Show the comma delimiter in all the number columns in the inventory view screen
Add Pick button in the work order detail screen
Add hyper link for lot no column in the tasks and lots grid in pick order screen
Add a button in the lot details screen to display lot history
Flexibility to pre-print labels for IR
Release button should be disabled based on process attribute 'Warehouse Release Lot By Work Order'
CLONE - Add Manufacturing cell column in the recipe input item grid
While merging, system has to update source lot expiry date if source lot expires soon than destination lot
Pick list button in the work order stage screen should be enabled or disabled based attribute 'Pick List enabled'
provide pick list print button in the work order stage screen
Move the column order by default as lot no, lot alias, parent lot number in the inventory view and bulk changes tabs
Add a button named as 'Empty out' before save button in the cycle count tab of Work Order Management
Add Location column to Add Recipe screen
CLONE - Send Expiry date as part of EDI945
Line item is not available after creating a order


titleVendor Rebates
Vendor rebate program setup
Open/Submitted/Exclude Tab - Add Company Location
Rebates - Credit memos to show negative quantity and units on screen and ftp file
Rebate - Remove Cost field from Open/Submitted/Excluded tab


titleCard Fueling
CF Invoice > Prevent trans with Posting Date > Invoice Date


Scale ticket quantity exceeded total customer storage, need to invoice for quantity taken
Customer Portal - Displaing Delivery sheets
CLONE - [Ticket Entry] - Do not override Freight details when a contract is selected


titleAdvanced Installer
CLONE - Create import entry for AR import files
CLONE - Multi Company - Unable to create subsidiary database


titleEnergy Trac Interface
Base Export - Export screen shows ET files when Base Engineering is set as system
CLONE - Base Import - Not Handling Overfill. Causes complete import failure.
CLONE - Base Import - Contract line on overfill invoices not using contract price
CLONE - Base Import - Tax on contract overfill applying incorrectly to both line items
CLONE - Energy Trac Import - Error due to unavailable contract amount
Database Upgrade failed during upgrade
CLONE - Base Export - Contract balance is rounding when it should not
Error on SQL Script deployment DEV AND RC
Error Installing 18.11.0211.13 Procedure uspETTranslateDigitalDispatcher
titleEntity Management
Cannot choose Country in Storage Location of Company Location
CLONE - Document Manager search screen server busy
CLONE - Customer do not need approval procedure should not see "No need for Approval" text at the bottom of the screen
Help URL is not specified for Contract Entry screen
CLONE - Ticket Grid should be automatically filtered after changing Scale Station
18.1 - Time slider does not work when assigning time for the first time
Allocation Screen - customs layout is not rendered correctly
CLONE - Calendar schedule not adjusted in local time zone
Sync'ing remote scale and Main server
18.1Dev Build error in VSTS
Error after logging in
Unable to open screens in 18.12.0129.67
Empty menu
Disconnected model does not have any menus
Grid is not filtering correctly
Error upon clicking 'Add' on creating vendor.
CLONE - Sales Order - Order No is not generated when adding a new record from search screen
Initial loading of Tickets Search screen displayed console error message
[Trial balance] Unable to open trial balance
VoIPstudio is not working in 18.1
Home menus are not displaying in Disconnected mode
Disconnected Model - Inconsistent connection state checking
titleGeneral Ledger / CM
Date Check on Import From Subledger not checking full period.
CLONE - Checkbook out of balance when voiding check with different void date than check date
CLONE - Unable to post deposit
ACH > Formatting errors
HDTN-205177 - General Ledger Detail Description
[Revalue Multi-Currency] - Gain Loss on Sales Contract
Deployment Error in SQL Project
18.1 Script Deployment Error (Origin Base)
Error building SQL Script
Error on SQL Script deployment 18.1
[Bank Deposit batch entry] unable to edit Grid details
[FY] Open FY button was missing
[Process payment] Generated file with ach is not showing
CLONE - Error upgrading database
[Bank account] unable to save ACH/NACH AR payroll
[Process payment] Generated file with ach is not showing
[Account mapping] Unable to scroll down Account mapping
[Segment account] Unable to delete unused primary segment
[Bank Account Register] Paycheck transactions not displayed
[Bank Transaction] Unable to post transaction 2nd time
Storage - Settle Storage
[Storage] - Customer Portal user displays all records on Settle Storage tab.
Installation error
[Ticket Management / Storage] - error generated when attempting to settle a DP contract
Error on 18.1Dev deployment
[Ticket Management] - Discounts are doubled on last page of Settlement
[Discount Table] - Console error when opening Discount table
[Pay Vouchers / Settlement Report] - Settlement Total Table on Last Page Is Incorrect for Multiple Vouchers
[Settle Storage] - Need to include the CostUOMId when inserting data to bil.
titleHelp Desk
Images don't get printed
Tickets: Cannot add new JIRA
Receipt - Add Order window popping up before Location (Ship To) is completed
PO - Newly created Other charge items do not show up in PO
Change Commodity import - To create respective Inventory Item
Failed in upgrading database
CLONE - Error on 18.1 Dev deployment
Inventory Receipt - post preview or post resulted to this error
18.1 Dev script Deployment error
18.1Dev SQL Script Error Deployment
[Ticket] Cannot Distribute ticket
Inventory Transfer Shipment Required - Cannot Open Transfer in IR using Add Orders Screen
CLONE - Tax not calculating on voucher after Ticket Distribution
Inventory Receipt - Cannot Process Inbound Shipment using Add Orders Screen.
Able to save Item with Cell Name not existing on specific location
IC - Conflicts and resolved using the 18.1Dev copy.
undefined screen showing in the Shipment > Add Orders
Inventory Receipt - Cannot Post Purchase Contract for Kit or Option Type Bundle
Cannot Post Inventory Shipment Purchase Contract Issue on Scheduled Quantity
No Tax being charged on Inventory Receipt after posting Transport Load
Cannot Post Contract for Kit - UOM Error
Item - Add-on is not listing all items
Cannot Save/Post Inventory Receipt using Process button of Purchase Order
18.12.0212.95 Cannot Open Item Search Screen Server Time Out
Inventory Receipt Purchase Contract Bundle Option Type - Blank Item No. and Description
Error upgrading database
Purchase Contract Bundle Option - UOM is missing on the receipt.
Inventory Shipment - Per unit tax is not calculating for other charges
Cannot Save/Post Inventory Receipt Purchase Contract with Kit
Cannot Post Purchase Contract - Scheduled Quantity Issue
Items - Item search screen is not loading
[Load/Schedule Shipment] - Do not copy Cost from Contract having flag as 'Basis'
Origin in allocated tab of allocation screen is not populating
Required documents from PO repeated in L/S schedule
Created Receipts - Order UOM is wrong
Total amount in invoice is not correct
Report logo to be resized
CLONE - Unable to save data entered in Custom tab for reopened work orders
CLONE - Unable to save data entered in Custom tab for reopened work orders
CLONE - Change Move Container screen similar to View Lot screen
CLONE - User is not getting email notification when customer location address changes while processing EDI940 Feed
CLONE - Consumed Qty is not matching with the staged qty
CLONE - CLONE - Incorrect data in the Job# column in the production reports
CLONE - CLONE - Unable to save data entered in Custom tab for reopened work orders
Script Merge 17.4Dev to 18.1Dev
titleMotor Fuel Tax
18.1 - Received an error when exporting Excel for IL
18.1 - Received "no transaction to export" when there are transactions to export
18.1 - IL Schedule DD-1 misses 4 transactions
18 - IL E-file is missing Blending records in Schedules A, DA, LA, SA
IN SF900 Schedule 1 Type Dyed Diesel shows incorrect transaction
ERROR SQL - Cannot truncate table 'tblTFTaxAuthorityBeginEndInventory'
Error Deploying 18.12.0207.90
Upgrade of Database in QC Server
Error on building 18.1Dev SQL Scripts
[SQL Scripts] - Error in pre - deployment
Stock - Could not open Search Screen
Used time off cleared out when creating new paycheck - 17.4
Earnings being reported as non- taxable when they should be taxable - 18.1
HDTN-204487 - P/R PROCESS ERROR-PTO - 18.1
PA Taxes - Calculation issues - 18.1
Paychecks for reimbursements did not print - 18.1
Time off is resetting every time they create new checks -18.1
Cannot import employees from Origin
[Employee] Server Time Out when viewing employee list
[Tax Types] Employer's State ID not saving changes
[Paychecks] Incorrect calculation of Municipal Tax - PA
Time off: On Global calendar, do not show the reason
titlePurchasing AP
PO - Discounts on PO not carried forward to IR cost
PO - Discounts not showing in sub totals
Open Payables showing open when AP transaction used in Sales Receive Payments
Pay Voucher Details Amount Due is not updated after posting
18.1 - Import Voucher Error- Not all records imported
Freight on Voucher not calculating as Per Unit
CLONE - 18.1 Dev upgrade error
Error building SQL Script
[Purchase Order] No tax computed on the screen
[SQL Error] - Database Deployment Error
[Vendor] Console error when creating new record
Error when distributing Spot Sale. "Cannot insert the value NULL into type column 'dblTax', table dbo.APBillDetailTax' "
CLONE - Multiple charge item was insert in voucher
AP - Script Merge 17.4Dev to 18.1Dev
Error When Saving Price Contract Record
Inventory Return to Debit Memo, missing items
[Basis Advance] - Failed to load on build 18.11.0209.10
[Basis Advance] - Error when selecting transaction from the grid
[Purchase Order] Tax doesn't compute
Voucher entry - does not default the type
[Ticket Management] - Missing Freight Voucher for a Priced (Sale) Contract
[Ticket Management - Settle Storage] - Not Calculating Tax on Voucher for Storage Settle
[Basis Advance] - Cannot open Basis Advance screen - with console error
[Basis Advance] - multiple entries for a single record were displayed on grids
Build error in 18.1 Dev and 18.1 RC
[Voucher] - Failed to load Resources when clicked Voucher menu
"Cannot insert value NULL into column Tax table tblAPBillDetail "error message when distributing Direct In Scale Ticket
[Pricing Contract] - Voucher Calculation Wrong after Contract Pricing
Cannot post Voucher. Debit and Credit not balanced
titleRisk Management
M2M Inquiry - Visualization tab - Graphical error
Save confirmation message is required before closing
Kevin's email - 6th November - M2M issues
Book configuration - Data not saved in limit for derivatives tab
Deployment Error
Upgrade database failed
Brokerage Account - future currency is not saving
Position report - not displaying short futures contract
Deployment errors on QC server
Unable to build 18.1Dev Script
In PnL report not displaying Futures impact
Future Settlement Price Import is not working
Coverage Report - Filter by Vendor or customer is not populating any data for coffee commodity
Futures Market - Cannot save new record
Mark to Market - Basis Entry not displaying in the grid
Derivative Entry - Cannot select Broker Account in the Derivative Entry
Match Derivatives - Load and save then an error will appear
Error on SQL Script deployment (RC)
Option Trading Month - Cannot select Option Market
Futures 360 - Realized Profit and Loss is duplicating
Mark to Market - Cannot save Mark to Market
Unable to post in Match Derivative Screen
Mark To Market- Market data tab - future settlement price section is not loading
Batch Posting of Service Charges creating separate lines in Batch Post Grid
AR Invoice - Item description
Unable to post invoice with contract and sequence
Vendor Taxing not working when both tax class and tax code setup in Vendor Taxing
Tax Report Grid Taxable Sales is $0 when unit sold is negative quanity
Unapplied Credit Register took 5 minutes to load
Invoice - Customer Aging tab is timing out
Conversion - Did not convert all account status codes per customer
Purchasing transaction paid in Sales Receive Payment reflecting incorrectly
CLONE - Creating multiple payments in a row without leaving the screen prefills the payment method with prepay
HDTN-209161 - Getting zero cost when the truck makes B5 and B2
Portal > My Company > Cannot Open Records or Scroll on History Tab
Red box does not disappear in Receive Payment when amount changed to valid amount
Service Charge Invoice is not loading
[Invoice] - Cannot open Invoice
Invoice - could not post
Customer Prepayment - Could not Receive Payment. Click Pay will show blank message
Service Charge Invoice - Unforgiven service charge
Sales Order - Customer field: Not all customers are displayed
[Invoice] - Cannot post an invoice
Invoice - could not save/post Invoice
Receive Payments - can't select customer and forex rate related error
Receive Multiple Payments - could not post payment
Portal User: Transaction | Payments menu is missing
Error on 18.1 dev deployment
Service Charge Invoice - was able to unpost SC that was already Forgiven
Duplicate invoice number can be saved
Unable to save a portal setup
Upgrade error on 18.12.0124.61 using Knapp db
Quote search screen: Add New Quote is not loading
[SQL Scripts Database] - Error in SQL Scripts
Invoice: Unable to enter value in Comments field
Sales Order - Unable to process SO to Invoice
Sales Order - Unable to ship
Quote, Sales Order: Unable to open a record
Entity: Toolbar buttons are missing - New, Search, Delete, Undo
Customer: Unable to open Customers search screen
Payment History Report: Portal user can generate reports of other customers
CLONE - Incorrect Shipped qty for Software SO
Receive Payment - could not unpost
Error on 18.1Dev deployment 18.12.0201.79
Batch Printing: Filter 'By Record ID' is not functional
Invoice: Unable to apply Customer Prepayment to an Invoice
Invoice/ Sales Order: Unable to enter item
Credit Memo - GL Account Details for CM is showing wrong Transaction Type and Exchange Rate
Sales Order - Unable to add succeeding SO records when starting number uses location
Receive Payment - Payment Date is beyond Discount Date
AR - Script Merge of 17.4Dev to 18.1Dev conflict
Customers: Internal Server Error when editing Statement format
Batch Printing - Unable to load Details when print criteria = All Record ID
Quote: Cannot print newly created quote report
CLONE - Service Charge calculation is not working when running for all customers
Sales Order - Order No is not generated when adding a new record from search screen
Service Charge Post Preview - Process SC resulted the SqlDateTime overflow
Error running script using 18.12.0212.94
Invoice - Tax and Due Date not computing
Customer Statements: Print Only Past Due (True) not generating correct entries
Quote - Print function is not working
Customer Activity Report: Product Recap is missing
Tax Exemption from Customer is not taking effect on Invoice created from posting Transport Load
Company Configuration | Sales - Unable to save Service Charge Terms
CLONE - Blend from SO - Not using SO date
Calculate Service Charges - Unable to generate transactions in Post Preview
Discounts are Doubled on Load Out tickets when applied to two distribution types.
Receive Payments - Cannot Accept payment
Invoice - Grid Total for second row item is not displayed
Customer Statements - 'Callback request failed due to an internal server error' when adding Payment Method filter
Receive Multiple Payments - Auto Apply Credits across location is not functional
[Cash-Email] Cannot send an email to the customer
Service Charges - Unforgive Service Charges did not reverse Forgive Journal Entry
Import Invoice from Origin Failed
Incorrect GL Entries for invoice created from transport load
Sales Order - Unable to add a Kit bundle listed separately
Non-Sufficient Funds - could not select NSF Account
Receive Payments - Failed to load data when opening a Receive Payment record
Customer Statement > Balance Forward - incorrect Amount Due, Amount Paid and Balance due
NSF - missing receive payment transaction in the Receive Payments search
Error when upgrading db to 18.1
[Invoice] Values are removed upon editing and saving the record
Invoice - Cannot select a contract sequence
Invoice - did not get the correct tax rate for line item using Other UOM
Order - did not get the correct tax rate for line item using Other UOM and Line Total for is wrong
[Customer Statement] Report is not displayed if "Include Budget" = TRUE
Invoice - Incorrect item values and post preview if coming from foreign Contract
Import Delivery Sheet Grades
Ticket Grid should be automatically filtered after changing Scale Station
CLONE - [Manual Distribution] - Distributed tickets are not creating/posting Vouchers
CLONE - [Manual Distribution] - Freight is doubled when tickets are part contract and part spot
Error building project
Item is missing in created Voucher for spot
Cannot Distribute Load In Scale Ticket
[Ticket Management] - Processed Ticket for Basis Contract (unpriced) creates a posted voucher
[Ticket Management / Ticket] - FK Error During Attempt to Undistribute Storage Ticket
Freight Charge from Load Schedule does not populated in Scale Ticket
Unable to manually distribute load out ticket for split units to load schedule and spot sale
[Ticket Management] - Invoice Displays Metric Ton UOM but uses Bushel Price from Contract
Ticket screen hang up when distribute Transfer Out and Transfer In
[Scale Ticket]Unable to distribute Direct In Scale Ticket
[Distribution] - Stop contract application when price when futures and basis is unavailable
Cannot distribute ticket with multiple contracts selected
Status of Distributed Sales Order is set to 'Reopened'
Selecting an item from the combobox dropdown displayed a console error message
Unable to distribute DP Contract
Item is not included in the created Voucher after distributing Scale Ticket
CLONE - [Ticket Distribution] - Convert Future & Basis UOM to stock UOM on IR.
ST - Audit log to get more relevant information
titleSystem Manager
Failed to upgrade database
Portal Menu Missing Modules
intconcurrencyId on Enity Credential was not updated when performing delete on Favorites Menu
Error in Script Deployment Source DB
Runtime Error occurs when customer contact logs in
Menus are not loaded when new user logs in to i21 after role has changed
Delivery Sheet menu is not showing up in User Portal
[Master Menu] - Create new menu for Voucher checkoff detail
Batch Posting - Unable to post
Company Location (GL Accounts tab) - accounts are doubled
Multi Company - Unable to create subsidiary database
18.1 - TR Receipts > Tax Detail button causes an error
Transport Load - Unable to Send Email (Invoice)
titleVendor Rebates
Script Merge 17.4Dev to 18.1Dev- VR issue