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PT FIle Edit

Error CODE

1Hosts not in Xref File. Contact FleetCor for host information and sites tied to host number.   HOST missing: 779

new site code not found. There have been a few new site numbers not in the site file x-reference of 072120. Call Fleet core to get information on the site number either enter new site, or if site is a different number change site in HOLD FIle

missing sites Contact FleetCor for information to be added. Dont forget to add Tax by site information for the site as well.

know missing sites from Cross Reference file: 098064,098502,098503,098504,098506,098635,098638,     

5Your new host number does not have the company field set. Go to host file maintenance and enter the company number in the company field.

Missing tax code for the product.  Some sites were selling for example product 45. this was switched in the PT to 46. the Site Tax detail file does not have a record for product 46.  To fix open the tax file maintenance screen. Find the product you/they were selling. Likely 45 and the latest date for it,. That will likely have the same taxes as you need. Then enter down to the product code change it to the one you need and then enter down until you can do update. That will add a tax record for the product for that site. I have seen that to be mostly product 46 at most sites, that previously had 45. 


28Vehicle number on a type 1 card.  Remove the vehicle from the transaction in the hold file. You will either need to assign the new host to the card in the card file, or change the host in the hold file to the old host number to update.  There is an issue with the vehicle information in the PT file. FleetCor is aware and supposed to be working on a fix.

Identity invalid. The PT file is not sending the Identity field from the PACPRIDNET.COM website set up on the card. It is sending the PPSI Account number.  FleetCor is aware and working on a fix.

You can update the information in the HOLD file.  you will need to set the host to the old host or change the card as in error 28. You can enter the correct identity code for the card and update.

351.Make sure you have loaded the OPIS cost/price file for the matching day of the transaction. Lagging transactions, may not have an old enough OPIS price record.  If the Product is a new product for your site. Inform Fleet core that you need the costs for that product included in the OPIS File for your site(s).  Get a cost and taxes and go to the MAINT>PRICES>OPIS PRICE record, and enter a cost record for your site and product and date that is missing .
Retail site not pricing as Retail

See V101patch above. To Fix.  log out of Autofueling.   Download the V101Patch-setup.exe to downloads above. Run as administrator. DO NOT SAVE the v101patch folder to program files, save it to your autofuel folder.  When it runs it will ask the same questions as the V101install did Source Drive, target Drive, mod version, server folder if applicable. It will then backup the programs folder and apply the patched program.  Patch load Complete.

Product 1,2,3 being sent instead of 42, 43, 44,. for some sites.
  1. It has been reported that some sites that use to send 42,43,44 are now sending product codes 1,2,3.   These sites may have old tax by site rates for those product codes.  A. Check the Tax detail by site in Tax file maintenance. for the site in question and check the date of any tax records for products 1,2,3 and the rate. The latest date and rate for a product will be what is being used.  B. if they are bad rates, on old old dates. pick the latest date for the product in question, enter down and put in a new date, and then enter the correct rate, and update. That will create a new tax record for that site, product and date.    
Factor TAX GroupsIf you havve have Factor tax groups set  for specific sites in the Tax Definitions file. You will need to add the Definitions defined for the old site number to the new site number.  If you do not have specific sites set in the Tx Tax Definition then the global definitions will work with the new sites without adjustments.   You may have to contact Factor to set up the new sites in your GL import on Factor.
