1. After Terms and Vendors were imported, click on Import Vouchers button.
  2. After the importing is finished, a message prompts. Click OK to close.
  3. All imported voucher records can now be opened via Purchasing > Vouchers.
  1. Open Origin Conversions screen from System Manager > Utilities and select Accounts Payable module.
  2. Click on Import Bills button.
  3. After the importing is finished, a message prompts. Click OK to close.
  4. All imported bill records can now be opened via Purchasing > Bill Entry.

Here's how to build account structure from Origin setup:

  1. Open Origin Conversions screen from Admin > Utilities and select Accounts Payable module.
  2. Click on Import Bills button.
  3. After the importing is finished, a message prompts. Click OK to close.

  4. All imported bill records can now be opened via Accounts Payable Activities > Bill Entry.
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