Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


titleiRely Management
Create a new tab on Item screen for mapping Item to Product Codes
Work Order Staging - Screen Design
Work Order Production Returns - Screen Design




To add Activate button on Panel Settings
To add Search button on Panel Settings


Ability to Expand/Collapse All Groups
Loading status when importing multiple panels from iGuide Import Panel List
To add "Save Dashboard Layout" option
Auto-fill Title/Legend fields of Chart type panel
Message to inform the user that connection failed after hitting Fill Columns button
To use color picker on Back Color and Font Color on Conditional Format tab of Panel Settings
Convert Ext-Chart to Sencha-Charts
To add OR Logic on Filter Editor screen
Informative message that will inform the user if the query is invalid.
Make Query builder lightning fast
Implement real paging on Grid panels
Rename panel context menu
Implement standard i21 data export that the standard search screen has
Add Import button in multi-tab search screen
Add context menu for new panel and new canned panel for administrator
Panel Name font of Canned Panel must turn red after activating.
Panel Name font of Personal Panel must turn red after deactivating.
Improve Panel header
titleEntity Management
Add Payment Detail link in Vendor Maintenance History tab
Change Bill No column in Vendor History tab to a link that will open BL record.
Add "Receive Sales Email" option(checkbox/field) in the Entity/Customer Contact Screen
Implement Users as Entity
Implement Employee as Entity
Make adjustments to Entity Split Screen
Need tax exemptions at the location level as well
New entity duplicate check
Tariff Tab Clean up
Need to replicate Customer Taxing Tab in Vendor
Label tax grids on customer
Add Invoice Type to Special Pricing
Delta - Entity Customer Pricing Changes
Show Entity > Customer > Pricing Deviation with Full 6 decimals including Trailling Zeros
Change Label on Customer Entity > Transports > Freight
Add Effective Dates to Tariffs
Create New Entity screen should default to Name field without Origin Integration
Update Entity Location to be Tax Group instead of Tax Code
When Rack Price is Origin or Fixed Rack - Require Cost to Use to be Selected
Change Tax Exempt label to "Exempt All Taxes" in the Customer tab on the Entity screen
Need to include inTaxGroupId,strTaxGroup in customerbuffered,emlocationbuffered stores
Need to make customer status multi-select drop down
Entity Contact Needs Option for Emailing of Multiple Document Types
Entity Location > Terms Should default from Customer
Add Link to Card Fueling Account Screen from Customer Entity
Salesperson name should be displayed in Entity when selected.
Adding an entity
Entity Customer > Pricing > Obsolete Consignable field
Duplicate Matching
Add Original Hire Date in the Employee screen
Remove Receive Sales Email
Customer -> Patronage tab - Remove Patron Class
Entity screen: Move the Import button to the search screen
Remove Open Tickets and Tickets Reported by Me menus under Help Desk folder.
Show Transport Quotes on Entity History Tab
Make email add required when email distribution is enabled
Add a require purchasing approval flag on the user screen
We need to add the tax id and the year to date activity for the vendor to this screen
Add percent sign in Earning GL Distribution grid detail
Add AP Remittance advice to the select list for the AP Drop down
Please change the 'AccountsPayable.view.Bill' to 'AccountsPayable.view.Voucher'.
Additional fields for vyuARCustomerSearch
Change vendor contact menu.
Items that should be shown on vendor search
Update Customer> Taxing> Special Taxing> Tax Mater Group field to show Tax Groups instead of Tax Master Group
Entity Customer > Transport > Quoting > Add Ship to Supply Point
Drill down on Customer > History tab
Create a store that AP can use that list the approval option
Disable the Employee Time Off Information fields
Add Rate Factor in the Employee Time Off Information panel
Disable the Last Award Date field in Employee Time Off Hours panel
Rename the Linked Time Off label to 'Deduct Time Off'
Add 'Accrue Time Off' combo box field in Employee Time Off Information panel
Return the User Role combobox but rename to 'Default Role'
Arrange the Date fields
Unposted Paychecks are displaying in Employee > Paychecks tab
Search screen for vendor
Adding permissions causes errors if you select the same location and same role
Add restrictions when non-admin login views their Profile
Employee Last Hire Date field should be required
Current load Employee should not display in the Supervisors list
Add the Employee Title, Pay Period and Active column in Employee Entity Search screen
Vendor History - Change Bill No to Voucher No


titleCredit Card Recon
Click on save button displaying the validation message "The Record you are trying to delete is being used"
File Field Mapping screen allowing to save duplicate Values.
Moving UP and DOWN button is not working in File Field Mapping screen.
 Query Builder Throws 404.15 Error 
Date Field needs to respect fully qualified table name
Pivot Filter indicator is missing on column header being filteredRemove the white area on the header section 
Zero value on pivot grid panel is exported as blank in excel on 15.1 and has incorrect format on string fields
 Save Grid and Pivot Grid option is not working on resized columns on pivot grid panel
 Monthly filters not including data from last day of month
 Imported panel from iGuide Web is still shown on iGuide Import Panel List
 Multiple Panels from iGuide Web were not imported
 Boolean format is not being followed for pivot grid panel
 Records are misaligned on drill down panel
 Records are not being exported when panel has multiple filtering.
 Internal Server error after removing field on query and column settings
 Panel pulling from origin table is not displaying records
 Rows Visible is not being followed when Panel Settings has no footer setup.
 Conditional Format is not working on Date using between condition
 Conditional format is not working on string fields using Between condition when Apply to is Cell
 irelydashboard sql user fails connection
 Filtering None on Other Filter field is showing no record
 Conditional Format is not working on Date using > condition
 Column Names get Blanked out when Stored procedure Called
 Deleting Panel in a multiple selection is closing the other undeleted panels
 Cannot read property '0' of undefined when modifying canned panel
 Confirmation to save still prompts even the record has been saved already
 Console error when deleting panel that has been shared to other user
 Panel List Needs to Refresh after deleting canned panel
 Column Label on Panel Layout Always Says Column 1
 Panels can be displayed multiple times on a single tab
 2nd panel on a tab uses first chart column alignment settings
 Chart Series 2 tab is left with filled in details from the duplicate copy
 Missing delete warning message on canned panel
 Was able to save chart panel with empty Date Field on Chart Series 2 tab
 Chart Series 2 tab date field becomes empty
 Date Field needs to respect fully qualified table name
 Equals Filter Condition Fails on Date Fields
 Dashboard should use the 'use current server' and 'user current database' options
 Switching from grid panel to chart remove the Axis X and Y setup
 Sorting issue on Dashboard Preview
 Dashboard Preview Subtracts 1 Day issue
 Incorrect delete message when deleting canned panel
 Canned DrillDown Panel Creates 2 copies when activated and breaks drilldown link
 Sorting marker is shown on fresh displayed pivot panel
 Duplicate button is hidden on Canned Panel when user logged has administrator dashboard role
 Unable to save panel after clicking New in an empty Panel Settings
 Remove the white area on the header section
 Unable to drag panel on the second row of second column
 Refresh Panel option on Chart is refreshing all of the chart panels within the tab
 Bottom part of the Panel Settings screen is crowded to look at
 Adjust the borderline for Chart Series tab
 Panel Access checkbox of shared panel is still checked
 New Canned Panel button is not working on Empty Panel Settings
 Unable to select subpanel Canned Panel on Canned Panel drill down
 Failed to load resources on opening Panel List Search
 Created Panel is not displaying records
 Color Options on Chart panel is not working
Refresh Panel option on Chart is refreshing all of the chart panels within the tab
Bottom part of the Panel Settings screen is crowded to look at
Adjust the borderline for Chart Series tab
Panel Access checkbox of shared panel is still checked
Failed to load resources on opening Panel List Search
Created Panel is not displaying records
Color Options on Chart panel is not working
 Legend on Bar and Column Chart panel single series is not working 
Print from Chart Panel Option is not working. 
iGuide Import Panel List is not displaying Panels 
Newly created grid panel is not displaying records on dashboard 
15.4 Panel List Needs to Refresh after Panel Creation 
15.4 Delete warning message is missing
 15.4 Shared panel is not read-only when viewed and with console error 
Filter Editor not saving
 Column Settings of Drill Down Panel is empty after activating the Master Panel
Remove filter icon on the grouping field title 
Dashboard User Preference is not binding/loading the record 
Drill Down field is empty after activating Canned Panel with drill down setup. 
Inappropriate message after activating a canned panel. 
Footer on drill down is not displaying 
Unable to delete setup field on Conditional Format tab 
Unable to filter records by Date using Filter Editor 
Multiple filtering is not working using Filter Editor 
Cosmetic issue on Label Filter 
Setting Rows Visible to 0 is not refreshing the panel on dashboard after saving 
Show Find Panel is not working 
15.4 Group Total does not automatically display on one line once grouped
 Cosmetic issue on Custom Date screen 
15.4 Save Grid and Pivot Grid option is not working when hiding columns 
Pivot Panel has incomplete records 
Pivot Sorting options are still enabled. 
15.4 Console error when sorting pivot panel through column header 
Enabling Save Dashboard Layout option is not being saved. 
Scroll bar is missing on Group Drill Down 
Footer is incorrect on Group Drill Down 
Failed to load on Group Drill Down when Rows Visible <> 0 
Font is red when typing on Panel Name field of empty panel settings 
15.4 Panel List Needs to Refresh after Panel Creation of a Canned Panel 
i21 is unresponsive due to Loading Data Preview status 
Column Settings of Canned Panel copy is empty after activating 
Font color on conditional format is not working when Apply to = Row 
Filter Editor screen has no default fixed size. 
Records are not loading when Rows Retrieved = 0 
2nd try of drilling down group header is making the rest of the group headers 0
 15.4 All Dates condition is working as 'As of Date' (today) condition when connected on origin table for grid panel.
15.4 Duplicate button is visible on Canned Panel Settings Group Total does not automatically display on one line once grouped when Save Grid Layout option is turned off.
titleEntity Management
Rename field to Exemption No
Do not require an expense account on the vendor maintenance screen
Origin to i21 Vendor Conversion Issues--Zip Codes and Contact Info
ACH information on entity
Duplicate match found even with no entered details
No Integration: Console error when viewing salesperson record
Entity record details takes time to load when opened from email link
Cost to Use combo box list when tab is used to move into the field
Tax State selection is using Zip code list on Custom Entity > Taxing Tab
Error encountered when opening a special pricing > customer location on first page load
This record no longer exists appear when adding EFT information
Zip code are not showing on Create New Entity Screen
Cannot remove certain fields once they have been saved.
Add Help Topic on User Profile screen
Entity Customer Transport - Customer location is showing all Entity locations and not just for the selected customer.
Customer Entity = User Role > Screen Control Permissions is not working on some tabs
Portal Access checkbox on Contacts tab is editable
Capitalization issue on duplicate message
Inconsistent field name on Mileage tab
Notes: Entered characters do not appear in Notes field
Account number on EFT Information should be mandatory on Vendor
Item Category not filtered by Item
Item No is not filtered by Item Category
Make Start Date a required field
Validation on Location Name does not disappear
Contacts/Location reverts to default after changing then drilling into screen
Phone field on Create New Entity screen should only accept numeric chars
Make Cost to Use required for price basis A and C
Item No and Category on Special Pricing grid
Cannot clear combo box field data on Pricing and Taxing tab
Customer Contact List is not showing all of the contacts
Contact: Notes and Email Options overlap when screen is resized
Show Consumption Site as non-modal from Entity Screen
Need to show existing Supply Point for selection in Customer Quotes Tab
Tax group is not getting saved in Distribution detail grid of Transport load
Customer, Vendor, Ship Via tabs disappear when screen is set to View Only
Entity Farm is displaying Customer No instead of Entity No
Entity Farm screen should be a modal screen
Error when sending Email Login without origin integration
Importing of entities does not check duplicate vendors
Update Entity tab configuration to GCE standard
Insert and View button does not function on Notes tab
Do not allow deleting vendors imported from origin. Just set to inactive.
Enlightenment button is not working on Create New Entity screen.
Error loading Profile
Number of duplicate entities on the message is incorrect.
Entity Location > Typo on Field Freight Terms
Change is not detected when removing photo on Entity Contacts screen
Missing period on warning message
Missing period on Split Percent validation
Native combo box should be grid combo box
No notification when adding Contact with portal access without Approval List
Record on Contact tab grid changes when changing default contact
Spelling Error on Vendor Tab in Entity
Entity No: should be CAPs, if not origin programs will not allow use of entity code
Entity Customer > Freight - Database Schema is not correct.
Error when entering Duration on Notes tab
Vendor/Customer entity – application is hanging while clicked on save and VAT No field in Customer entity is not properly left aligned: -
Duplicate Key Encountered in User Security
Wrong default type and currency
Failed deployment in QC Server for 15.4.1021.201
Incorrect Status on entity screen
Re-word merging messages
Error updating demo ag db
Error deploying 15.4.1025.209 in 01
Error on Predeployment
Create New Entity screen opens twice when clicking on New in Employee Entity
Allows to save the Employee w/o selecting pay period
Invalid column name 'strTheme' when saving an Entity
Default Earning Expense Account does not carry over onto Employee Earning GL Distribution
Error ugrading from 14.4 to 15.3 Harvey Commodity
Cannot save new Entity record when reporting currency is blank
Unable to save the modified Entity if Vendor entity type is added
Federal Taxes are not computing when the Employee Template is used in the Employee screen
Federal Taxes are not computing when the manually adding Earnings in the Employee screen
Remove the User Name field
No Earning ID's displayed on Linked Earning combobox field
Deduction Accounts are not loading after adding on Employee > Deductions tab
Customer Entity > Transport > Freight > Unable to Check Freight in Price
User Entity issues
Failed to load the data when adding Employee Earning Tax Types
Add grid button to add Employee Deduction Taxes is not working
Paid By field in Employee Deduction is editable
Employee Title is missing in the Supervisors combobox drop down
Maximum number of allowed users message displayed when saving an Entity record
User Role for a user does not apply the permission
Cannot clear Fixed Ship Via
No help url attached on Territory | Help button
No linked url on Help button
Cannot manually filter Customer Type and Currency
Find Duplicates for Employee is not working
Email Addresses of Users from SMUserSecurity where not migrated to UserEntity
Employee Earning Taxes are not loading after adding the Earnings
Employee username messed up when navigating multiple records
Entity search screen is not showing the correct count of records
Contacts > Active option is checked by default on screen but not on grid
Can create new users even with origin integration = ON
User option is automatically added on new user after closing the record
Issues on Customer | Freight tab
Administrator User option is not updating on existing users
After importing of vendor, progress bar doesn't close
New Entity Location is inactive by default
Inactive Customer Location displayed on combo list box (Customer screen)
Issue on Salesperson and Print 1099 fields
Incorrect country displayed for imported vendors
Location Name is not displayed in the Entity Contact screen
Internal server error when deleting Employee Details (Taxes, Earnings, or Deductions)
Change 'Bill' to 'Voucher'
Employee Time Off Rate Factor does not save and display more than 2 decimal
Deduct Time Off combo box control is disabled
Inactive location can still be set as default Location
Console error displayed when the Employee record w/o user password is opened
Maximum Number of Origin Screens Allowed should have default value of 3
Password was removed after saving changes on Entity User
Help Desk menus should be checked by default when contact is given portal access
Rate Factor not pulling in Dollar amount
Entered entity info was not added on Entity screen
Location Type of Locations are not showing
Entity screen is not loading when there is no default Country set
Security user was not able to create new user
Transport Quote link not opening screen
Entity Name got messed after creating multiple Employee Entity
Default Role should be required if no locations were added
Employee Default Location was removed when navigating records
User with no admin rights is allowed to create Employee Entity
Removing the Employee Tax Accounts resulted to "reference violation" error message
