
Set created date as contract date for the records where created date is null
Update Tax Table component to latest version 2016

New Feature

Integration Modules changes to new Transport Loads


Add link to the vendor payee (hyper link)
Add a record number column
Remove hyperlink (payee) in Miscellaneous Checks
We need to be able to print the 1099 form background so customers do not need preprinted forms
Add Consumption Site # and Description to Sales Analysis Grid as an Optional Field


HDTN-174234 - Rail Car Returns
HDTN-174504 - How to clear out invalid inventory in transit


Adjust the field box of State/Province of Miscellaneous Checks screen
Change Company Preferences to Company Configuration
Total is not showing in the bottom of screen of Miscellaneous Checks
Have to double click the amount field in Bank Deposit screen to calculate header balance
total rounding no pennies
Customer Entity is not showing existing customer location and category is not saving when creating freight
Not able to modify the fixed Ship Via field for an existing line record in customer entity > Transport Tab > Freight Tab.
HDTN-174848 - 15.4 Error when entering new item in Inventory
Inventory Shipment - Not pulling Unit Price from Contract
Deduct From Net Pay still calculates Taxes
One employee can have earnings codes in different paygroups. System should only create 1 check
Error Message while saving voucher
Pay vouchers screen does not show debit memos as negative in red
PO - Do not allow negative qty or cost
Breaking changes of Transport in Invoice
Allow Freight Only Transport Loads to select Non-Inventory Items on Receipt
HDTN-173672 - Rounding of Distribution Units in Transports not matching Receipt units
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