
  1. Basis of Grain Bank Statement Report is the Storage History line entries  using filter Item, Entity, Storage Type Grain Bank regardless of Location
  2. Beginning Balance is equal to the Sum of Running Units from Storage History dated Start Date minus 1 Day
  3. Ending Balance is equal to Beginning Balance plus LBs In minus LBs Out


  1. Load In - Grain Bank
  2. Load In - Split Grain Bank Storage
  3. Load Out - Grain Bank (this is rare transaction)
  4. Load In - Grain Bank > Invoice with Customer Storage (Single Item)
  5. Load In - Grain Bank > Invoice with Customer Storage (Recipe)
  6. Load In - Grain Bank > Split Invoice with Customer Storage (Single Item)
  7. Load In - Grain Bank > Split Invoice with Customer Storage (Recipe)
  8. Transfer In from other Storages to Grain Bank
  9. Transfer Out from Grain Bank to other Storages
  10. Work Order (MFG) > Invoice with Customer Storage (Single)
  11. Work Order (MFG) > Invoice with Customer Storage (Recipe)

System Manager> Activities> Company Configuration> Ticket Management Tab> Grain Options Panel

Grain Bank UOM config will be the UOM of Beginning Balance, Ending Balance, Running Balance, LBs In and LBS Out

Ticket Management> Activities> Storages> Storage Tab> Grain Bank Statement Button

Grain Bank Statement Filter Screen

Menu ButtonsFunction
  • This will trigger generation of report
  • This will clear all inputted detail/s
  • This will close the Daily Position Record By Range filter screen
Storage Type
  • List will be coming from Ticket Management> Storage Type (Grain Bank Only)
  • User is required to select specific Item
  • List will be coming from Inventory> Items (Inventory Type)
  • Blank indicates All Items
  • User may select specific Entity
  • List will be coming from Sales > Customers and/or Purchasing > Vendors
  • Blank indicates All Entities
Start Date
  • Mandatory Field
  • Date format
  • Basis of Beginning Balance
End Date
  • Date format
  • Basis of Ending Balance
  • Blank indicates Today Date

Grain Bank Statement Report

  • Grain Bank Statement
Company Name and Address
  • Company Name and Address from System Manager> Company Configuration> System Manager Tab> Company Setup Panel
  • Selected Item from filter screen
  • Date of Report Generation <Today>
  • Active page number
  • Entity No from Sales> Customers and/or Purchasing> Vendors
Customer Name and Address
  • Entity Name and Address of Selected Entity from Sales> Customers and/or Purchasing> Vendors profile
Customer Account No.
  • Entity No from Sales> Customers and/or Purchasing> Vendors
  • All Scale Ticket from Storage History based on filter Item, Entity, Storage Type Grain Bank created between Start Date and End Date
  • All Invoice from Storage History based on filter Item, Entity, Customer Storage Grain Bank created between Start Date and End Date
  • Date from Storage History based on filter Item, Entity, Storage Type Grain Bank created between Start Date and End Date
  • Type of Transaction ( GB, Invoice, SPL, Transfer )
LBs In
  • All Grain Bank Inbound Net Units converted to selected UOM from Grain Bank UOM config
LBs Out
  • All Grain Bank Outbound Net Units converted to selected UOM from Grain Bank UOM config
Running Balance
  • Running Balance is equal to Beginning Balance of prior transaction from report minus LBs Out
  • Converted to selected UOM from Grain Bank UOM config
Beginning Balance
  • Beginning Balance is equal to the Sum of Running Units from Storage History dated Start Date minus 1 Day
  • Converted to selected UOM from Grain Bank UOM config
Ending Balance
  • Ending Balance is equal to Beginning Balance plus LBs In minus LBs Out
  • Converted to selected UOM from Grain Bank UOM config

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