Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Print logo on reports
Check Credit Limit and Past Due when invoicing
Check Credit Limit in SO
Add Invoice Type to Special Pricing Hierarchy
SO - Add 'Ship' button to process to Inv Shipment. 'Process' button will process to Invoice
Add Invoice Date and Post Date on Invoice Search Grid
BOL and PO need to pull into the invoice from SO
Consider Invoice Type when applying special price
Still need Aging Report until we have Group By for Grid
Add Provisional Invoice on comment maintenance | Invoice Type
Remove Special Pricing Message
Add "Current" to Customer Aging Detail Report and Statement Report
Add Consumption Site # and Description to Sales Analysis Grid as an Optional Field
Tank Management Tax Group and Sales Tax Override needs to be used for Tax Exemptions
Add Item and Item Category to the Tax Report
Discount Available, Discount Taken on Invoice
Tie Receive Payment Detail to Budget
Batch Posting Needs
Add Discount Amount field on SO and Quote
HDTN-174718 - 15.4 - Customer Aging Detail Grid
Add back tax report into 15.4 like we had in 15.3


Data Fix

Need to convert Audit Log and Recently View for Transport Load old to New Transport Loads



titleCash Management
Undeposited Funds list
Unable to convert origin AP to i21 CM - error account group does not exist
Missing functionality on some of ACH file types


split list issues in scale 15.4
contract information not flowing to scale nor to receipt/shipment


titleHelp Desk
Unable to create a ticket - Module name is not displayed
Voucher - Other Charges not pulling contract number
Bill of Lading Print Displays Unsaved Data
strSourceNumber property on vyuICGetInventoryShipmentItem


Current Paycheck to be printed is not selected in Process Payments screen
Increase Length of State Tax Option Fields
Cannot open vendor records
Error message when posting/unposting paycheck direct deposit
PO has incorrect received quantity values after receiving on receipt.
Approvals on AP does not function appropriately
titleReport Manager
Value with unclosed quotation mark is not accepted
Incorrect WY report design
SO number not appended to Invoice comments
Wrong date on import billable from helpdesk screen
Contract price used on quote
Customer Aging: Default As Of condition
Overpayment not rounded to 2 decimal places
SO not displayed on Add Shipment screen
CLONE - Convert to Template screen no longer prompt when Recurring is checked before entering required details
Invoice Report: total tax per line not displayed
Transport Quotes not properly filtered by date
Empty email header logo
Tax Rate not showing all significant decimal numbers
Exclude Email filter not working on Transport Quote
Freight, PO No and Split not populated after Add Shipment process
Incorrect UOM and Price on added recipe
Add Recipe showing recipe for other customers
Unable to save invoice
Cannot open reports on sales module
Ingredients not loaded on SO/Invoice grid
User not alerted when ingredient did not have enough stock
Recipe Quantity not editable
Remove Credit Limit total
Message revision
Error when printing Transport Quote
Company logo not consistently displayed on Invoice History report
Customer field not filtered by contacts customer id
Customer Statement Details report not grouped by customer
Tax not recalculated when Ship To, Date, or Freight is changed
Need to update Quote with Sent status after email in Batch Printing screen
Limit the customer contact to viewing of records only
Remove Event field
Incorrect Salesperson on imported invoice
Incorrect UOM on Add Recipe screen
Cannot post invoice from Add Recipe
Sales search screen issues when user is logged as contact
Round off discount to 2 decimal places
Batch Printing should filter for Quote Status
Do not allow to recur an Invoice transaction if don't have item/s and miscellaneous.
Show 2 significant decimals for total
Exempt button on Item Taxes not properly functioning
SO - Add Recipe does not have Qty field and no proportionate calculation of ingredients.
Recap button missing on Invoice from Transport
Show item price on Add Recipe screen
Discount not updated when Date Paid is manually typed
Sales Analysis - General Ledger Account
Disabled Recap button on Receive Payments Detail
As of date filter not showing correct data
Over 90 Days not properly computed
Customer Inquiry report: incorrect Last Payment Amount
Customer Inquiry report: incorrect Balance/Total Amount Due
Customer Inquiry: link Budget Amount and Budget Month to entity setup
Unship is enabled on a closed SO
Filter Customer Aging Detail report based on User Role company location
Breaking changes of Transport in Invoice
Error when importing dispatch file
Show the TicketNumber on Invoice | Comments
Show Discount Taken on invoice search grid
Can process to invoice SO with blank uom
BOL No and Freight required when processing SO to Invoice
Blank column on Add Recipe screen
Proportionate calculation of ingredients
Payment History Report reporting error
Ingredient price to show 6 decimal places
Unpost button displayed on Invoice from Transport
Service Charges Showing up after being forgiven
Error viewing Receive Payments Detail record
Forgiven service charges still included in the computation


Checkout screen not opening in 15.4 i21 demo server


Failed: Deployment of 15.4.0112.524 to New QC - i21Server

























