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Ticket Management> Activities> Storages> Storage Tab> Grain Bank Statement Button

Grain Bank Statement Filter Screen

Image Modified

Menu ButtonsFunction
  • This will trigger generation of report
  • This will clear all inputted detail/s
  • This will close the Daily Position Record By Range filter screen
Storage Type
  • List will be coming from Ticket Management> Storage Type (Grain Bank Only)
  • User is required to select specific Item
  • List will be coming from Inventory> Items (Inventory Type)
  • Blank indicates All Items
  • User may select specific Entity
  • List will be coming from Sales > Customers and/or Purchasing > Vendors
  • Blank indicates All Entities
Start Date
  • Mandatory Field
  • Date format
  • Basis of Beginning Balance
End Date
  • Date format
  • Basis of Ending Balance
  • Blank indicates Today Date

Grain Bank Statement Report

  • Grain Bank Statement
Company Name and Address
  • Company Name and Address from System Manager> Company Configuration> System Manager Tab> Company Setup Panel
  • Selected Item from filter screen
  • Date of Report Generation <Today>
  • Active page number
  • Entity No from Sales> Customers and/or Purchasing> Vendors
Customer Name and Address
  • Entity Name and Address of Selected Entity from Sales> Customers and/or Purchasing> Vendors profile
Customer Account No.
  • Entity No from Sales> Customers and/or Purchasing> Vendors
  • All Scale Ticket from Storage History based on filter Item, Entity, Storage Type Grain Bank created between Start Date and End Date
  • All Invoice from Storage History based on filter Item, Entity, Customer Storage Grain Bank created between Start Date and End Date
  • Date from Storage History based on filter Item, Entity, Storage Type Grain Bank created between Start Date and End Date
  • Type of Transaction ( GB, Invoice, SPL, Transfer )
LBs In
  • All Grain Bank Inbound Net Units converted to selected UOM from Grain Bank UOM config
LBs Out
  • All Grain Bank Outbound Net Units converted to selected UOM from Grain Bank UOM config
Running Balance
  • Running Balance is equal to Beginning Balance of prior transaction from report minus LBs Out
  • Converted to selected UOM from Grain Bank UOM config
Beginning Balance
  • Beginning Balance is equal to the Sum of Running Units from Storage History dated Start Date minus 1 Day
  • Converted to selected UOM from Grain Bank UOM config
Ending Balance
  • Ending Balance is equal to Beginning Balance plus LBs In minus LBs Out
  • Converted to selected UOM from Grain Bank UOM config