
Buyback Submission
Buyback Reimbursement
Buyback Reimbursement Posting
Buyback Reimbursement search screens
Buyback excluded tab
Buyback Reimbursement - screen design
CF Reports > Summary by Customer/Product/Period
Transaction Grid > Refresh after events
Transaction Grid > Add Fields
Transaction > Allow specific fields to be changed on posted transactions
Transaction Grid > Refresh after Batch Posting
17.4 Regression Testing
Creating index for couple of columns for better performance of RPI and M2M
Receipt - Grain discounts must be added to inventory cost
Items Location Screen - Add Audit Log Tab in Item Location Screen
Bulk adjustment screen
Capture Batch Number, Reference No and Remarks in the bag off screen
MB - First Column in Combobox
Origin Gap Vendor Inquiry Screen
Voucher - Add Inventory Receipts from different locations, Add Tax Group
[Vendor Inquiry] Add Vendor Name on the screen
Enhance P&L to work based on Sales contract directly (without allocation)
Add Recalculate button on RCV screen
CLONE - Implement Drop Down and Lookup Comboboxes on Entity Customer
Conversion - Add button "Create Tax Items"
Conversion - Create import tax item codes from Origin (ptlclmst) into i21 item category table
Customer Aging Report / Detail Report - Add Customer Account Status Code Filter
Add Recipe to Sales Order - all Location column
Credit Memo - Credit Limit msg is showing up
Changing Ticket type warning message shows when saving
Pick the users to deactivate when applying the license.
CF Menu>Add "Top Card Lock Customer" on CF Reports menu
Menu > Add CF report menu
Add new field Payment Portal in Company Configuration



HDTN-204857 - Positive Pay for PNC
[Contract] - Change Printed Price for HTA pricing type contracts.
Integrate Loupe and PostSharp Diagnostics into i21 to Log various errors and performance related issues
[Revalue Multi-Currency] - The middle part of the form doesn't expand
Inventory GL Entry doesn't match IS-257 or SI-474
Company Configuration - Payroll Won't Load
CLONE - Earning GL distribution is not distributing across cost centers
Conversion - Import Vendor Tax Exemptions
[AP Vendor] -- Can't select from to the ship from.
MCP- creation of delivery sheet should show the position in DPR under storage categories instead of On Hold
Pricing Level isn't selected on Sales order or Sales Invoice
CLONE - AP Bill Detail - Inserting of line item charge is incorrect for Scale Part
conversion - Modify ship via import for same strEntityNo
[Company Configuration] - Doesn't Save ?


Advanced Installer is failing in FB
Create import entry for AR import files
Error on RPT Nuget Deployment
Failed: 17.4Prod_TestFramework VSTS release
Invoice without matching UOM in the BuyBack Rates is displaying BuyBack -Open Tab
Multiple line items are created after posting reimbursement
CLONE - Saving i21 Bank Account clearing out Currency in Origin
Error deploying on SQL 2008R2
Lost Revenue: Grid is not loading
Dashboard - not loading Totals
Upgrade error on QC Server for PROD174003 db
CLONE - Tax Group Missing in Distribution Detail due to 'Ship To' cannot throw Tax group to be entered automatically
Remote Scale - unable to close screen
CLONE - HDTN-206384 - Inventory view - Unable to export grid data
Cannot approve Time Off Request transaction from Grid
Flyout menu will not Collapse
CLONE - Dashboard - not loading Totals
Trying to sync records even there is no connection
Combo box not firing change event if the value is blank
Approvals screen is not opening when launched from Notifications header
Company Name turns to 'undefined'
Saved filter will be removed
[FY] saving edited FY will make the changes empty
Change Password opens Behind the Entity Contact Screen
Ticket: Details are missing after saving/sending ticket (existing ticket)
CLONE - Adjust Stock Rebuild for changes in the Transport Load and Inv Transfer on Actual Cost.
CLONE - Conversion - issues with AG & Grain uom import
Inventory Receipt - Inventory Receipt Toolbar Buttons not working
Error on RC deployment
CLONE - Error on 18.1 Dev deployment
Error deploying in 17.4RC
Address has to be printed in European format in In-store letter
Pick preference is not working as expected in the pick list screen
TR - Should not use Actual Cost Id for Terminal to location without transfers
Meter Reading - Unable to Unpost Meter Reading
Create Lousiana (LA) Importer Return (Summary Form)
Schedule does not show SI transactions
Received error when exporting MFT Output into Excel
OR Schedules are missing data
No records shown on MF-360 Schedule 1 and SF-900 Schedule 1
W2 values are not correct -17.4
Pay Voucher Details - Unable to select Vendor
[Price Contracts] - Cannot save Price Contracts
[Purchase Order] Console error display. Cannot process PO.
[Vendor] Cannot Save Vendor. Internal Server pops out on the screen
[Pay Voucher Details] Debit and Credit are not balanced
[Voucher] - Discount not deducted from voucher
17.4 RC upgrade error
M2M not converting price
M2M -Market Basis is not showing and P&L is showing wrong
RPI is not loading in Atlas DB
Cannot post invoice "Gain or loss account not setup in company config"
Import of Tax Exceptions giving Error that Category doesn't exist when it does.
HDTN-202834 - Payment will not post.
Sales order shows shipped qty for deleted shipment
Sales Order to Invoice not changing sales order status
Gap - Origin customer lookup has additional columns - Add address info
Conversion - Remove spaces from email addresses
Incorrect GL Entries used for Sales Discount by location profit center
Sales Tax - Splits is not working
Select All Button did not select all records in Batch Printing
Receive Payment Detail - Debit and Credit Amount Not balanced Error
Receive Payment Detail - Amount Due displayed after post is incorrect
Customer Aging Detail report does not match Customer Aging report totals
HDTN-206596 - POS testing need to be addressed
CLONE - Conversion - Customer Billing Address did not convert
CLONE - Statement alignment changed from 17.1 to 17.4
Conversion - Cannot proceed with the import invoice
[Invoice] Posting is showing an error negative stock quantity is not allowed
'An error occurred retrieving the Forex Rate...' SQL error is displayed when opening an RCV
Delivery sheet summary is including DP
Delivery sheet grade not being captured after entering
Need ability to edit split description on the delivery sheet
Failure to load data message When clicking on new ticket
CLONE - Delivery sheet grade not being captured after entering
CLONE - Delivery sheet summary is including DP
17.4 - Get Failed to load data message
Error Message about negative price in inventory receipt when processing a Load In
Unable to distribute Memo Weigh
Discount Reading is not being shown on created storage record
Discount Reading is being wiped out after distribution when delivery sheet is selected
CLONE - Discount Reading is being wiped out after distribution when delivery sheet is selected
CLONE - Unable to distribute ticket (load) after undistribute
Unable to add a license
Incorrect cost used for Blends with items taken from location
Unable to Unpost Transport Record
Unable to post TR-142 - IntLocationId Null is not allowed err
Unable to Post TR-210
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