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Display an alert and custom page when i21 is being updated

Add the certificate folder in the root folder.



Buyback Setup - Rename label 'Export File & Path'

Buybacks Screen Titles


Reimbursement - Reimbursement Total Label


Display Message When Export Path is Blank

BB - Program Setup - Remove redundant Customer Location grid

Card Fueling


Index Pricing by Site Group > Expand Price to have full 6 decimals display mask
Network > Remove Required fields for NBS
Portal > Add CF Invoice Grid/ PDF Report
Vehicles > Add Comments Field
NBS > Delete old files
Daily Index Pricing > Filter Items
Group Adjustment Rates > Update Screen to work like Index Pricing
CF Account > New field for use Misc as Vehicle
Transaction Grid > Add Columns for Calculated Taxes
CF Trans > Vehicle Validations
CF Trans > Margins
Card Grid > Remove Accounts without Cards
Network > Sites Tab > Add Fields to Grid
CF Account > Add Drill down to Customer Entity Screen
CF Transaction > Show Card Description
CF Invoice > Show Email Y/N checkbox in grid for customers that will get emailed
CF Invoice > Revamp for Performance
CF Invoice > Alter Tax Recap Matching to Tax Class
CF Invoice > Network as a Column
CF Invoice > Expand Site Name
CF Invoice > Invoice Grouping on Dual Card/Single Card when sort by Vehicle
Portal > Option to quickly reprint CF Invoice
CF Invoice > Show Item # in Detail Description
CF Invoice > Show AR Item# in the Recap
CF Invoice > Add Invoice Comment
Rename 'Refresh' toolbar button to 'Reload'
CF Invoice > Group Discount Volumes are confusing
Price Calculation > Change Calc Pricing to be consistent on all quantities
CF Invoice > Hide CFSI Invoice # when doing IFTA reports and including previous trans
CF Invoice History > Add Invoice Date to Grid
Card Account > Add Field - Daily Transaction Count
Usage Exception Alerts
CF Site Report > Added Filters and Output
CF Account > Default Value Field on Daily Transaction Count
CF Account > Change Name Daily Transaction Count

Contract Management

Add a gl account for weight franchise allowance
Contracts Finalized Report
Multi-lingual prints for Contract (PO & SO) - Coffee Trading
Contract - Best Price Only
Report Translation
[Contracts] - Add loads received to header and sequence when Load Contracts checkbox is selected
[Contracts] - Load Contracts checkbox validations
[Contracts] - Add Load contract column with Quantity columns to sequence grid
HDTN-208554 - Contract Amendments
[Contracts] - Unhide Load Based fields
[Company Configuration] - Create Load Based Contracts config in Company Configuration
[Washout] - New Washout Menu on Contract, Contract Adjustment and Sequence Screens
[Washout] - Populate New Washout Screen With Original Contract Information
[Washout] - Select Existing Contract
[Washout] - Logic Checks for Washout Against Existing Contract
[Washout] - Logic Check When An Existing Contract is Already Selected
[Washout] - New Adjustments Tab on Contract Sequence Screen
[Washout] - Create New Washout Contract
[Washout] - Cleanup Logic for Original Contract
[Washout] - Settlement Process for Washout
[Contracts] - Include Slice feature with Load contracts
[Contract Store] - Provide column for Load Based contract when selecting a contract.
[Contract] - Creating IR/IS from contract Process should be in Stock UOM.
[Amendment] - Add contract hyperlink and number of Amendments
[Price Contracts] - Create Voucher After Partial Pricing (Following Scale Load Ins)
[Contract Management] - Show the Partial Prices for the Sequence
[Contract Management] - Add Two New Columns to Sequence Detail
[Price Contracts] - Create Contract Amendment When Sequence is Priced
Book vs Entities Master
Inter-company transactions for Contracts
Cost accrual related changes in Contract
Contract integration to MBIL
Add intCompanyId to some tables for the Replication feature
Add a sql union select on vyuAPReceivedItems
Multi-lingual prints for Buyer / Seller Fixation Letter - iDeal
Multi-lingual prints for Buyer / Seller Contract - iDeal
Multi-lingual prints for Fixation Letter (PO & SO) - Coffee Trading
Multi-lingual prints for Commission Statement - Coffee Trading & iDeal
Allow user to enter quantity for each producer in contract sequence
CT - Auto populate intCompanyId of tables upon saving
Add Estimated Yield new field in Contract sequence screen
Provide an for all the certificates used in a contract sequence
Allow user to duplicate purchase contract to sales contract and vice versa
Add dblQuantityPerLoad to vyuCTContractAddOrdersLookup
[FX tab] - disable FX fields if pricing currency is the same as Invoice Currency
[Contract Search Screen] - Add Available field to the column list on Detail tab
AA Checkbox in the Price Contracts
Update SP-uspDMMergeCTTable.sql


Sales Rep Summary - Adjustments

Prospect Requirements - add an inactive flag.

Dealer Credit Cards

Rename the CCD Ref No to DCC Ref No.
Entry > Show Vendor Name and Add Link to Entity Maintenance

Posting standardization

Energy Trac Interface

Digital Dispatcher Validations against billed versus setup
i21 Import of ET PO to flow back to i21 Sales Invoice

Entity Management

Add Language combo box to the Entity tab
Add Farm to the Entity Split
Portal Permission: Default data should include disabling Customer location Remove button
"Freight Billed by:" Field Modification
Include "Competitor" and "Lead" entity types in Importing Entities From CSV
Provide Web API that will pull information for entity that has EFT setup.
Update SP-uspDMMergeEMTable.sql


Sizing or moving any columns throws off the alignment of the group by totals
DASH - Standardize Gridcombobox to eliminate caching
Screen Labels - Provide a way to change the column names of search grids
Password expiration warning message
Once your password expires, we are not allowing users to change their password
Replace reCAPTCHA with Invisible reCAPTCHA
Requirements to keep remotes in sync
Clearing Cache
Icons - New icons for Washout, Slice, Load, Quantity and Transfer
Make filter value Read-only in Floating Search
Add Filter Menu to the Header Menu
CLONE - include tblSCLastScaleSetup in fetching tblSMUserSecurity
Need a SP to create approval processs
Increase width of the company dropdown in login screen
Encrypt/Decrypt data in C# level
CLONE - Portal > Add support for username to be used for more than one Entity
Add a way to only authenticate portal user of type 'Driver'
include electronic signature id
Automate Rebuilding the SQL Indexes

GL / Cash Management

[Bank Reconcilation Search] - More Columns
Check - Basis advance remittance advice should be adjusted
[Bank Account Register] - default Sort order (desc)
New category for Mark to Market process
Bank Transfers - Add multi currency to bank transfers
Missing Account Requirements
HDTN-213519 - Payment information required on Check
New category for Mark to Market process -18.1


Storage - Add ability to select storage tickets from search screen for Settle, Bill Storage and Bill Discount.
Production Summary - Automatically run Bill Storage and Bill Discount
Discount Code - Clarify names
Discount Schedule - create testing mechanism
Grain Conversion - Import Non Scale Inbounds and Outbounds
Grain Conversion - Import Freight records created by tickets for truckers
Grain Conversion - Import Scale tickets
Scale ticket import - Change import to map to staging table
Update SP-uspDMMergeGRTables

Help Desk

[Project] / [Ticket List] -- Add Group By function on the grid
Project Screen > Ticket List > Sequence does not sort
Project > Ticket List Grid > Add Non-Billable Hours
Project > Make Customer Key Project Goals use Editor Formating
[Hours Worked] - Description field should dynamic expand
Do not give error message on emailling when customer contact has no email configurations
Project - Add a field for target go live version
Project - Add Line of business to project screen
Daily time Sheet - Help desk time sheet entry form
Call Detail report
[project screen ticket tab] -Add Priority field
Invoice integration - Invoice references the help desk ticket and not the detailed description
Ticket - Add currency to the hours worked tab of the ticket
Projects need Parent
Projects - Reporting
Additional columns on Time/Hours report
Invoice and Printed invoice presenation
Tickets - Linked Jira issues
Ticket - Jira issues tab
Import Billable from help desk
Ticket Entry - default product if only one and make them select a module
Project - project goals control
Ticket - customer satisfaction survey
Time ticket / Hours Report
Project Time hours report
Call Details Report
Hours entry - test case multi currency
Ticket - Jira issues tab
Tickets Search - Add HD Ticket Status in JIRA Details Tab


Executing Process (both IN/OUT) in Multiple Databases
Integration Process should support FTP operations
Provide Option to Generate Multiple Files based on Batch No in 'Export File' step type
Dynamically create SAP Web Service Proxy


Load Contracts - Inventory Receipt & Inventory Shipment
Inv Adjustment - Program adjustment types 'Item Change' and 'UOM Change'
Inv Adjustment - Posting of 'Item Change'
Import - Ability to Import Prices from General CSV format
Inv Adjustment - Show cost which will be/is used by posting
Inv Transfer - Show cost which will be/is used by posting
Adjustment - New adjustment type 'Opening Balance'
Adjustment - Posting of 'Opening Inventory' type
Storage Measurement Reading > Hyperlinks to Maintenance
Receipt - Add totals for receipt lot grid
inv shipment - Hide cost field
Shipment - Add fields gross, tare and net
Receipt - While receiving a lot, Save crop year in the lot table also.
Receipt -CStore- Receipt by Category (Department) screen changes and posting
Transfer - Change the message for location not setup for item
Item > Show when Last Cost changed
Transfers - Rename 'Partial' Status to 'In Transit'
Valuation - Bring in Invoice Type on Inventory
Vendor Pricing - Add Vendor Pricing search tab
Inventory Rebuild - Add rebuild by category
Receipt - Add comments column in the trailer inspection grid in the inventory receipt screen
Add trailer inspection tab in the inventory shipment screen
Receipt - Document print
Inventory Adjustment - Add new type 'Change Lot Weight'
Destination Weights & Grades - SC calls IC sp to apply destination weights
Valuation - Add Source Number field
HDTN-176308 - Blend report
INV integration to MBIL
Report Translation
Warehouse ref# column to be added in Inventory Transfer screen
Adjustment - Add filters Category and COmmodity
Item -> Location - Add Storage Unit Number
Count - Add Storage Unit Number
Print CountSheet - Add Storage Unit Number
Item - Receipt by Category (Department) - Set Inventory Valuation by to 'Category'
Adjustment C-Store - Receipt by Category (Department)
Create a detail screen (single record) to allow implementation of Report Translation
Receipt - System is asking for Storage Location & Unit for all lot tracked items. Add Storage Unit Required flag
Add billable and Supported flag to item master to allow us to elimniate job codes in Help desk
Inv Adjustment - Posting of 'UOM Change'
Add book and sub-book in Inventory Receipt
Reload notification bar: Add new fields field to IC tables to track timestamp
Add intCompanyId to some tables for the Replication feature
Add Certificate and Certificate ID fields in the IR lot grid and add the same in tblICLot table
Add Field to Category Location for Store Checkout Posting
Origin Conversion - Import LOT data when importing opening balance
Add book and sub-book in IR search/sub-search tabs
Add book and sub-book in IC > Lot Details
Add book and sub-book in IC Lot.
Auto-populate Book and Sub Book after selecting the IR > Vendor
Save Book and Sub Book in Lot when Receiving Lots in IR
Category - Receipt by Category (Department) - Add checkbox "Retail by Category"
Invoice -CStore- Receipt by Category (Department) - calculate cogs based on margin percentage
New fields for Lot
New fields for IR > Lot
Save "certification" fields to tblICLot on IR Post.
Lot Move and Transfers must copy the "certification" fields from the source lot to the moved lot.
On Purchase Contracts, auto-fill the Lot's Certificate and Producer
Transfer Orders must copy the "certification" fields from the source lot to the moved lot.
Add Estimated Yield % in Category maintenance
Remove Location field as required in Promotional Pricing
Data Import - Pricebook EDI Import
Data Import - Vendor Receipt EDI Import
Add the "certification" fields to uspICAddItemReceipt
Updating Book And Sub Book in IR when created from LG
Transferring lot item "Transfer Order" is requiring the Entity
CLONE - Transferring lot item "Transfer Order" the Ship From Id is missing
Create a sql view for Retail Valuation report
Add a Retail Valuation tab in the Inventory Valuation report.
SP to populate the data for vyuICGetRetailValuation
Call uspICPopulateRetailValuation when refreshing the Retail Valuation report.
Add Dept in the Retail Valuation Report
Item - Add checkbox "1099 Box 3"
Receipt by Category - Changes to Retail Valuation
Receipt: Update uspICAddItemReceipt to support Load Contracts
Shipment: Update uspICAddItemShipment to support Load Contracts
Commodity - Add checkbox "1099 Box 3"
[Items] - Provide Store for Non stock items
Item - Include 1099 Box 3 to 'Duplicate' feature
Update Item Pricing
Update Rebate/Discount
Update Item Data
Inventory Mass
CLONE - Update Item Pricing
add a validation in the sp not to allow the retail price to change if the price method is not set as 'none'
Commodity - Add LOB dropdown to commodity
Create an SP to create Inventory Count transaction through the database
Conversion - Use Opening Inventory adjustment type for importing opening balances
Update SP-uspDMMergeICTable.sql
Inventory Transfer - Storage Location, Storage Unit, Available qty behavior should be the same with inventory adjustment
Add Ons - Disable Quantity and Unit of measure for Other Charge Type


Insurance Premium on Physical Stock
Report to view unallocated inventory (Position report)
Insurance value calculator using Insurance rate matrix
Weight Claims (Missing/Damaged/Reconditioned bags)
Develop new screen for Freight Rate Matrix
Commission Report by Final Weight
Open Logistics and Open Contract Report (Risk Calculation Pivot)
Multi-lingual print for Shipping Advice
Multi-lingual print for Debit Note print in Weight Claim screen
Multi-lingual print for Invoice - iDeal
Grain Conversion - Load schedule Maintenance
Create 'Insurance Premium Factor' maintenance screen
Create 'Shipping Line Service Contract' maintenance screen
Load screen: On selecting the shipping line, based on the scheduled date, auto-fill service contract number
Report Translation
Dashboard view for Overall Position
Allocation - Add 'Origin' in header level filter
Require two new fields as Insurance Policy Ref and Premium % in the Vessel tab in the Load / Shipment Schedule
Add Book and Sub-book in logistics related transaction screens
Inter-company transactions for Logistics related transactions
Inter-company transactions for Sales and Purchase Invoice
Weight Claims for Dropship
Inter-state inventory transfer through outbound shipment and invoice
Add intCompanyId to some tables for the Replication feature
Multi-lingual print for Invoice - Coffee Trading
Multi-lingual print for Credit Notes - Coffee Trading
Create Outbound Shipment from Outbound Shipping Instruction
Capture provisional price in load/shipment screen if purchase contract is not price fixed.
LSE Report and Allocation report need to be added with multiple columns as described
Pass the Franchise Amount on VoucherDetailClaim


Stock Control Report
Create a material requirement report based on finished goods work orders
Handheld - Provide UI for user and screen authorization
i21 should be able to import BOM from other application
Pallet/Lot back color has to change based on configuration
Handheld - Retrieving lot location should filter based on the logged on location
Add custom tab in the process production produce
Stock Ageing Report
Inventory View As On Date By Item
Inventory Detail By Location
HDTN-200680 - Report on Items not moved in 90 days
Add duplicate button in the manufacturing cell and machine configuration
Show production detail in the new tab page of the process production produce screen
Show consumption detail in the new tab page of the process consume screen
Capture lot due date in a new column
Capture Reference No and Remarks in the FG Production screen
Add a variance column in the order line item grid.
Add dock door location control in the pick list screen.
Move Default stage location and dock door location to company location instead of company preference
Make editable for work order reference no, remarks and special instruction in the work order management screen always
User should be able to choose the UOM while creating a new workorder.
Add a column in the production detail grid to indicate whether the pallet is already released or not
Color code for order line item grid.
System has to display all the item category if 'Category for Ingredient Demand Report' is not configured.
System has to scan sub location in the scanner application if scanned storage location is available under multiple sub location for the logged on location
Production reversal option in the inventory view screen
Add Lot Alias column in the selected lots grid in the blend production screen
Filter storage unit by process attribute 'Transfer To Location' in the blend production screen
Add 'empty out source' in the bag off screen
Input lot section is optional in the bag off screen
Gross Weight should be proportionately updated when the weight is updated in the Lot move screen
Handheld - Load the menu item by user access
Transaction View - Add 'Last Cost' column in Transaction view
Provide Open Item Button in Recipe input/output/Substitute item grid
Add hyperlink for item control in the produce and consume screen
Add actual production start date time and production end date time in the work order search grid
Calculate expiry date by exact date or end date of that month
Demand Analysis view - Provide an option to configure target UOM
Demand View - Add date and year validation while fetching the recipe input items
Recipe - Include fields cost driver, cost rate, and inventory cost
Production - Include fields cost driver, cost rate, and inventory cost
Provide an option to create multiple pick list for a work order
Work Order Management: Planned Date and Shift is displayed NULL when Work order is created from Blend Management
Display work order sample in a new grid in the work order detail screen
Load default value for production type control in work order detail screen from process attribute
System has to adjust yield cost to produce lot when instant consumption on and cycle count on
Inventory View - Show data only for the location to which user is having permission
Handheld scanner client - option to show lots available in storage units
Show inventory by item wise with primary status break up in a new view
Recipe should not pre-define the list of output items
Add Certificate ID and Name in Receipt and Lot level and show in inventory view, traceability
Cost allocation using Co-efficient logic on processed coffee
Processing Actual Out-turn Report
Origin - Out-turn P&L Report
Provide print pick list button in the work order search and detail screen
Add columns to Company preference
Allow to add or edit line item in the pick list screen
When same producer's lots are merged, application should concatenate the certification ids
Handle bulk recipe in produce and consume screen
MFG Replication - Add a new column 'intCompanyId' for all the transactions header table

Meter Billing

Post Meter Billing Sales Invoice > Use Meter Reading # as Sales Invoice Number

Mobile Billing

Updates MBIL
Create Mobile BiIling API

Motor Fuel Tax

Implement Audit Log in Company Configuration | Motor Fuel Tax Forms
Implement Indiana Schedule 11 Diversions' special requirements
Create SC EDI file
Create NC EDI File
Add Component Type column in the Filling Packet grid
Do not display Form Code and Form Name on Tax Authority screen
Create a button in the Tax Authority screen that will script out the Tax Schedules
17.4 - Incorporate IL Setup change into 17.4
IN GT-103: improvements to GT103 report
Remove these two fields from table and screens
NC - Code Special Requirements for LPG and CNG Gallons on Gas-1252 Schedules
SC - Incorporate SC Setup data into upgrade script
NC - Incorporate NC setup data into upgrade script
PA - Incorporate PA setup data into upgrade script
PA - Create PA E file (CSV file)
PA - Special Requirements for Card Fueling Invoices on Disbursement Schedules
MS - incorporate updated MS Setup into 18.3


Add PAT setup on vyuPATEntityPatron


Implement Activities on Time off Request
Auto Post Time Off to Time Off Calendar
Separate First and Last Name fields on Time Off Request Search
Paycheck Screen > Replace 'Bank Info' and 'Employee' toolbar buttons with drilldown label instead
Add Update Employee Hours button on Employee Screen
Ability to override Direct Deposit and create a Manual Check
Additional Field in Payroll Company Configuration
Need to be able to track WCC by Department and/or Location
Provide an SP to generate Paycheck record/s

Purchasing AP

Vendor Pricing - Import Vendor Pricing
Other Charges - Voucher - Should use receipt quantity instead of the hardcoded 1
CAB - Voucher entry - lock down information passed from scale ticket
[Pay Vouchers] - Group By on Grid
[Basis Advance] - Scale ticket reversal
AP Transactions by GL Account
Voucher entry - On posted vouchers you should be able to change credit to unrestricted
Vendor Maintenance - Flag to set up auto posting and auto voucher creation
Provide a view for position report - Risk module
[1099] Allow Negative 1099 Adjustments
Modifcation to "Voucher Checkoff Detail" for MCP
EFT Information > Add Grid for Vendors and Customers
[Basis Advance] - Only Display Quantity Available for Advance
[Basis Advance] - Provide Guidance to User For Missing Exchange Rate
[Ticket Management] - Need to Move Two UOM Columns
Split payments - vendor payment override
Ability to Unassign Prepayments
Voucher - Refund a Customer Prepayment or a Credit Memo
Add Book and Sub-book in AP screens
Cost accruals based on the estimated costs captured against sales contract
Add intCompanyId to some tables for the Replication feature
Terms Code on Vendor Search Should show both pay to and default terms
[Basis Advance] - Modify message if default rate is not set
Provide a table that will store basis advance info.
[Debit Memo] - Open Sales > Receive Payment when drilling down refund payments
[Vendor] Downloadable template
Voucher - Default 1099 fields when 1099 Box 3 is checked for an item
Report for 1099 Detail
Voucher entry - Ship From adjustment for splits
Multiple freight has been entered in voucher
Check off Report
Create a staging table for directshipment
Option not to throw sql error on [uspAPCreateBillData]
Create a new parameter in uspAPCreateBillData
AP - HDTN-213519 - Payment information required on Check
Voucher entry - Import - Help link incorrect
Import Lien Holders from Excel


Provide SP to show and save the comments for Inventory Receipt Inspections
Provide SP to get and save the Outgoing truck Inspections for Inventory Shipment Screen
Report Translation
Sample Type - Provide option to capture the lot status for sample approve and reject
In Sample Entry screen display the Customer name and Customer Contract for the Contracts of Brokerage type
Allow to take a Sample for Inspection Control Point
Add inventory items to the data type in Quality parameter
Add Book and Sub-book in quality transaction screens
Add intCompanyId to some tables for the Replication feature
Provide SP to create Sample entry on distributing scale ticket

Report Manager

Report Translation
Add a message "No data to display for this report." when the report has nothing to show
support multi item of parameter in Reports
Create a pop up screen for Language Selection

Risk Management

Code currency exposure screen
Position Detail By Month - Add Customer/Vendor to the list of available columns
Position Analysis Report for Gabesco
Switch Trades
Basis Entry- Disable the Basis Entry rows once it is used in Mark to Market
Modal Testing - Following screens name has to be renamed
Basis Entry - Adjust SP to conform the changes made on Evaluation By config
Report Translation
Basis entry screen - is taking a very long time to save
Derivative Entry - Matched transaction should not be able to delete
Company Configuration - Make sure that Account ID will use GL Account ID Combo box
Allow user to view position as of a certain date - Position report
Brokerage Account - Trader should be required
Need to create a history table for Matching screen
Consolidated Position Report
Unrealized P&L Report
Realized P&L Report
Consolidated P&L Report
Inter-company transactions for Futures
Position Report - Add Year to Date by Customer/Vendor
Add intCompanyId to some tables for the Replication feature
Need a history table for collateral screen
New category for Mark to Market process - show GL's belonging to new categories in m2m config
Add new columns in the history table Derivative Entry
Company Configuration - Make sure to show the Category Column too in Default Accounts
Company Configuration - Label View 1 and View 2 options more user intuitive

Sales AR

Implement Drill Down on Customer Inquiry
Connect Commissions to AP and Payroll
Review the AR Aging and AP Aging and make consistent
Clean up Sales Menu structure
Credit Management Process
Invoices > Move Recurring transactions to a separate permanent Tab
Add hyper links to Sales order, Invoice and Payment screens
Pull Weight Claim transaction from AP
Sales Invoice > Duplicate Transaction does not allow you to change the type of record
Other Charges - Invoice - Should use shipment quantity instead of the hardcoded 1
Add button to update tax group after origin conversion
Unable to create credit memo/invoice for customer sales/returns with lot# inventory
Add 2 more overdue collection letters for 1-10 Days and 11-30 Days to match with Customer Aging Detail Report Grid
Destination Weights & Grades - Shipment - Pass Destination Qty to Invoice
Direct Shipment - New flow - Reduce In-Transit Direct stock
HDTN-202172 - Modify A/R Conversion to include more info
Sales Invoice > Credit Warnings should prompt at selection of the customer.
Invoice search screen - Add Payment method to search
Prompt user if customer has past due balance
Customer - Show Price Code
Add another payment method External Credit Card to show in receive payment screen
Invoice - New Bundle features - Impact of changes
Entity Conversion > Import Contacts from CSV
POS - Add receive payments button to POS Screen
New field on the SI screen for Mobile Billing Shift Number
New field on the Receive Payments screen for Mobile Billing Shift Number
Add Recipe to Sales Order - all Location column
HDTN-207212 - POS Return function
HDTN-207220 - POS - Need a way to log clerk initials and password to each transactions
Invoice - Customer aging tab - Add location
Invoice: Require Description column
Add location to Invoice Detail Report Search screen
POS - Incorrect values for Invoice created - On Account and GL entries
Receive Payments > Unsubmitted ACH need a select all option
Service Charge Invoice - add Paid coloumn
Service Charge - improvement on validations messages
Expand date criteria for batch printing (statement type) to match statement report printing
AR integration to MBIL
Provisional - Transaction Description in GL Account Detail
[Customer Statement Detail] - Discount inventory items should display 0 shipped.
[Customer Statement] - Add Ticket Number column from Invoice
Implement Letters template when building Quote
[Sales Analysis Reports] - Add margins per unit fields
Receive Multiple Payments - Implement Discount Available and Taken
Receive Payment - improvement on validation messages
Customer > Taxing> Improve Setup usability
Customer Maintenance - Ship to should be required on the customer master
Portal > Entity Location > Prevent Removing Records
Remove the Bank line from the top of the Remittance Advice
Provide a view for position report - Risk module
Import Sales Invoices > Add Column for Service Charges Date Calculated
NSF - Add ACH Payment Type to implementation
Refund a Prepayment or Overpayment
Credit Memo: Remove split functionality
Receive Payments - Cash Refund to Customer
[Sales Order] - Total Discounts Not Showing in the Lower Right
[Invoice] Add New Source Type of "Store Checkout"
Add book and sub-book in transaction screen
Customer -License tab Add the customer site url
CLONE - Hours entry - test case multi currency
Add AP Clearing in Company Config (reverted)
Provide a SP to update the quantity and cost for an Invoice
Service Charges > Add Option to exclude paid Invoices.
Sales > Customer Activity
Sales Report > New Trend Comparisons
EFT Information > Add Grid for Vendors and Customers
POS items missing when quantity on hand <= 0
Invoice Posting - Implement Category Retail Valuation
Provide SP to contracts to retrieve the lowest price of an item. Best Price Only
Ticket - could not post Destination Grades/Weight
vyuARInvoiceTransactionHistory is not updating the Once the payment is made
CLONE - Ticket - could not post Destination Grades/Weight


Background Program - Interface Get Grades
Add additional features for enhanced testing equipment
Farm/Field ID - Pass to Inventory Receipt or Shipment.
Destination Weights & Grades - Changes to Distribute/undistribute function
Destination Weights & Grades - Screen to enter destination weights
Destination Weights & Grades - Posting/Unposting of destination weights
Destination Weights & Grades - Direct Shipment - Changes to Distribute/undistribute function
Destination Weights & Grades - Direct Shipment - Posting/Unposting of destination weights
Destination Weights & Grades - Update contracts with destination weights
[Scale Ticket] - Config to post or not post voucher for the vendor
Create a hyper Link on Direct Ship to the "B" side of the ticket.
Add create section to ticket management menu
Identify Tickets ready to be transferred
[Ticket Management] - Need better message for limited contract
[Tickets] - Outbound Loads tab, ticket will not open from search screen when selected.
Delivery Sheet Mods for Checkoff By County
[Ticket Entry] - Provide column for Load Based contract when selecting a contract.
[Ticket Management] - Add Customer Ref Column to Load Selection List
Remove Dependency in tblSMUserSecurity table from tblSCScaleSetup
Supress Split Participants
[Price Contracts] - Need Multiple Lines on Voucher For Partial Pricing (Before Scale Load Ins)
Need to Create a history table for "tblSCTicket"
Scale Ticket to create sample entry on distributing the ticket
Pass certificate information from contract to IR while distributing the scale ticket
Add Signature to Scale ticket Print
Display the Load column on the manual distribution screen .
IR created through scale ticket is not calculating the expiry date
add intCompanyId field on all transaction header table
Remove soft edit Distribute this Ticket Now?
Delivery Sheet - Search screen should sort data by Delivery date, desc order


Alert Store User when pricebook items need to be sent to the register
Limit the records/setup to show on store's manager/user,
"Manager Verified" status should not be visible to store users
Checkout Posting Routine
Handheld Scanner
Mark Up/Down Inventory Integration
Reports > Consolidated Checkout Report
Report > Payment Options Summary
Report > Checkout Transaction Journal
Report > Department Summary
Report > Fuel Summary
Item update - Create audit log for system updates through price book
[Inventory maintenance] Change item column to description
[Store update screens] Make formal messages
[Store] Add New Field for Sales Customer Tracking
[Invoice] Add New Source Type of "Store Checkout"
[Checkout] Posting Pump Totals
[Checkout] Posting Item Movements
[Checkout] Posting Department Totals
[Store] Add New Field for Item Id to Taxes
Add New Customer Charge Item in Store
Add Customer Payments Item in Store
Changes in Payment Options in Store
Disable Editing Checkouts that are Posted
[Store] Add New Field for Item for Cash Over/Short Posting
Use GL Combo box (Masked)
[Checkout] additional column in item movements tab
Convert unique Id to string
[Store]posting of customer charges
Implementation - Update Item Pricing
Implement Sql Parameterized script
Implementation - Update Item Data
Implementation - Update Rebate/Discount
Implementation - Inventory Mass
[Checkout] - Configure Passport in Checkout

System Manager

Display an alert and custom page when i21 is being updated
Conversion - Add Origin Tax Type in Tax Class
Create buttons on the main TR menu
New button on Meter Billing main menu
Redesign Payment Terms Screen
Add create section to ticket management menu
Rename the screen to Profit and Loss Analysis
User Roles > Ability to setup Re-usable Portal Roles
Portal > Add support for username to be used for more than one Entity
Letters: Add new keywords, rename a few and use proper description
Tax Group - Add tax class column to the tax code grid
User Roles - Rename Menu Layout to Menu Permissions
Audit Log Tweaks
Update Risk Management menus command
Projects - add projects to the customer portal
include tblSCLastScaleSetup in fetching tblSMUserSecurity
Risk Management menu command update
Include a "Remember Me Expiration" days in the Security Policy screen
CLONE - Add another payment method External Credit Card to show in receive payment screen
Masters and Transactions Replication in i21
Remove obsolete foreign keys from tblSMUserSecurity
Develop Inter-company transactions config screen
Remove extra grid toolbar buttons in Company Configuration Multi-Company screen
CLONE - Clean up Sales Menu structure
License details -
Add new starting number for Allocation Details
Additional menu for Help Desk
Add a new column(Include Tax On Discount) in Terms Screen
Rename Calculate Commission to Commissions
Additional Starting Numbers for Commission
Additional Field in Company Locations > GL Accounts Tab
Move menu from Entity to Activities
Add Quote on CF Menu under Activities
Add Quote on CF Menu under Activities (Portal User)
Add 'New Card Account' CF Menu
Add Generate Quote on CF Menu under Activities
Remove Ticket Job Codes menu from Help Desk > Maintenance
CLONE - include tblSCLastScaleSetup in fetching tblSMUserSecurity
Add new menu for Logistics
Import Lien from Excel
Import Farm Splits from Excel
Saving of language value should be handled by entity
Create a new menu "Blend Details" under Inventory -> Reports
Master Menu Purchasing Report Modification
Report Messages > Add CF Invoice Source
Implement Report Translation to Payment Terms Screen
Add Sales Trend/Comparative Report in AR
Fuel Summary Menu
Change Menu Command
Add new menu under Risk Management - Activities (Position Analysis Report)
CF Alerts > Add Distribution Type
CF Alerts > Add Report Messages Type
Add Sales Comparative Report in AR
Department Summary Menu
Provide a new report menu item named as 'Processing Actual Outturn' under the Reports folder
Provide a new menu item named as 'Outturn P&L View' under the Views folder
Adding Menu for Realized PNL screen for LDC
Payment Options Summary Menu
Provide a new menu item named as 'Market Differential' under the Maintenance folder
[Currency Exchange Rates] - Change Currency Pair fields to display From and To currencies
Add new screen 'Checkout Transaction Journal' to Master Menu
Add new menu for Freight Rate Matrix under Logistics
Consolidated Checkout Menu
SM - Install Check of Direct Printing for TM 18.3
Adding Menu for Consolidated PNL screen for LDC
Add new menu for Unallocated Inventory under Logistics - Reports
Add "Invoice History" menu for CF. (Portal User only)
Adding Menu for Closed Contracts Report
Add "Usage Alert" to menu
Create new menus for Store
Add new menu Currency Exposure on Risk Management under Activities category
Add Vendor Mapping in AP Maintenance menu
Store > Adjust Menus
Mark Up Down - Starting Number
Update SP-uspDMMergeSMTable.sql

Tank Management

Show consumption site even if customers are not active
Deliveries Grid > Add Columns
Out of Range Burn Rate > Add Location to Grid
HDTN-205454 - Add Additional Column in the Open orders tab of Consumption Site
Reassign Driver - Add Column for Open Orders
Customer Inquiry > Link Contract > Show additional Columns
Consumption Site Grid > Add Fields
TM integration to MBIL
Add status field to the filter field drop down
Update API fields to match vyuTMMobileBillingOrder fields

Test Framework

CM - EFT/ACH information Save issue


Default Control File for Rack Price setting
Quotes > Generate and Email immediately
Location to Same Location transport load creates Inventory Transfer
Add Progress Status when Posting Transport Load
Allow Duplicate BOL#s when Vendors Re-use

Vendor Rebates

Rebates/BuyBack - To log changes in the invoice
Rebate Program- Auto populate the items and customers
VR - Vendor setup - Rename label "Export File & Path"


Card Fueling

Need to add the Category field to the posted transactions Grid in Card Fueling
CF Import Tran > Support Gasboy Report Import Layout
Quotes > User Proofing
Quoting > Make State a Drop Down
Quoting > Reduce Side Scrolling on Quotes Screens

Contract Management

HDTN-208554 - Contract Amendments - Signature tracking
Total Producer qty should be less or equals to Sequence qty.
[Washout] - Incorrect Status After Washout
Not allowing to washout cash to cash contract without Futures Price.
[Washout] - Display Numeric Message as a Positive
Add Report Language configuration on Company Preference
[Washout] - Add Tab to Help User Clean Up Open Items That Block Washout
Pass contract invoice currency to scale.
[Washout] - Need to Include Contract Numbers in Check Comment
[Contract Entry] - Disable New button within contract for Portal User
[Contract Search screen] - disable adding columns for portal users that the contract has hidden.
[Contract Entry] - Add validation for other charge items - Charge Entity and Inventory Cost can not both be checked.
[Contract Entry] - Cost tab - Remove Accrue Checkbox when Sale Contrat Customer and Other Charge Vendor is the same.
Auto Distribute Doesn't apply Scale Ticket to Contract
[Contract Sequence Grid] - Remove Transportation Mode column and add Scheduled.

Energy Trac Interface

Base Import - Check for duplicate invoice before validating any other ticket data

Entity Management

Vendor - remove read only controls from 1099 name
Add County field to Entity and Locations


HDTN-213633 - Warning Needed when making a field Required

GL / Cash Management

Bank Recon - Save the actual date when the user check the clear checkbox.
HDTN-199175 - Allow Sales Tax Account Category in Bank Transaction
Batch Posting - Need to be able to balance Post Preview to checks before posting
[Report] - Check Voucher Middle AP -- Paid Amount column too wide
ACH Export - There are numerous Constants in NACHA files that should be setup calculated
Account Mapping
Account mapping - change the name in system manager
Edit Account - Display the Account Category - read only from the primary segment.
[Legacy CSV Import Format] Fixes to Improve Import Process - Line Numbers


Need UOM when Spot settle storage
[Settle Storage] - Remove Location requirement.
Grain - Discounts as a Percentage of Price
tblGRStorageHistory - To have additional field in the history table to show the created date (System date)

Help Desk

Project Search Screen -Add fields
Time / Hours Report - Add fields
Item Search - when searching for items for billing in the help desk limit to items that are tagged"Display in help desk"


Category & Item - Inventory Adjustment can be General or COGS
Category & Item - Work In Progress can be Work In Progress or Inventory Account category
Add intContractSeq on vyuICChargesForBilling
Add "Adjustment Date" field during Import Opening Balance
Item - Duplicate feature does not copy Add-On information
Stock Report -> UOM YTD - Add UPC fields
Changes to Inventory Receipt Screen for Category Managed Items
Inventory Receipt CATEGORY MANAGED ITEMS - Tax should not be computed
Inventory Count Screen - Screen Changes related to IC-5424
[Inventory Shipment] - No Quantity on Other Charge item.
Ticket - could not post Destination Grades/Weight
Destination Weight Grades - Inventory Other Charge Should Calculate base on Destination Weight
IR including all "add on" items
CLONE - Additional column 'Lot Weight' in Inventory Count lot grid
Receipt - Tax amount for charges should go to expense account when setup for it.
Shipment - Tax amount for charges should go to expense account when setup for it.
Create a simpler sp to add lots on a shipment.
Need to have multiple items that have 1 Unit Quantity
Bundle Item needs to show Setup tab > Motor Fuel Tax tab


Entity Contract field - Pass to Customer Reference in Logistics
Enable Warehouse tab in load/shipment for DropShip scenario
CLONE - Add Report Language configuration on Company Preference
Default Freight Terms and Currency on selecting Pick Lots as source type
On post load, GL transaction should be created using current date

Motor Fuel Tax

Create MI Main Form 3724 (Transporter Return, Quarterly)
Create MI MFT Text File
Create SP(s) for Michigan (MI) Diversion Schedules
WA - Create 3 new RCs
OR - Correct Oregon RCs' Output Designer fields
OR - Add 3 new RCs for Oregon
move all default script of tax category of per state into one script file
Use Company Owned Carrier as Transporter for Tank Delivery Invoices
WA - Change Tax Criteria for 2 WA RCs
OR - Add restrictions on reporting SIs for certain OR RCs


1099 - Equity payment for non qualified customers is reported in Box 5
HDTN-213380 - i21 Patronage - Add Entity number
HDTN-213383 - i21 Patronage

Purchasing AP

[Voucher] - Incorrect accounts when posting Claims
[1099 Misc Summary]
[Voucher] - Mixed Decimal Places for Unit Cost
Deferred Payments - Check Comments
[Voucher] - Improve Line Item Information
Check for basis advance on two advances - errors - Negative Voucher - Cannot Process Payment
[Pay Voucher Detail] - Make total payment for prepaids/advances positive
PO - Remove shipping field if there is no function
1099 Detail Report
Update Actual Amount of Contract Cost table On using Contract Cost in Voucher Line Item
tblAPVoucherHistory - dblQtyReceived, dblCost, dblTotal are incorrect once payment is made
tblAPVoucherHistory - once payment is made voucher history is not updating the payment details
Vendor - default the Create voucher for pending payable and Post flag
Vendor - When you create a new vendor defaults
Voucher > from Contract - Billed UOM

Report Manager

Date fields should implement date format from Company Config
Add user signature in report viewer
Implement Report Number Format from Company Config SM-4247

Risk Management

Position Report- Void tickets are showing up on the Position Detail
GL creation - GL's produced should be specific to Location and LOB
Position report - For commodities of the type Non exchange traded - show the pertinent pricing types
GL Post date should be editable
Data should always show regardless of the Filled and Current Date
Position report- History table for Option Trades (tblRKFutOptTransactionHistory)
Adjust the Position Detail SPs to the new date in tblGRStorageHistory
Position Detail - Show the Voucher number and the Sales Invoice number in Net Payable/ Receivable and Unpaid Qty (NR & NP) drill down screens
DPI - provide an option to view positions for all locations
Position Detail - Year to date grid- Make it the last grid on screen
Position Detail - Need a create date column in the "inventory valuation' view
Storage - warehouse receipt not showing in DPI
Daily Position Inquiry - Situation where an item is sold even without having the item
Dont allow user to select start date and end date beyond current date
Company owned storages should increase company obligation
Company owned stock should increase when inventory is received against basis contracts

Sales AR

Import only open Customer Invoice, credits and prepay from Origin (Ag & Petro) From CSV file
If source is Tank Delivery print consumption site address as ship to address
ET - If source is Tank Delivery print consumption site address as ship to address
CLONE - Voucher Entry - Tax account being charged
POS - Add the date to the printed receipt
Tax Exemptions Grid > Need to Show Card and Vehicle Columns


Transfer in and out doesnt work for lot tracked items
Create view to show distribution type on grid detail.
Add - Storage Schedule to header on Delivery Sheet
Discounts as a Percentage of Price
[Inventory Shipment] - No Quantity on Other Charge item.
Add "Split Desc." from Delivery sheet to Delivery Sheet dropdown on ticket screen
Move Enitity to "Split Desc." on Delivery sheet if Blank
Ticket - could not post Destination Grades/Weight
CLONE - Ticket - could not post Destination Grades/Weight
Delivery Sheet Import add Print button
Grade Import -modification
[Ticket Entry] - When selecting a contract, do not default the ticket Location - Clone
Should be able to select different Vendors Contract
Standardize Scale distribution Functionality
Add fields to Delivery Search Grid
Apply scale ticket to different vendor's contract
Rename Ticket Selection panel to "Trucks in Yard"


Create Cigarette Rebate Programs Screen

System Manager

 Remove Quote Page Builder menu under Sales
 Batch Printing: Newly created letter is not displaying in the letter list
 [Contract Management] - Hide Contract Adjustments menu item
 Company Configuration - Add a "Report Date Format" drop down
 Expose a function for DateFormat
 Company Configuration - Add a "Report Number Format" drop down
 CLONE - Implement Report Number Format from Company Config SM-4247
 Add Credit Card Processing fields to the Company Location (Setup) tab


Advance Installer

 WHMobile client files are missing in the build
 Error when updating to 18.3.0716.101

Advance Installer

Buyback - Submitted show as 'Unpost' status. Charges description missing.

BB - BB records not showing inventory cost and duplicate freight records

Card Fueling

Batch delete by date not working
CF Transaction > Rates are displaying with only 2 decimals
CF Invoice > Department Grouping is causing blank pages
CF Tran Grid for Portal > is totaling Gross Price
Import Tran > Issue with Extended Remote + Special Taxing Calculation
Product Auth Grid
Transaction > recalculate time out.
Transaction Grid > Calculated Taxes are wrong
CF Tran > Give Errors on invalid Item Location Setup
CF Tran > Price Calculation Rounding Consistencies
Import CFN Tran > Has Duplicated Tax Codes
Network - Open Sites > Multiple Select opens the same record
Quoting > Displaying extra products without costs
Quoting > Displaying quotes for retail sites and should not
Generate Quotes > Getting an Error When Emailling
Network Costs > Importing Network Costs from CFN is not matching Site #
Tran Grid > Total Calc Tax and original Tax are Wrong
Import Gasboy Tran > Marked Invalid with No Error messages
CFN > Import CSU Flat file does not add any records
Import Network Cost > Errors on Imported Records
Group Adjustment Rates > Detail records are being deleted on every upgrade
CF Invoice > No Records Founds when running CF Invoice
18.3 SQL Script Post Deployment error
CF Transaction screen fails to load
Payment validation prevents update AR process
Update AR > Unable to update AR
Batch Posting > Unable to batch post CF Transaction
SQL Script Error
Script Error for build 18.3.0802.156

Contract Management

 [Price Contracts] - Qty Reverts Back After Changing
 [Washout] - Screen Requires a Washout Fee
 Contract details - Add help desk link
 No UOM on Sequence
 [Contract Entry] - Load Contract Issues
 [Washout] - Error At End of Washout
 [Washout] - Voucher Amount Incorrect
 Contract Sequence] - Market Zone hyperlink is not working.
 Issue with Roll screen
 Undo on Roll Contracts appears to have no purpose
 Error on Inventory Shipment from Contract
 [Price Contracts] - No Voucher Created After Scale and Pricing Basis Contract
 Freight Terms not considering active flag
 Contract- Weights screen in not opening from contract and printable remark is not printing multi line
 Handle basis contract for FX on vyuCTContractDetailView
 Error when building 18.3Dev SQL Script Project
 18.3 DEV - Error while building SQL script
 [Washout] - Mandatory Search Parameters Should be Disabled
 Error on 18.3DEV Sql Script Deployment
 Could not Post IR with type Load
 Script deployment error
 Could not Post IS with type Load
 Wrong computation of Voucher SubTotal
 Contract - Improper Error Message
 CLONE - Sales Contract to Shipment Using Add Orders Screen Unit Price is Incorrect
 Error on SQL Script Deployment
 Balance Cannot be Less Than Zero
 Pricing screen - After deleting the price fixing the same contract is not reflecting in the purchase basis
 Unable to post invoice with contract
 [Rapid Contract Entry] - Unable to Create Contract
 Contract - Infinity qty error when saving a contract
 [Contract] - Adjustment and UOM fields are missing
 Cannot update signed status of contracts
 Inventory Shipment from Ticket and Contract - Price is not converted


Ticket Entry - Resolution Screen

Customer portal CRM activies is showing everyone elses activities.


Bug in display - Price Adjustments

Deployment error 18.3 Dev.

Dealer Credit Cards

No Credit Memo Created when Posting Dealers Credit Card with "Post Net Total to AR Customer" unchecked in Vendor Set up

No Bank Transaction Created in CM > Bank Transaction for CCR Transaction AP Type = Cash Deposited + Company Owned (Pass Thru AR).

Net Price Created in CM > Bank Transaction for CCR Transaction AP Type = Cash Deposited with Dealer Site + Shared Fees doesn't show correct Shared Fees

Energy Trac Interface


Energy Truck Script Merge error 18.1DevF to 18.3Dev
[Import] - Cannot Import BH/BD Files in i21
[Delivery Metrics] - Transmitted data from origin energy trac did not reflect in i21
[Digital Dispatcher] - Cannot import digital dispatcher file

Entity Management



Phone number field clears out after hitting tab when adding new customer entity
[split] - Unable to Save a split.
Foreign Key error when deleting contact information in Entity Tab
Unable to save created Vendor split
[Future Broker/Vendor] - New Record cannot be added
[Log in] Unable to login using new user in new company
18.3DEV SQL scripts failed in VSTS
[Vendor] Vendor cannot be set as User
Disconnected Model- Error message when clicked on Update Local from Remote server
[Vendor-Split] Console error displayed on split locations. Cannot Save.





Save Grid Layout - Rename this screen and labels from "Grid Layout" to "View"
Disconnected Model - SignalR connection not able to communicate on CORS
Console error expanding GridComboBox
Custom Tab > Combo Box does not sort
FRM - [Pay Vouchers] - When selecting vouchers to pay, rows un-sort.
[Items] - Price Export Creates an Excel File That Cannot be Opened
System Controlled Filter - Add Clear Filter
Date Control > date changes after lost focus
Opening Account Screen after a Quote or Import Card causes console error
Error on Script deployment
SSDT - Error on building the project
i21 app is not loading for Offline mode
Fields are disabled in contract screen after save
Replication Configuration - Replication setup failed
[Mega Menu] menu are missing if the user has setup in user role
Item - If the DB is blank then the search screen for the items are not coming
FRM - [Purchase Order- Audit Log] Updated entries doesn't have audit log - CLONE
Allow Enable/Disable of Shortcut keys to specific screens
Bank Account - Account No. and Transit No. are showing unreadable, very long values
18.3 PROD SQL Script Failure - Framework
Error running the db script for sp_configure
[Time Off Request] TOR not submitting for approval
[deployment] unable to upgrade subsidiary company in 18.3 #119
EM Script Error Prod Release 140
Replication Configuration - Failed to configure parent database



Cash Management


ACH > Batch/File Totals - Add Total Debits and Total Credits
Voucher import - Validation additions
Bank Deposit - Unable to add transaction
Console error loading gl combo mask box
Error Generating Transaction Code for Void transaction
HDTN-213884 - Positive Pay File Creation need to look at Printed Name or Payee
Bank Deposit - undeposited funds - limit the transactions allowed for selection to transactions in the banks currency
Bank Transfers - multi currency GL Transaction detail
Bank transfers - Multi currency gl posting incorrect
Bank Transfers - multi currency GL Transaction detail (Part 2)
bank routing numbers that converted dropped the lead zero in i21
Will Not Generate ACH- strReferenceNo is null
HDTN-213965 - # of posted GL's incorrect on import
Error in updating PT database with origin integration (18.32.0423.32)
SQL Upgrade Issue
Receive Payments - Unable to generate process ACH
Error Installing 18.32.0509.76 on SQL2012
[Bank Transfer] unable to Post transaction
Process Payment- unable to generate ACH in AR
Process Payment- unable to generate ACH in Payroll
[Import voucher] failed import
[build account] unable to search/build newly created segment
Bank Deposit - Receive Payment values were not carried over when creating a new BDEP record
[Misc check] unable to unpost
Bank Deposit - Unable to add a Cash Invoice to a BDEP record
[Pay Voucher Detail] - Cannot post payment (with console error)





Split from delivery sheet not showing
[Settle Storage] - Date Is Mislabeled
[Storage Type] - Should be Able to Setup Customer Owned DP
[Transfer Storage] - Storage Schedule Not limited by Storage Type
Storage transaction with 0 balance still showing
Scale Fees not carrying thru to settlement
Discount Code Won't save imputed value
Import buttons disabled
[Storage] - Wrong IR and Voucher Cost after Settle from DP to Priced Contract
Storage Fees not carrying thru to settlement
[Storage] - No Existing storage record are displaying
Settlement Report Issues
Discount calculation doesn't work for Percentage setup in discount code
List of Storage doesn't show even if Show Storage in Settlement Sheet is Checked.
Cannot post Settle Storage
Settle Storage - entries are wrong
Error in building Scripts
Customer Storage Fee is missing in Sales Invoice
Delivery Sheet menu becomes invisible after adding Scale Ticket Uncompleted Alert
Settle Storage - Could not post
Voucher - Fees not deducted from Vendor




Help Desk

Help Desk - Integration with Jira
Time entry - raises error on time entry
Time entry - Filter out CRM Tickets
Time Entry - Search Screen
Time entry - No linked help Screen
Call Report - group by type
Call Detail Report: Include decimal for billed hours column
Call details report - Check logic that retrieves total billable hours and Total billable amount
Import billable hours from help desk - can not import
Script Error on not Existing Column intEntityUserSecurityId
Tickets: Duplicate button not working
Call Details: Graph is not shown
While installing 18.3 Dev version 144 error occuring
[Project] - Cannot select Parent Project


UOM configured by the user as a default at the item level is not automatically filling the weigh UOM column inventory shipment screen
Shipment - COGS cannot be booked without sales
CLONE - HDTN-211299 - Making a Inventory Return
Item - Search - Add UPC Code
Inventory receipts- Condition column in Lot section is not populating Clean weight by default even if there is configurations
Conversion - Should not import discontinued items from origin
Inventory Rebuild failed in 18.3 - No messages
Conversion - AG UOM import throws unique constraint error
Audit log missing in many screens
Conversion - AG item import thrown unique conflict error for item uom
Allow IR to post when stock to receive is more than the Load Shipment
Validation message for IR with voucher is not showing up during Unpost.
IR displays error message when posting
HDTN-215061 - Small balance left in Off Farm location on DPR but inventory is 0.00.
Inventory Receipt: Replicate Balance Lots is not working properly Clone
HDTN-215134 - Price tab - locations not displayed for items of the type other charge.
Shipment - unable to save, not enough stock error
CLONE - Error on Inventory Shipment from Contract
Transfer - Source type is editable. Transferred by is not displayed.
Application updating the storage location and Storage unit while adding the pallet in Shipment
Unable to post IS - Muenster milling instance
Invalid error while trying to remove the pallets from Inventory Shipment
[Invoice] - Unable to Post invoice
Shipment reservation details are not updated in table tblICItemStockUOM
Unable to rebuild inventory - SI-5220 out of balance - but the entry looks balanced
HDTN-215704 - Undistribute Load Out ticket - Debit and Credit amounts are not balanced.
Stock Details grid is not showing value
Item Location field is editable
Retail Valuation - Receipts and Ending Retail quantity incorrect after posting 2nd receipt
Split transaction reducing the lot qty three times
Inventory - Can't select GL Account ID on Item Setup screen
When posting the inventory receipt with the item RC-006 in LDC demo instance it is showing a message that missing costing method
No vendor order number provided for voucher.
Inventory Shipment - Cannot Process Sales Contract Using Add Orders Screen
Sales Contract to Shipment Using Add Orders Screen - Incorrect Line Total
Build Error in 18.3Dev
Cannot create new IS
Cannot Open Commodity
Ticket - Error on Distribution
Checkouts: Unable to post
Unable to post Inventory Transfer
Inventory Receipt - Cannot Replicate Lots
Inventory Shipment > from Ticket - Other Charges are wrong
Inventory Transfer Shipment Required - Cannot Post Transfer using Storage Stock
CLONE - [Mark up/down] unposting did not take effect in valuation
Grid filter is not working properly in Inventory Cycle count
Import Inventory Count - System Should validated Storage Location and Storage Unit per Company Location
Inventory Transfer for Storage Stock - Cannot find transfer order in add orders screen
Inventory Receipt - Cannot Post IR
Inventory Count - Cannot enter physical count for non lotted item
Inventory Count - Cannot Load items when include zero on hand is checked
Cannot distribute Load In Scale Ticket Purchase Contract using lot item (Yes-Manual)
Inventory Count - Cannot Load Items Console Error is Shown
Inventory Adjustment - Adjust qty changed after posting Clone
Inventory Transfer - Error upon selecting lotted item. Cannot select a lot ID.
Unable to Save Item Location when selecting Ship Via
Import Count - Import count for an existing LOT using a different LOT UOM
Import Inventory Count - Object Reference Error when Importing Item and Lot that is not existing
While removing the Lot from the Inventory Shipment, system is getting error
Stock Details - Failed to Load Data upon opening Locations tab
[Inventory Adjustment] Cannot Post Transaction
Negative Stock Quantit
Import Via CSV - Cannot Import all items under COMMON
Cannot Post Purchase Contract for Bundle Kit Type
Cannot ship lot item
CLONE - [Checkout] manual posting caused incorrect sales in valuation
Error on SQL Script 18.3DEV





[Load / Shipment Schedule] - Field Information Missing After Generating Loads
Cannot generate loads from Load based contract
Active flag should not be on drop down
When Changing LS to Pick lots, the quantity defaults to lot quantity
[Load Shipment Schedules] - Cancelled logistics loads do not give back scheduled balance to contract
Cannot open container types
provisional invoice- When the sales contract is partially priced it should consider the weighted average for the price calculation
CLONE - Provisional invoice - invoice total calculation is wrong.
CLONE - Final invoice price is showing wrong while processing from the provision invoice
provisional invoice -Price is not calculating for the sales contract which is not priced
Not able to post Inventory Receipt
Failed to load the data error when opening Load/Shipment Schedules Record
Duplicate lot records should not show in lot grid
Unable to Post Load Schedule




CLONE - Yield view is calculating incorrectly for output item
System sends EDI 945 feed even if SSCC # is blank
CLONE - Receipt number is updated incorrectly
CLONE - Line item is missing if consumption method is by location in the work order staging
Incorrect Quantity on Pick Ticket
System is not allowing to produce a pallet if remaining Qty is below cases per pallet
Transfer location wrong on closed orders
No UOM for available qty
Stock Details grid is not showing value
Work order quantity is not reflecting correctly in the Work Order - Recipe Tab
System is not fetching no of labels from process attribute
Error on deployment script (New Company and Origin Base)
Error on 18.3DEV SQL Script deployment
18.3 Dev Sql Script Failing
18.3 Prod Sql Script Failed
PP Consume - Incorrect qty is displayed in PP consume screen
Application is not allowing to stage using handheld
Reason - Should fetch only active reason codes
Unable to pick a pallet thorough scanner application if the scanned pallet is available multiple same storage location name and different sub location
Application is not allowing to add pallet when task is available but not loaded
Common - Unable to differentiate Storage Units, if same name is shared among multiple Storage Units that belonging to different Storage Locations
Transfer to location is not considering categories allowed restriction set at storage unit or storage location level
Bulk Produce - Unable to hide columns in Produce and Consume grids
System is not allowing to choose item and enter Qty in the consume screen
Pallet is not merging with the existing pallet if merge on move is true
Work Order Management - Qty is not displayed for output items in Recipe tab of work order management screen
Consume and Produce Screen - Reading qty and UOM fields should not be displayed
Hide the quality related columns in the Transaction view
Unable to see cycle count status in the work order search grid
Incorrect cost adjustment when user produces items with different unit of measure
System is not allowing to produce a lot if the input item is item tracking and storage location and unit are blank
Application is allowing to complete the Task for Non lot-tracked Item
System is allowing to consume a pallet that produced from other another process and its cost is zero
PP Produce - Qty field should show Item's cases per pallet value
Load Shipment Schedules are not displayed in the Traceability.
CLONE - System is not allowing to produce a lot if the input item is item tracking and storage location and unit are blank
Traceability: Clicking on Outbound Shipment icon, system is loading Load Shipment Schedule screen but it is failed to load data
Company Preference is not working for Test Report Comments

Motor Fuel Tax


Received "Timeout" error when exporting Excel with large data
Deployment error 18.3Dev
Unable to generate IN EDI File
Unable to open generated PA csv file
Billed Gallons is not being converted
No records display on L-2176 14A Schedule
18.3Dev Build#158 Deployment failed on QC server
18.3 Unable to generate MI 3724 Efile
No SC EDI File has been generated
18.3 Error when clicking GT-103 XML tab
Unable to generate GT-103 XML file
Error generating SC EDI File
No records shown on generated OR XML File
18.3 NM - In Combined Fuel Report, Schedule 1, transactions do not report correct info
Incorrect filename with no data has been generated when generating PA E File
Unable to Generate correct EDI File
OR - XML does not have Company Contact and Address info
OR - XML does not follow XPath
OH - one transaction appears twice on Sch 7AMI
OH - Exporter Return Sch 7AMI has two Inventory Transfers that do not pass filters



Equity Payment - Should not pass NULL Ship To


w2 - Inactive employees with term dates prior to processing year should not show up on w2 screen - 18.3
Unable to open any screen in PR module
[Paychecks] Cannot post paycheck with different WC Code
[Create Payable] Cannot create voucher from paycheck
[Paychecks] Cannot post paycheck when one earning has no WC Code
[Electronic SUI] Screen not opening

Purchasing AP


Average Cost calculating incorrectly Item 111216
[18.3] - [Vendor Import-Origin] Error with no message when converting vendors
[Basis Advance] - Ticket Rows and Vouchers Duplicated
Pay voucher details Vendor override
Vendor - 1099 Vendor - even if 1099 flag is set to no print 1099 PATR
Open AP clearing Report and Open AP clearing Report Details show vouchered receipts
"Group by with Totals" not working on the Voucher Checkoff Detail screen
Bank Account shows in red
18.3 - [Voucher Entry] - Discount % creates unusable GL Entries
[Voucher Entry] - Post a voucher then unpost and edit it, it will not post again. It just says "Please Wait"
PO prints without approval
Inbound Tax Report - Missing Vendor Name
Failed in upgrading database
Error on 18.3 SQL Script deployment
[Voucher] - Failed to open existing vouchers
[Voucher] - Failed to Load
[Future Broker/Vendor] - New Record cannot be added
[Vendor Search]- No Vendors are displaying
[Purchase Order] Tax doesn't compute
[Vendor] Newly setup of Vendor EFT details doesn't displayed on the search screen of EFT Information Tab
[Vendor Pricing] Cannot Import vendor pricing due to console error
[Voucher/Checkoff Detail]Debit and Credit are not balanced.
[AP] - Failed to load on latest DEV 18.3 build #114
[Ticket-Open Storage] Cannot Settle Transaction
[Basis advance] unable to create advance
18.3DEV Sql script error in vsts
Error on SQL SCRIPT Build compilation
Error on SQL Script deployment
Voucher - Invoice no is required but the field is disabled
Cannot Process Voucher for Purchase Contract for Bundle (Option Type) using voucher button of IR
[Voucher Batch] unable to create voucher entry
Unable to distribute ticket
AP - Script Merge 18.1DevF to 18.3Dev
[Purchase Order] Cannot process PO.
[Ticket] - Cannot undistribute ticket 2
[Pay Voucher Details] Cash refund transaction is not visible
Error in creating Pay Voucher using uspAPCreatePaymentData
Contract > Priced - Forex Rate used in Voucher is from Contract
Contract > Priced - Tax computed in Voucher is wrong
[Pay Voucher Details] Cannot Post Cash Refund Transaction. Missing Entries on Post Preview.
Contract > Priced - Cost in Voucher is wrong
Pay Voucher - Amount Paid and Payment field for Basis Advance are showing 0.00
Incorrect GL entries returned by AP's CreateClaimARGLEntries function
Voiding a foreign payment transaction resulted to unbalanced AP and GL
[Voucher] - Other charge of freight from ticket does not list scale ticket number.
[Purchase Order- Audit Log] Updated entries doesn't have audit log
[Pay Voucher Details] Cash refund transaction from sales cannot proceed on payment.
Basis Advance - Discount and Charge is wrong
Pay Voucher Details - posting payment for Basis Advance resulted to unbalanced AP and GL
Error building SQL Scripts in 18.3Prod
Voucher Checkoff Report Displays incorrectly
Negative Cost Pricing Basis Contract
[Voucher] - Incorrect amount applied
Voucher - Could not enter Invoice No,
[Open Clearing Details] Voucher duplicate accounts and amounts on post preview . Transactions cannot be posted.
Charge for Third-party vendor not showing in Add Payables screen
Script Build Error DEV/Prod
[Voucher] - Voucher Posting sp issue.
18.3PROD SQL Script Failure
The UOM of the voucher created from price contract is blank
[Ticket] - Error undistributing ticket
Cannot distribute Direct In Scale Ticket
[Basis Advance] - Incorrect Advance Calculations
[Price Contract] - Cannot save price contract: Foreign Debit and credit amounts are not balanced.
[Voucher] - Ordered and Billed Qty is displaying wrong






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