
Need the ability to store and hold work orders until application is complete
Applicator License Category
Need ability to create Agronomy Application Targets
Create CRUD Logic for AGR work order form
User needs the ability to enter different values in new "Crop" Table
Agronomy will need the ability to email work orders to applicators
Create SP to update the “shipped quantity” on AGWO-XX form
Create UOM Screen for Agronomy
Create Company Preference for Agronomy
Change label of FTP button to "Export Data File"
Transaction Screen > Drop Downs to Filter Records by Network
Import NBS Tran > Add Misc Keyboard to Default File Mapping
Account > Prevent Deletion of Account if Card data exists
CF Invoice > Print if Email is not setup fully
CF Invoice > Add Option to Print and Email for a Customer Contact
CF Tran > Ability to Manually Enter Foreign Sales
Import Network Tax Xref from CSV
add Total records read to Table look up screens.
Add Fields to the CF>SETUP>NETWORK>SITE> grid
CF Quote > Remove Redundant Setup
CF Report > Summary by Customer/Product/Period
Top Cardlock Customers > Add Options
CF Invoice > Add Department Grouping without Page Breaks
CF Invoice > Warn that Invoice cycle field is blank in CF Invoice parameters
Batch Unposting
Site Summary > Add Tax Recap to Report
Clean up Summary By Site report
CF Tran > Add Expensed Flag Item to the Transaction Screen as read only
Audit log not updating in CF>SETUP>
Site Summary Network Cost on Remotes for Original Tax versus Actual Tax collected
Option on CF Site Import
Department product summary doesn't total by product
Stored Proc to Export Contracts for REST API
Import - iRely Enterprise Format
Flag Credit Card Transaction
Import - Modify Import process
Import - Modify Import screen
Import - Create Vendor Crossrefernece screen
HDTN-251009 - Process Improvements - Energy Trac - Upload to Drivers
Need to create "Applicator" as a new Entity type
Customer set up requirements for Agronomy
Program Fix EM side - Customer Screen: Inactivate a Credit Card
Add "Payment" value on Email Distribution
There is an extra field on the depreciation methods screen which is confusing
Assets that have a useful life that is not whole years
Lock key fields once depreciation has been taken
Add Full month depreciation Convention
Fixed asset report - can you add these fields to the fixed asset creation Grid
Fixed Asset - Add Fully Depreciated Flag
RESTful Framework
Upgrade Sencha to 7.3
Change Link of Sales Comparative Report
Reallocation - import setup from CSV
Deposit date From Bank Deposit Batch Entry does not transfer to Bank Deposits Correctly
Add Post History to Bank Trans and Bank Deposit
Add Contracts and Scale Endpoints to REST API
New 21.1 Dev Environment with Updated REST API
Agworks - Unable to Filter Invoices
Bushel - Add Location Id, Location Name and Unpriced Qty On Contract Sequences
Bushel - Add Scale Ticket Status and Dist Info on Endpoint
Sub ledger Transaction traceability
Menu - Create Menu group Tools. Move Rebuild Inventory to here
Inventory Receipt > UPC Lookup
Category - Remove Inventory type
Add Four GL Categories to the Commodities M2M Setup
Need inventory placed on hold/reserved when work order is created
HDTN-246699 - IC Cleanup - group all required fields together
Category/Item - Do not list Inventory account for WIP account selection
Item Search - Add category code and name in all search tabs
Inventory Valuation - Do not auto load the report on opening
Valuation Summary - Make the reporting real time
Valuation summary - Use the last cost for the last day of the month
Item -> Location - Add Active checkbox
CLONE - HDTN-239996 - missing storage location
Reverse all changes made for COEX
Add transaction type for AG Work Order
Add an option on Order type or source type for the creation of IS from AG module
Need to have'ysnRestrictedChemical' column exposed on [vyuICSearchItem]
HDTN-257338 - LS Import is not allowing to import multiple containers in a shipment
Blend Posting - Should use WIP account of FG and not RM
MD - create setup
MD - Create Main Form "Dealer Seller Worksheet"
VA - Create ASCII e-file specs for Importer Returns (BI/OI)
VA - Setup VA RCs
VA - Create a table for VA Localities
VA - Create ASCII e-file specs for Distributor (DS) and Wholesale (WH) returns
VA - Create E-file (ASCII format) for DS Return
VA - Create Efile (ASCII format) for WH Return
DC - Create setup for DC
GA - Create setup for GA
GA - Create the XML file
GA - Add Uncommon fields for all RC's
FL - Create setup for FL
FL - expand table [tblTFCountyLocation]
FL - populate tblTFCountyLocation with FL County data
FL - Modify TA screen > County Location tab
FL - Create special logic for RC 5LO and 5LO_Sum
iRely: Time off Request - Filter of Records
Time Off - Improve Title by including the Employee Name and time off #
HDTN-244897 - Unable to setup KY local tax rates in 192.0413.480
Time Off Request - Move Approval tab
Add Kentucky (KY) local tax
Remove the confirmation message
Accounting Period on reports (AP)
Voucher - Add validation if deductions are more than available. Add Available Amount
Posted purchase invoices reporting
HDTN-243182 - DTN EFT Import
HDTN-247646 - Pay Voucher - Add Voucher date
CLONE - HDTN-247646 - Pay Voucher - Add Paid to Date
Voucher search - Add Payment Schedule tab
Sales Approvals
Customer > History tab - Show Transaction Date and Post Date
Invoice Detail - Remove the 'Return' feature from the menu
Invoice: Highlight check number field when cash invoice paid by check.
Force user to select from combobox and disable to accept entry to avoid confusion
Batch Printing: Enable 'Letter' filters
HDTN-248094 - UOM on search invoices screen
Add Email Button in Print Receive Payment Screen
Reports: Add totals & Invoice #s to the Customer Activity Report
Separate Email Verbiage between Invoices and Quotes/Sales Orders
HDTN-253583 - Remove lines when printing Address Label
Customer Endpoint - Locations Are Missing
Add Email Option in Quote & SO Screen
Agworks - Item and Dollar Contract Endpoint Needed for REST API
Ticket Search: Drill down to other screens
Agronomy module will need access to Scale
Need the ability weigh multiple compartments separately on a truck at Scale
Stored Proc to Export Scale Tickets for REST API
Move the Dashboard Distribution and Schedule to their own "Scheduling" menu
Add Scheduling module to licensing and permissions
Update Item to Discontinued
Import from CSV - Store > Payment Options
Promotion Item List > Change Total Unit Price to Average Unit Price
Add Fields to Store Grid
Revert Mass Pricebook Changes >Incorrect Message Box
Export Promos to Register > Skip expired
Checkout > Payment Options screen
Store > Payment Options Screen Cleanup
Obsolete fields on store setup screens
Import from CSV - Subcategories
CLONE - Menu - Create Menu group Tools. Move Rebuild Inventory to here
Company Configuration - Move Multi-Currency out of System Manager as it's own menu item
Add special license menu "Sub Ledger Traceability" under Inventory -> Reports
Add new Menu Items in Store
Add Cross Reference - DCC Import Menu
Add Import Dealer Credit Card Menu
Create a new Menu Application Targets under Agronomy
[Menu] - Change menu command from opening report parameters to a CF screen
Add Menu for Agronomy Crop
Add Agronomy Menu "Application Type" on i21
Create a menu for Applicator License Category under Maintenance
Add new menu for Additional Basis and Commitment Pricing under Manufacturing
Two changes to Company Location screen > Setup tab > Oregon Facility No field
Add menu for Agronomy UOM
Changing the order of Quote Date to get the latest Quote Date on top
Change label of FTP button to "Export Data File"


HDTN-249634 - Price Profile Failed to Load when selecting all Local/Network
Contact Price Internal Server Error
[Contract] - Incorrect balance and applied qty after deleting Inventory Receipt
[Inventory Receipt] - Cannot re-post receipt
[Voucher] - Added other charges on contract not displayed in DM > Add Returns
[Inventory Receipt-Post] Unable to post IR generated from load shipment
Contract Balance does not reduce after posting Inventory Receipt
HDTN-250047 - Develop Fixed Assets module - Ability to Unpost Retired Asset
Reversing - remove Placed in Service Entry?
Depreciation Method Id required
[Fixed Asset] - Depreciation Method Dropdown does not populate
Customer Logo changes shape
Console errors in Invoice and Voucher screen
Bank Transaction: New Transaction removed after refresh
Opening Screen after Saving results to a distorted screen layout
HDTN-257374 - Inventory View is showing loading message without closing
Failed to load screens
Menu needs to be double clicked
[Amendment] Unable to close the screen when multi-level groupings are applied
IdSvr missing
End User License Agreement does not show after login
Error when toggling the date picker
View, ViewController and ViewModels are not being merged properly
Server error when loading 21.1Dev application
[Vendor] - Cannot save vendor (Vendor Account No is required)
Editing Menus in the User Roles doesn't take effect.
[Portal User - DMS] Stuck in Sending Notification after adding of document
[Portal User -> DMS] Deletion of document - no email notif sent
[Search Screen] Total number of record not updating correctly when filter is applied
[Logistics -> Track Shipments / Documents] Multi-level grouping not available
[Multi-level Grouping] Hide "Select All" checkboxes
GL Account Detail Exports to Excel is Formatting the data as General instead of Date
Unable to check Unpost Preview in Bank Transaction
Filter Sort on Segment Accounts
Changing the date on a journal prompts date change too often
Bank Transaction: Invalid Screen behaviors
GL Account Detail : Unable to open Transactions
Stuck in 21.1 DB Upgrade
Getting 401 back from REST service
Barchart - Customer GET - Server 500 error
Barchart - Filtering on Customer Endpoint Appears to Not Work
Bushel - Server 500 When Attempting Scale and Contract Filtering
Bushel - Questions Concerning amendmentLog on Contracts
Barchart - Issue with Filter on Contracts
Barchart - Scale Filter Appears to Return Everything
Contracts - Missing Contract Fields
Barchart - Performance Issue with Contracts Endpoint
Barchart - Customer Endpoint Not Returning All Customers
Cannot Open Selected Item
Item Endpoint - Missing Fields
Inventory Transfer - Container No. and Marks from IR is not displayed
Inventory Transfer to Inventory Receipt - BOL No from transfer is not displayed
Cannot View/Update Item Pricing
[Release] Issue on 21.1DEV SQL scripts commits
[Rebuild Inventory] - Error rebuilding inventory
Intercompany transactions - Debit and credit amounts are not balanced displays when posting
[Item Location] Invalid column name 'ysnActive' when inserting Company Locations
Imports and Conversions - Cannot Click Origin
GetLoadData function of ShipmentLoadBl is causing Postsharp build errors
HDTN-257126 - LS allowed to save with wrong weights in the container tab
HDTN-257127 - Entry Form option is throwing error in LS screen
HDTN-257128 - Add to pending claims on receiving first container
HDTN-257129 - Pending claims is getting added when container is not received
HDTN-257226 - Inventory view is not filling certain columns for open contracts
HDTN-257234 - Stripping instruction print format issues
HDTN-257417 - When container was not weighed, system added to pending claims
HDTN-257467 - Decimal difference in weights between orders tab and container tab in LS screen
HDTN-257472 - New fields were added instead of enabling the existing quantity and weight fields in LS
HDTN-258431 - Container search screen tab is not showing data
Unable to post Load Shipment
Rejected sample details were not displayed on prompt
Mailing Shipping instruction encounter error message
Error when selecting shipping line
Need Consistency within the REST Endpoints
[Deployment] Issue in 21.1DEV SQL script
[Voucher] - Cannot post voucher
Voucher: Unable to post a record - INSERT EXEC error is displayed
[Pay Voucher Detail] - Cannot apply DM/VPRE partially
Invoice: Cash type invoice paid as ACH is not available to generate file
Returns associated with Basis Contracts - Impact Inventory checkbox is disabled
HDTN-251208 - Do not allow $0 ACH Payment Total
Item/Dollar Contract - Display contract overage popup when qty field is over the item qty
Program Fix AR side - Customer Screen: Inactivate a Credit Card
Dollar Contracts: Customer PrePayments affecting the dollar contract value
No Invoices to Import Error
Agworks - entityId Missing in Invoice schema
Agworks - Invoice Import Issues
Unable to post an Invoice
iRely: Error on posting Credit Memo
Failed to load item dropdown
Invoice Easy Automation: Failed to import PO Number
Intercompany - Invoice with no item in Company 02 did not post on the screen but reflected records in Post History
Intercompany: Invoice with single grid entry generated an inventory receipt with multiple grid entries
Intercompany transactions - Unable to unpost an invoice with IR not vouchered yet
Intercompany transactions - Invoice with no more linked IR (deleted) cannot be unposted
Intercompany Transactions - SQL error is displayed if inter-company location is blank
Intercompany transactions - Debit and credit amounts are not balanced displays when posting
Intercompany transactions - Feature is also applied on credits; adds stocks to both origin and destination companies
Intercompany transactions - IR grid details and post history entries are duplicated based on the number of tax entries
Intercompany transactions - Incorrect tax group is displayed in generated inventory receipt
Intercompany transaction - Generated inventory receipt does not pull the Freight Terms and FOB Point values
Intercompany transaction - Not all vendors are displayed in Intercompany Vendor ID; List is incomplete and loops
iRely: Invoice - Post Preview is blank
Intercompany transactions - 'Tax group is not existing in ' is displayed on posting
Intercompany transactions: Unposting validation message is not correct
Invoice: Cash type invoice paid as ACH is not available to generate file
Returns associated with Basis Contracts - Impact Inventory checkbox is disabled
HDTN-251208 - Do not allow $0 ACH Payment Total
Item/Dollar Contract - Display contract overage popup when qty field is over the item qty
Program Fix AR side - Customer Screen: Inactivate a Credit Card
Dollar Contracts: Customer PrePayments affecting the dollar contract value
No Invoices to Import Error
Agworks - entityId Missing in Invoice schema
Agworks - Invoice Import Issues
Unable to post an Invoice
iRely: Error on posting Credit Memo
Failed to load item dropdown
Invoice Easy Automation: Failed to import PO Number
Intercompany - Invoice with no item in Company 02 did not post on the screen but reflected records in Post History
Intercompany: Invoice with single grid entry generated an inventory receipt with multiple grid entries
Intercompany transactions - Unable to unpost an invoice with IR not vouchered yet
Intercompany transactions - Invoice with no more linked IR (deleted) cannot be unposted
Intercompany Transactions - SQL error is displayed if inter-company location is blank
Intercompany transactions - Debit and credit amounts are not balanced displays when posting
Intercompany transactions - Feature is also applied on credits; adds stocks to both origin and destination companies
Intercompany transactions - IR grid details and post history entries are duplicated based on the number of tax entries
Intercompany transactions - Incorrect tax group is displayed in generated inventory receipt
Intercompany transaction - Generated inventory receipt does not pull the Freight Terms and FOB Point values
Intercompany transaction - Not all vendors are displayed in Intercompany Vendor ID; List is incomplete and loops
iRely: Invoice - Post Preview is blank
Intercompany transactions - 'Tax group is not existing in ' is displayed on posting
Intercompany transactions: Unposting validation message is not correct
ScaleTicket endpoint - Several Array Lists Appear to be incomplete
[Register] Opening and saving register issue
BuildNumber not updated after upgrade form 20.1 version to 21.12
[Company Configuration] - Screen keeps on loading
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