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New Feature

Add Cards from the Accounts Grid
Update Account List to Include Cards Detail
Reduce the checking accounts available for selection
Can you quick add the grid export to excel to the bank register in 15.4
Postive pay generation
Company Location wise Preferences
User roles based on company location
Changing company location while in application
Company Registration
Add Screen for Letters
Email/Letter Templates
Add "Work Orders" Menu
Include new Simplified Reporting to System Manager
User Preference - Menu background image
Create a Lock Screen that opens after a set period of time
Terms Needs Option for Energy Trac Export
Multiple "User Roles" per Location
Require the cash account when creating a location.
Batch posting for AP invoice
We need to add tax group to the location
DP Contract Type
Event Matrix maintenance screen
Calculated No. of Lots Message
Creating history for change in Scheduled Quantity
Contract Status (Purchase Contract & Sales Contract)
Create a function to get the index price
Simultaneous fixation feature
User should not be able to select inactive vendors/customers for a purchase or sales contract
Prepaid button
Producer field - Additional Info tab
Demand Analysis - Development
Drill down from group
Create Group Entity
Import for Entity from CSV/Excel
Customer Budget - Entity Setup
Create Producer Entity Type
Add a new entity type 'Insurer' in Entity screen
Entity - Contracts Tab - Delta
Add Customer Entity Location to Pricing Tab
Add inactive flag to the location on the entity
Customer Entity Data needed for Energy Trac
Ship Via Entity > Add Tariff Type
Customer Entity > Transport > Freight > Add Tariff Type
Customer Contact default Portal access
Additional choices for Email Distribution dropdown
Global Search
Create a User History tab that can be used on any screen to track changes - Audit Log
Create a non-blocking Alerts component
Export to Excel and PDF from search grids
Do not continue opening the screen when no record.
Ability to add buttons on Search screen programatically
Audit Log method in Server Side
Two-Step Verification
Preview Attachments to the right of screen via Flyout/Collapsible screen
Quick Filter Tabs in Search grids
Comments with Help Desk Editor, Mentions and Watch features
Recently Viewed
Automatically alert users when they've lost internet connectivity in i21
Search Grids need Totals on certain amount/number fields
Grid Drill Down
Replace all Message Boxes with more modern looking messages
Provide drill down option for check box
Make account selection easy
Make the sum function easy to select
Fill down feature
Restrict journal entries to the currency noted in the transaction
Account active / inactive flag should display on account field on Journal entry
Rather than create an unposted screen - we should go to the batch posting screen and filter
GL - Do not continue opening the screen when no record.
Remove the Sales and Cost of Goods sold account types
Usability on adding Groups
Add total amount to the Journal Search screen
i21 - Adding 2 digit to ticket/car number fields (12)
Update for user profile
need to select the scaling UOM from Inventory UOM Table for conversion.
Create new fields, table entry in ticket table like for storage for transfers
History line references in Storage should be links
add search screen to scale program
Scale Operator entry on main scale screen...
storage ticket should be alpha-numeric not just numeric like scale
Initial move of storage caclulation stored procecdure
Extend functions of calculate storage
Add linking of tickets in Help Desk
Export Button should be all visible in all Ticket Activities and Maintenance SEARCH screen
Use SM's module list for Tickets
Inventory Count
Reports -> Inventory Valuation
Parent Lot - Development
Item -> Stock - Computation for Additional fields
Inv Shipment - Add 'Other Charges' tab
Item -> Setup -> Motor Fuel Tax tab
Create Basket - Make Commodity field editable for Bundle item type
Inv Shipment - Add "Quality" button on Shipment Detail grid
Stock View
Reports -> Inventory Valuation Summary
Inventory Count Group - Add count setup fields
Bill of Lading Print - print from Shipment screen
Inv Receipt - Detail tab & Lot tab for Search, include hyperlink to maintenance
Inv Shipment - Detail tab & Lot for Search, include hyperlink to maintenance
Inbound Shipment - Afloat Stock
Shipping Instruction Report
Shipping Advice Report
In-store letter Report
Costing Screen
Weight Claims - Inbound Shipment vs Receipt
Add Insurer in Inbound Shipment screen
Insurance Letter print
Duplicate feature in Shipping Instructions
Attachments tab in Inbound Shipments screen
Inquiry to view Logistics Inbound shipments - BL / Container information
Audit Log in all logistics transaction screens
Basket concept in Inbound shipments
Email Dispatch Info to Driver
Posting to AP Bill from Warehouse Instruction screen
Add documents tab in Inbound Shipment screen to track documents
Add Comments tab in Load Schedule screen
Inventory Lots view - Afloat stock + Spot
Create Invoice from Inbound Shipment screen - Drop Ship scenario
Warehouse instruction integration with Inventory Shipment
How do you know how many loads are scheduled and left to schedule on the contract
Blend Management
Blend Production
Blend Management - Multiple Blend Sheet
Blend Management - Auto Blend Sheet
Blend Management - Context Menu (is this required?)
Blend Management - Parent Lot
Blend Management - Kitting
Blend Production - Bulk Delete
Blend Production - Change Line
Blend Production - Context Menu
Blend Production - Parent Lot
Holiday Calendar - Development
FG Production - Development
Inventory View (Excluding Tool Bar buttons to open transaction screens)
Location Movement Map - Development
Lot Details - Development
Kit Manager - Development
Kit Pick List - Development
Scheduling - Production scheduling rule - Development
Scheduling - Change over group - Development
Schedule - Production Calendar - Development
Schedule - Production Scheduling - Development
Lot Status Adjustment - Development
Lot Item Change - Development
Lot Expiry Date Adjustment - Development
Lot Quantity Adjust - Development
Lot Move - Development
Lot Merge - Development
Lot Split - Development
Plant Schedule Chart - Developemnt
Multiple Change over factors - Development
Recipe: Add the ability to Duplicate recipe
Sanitization Staging - Development
Sanitization Production - Development
Pick List: Kit Transfer: without select the demand no and clicking on transfer kit, system should show validation
Pick List: Delete: Picked Multiple demand no, staged, then only one demand number is transferred and another demand is still in stage. deleted that pick list, system is making both the demand no as Pre Kitted
Net Blend Kilos Report - Development
Total Pounds Per Blend For Rolling Days Report - Development
Daily Production Item Report - Development
Bagoff Ticket Label - Development
Process Production Trueup Report - Development
Process Production Runs View - Development
Blend Sheet Report - Development
Stock Control Report - Development
Lot Traceability
Work Order Production Returns - Development
Work Order Staging - Development
Work Order Planning
Kit Pick List Report
Recipe Using Percentage
Non Lot Tracking Item Blending
Create a table for Tax Authorities
Create a table for Product Codes
Create a table for Reporting Components
Create a table for Filing Packets
Create a table for user input on a Reporting Component
Code Reporting Components screen
Move Patronage Category Maintenance from Inventory to Patronage
Stock Classification
Estate/Corporation Maintenance
Refund Rate Maintenance
Program Company Preference for Patronage
Issue Stock (Stock Certificate Entry in origin) for Patronage
Category volume - integrate with other modules and store transaction volumes
Process Refund
Process Dividend
Volume Adjustment
Transfer Instruments
Change Stock Status
Cancel Equity
Stock Details
Volume Details
Equity Details
Modifications for Time Off
Allow GL Distribution of Earnings by Percent
pay bills on separate check flag is checked
PO - update fields when selecting a contract.
Bill - Inbound Shipment integration for drop ship
Purchase Approvals
Add drill to all the items on the screen
We have added the close AP Period button to the general ledger fiscal year screen
Add 1099 configurations
we need to add 1099 int, mis and 1099 b forms
Dont allow editing for 1099 information in a year where 1099's have been printed
Allow users to reprint 1099's
1099 electronic filing
1099 printing
Change Bill naming to voucher
Please allow the editing of the due date on bills that are posted and not yet paid
add totals to columns on Voucher and voucher detail
Create SP for other modules to call and update quality sample details
Develop a view to show all samples including all property results / values
Sampel Label - Development
Quality Label - Development
Sample Integration with Blending
Program Offset screen
Program Position Detail screen (part of DPR)
Program Options Lifecycle Open Positions tab
Sales Analysis Reporting
Code Commission Schedule Screen
Customer Budget
Provisional Invoice Type
SO - Add Notes tab
Inv - Add Notes tab
SO - Pull from Recipe
Invoice - Recipe items
Receive Payment Activate Write Off Account
Need to handle freight Charges on Invocie
Update Special Price SP for Specific Ship To Customers
Need Special Prices for Transport Quoting
Import invoices from csv/Excel
Need Statement Comment Type
Mass Print Invoices to have an option to exclude printing Invoices that can be e-mailed.
Batch Printing for Transport Quotes
Radiant Item Type code screen development
Copy Promotions from One Store to Multiple Stores
Load Promotion Item List details automatically on user selecting Family and Class in Promotion 
Assign Price Levels to a Consumption Site
Work Order Grid
Open Calls Orders Grid
Leases Search Grid
Add Service Categories to Work Order
Virtual Meter Billing
Recalculate Prices on Pending Orders/Call Entry
Send Updated Pricing to Digital Dispatcher
Send Updated Quantities to Digital Dispatcher
Limit Location Selections based on User Role Company Locations
Lock Price on Call Entry
Consumption Site > Add Billing by Type: Virtual Meter
Transport Quote Report
Transport Quotes Screen
Transport to Show Tax Summary
Display a list of Terminal Numbers based on selected Vendor Location
E-mail Transport Quote
Unpost a Transport Load
Use Customer Tariff Type to match to Ship Via Tariff
Batch Printing changes
Use signalR for notification and progress
Create history of updates
Truck Orders - Development
Warehouse Inbound order - Development
Warehouse outbound order - Development
Container Label - Development
Warehouse Lite - new function to stage lots for kit pick list
Create a new tab on Item screen for mapping Item to Product Codes
Work Order Staging - Screen Design
Work Order Production Returns - Screen Design

Legacy Requirement


Vessel tab


Deployment of 15.3.1029.527 in server2 failed: Error upgrading database : QC1530AO





Add Network to the Site List Grid




undeposited transaction not added to the bank deposit grid
MICR should be shown in the Check report
Import Origin Transactions does not tell anything
Deactivated Bank Account is still showing on the list
Bank File Format - Add File Creation Date field for Account Header
CM Changes for Paycheck Direct Deposit Feature
To exclude inactive GL Accounts from CM combobox
Display Undeposited on Bank Accounts | GL Account
Print checks should change to process payments
From the payment processing screen (formerly print checks) you should be able to process efts and ach's
Merge the cm bank export screen into select payments (formerly print checks)
call postivie pay from the process payments screen (formerly print checks.)
Rename the Electroncic banking services menu on process payments(formerly print checks)
Add email of ACH remittance to Vendor contact
Handle those bank account selected without a transaction yet
Remove Preview from positive pay and ach view




Do not allow deactivating a term that is used by a customer
We should move the company setup screen to a tab under company preferences
Provide code to open Company Location screen of specific location name.
Change Company name title based on Company Type
Add Sales Order on Transaction Type list
Add a prepaid account to company Locations
Implement Audit Log on Company Preference (SM only)
Change Taxable by other Taxes to point to Codes instead of Class
Match Tax Address on Tax Code
Add Description to Tax Group Search Grid
Can you add a filter or search to the tree grid below?
Must have audit log on security - security events is the most important place to put audit logs.
Drop Inventory Company preference - Inherit setup
Add "Open Call Entries" in menu
Show full 6 decimals on Tax Rates
Tax Code - Make Calculation Method a Required Field
Remove Tax Master Group
Open screen only if module manager is loaded. (Via routing)
Add vendor and customer prepaid account on company location.
Display Unposted transactions in Common Batch Posting Screen
Remove Open Tickets, Tickets Assigned to Me and Tickets Reported by Me menus under Help Desk folder.
Change Tickets menu command.
Remove Import menu
Add date and time in tblSMActiveScreen for better idea of when the active screen becomes runaway sessions
Apply the approval levels on approval screen.
Change menu of Bill to Voucher
Update Payroll > Employee Link to point to Entity Screen
Add Amount to Batch Posting Grid
Add EIN(Employer Identification Number) on Company setup.
Create 1099 Menu
Rename all Print Checks menu to Process Payments
ACH payment method should be added and be system controled
Add combobox for Undeposited Funds in Company Location | GL Accounts tab
Implement attachment on Company Location
License generator: Default with one year. Do not allow non-expiring
Menu Cleanup on Security user
Menu: Add Company Registration menu
enable Reporting for Transports Module
i21 Menu Changes
Change from 'Bill' to 'Voucher'
Import Existing GJ Recurring Transaction to SM Recurring Transaction if not there
Show only the for recurring transactions of Purchasing.
Remove 'Paid Bills History' on the menu of Purchasing.
Common function to retrieve company logo
Approver without email.
Allow access to all location if there is no configured location
When you log into i21
Menu reposition on expand
Enhance User Role to cater for Contacts
Remove Menu



Load Contracts functionality - Delta
Sequence Futures Month/Yr.
Pricing Contracts - Includes spread / arbitrage / GTC pricing / partial pricing
Allow alphanumeric for manual entry of the contract number. - Delta
Build bag mark feature in contract sequence
Vendor button - bring up Vendor screen if blank
Index Maintenance Update
Load Contracts Integration
Include intPurchaseTaxGroupId on contract details store.
Need to send Vendor and Supply Point for Fixed Index contracts
Call update unit cost scripts on Contracts saving
Search Screen - Date and commas for quantity columns.
Salesperson display - Name instead of ID
create a function in the client side to update the schedule quantiy of contract.
Change Customer Contract field for Purchase and Sale contracts.
Contact - Change name of Vendor/Customer field to Entity.
Remove Contract Defaults
Rename Quantity to Contracted in contract grid
Created Date on Contract Search Screen
Menu cleanup
Contract Search - transactions are not shown in descending order
Contract title
Adding Quality Sample in Contract Module for Contract Line Item
Pricing Type: Cash & Index
Rename TBD to Unit
Column Total - Units of Measure
Contract Sequence - Date function
Contract History tab - Export to Excel
Expand Import Mapper for Card Fueling Requirements
Ability to Expand/Collapse All Groups
Loading status when importing multiple panels from iGuide Import Panel List
To add "Save Dashboard Layout" option
Auto-fill Title/Legend fields of Chart type panel
Message to inform the user that connection failed after hitting Fill Columns button
To use color picker on Back Color and Font Color on Conditional Format tab of Panel Settings
Convert Ext-Chart to Sencha-Charts
Add option to make connection visible in Dashboard selection
Informative message that will inform the user if the query is invalid.
Make Query builder lightning fast
Implement real paging on Grid panels
Rename panel context menu
Implement standard i21 data export that the standard search screen has
Add Import button in multi-tab search screen
Add context menu for new panel and new canned panel for administrator
Panel Name font of Canned Panel must turn red after activating.
Panel Name font of Personal Panel must turn red after deactivating.
Improve Panel header
Add Payment Detail link in Vendor Maintenance History tab
Change Bill No column in Vendor History tab to a link that will open BL record.
Add "Receive Sales Email" option(checkbox/field) in the Entity/Customer Contact Screen
Implement Users as Entity
Implement Employee as Entity
Make adjustments to Entity Split Screen
Need tax exemptions at the location level as well
New entity duplicate check
Tariff Tab Clean up
Need to replicate Customer Taxing Tab in Vendor
Label tax grids on customer
Add Invoice Type to Special Pricing
Delta - Entity Customer Pricing Changes
Show Entity > Customer > Pricing Deviation with Full 6 decimals including Trailling Zeros
Change Label on Customer Entity > Transports > Freight
Add Effective Dates to Tariffs
Create New Entity screen should default to Name field without Origin Integration
Update Entity Location to be Tax Group instead of Tax Code
When Rack Price is Origin or Fixed Rack - Require Cost to Use to be Selected
Change Tax Exempt label to "Exempt All Taxes" in the Customer tab on the Entity screen
Need to include inTaxGroupId,strTaxGroup in customerbuffered,emlocationbuffered stores
Need to make customer status multi-select drop down
Entity Contact Needs Option for Emailing of Multiple Document Types
Entity Location > Terms Should default from Customer
Add Link to Card Fueling Account Screen from Customer Entity
Salesperson name should be displayed in Entity when selected.
Adding an entity
Entity Customer > Pricing > Obsolete Consignable field
Duplicate Matching
Add Original Hire Date in the Employee screen
Remove Receive Sales Email
Customer -> Patronage tab - Remove Patron Class
Entity screen: Move the Import button to the search screen
Remove Open Tickets and Tickets Reported by Me menus under Help Desk folder.
Show Transport Quotes on Entity History Tab
Make email add required when email distribution is enabled
Add a require purchasing approval flag on the user screen
We need to add the tax id and the year to date activity for the vendor to this screen
Add percent sign in Earning GL Distribution grid detail
Add AP Remittance advice to the select list for the AP Drop down
Please change the 'AccountsPayable.view.Bill' to 'AccountsPayable.view.Voucher'.
Additional fields for vyuARCustomerSearch
Change vendor contact menu.
Items that should be shown on vendor search
Update Customer> Taxing> Special Taxing> Tax Mater Group field to show Tax Groups instead of Tax Master Group
Entity Customer > Transport > Quoting > Add Ship to Supply Point
Drill down on Customer > History tab
Create a store that AP can use that list the approval option
Disable the Employee Time Off Information fields
Add Rate Factor in the Employee Time Off Information panel
Disable the Last Award Date field in Employee Time Off Hours panel
Rename the Linked Time Off label to 'Deduct Time Off'
Add 'Accrue Time Off' combo box field in Employee Time Off Information panel
Return the User Role combobox but rename to 'Default Role'
Arrange the Date fields
Unposted Paychecks are displaying in Employee > Paychecks tab
Search screen for vendor
Adding permissions causes errors if you select the same location and same role
Add restrictions when non-admin login views their Profile
Employee Last Hire Date field should be required
Current load Employee should not display in the Supervisors list
Add the Employee Title, Pay Period and Active column in Employee Entity Search screen
Vendor History - Change Bill No to Voucher No



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