
Old Voided Checks Set to Unposted Can't Close Year
When GL by Account ID Detail Account Has no Balance, or activity, shouldn't show old transaction info
HDTN-177947 - Item 10036 in Company 02
Application is changing the Lot Qty upon changing the Item
Application is creating a new Lot upon Lot Item Change
Error While splitting a lot after item change
Lot Label printing multiple times when same lot is available in multiple locations.
Application should allow to adjust Lots which having 0 weight per unit
Blend Production - shows "Add Lots" Message when all ingredients are by Location/FIFO
Blend Production - Duplicate Items displayed after end staging
Lot History displaying wrong transaction qty
Lot Item change is stock and valuation issue. Use IC sp and need data fix.
HDTN-178403 - Not able to create pallet with decimal values in Finished Goods production screen
Update Weight, Weight UOM and Weight per Unit the same as Qty, Item UOM, 1 if user produced only Weight with out Qty
Pick List: Pick quantity greater than equal to 0.01
Blend Production: on consumption system is consumed more / less than the Picked qty
Blend Production: Selected Lots section Available Qty is displayed in negative, still system is allow to consume
Cannot unpost Paychecks
Process Pay Groups should continue processing the rest of the Paychecks in case of error
Not able to unpost transport load
Staging from handheld does not update reservation table for every lot
Should not allow users to scan Kitting area while picking the lots
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