Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleCard Fueling
Add Batch Unpost Option - Refinements
titleContract Management
Change Grain Contract Print Header
Please provide a buffered store the same with
titleMotor Fuel Tax
General - Ensure SP uspTFGetTransporterInvoiceTax follows SP Rules
General - Create a new SP uspTFGetTransporterInventoryTax
Implement new approach on adding integrated data on 'Add Payables' screen
titlePurchasing AP
FSA Requirments - Cash Requirements Summary
Voucher Entry - Delete payment
Include in1099Form, int1099Category, dbl1099 on VoucherPayable
There should be a way to refresh prepaid and debit memos.
Purchase clearing report - MCP
Cannot select load in scale ticket
Undistribute ticket which have payment should create prepaid.
titleSystem Manager
Move the Delivery Sheet to Activities menu


titleContract Management
Contract entry - change Entity contract to Customer / vendor reference
Raised error message if the entire ticket quantity can not be applied to a contract
titleEntity Management
Can't Import Farms, Error message needs additional information
titleGL / Cash Management
Bank Deposit - Undeposited funds
[Settle Storage tab] - a drilldown for the ticket/delivery sheet/transfer storage should be available
Settle Storage - Unposting the last child in settle storage won't delete the parent
Unpost Settlement which have payment should create prepaid.
Offsite Storage Type
[Storage Maintenance] - Unable to Reverse Transfer Storage
titleMotor Fuel Tax
OR - When SI Source = Tank Delivery, get Destination City and State from Consumption Site
OR - XML changes
Get Destination info from Ship To Location when SI = Tank Delivery but there is no Site Number
OR - Exclude CF Trans whose Type = Extended Remote
Source data for TFTransaction table's dblBillQty field
titleRisk Management
In Assign Derivatives displaying all the Physical contracts even if it is closed
M2M - provide a configuration that lets users decide if the contracts belonging to expired months need to be rolled or not (18.3)
Do not allow closed Contract to be assigned in Derivative Entry
titleSales AR
Invoice improvement for Grain
POS: Allow comments in Return transaction
POS: ADD on ITEMS are not working
HDTN-219308 - Should allow blending in sales order if a recipe (formula ) is set up
Sales > Enforce Impact Inventory to other transaction types other than Credit Memo
[Ticket Distribution] - Prevent Auto Distribution to contract if the entire ticket can not be applied to a contract
Adjustments should have reversal entries in Storage when unposting delivery sheet
Offsite storage
[Ticket Distribution] - Do not create Invoice or Voucher after Posting Destination weight to basis contract.
Update Item Pricing > Partial Price changes only require some fields
Checkout > Pump Totals Price Calculation
Checkout Posting > Pump Totals with Departments
titleSystem Manager
County Taxes are not being charged in ET
Create an API for Company Location
User Role - Not able to export the data
Require Blending screen from Inventory Menu
User Role - Exclude Export button on permission when screen is set to View Only



titleCard Fueling
Import Trans > Not flagging as Lagging Transaction properly
CF Invoice > Comments on Remittance Page are showing raw HTML
CF Tran > Sales Tax is not calculated correctly
CLONE - CF> Invoice > enter invoice date > check include previously printed transactions
Invoice History > Running Balance Remittance Page is not correct
CF Invoice History > Print is showing discount break down excessively
CF Invoice > Posted Date filter issue
titleContract Management
Contract closed before Destination Weights & Grades were entered
Error on additional cost
Unable to Price a Basis Contract More than Once
CLONE - [Invoice] - Unable to Post Invoice - Contract does not exit.
titleEnergy Trac Interface
CLONE - HDTN-217725 - Taxes not coming over on Digital Dispatch Download
titleEntity Management
Sales > Customer > Locations tab
Contract Screen: Sequence grid layout is taking more time to load.
Mandatory date set by user role control permission is validating wrongly
* marks are not showing for mandatory fields in Contract sequence and Price contract screens
[FRM] - Unable to post when 'No Need for Approval' status.
MCP Replication - Identity range resets after build upgrade
Error building account in Main (with replication)
Error on opening Document Configuration Source screen
titleGL / Cash Management
[Bank Reconciliation Report] Body of Report Pushed onto Second Page
HDTN-219203 - Won't export
HDTN-219369 - All i21 Companies - Cash Management Bank Reconciliation
POS: EOD with cash over crediting wrong account
[Storage Maintenance] - Storage and Fees Due is not be updated.
[Bill Storage] - Does not update the Storage Due record.
[Settle Storage] - Voucher created contains additional item (Dist: Split)
[Discount Code] - To column of Extended Discount calculation falls to zero which is not in range in the Incremental tab
Devex Evaluation is displaying on all reports
[Maintain Storage] - Displays -0 in Running Units column if full net units was settled
Error on posting Settle Storage
[Storage] Duplicate transferred quantity and missing transfer ticket
[Storage] Allowed to transfer even if delivery sheet is not yet posted
Failed to Load in Storage screen -> Storage tab
Application doesn't let me select Storage and Storage schedule
Wrong quantity in Voucher created from Storage settlement
Last range value is missing in Extended tab in discount code screen
18.3 RC SQL Script Error
Cannot import scale tickets
Settle Strorage - Could not post due to missing Storage Location and Unit
[Delivery Sheet] - Unable to unpost delivery sheet if there is no inventory adjustment
titleHelp Desk
[Ticket] - Unable to Export Hours Worked
Importing/Conversion - Grain Conversion - Import Opening Stock
Cannot post cycle Count
HDTN-219737 - i21 Promotional Pricing not working Correctly
[Inventory Receipt] page hangs after clicking calculate button in Charges & Invoices tab
Stock Movement does not show all transactions if compared to valuation
Error on deploying SQL 2008R2
Error Message in Logistics
Sales Invoice format-2 is not working
CLONE - [Blend Production ] - Negative stock quantity is not allowed but have plenty of inventory
Error on Mfg Work Order
Can't Do Cycle Count
Cannot Adjust Lot
Placard report issue corrections
Receipt report changes based on issues reported by CBI team
titleMotor Fuel Tax
OR - Console error when creating XML for the Gas Report
Transactions are doubled
OR - Trans and XML file do not report Billed Gals
Error loading transactions error when running schedule with Inventory Transfer record
titlePurchasing AP
HDTN-213111 - Tax on miscellaneous purchase items goes to the expense account of the item
18.3 - Open AP Clearing and Open AP Clearing Detail Report still show RTN vouchered
Can't post Voucher that are created through SP
HDTN-219665 - AP is out of balance
HDTN-220076 - vendor terms issue
Voucher is not posting
Deployment of i21_18.32.1015.377 is failed
Voucher is not posting - Dr and Cr amount not balanced
Unable to post when 'No Need for Approval' status.
[Voucher] - Cannot create voucher
Could not find stored procedure uspAPDeletePayment
[Cash Requirement by Commodity] - Incorrect net amount if voucher has multiple line items
[Voucher] - Cannot apply prepayment or debit memo via Prepaid and Debit Memos tab
[Cash Requirement Detail] - Net units, Status, Invoice No and Invoice Date have no values if voucher is from Settle Storage
Sample and Representing Qty should be calculated considering Qty UOM
Ship Date is truncating
While saving the Offer sample it is showing the error
titleRisk Management
Currency exposure- Search screen is not showing - and stock tab is not loading properly
Basis Entry - Copy data drop down doesnot seem to work
Need proper error message if data import fails.
Counter Party exposure not loading
Position Details: Contracts display by futures month should be by delivery month
Coverage report - as of date logic not working for matched trades
Counter party exposure report does not show the underlying contracts behind the data
Basis Entry - Copy data drop down does not work on Ratio
Error on DEV, RC and Prod deployment
Risk position inquiry- Unfilled trades should not show in the risk position inquiry
[DPI] Remove running balance on Inquiry by detail - Ownership Change
DPI - In House does not match with the DPR In House
[Option Trading Months] Cannot Insert New Record on Option Trading Month
[Option Lifecycle] Long transactions doesn't displayed in the screen
Position Detail - Contract Details by Month does not query by Future Month correctly on Precrush report
SQL Script Merge Error
RM - Script Failure in 18.3 Dev Release 394
Error on 18.3Prod SQL script
DPI - Ending Balance does not match the Beginning Balance
Basis Entry - Error on saving New Basis Entry
M2M screen is not loading
Mark to Market - Mark to Market will not load if the Mark Expired Month Positions to Spot Month is Enabled
Position Report - Position Report is having time out issue
Mark To Market Inquiry is not saving when Contract Number Prefix has Dash
titleSales AR
Provisional invoice amount is not reducing from the final invoice value.
POS: Post return, the screen not coming back to main screen
Card Fueling import taking an hour to load for 456 record
CF > Batch Posting > Results show the Record No twice
POS : Return receipt is not displaying negative
POS: Unable to Reprint the Return receipt
Inventory Valuation: Posted invoice didnt hit inventory
POS : END OF DAY is calculated wrong
POS: Multiple transaction
POS : Payout (-) qty transaction
Sales Invoice > Use Post Date for Inventory Entries
POS - Freight Term / Tax point
POS - Tax Exempt
POS: Return Sales receipt, reprinting ERROR
POS: Cash returns with negative qty is not being updated
Sales > Customer > Adding a Customer Credit Card gives Validation Failure with Vantiv
POS: Items with promotional prices not working in POS
Sales > Customer > History Tab
Invoice: Header Footer comments not displaying correctly on the invoice
POS: printing Irelyadmin as Cashier in Error
Scale Station Seleciton
POS: Debit card payment displaying as Debit memo
POS: Error in Payout item with (-) qty and amount
HDTN-219737 - i21 Promotional Pricing not working Correctly
ACH for same customer creating multiple payment records on the same post
POS: Promotional discount not displaying
HDTN-219821 - Apply Prepay is gone from the Rec Multiple Payment screen
CLONE - CF Tran > Sales Tax is not calculated correctly
Invoice from Basis Contract Displays price incorrectly
POS: Sales receipt displaying incorrect location address
POS - Sales Receipt and Taxes
Item > Stock tab - In Transit Outbound is wrong after posting Invoice created from Grain Bank Withdraw
Unable to post Tank Delivery Invoice when selecting No on applying prepaid and credit warning message
POS: Unable to pay transaction
[POS-Reprint] Payment type and amount used in return are missing in reprint upon saving return payment via "Save & Close"
[POS End of Day Report] Ending Cash Balance and Cash Short/Over value is incorrect
[Receive Payments] - Unable to Create/Post a Receive Payments
[Sales Order-Save] Unable to save if the components of the bundle has no Storage Unit/Location setup
POS: No EOD record was generated in Bank Deposit after paying Cash over/short
POS: Unable to process multiple Credit card payments on a transaction
[POS-Payment] Incorrect total upon using the same mode of payment more than once
[Invoice] Tax is not calculated on the add-on item
[POS] No tax is calculated if only the customer has a tax setup
[POS] Displayed Extended Price is 0.00 upon initially adding the item
POS: Item displaying incorrectly
POS: Quantity updating in Error for the item that has 2 or more UOM
POS: Incorrect cash short value in the End of Day report.
POS: Incorrect cash short value.
Receive Payment - Unable to process a credit card transaction
[Cash over/short] Incorrect GL entries for cashshort
[POS] Unable to print the receipt
[POS-Return] Unable to process return
POS: Cash Short being calculated incorrectly
POS: Incorrect price displaying for the item that has 2 or more UOM
POS: Unable to process transaction with negative quantity
Original Gross and Tare Weight are updating
HDTN-219256 - Cannot change reference on Saved ticket.
Driver Not Printing on Ticket
Cannot distribute Basis Contract ticket
Inventory Shipment - Price is wrong if coming from Sale Basis Contract > Ticket
[Scale Ticket] - Load toolbar button is disabled after removing scale data
[Scale Station Selection] - Scale Station field is still enabled
Undistribute toolbar button is still active eventhough it is Disabled in User Role Control Permission
titleSystem Manager
Error on login after installing 18.12.1022.357
Create menu for Currency Exposure screen
Currency - Main Currency column is not required when Sub-Currency is enabled
titleTank Management
Digital Dispatcher Contracts - CLONE