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Next is the list utility. It simply lists the site cross reference file built in the First site program.


Update PRICE by time of day with new Sites.

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Again, you can choose to do an audit run first to see what it would do before an actual update. When run it shows the sites found in the Prices by time of day, and the new site number records added. You can then go list the Price audit list in the Carlock lists menu to see the full current prices.

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List the Price Audit list in regular Card-Lock Lists.


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This run is a bit different in that you do not want to print this to the screen or a printer. We will want to send the output to either Disk or PDF, or xps printer. This can be up to 3000 pages long. So again, you can do this Audit, or Update. You will want to select Print or File in the Output screen. Selecting print, if your system is not set to print to windows printers change it now. It will open the Windows Printer API screen to select the printer. You can choose either a PDF or xps printer if you have one. It will then ask you to name the print file. You can make it what you want. I use SITE-TAXAUD for audit run and SITE-TAXUPD for update run. If you don't have a PDF or XPS printer, then you should choose FILE at the Output screen. And use the same name in the file name box. Then Hit select. This will run for 20 minutes at a minimum. So, take a break. The output of the file will show in the bottom left corner, if PDF or XPS. It will the show the pages being created. When it is done, it will go back to the UPDATE PPSI PT Site Tax screen. If you have a PDF viewer, it may open the PDF file when done. You can close that, and it will be back at the Run screen.

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Pages being created in lower left.

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You can close the PDF viewer. And then close the UPDATE TAX screen.