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BB Vendor Setup - Add Buyback Income GL Account
BB - Create Debit Memo or AR Debit Memo from Detail tab and not summarized Charges tab
BB Program Setup - Charges will be free entry text
BB Reimbursement - Charges will not be from item setup
BB Reimbursement - Create AR Debit Memo instead of Invoice
BB Reimbursement - Use Sales Account of the inventory item to book all charges
Replace Pickup/Delivery with Freight Terms.
Import Trans > Support new format for Wright Express
Create a way to verify URL + Company is valid file to transmit to NBS when exporting card
Contract Adjustment screen
Contract Print for Sugar Trading
Audit Log - New Value should show String value not the key value, should be user-friendly
[Contract] - Amendment Print
Clean Costs and Weights screen: Average Humidity
Contract enhancements for Brokerage business process (iDeal in iTrade)
Broker Commission Process screen for handling brokerage commissions for contracts
Projected Commission Report (iDeal in iTrade)
Contract SP - Change Scheduled Quantity rules
Conversion - Origin Contracts to i21 Petro
Contract Management - Validate contract to ensure contract date is in open G/L period
Contract Management - Contracts - Remove Delete button from menu
Allow user to select multiple producers in the contract screen
Contract Management - Header and Sequence - Prevent date if contract/sequence is included in M2M.
[Amendment] - Add audit log to Amendments setup screen
Contract Entry -Invoice Currency should be defaulted to Entity currency
[Starting Numbers] - Add Amendment number
Rapid Contract Entry - Add a Sequence field and Optional Fields grid
Contract Import - Increase timeout and create log file.
Contract M2M - Add M2M Date to the contract sequence
[Amendment] - amendment configuration for approvals
Ratios- Enhance contract screen to accomodate ratio pricing
Validation for Other Costs
Report to compare AOP components and actuals for a book and sub book
Add "Back to Back" check box in Contract Sequence
Disable "Cash" contract price for Exchange traded commodities
[Contracts] - Add Amendment tab on Contract entry screen.
[Contract Entry] - Add Amendment Search screen.
Enhance slicing tool to allow users to decide the start and end date for the sequences (that will be created after slicing)
Add book and sub book filters in Annual Operating Plan screen
Redesign Weight/Grades Screen
Redesign Association Screen
Redesign INCO/Ship Term Screen
Redesign Condition Screen
[Roll Contracts] - Create contract amendment for each rolled contract.
New Customer Contract View
Add 'strContractNumber' & 'ysnInventoryCost' to Contract Cost store
Add strType and strBundleType from tblICItem in vyuCTCustomerContract
Shipment - Other Charges, changes in calculation for grain and TR
Needed changes on Customer Contract View


Campaign details - add Opportunity and quote and sales amount to the contacts screen
Campaigns - add create activity and last activity to campaign screen
Campaign: Automatically set the active checkbox for rejected and closed campaign
Sales Entities: Inactive contacts are displayed in Sales Entity Contact tab
Opportunity: Get the customer term and contract type
Lost Revenue Report
Pass Opportunity Info to Param
DASH - Remove Refresh/Reload button on Toolbar
Create a New button on CCR main menu:
Add Item Number and Location Number to error message
Digital Dispatcher Import
Add line of business to the available fields for quick add for entity
Add an entity import for users
Add Open Item - Lazer Statement Format
Add intLanguageId field in tblEMEntity
Create a Mobile Framework for iOS and Android
Search Screen: Call custom code on Refresh button.
CLONE - Create a Report Label screen that allows an Admin to customize any label on reports
Create a global Audit Log search grid that can filter and drill to a transaction
DMS - attach document to email
Search grid Export to Excel needs to open in the Normal Layout by default
Combo Box - Allow Columns to be moved to first position so that column becomes the default for filtering
Add a Company Configuration to Refresh grids automatically when they are opened
Add Contact Id parameter in creating new Activity
Change naming for generation of accounts
General Journal - When you click on recurring it should auto tag the transaction as recurring
There should be notice that the to date must be after the from date
Add a delete button on the GL Account Detail Screen so that multiple accounts may be deleted at once.
[GL Account Build] Add Missing Accounts Feature
Undeposited funds - Issues
Ability to open entire Period in Fiscal Year
Automatic assigning "Current Fiscal Year"
[Bank Accounts - Check Layout] - Prefix and Suffix should be all caps.
[Bank Accounts] - EFT Formats Link to search when field is blank
[Process Payments] - Add Date Reconciled field
Automatic refresh after Import Historical Journal
GL Account Detail - Remove redundant buttons
Add "Account Mapping" as a menu item under the Maintenance group
Move "Out of Balance" and "Trial Balance" to the Reports group
[Import GL from CSV] Allow Legacy Import File Format
[General Journal] - Changing account shouldn't zero debit or credit
GL - Remove Refresh/Reload button on Toolbar
[General Journal] Populate the Fiscal Period and Period start and End date upon entering date
[Import] save copy of imported file in server's drive (Framework Standardization
[Account Mapping] Disable creating system defined mapping
Add Menu & buttons in Conversion Utility
Grain Conversion - Grain discount code and Storage Fee requires a corresponding 'Other Charge' item in i21.
Grain Conversion - Import Discount Codes
Grain Conversion - Import Discount Schedule
Grain Conversion - Generate Discount Table
Grain Conversion - Import Storage Schedule
Grain Conversion - Import Scale Station
Grain Conversion - Import Customer Split
Discount Table ID - Remove three character limit?
Grain Conversion - Import Grade/Weight maintenance
Discount Table - Default Currency to functional Currency
Discount Schedule - Save schedule automatically
Add Active flag to discount schedule search
Creating invoice for outbound Zero Spot Scale Tickets.
Add Split and Commodity to Storage search screen
Hyperlink ticket to scale ticket
Add all storage columns to storage search screen
Add Import button for Weight&Grades
Project Disable email alerts
Allow adding Milestone to a template ticket
profileImage and hdjiraattachment folders
Calendar does not email from HD
Remove Paid JIRA Type in the Release Notes
Accounting Integration with Quickbooks
Adjustment - Add Ownership Type to screen
Adjustment - Posting changes for ownership type to select own or storage inventory
UOM - Change design of UOM setup and conversion
Receipt - Other Charges, changes in calculation for grain and TR
Shipment - Other Charges, changes in calculation for grain and TR
Destination Weights & Grades - Add Destination Quantity to Shipment
Add export option to import data log file
Shipment: Accrue is Y, Price is N - calculate tax for Other charges and book AP Clearing and Tax accounts in IS
Receipt & Shipment - Units missing in recap
CLONE - Receipt - Vendor Pricing - Get vendor price from Vendor in IR
Import utility - Import Commodity UOM
Receipt - Update Purchase Contract and Sales Contract in Stock Details
Receipt - Other charge - Amount does not calculate when contract is selected.
Receipt - Other Charge - Add totals for charges and tax
CLONE - Allow 'Group by with Totals' to be the default in the search grid
Receipt - Other Charges - Remove Accrue check box
import for Bundled items
Category - Hide unused fields
Item - New Bundle features - Changes to item setup
Receipt - Item - New Bundle features - Include new features
Receipt - Item - New Bundle features - Changes to posting
Shipment - New Bundle features - Impact of changes
Shipment - New Bundle features - Changes to posting
Inventory Item - Add Commission to Cost Type dropdown list.
Import issue - Can not filter only errors in log
Valuation Summary - Show valuation as of date. Remove Storage location
Receipt entry - calculate tax based upon UOM
Item - Remove ysnIsBasket from tblICItem
Add strBundleType column in vyuICGetItemStock
Item - Remove Kit Feature. Will add when someone asks for
Load / Shipment schedule screen integration with Inventory Receipt - Without contracts
Customs Clearance - To record the details of the quantity of goods which have been customs cleared or stay in transit.
Organic declaration document for deliveries of organic certified coffees
Stock Valuation Report for Bank
Shipment Declaration Report
Add 3rd Notify parties in Shipping Instruction and prints
Allocation - different product alert message to be enhance with user confirmation
Atlas coffee importers logo on printed DO needs to be resized
Outbound Load - Storage Cost tab - Sub currency should be available
Add SO Number, Delivery Date in Storage Cost tab of Load Shipment schedule
Stock Sale - defaulting Delivery From and To date
Allocation - allow to un-reserve for the admin role user
Make Default Future Market Price UOM default in Picked tab of Stock Sale
Add 'Item no' field to display Item Short Name in Allocation screen
Add P.StartDate, P.EndDate, S.StartDate, S.EndDate in allocated tab of allocation screen
Review vyuLGLoadScheduleForInvoice and make adjustments as needed
Allow user to print debit/credit note from Weight Claims screen
Budget & Affordability
Send alert mail whenever user modifies the Recipe - once a day
Budget: Clicking on Confirm does not display confirmation message
HDTN-100869 - Proportionate recipes - i21
HDTN-184216 - Work Order Print Functionality
Work Order Mgmt - Handling item track items in cycle count screen
Inventory View: Print Blend Sheet button need to be added
Allow Item tracking while generating Pick task
Blend Requirement changes
Retrieve parent lot no field label from the company preference
Lot Transaction based on Parent lot Id
Lot pattern based on Item category
Provide an option to open recipe detail screen from work order management screen's recipe tab
Add a column 'Variance' next to 'Counted Qty' column in the cycle count grid in the work order detail screen
Load lot status in the release status control in the release to warehouse screen
Process Production - Produce multiples lot at a time
CLONE - Cost distribution for all the produced item based on recipe set up
Add Reason code and notes for all the inventory adjustment screens like quantity adjustment
When user moves a pallet into quarantine location, system has to change pallet status to Quarantine
System should not allow user to ship out a pallet that is not in the stock storage location
Allow to enter production break up in the blend production screen
Handling hand add location in the pick list
System should adjust lot qty by sample qty when user creates a sample for a pallets based on settings
Show the comma delimiter in all the number columns in the inventory view screen
Add Pick button in the work order detail screen
Add hyper link for lot no column in the tasks and lots grid in pick order screen
Add a button in the lot details screen to display lot history
Flexibility to pre-print labels for IR
Release button should be disabled based on process attribute 'Warehouse Release Lot By Work Order'
CLONE - Add Manufacturing cell column in the recipe input item grid
While merging, system has to update source lot expiry date if source lot expires soon than destination lot
Pick list button in the work order stage screen should be enabled or disabled based attribute 'Pick List enabled'
provide pick list print button in the work order stage screen
Move the column order by default as lot no, lot alias, parent lot number in the inventory view and bulk changes tabs
Add a button named as 'Empty out' before save button in the cycle count tab of Work Order Management
Add Location column to Add Recipe screen
CLONE - Send Expiry date as part of EDI945
Line item is not available after creating a order
Function - Login and Authenticate
Function - Sync User Data
Remove 3 tabs from Tax Authority screen
Issue Stock - Add Issue No field
Retire Stock - Add Retire No field
Stock - Create separate transaction and tables for Issue and Retire
Stock - Add Issued and Retired Tabs
Create Inventory Receipts/Purchasing Tax Report Grid
Payment entry detail - Multi Currency changes - Adjust the payment screen recap for multi- currency
CLONE - Add currency in Vendor Entity Grid
[Voucher Payment Details] - Selecting vouchers to pay
[Voucher Payment Details] - Posting Zero gains and losses on FX
[Voucher Checkoff Report]Check off tax
Deferred payments - Accounts payable
Purchase order Detail - Add source no
PO Detail Search - Add related fields to search grid
Deferred Payments
Pay vouchers
Add the creation of deferred payments
Deferred Payments
Check off Detail Grid- Need a grid for easy reporting
Sampling related reports from iTrade
Quality: Lot Quality View: missing columns
Sample type - provide approve/reject by Lot option
Create General Ledger Transactions for M2M inquiry
Change the generate journals button to post button - M2M inquiry
M2M inquiry- transaction screen , add 2 new columns Zone and location
Overall Position Summary Report
M2M entry - label is not correct should be attachments
M2M Entry - Relabel vendor to counter party
Mark to Market - GUI change
Changes to M2M inquiry screen (screen to be renamed to mark to market)
Settlement Price - Modifications to handle M2M Enhancements
Company config- rename zone to market zone
Mark to Market- Load the transactions first and then load only the settlement prices and basis that are relevant for positions in the Transaction tab
M2M inquiry search screen - add new columns - GL post date, GL reversal date ,Last M2M reversal post date
Screen Change Futures Options Settlements Prices for Price Type
MTM Entry Screen Change - Add Price Type "Mark to Market" or "Stress Test"
Change number format and descriptions to match Gain or Loss
Mark to Market - Sequential Record No
When user selects a futures closing price of the type M2M (not simulation), populate an alert message to inform user that all the transactions will be locked for editing
Report to compare GL values for a given time period
Coverage report - Add a new dropdown position by
Grain Conversion - Import Futures Market & months
Futures Trading months - Make last trading date mandatory
Futures trading months/options trading months - Add commodity column
Modifications to brokerage account configuration
Broker account- trader field should become a field
Basis Entry Screen - Provide a dropdown type with 2 options Mark to Market and Stress testing
Generate future trading months with user intervention


Allow adjustment of accrual dates
Invoice "Get Previous Details"
Consolidate pickup/delivery into Freight Terms
Setup for Credit Card Processing
Code for Tax Reconciliation Screen
Restrict Customer Combo Box Selection by Customer Location by User Location Restrictions
Service Charges - Process all accounts to current
Create a report reconciling to the accrual balance
Sales Pricing - Max Price/Price Level Contracts
Hyperlink to Comments
GAP - Company Location GL account hierarchy versus company configuration
HDTN-179143 - Convert AR/PO/SO/Inventory - Improve error message
Tax Codes code report: Add destination address to tax grid
HDTN-172826 - AR Conversion Project - Convert Sales Company Configuration
AR Screens - should consider Effective Date in pricing levels to pick the retail price
Hyperlink for records on Prepaid and Credit Memo
Invoice > Tank Delivery default Site #
On SO and Invoice, need to add logic for license and applicator
Add Customer No on Various reports
Invoice: Additional Balance field in Invoice detail grid
Invoice screen - Option to select OTC and ICT in invoice screen
Tonnage Tax Report - Add Ton calculation column in Tax Report Grid
Add Unforgiven Option in Service Charge invoice screen
Add default payment method to Receive Payments Detail
Add Import Invoice Log screen for Origin Invoice Import
Disable Email button when an invalid email address exists
Improve Batch Printing Process
Sales Order > Add Details to Grid
Change the position of the quote button to make it more user friendly
Remove print confirmation
Process for NSF checks
Add fields to Sales > Customer Entity Grid
Add a progress bar on Import Transactions From CSV
Need Indicator in Invoicing to show if the Invoice was e-mailed
Rename Sublocation and Storage Location to Storage Location and Storage Unit respectively
Add field for quote on SO and Invoice
Add Payment, prepayment, and discount information in the total section of invoice print
Invoice - Do not reset items if new customer selected
CAB - Add "On Account" button in POS payment screen
CAB - Auto fill payment amount when payment type equals Write Off
Add Details tab in Sales Order and Invoices screens
Auto apply checkmark in "Apply Budget" when customer is Budget Customer
Expand customer search feature
Add Active Column in Customer Grid
Conversion - Change invoice service charge conversion
Add Opportunity to Quote (link back to CRM Opportunity)
Create Link from Sales Order to Quote
LOB in Quote
Use Energy Trac Payment number as Receive Payment Number
Enter Payment Details > Sort by Due Date Ascending
Receive Payment Detail / Invoice search / Aging Reports - Performance
Change entity type when quote is won
Add to admin user the ability to duplicate Letters to change the default verbiage to customize the dunning letter
Additional options to Tax Report
Sales Order - Scale ticket weight application to sales order.
Create a RCV record when applying credit memo to invoice in Sales Invoice
Service Charge should Due Immediately in the absence of terms setup in company configuration
Implement Starting Numbers: ‘Use Location’
Process Return in Sales similar to returns in Inventory Receipt
Invoice Search - show credit memo, prepayment and overpayment as negative amount so that the grid total becomes acurate
Invoice Search - Add columns Amount Due, Tax and Withheld
Validations on GL Accounts
Add the invoice numbers to service charge printout for a more detailed calculations where the price is from
Service Charge > Add fields to post preview for Ease of Auditability
Batch Printing > Add Status When Emailling
GAP - Auto apply prepaid credits on posted invoices
GAP - auto apply regular credits
CLONE - HDTN-179322 - Extend Cost to min 5 digits on Sales Order and Invoice Details Grid
Customer > Taxing > Exemptions tab > Add Exemption Reason column
Sales Order - Adjust tax to calculate unit of measure
Sales Invoice - Adjust tax to calculate unit of measure
Forgiving Service Charges > Add Audit Log for when/who
Move fields from the Entity Farm Screen to Entity Location Screen
Customer screen - Add columns to Locations grid
Portal > Add Customer Inquiry
Portal > Add Payment Grid to show History
Portal > Payment Detail - hide some tabs and buttons
Portal > Invoices to hide CF Tran details
Portal > Hide tabs in Customer Information
Prompt user if customer is on credit hold
Prompt user if customer is on credit hold
Invoice - Display TR document number by default when opening invoice from TR
Provisional Invoicing - Improvements for iTrade
Sort Unapplied Credits Register Report by customer name
Receive Multiple Payments - Add column "ACH Active" Yes/No
Receive Payments - Recalculate RCV upon batch post
Service Charge: Allow specifying SC Date and Post Date
Sales Rep - Add Driver Number field (Salesperson tab)
Customer Messages - Ticket Entry type not working
Customer Messages - Statement message type not printing on statement
Customer Messages - Pick Ticket type message not printing on Pick Ticket
Customer Messages - Invoice Type message not printing on invoice
Conversion - Add Import button for Default Freight Terms in Customer Locations
ACH - Additional ACH process - Gap to Origin (refund customer credit)
Service Charges - Add Forgive Date
Receive Payments - Add CM transaction record in Receive Payment Grid
Receive Payments - Add BDEP record number with unposting error message in Receive payments.
Receive Multiple Payments > Add column for Check #
Comboboxes - Display field should be the first column in the dropdown
Customer screen - EntityAdd Language combo box to the Entity tab
Invoice: Add a confirmation message when returning an invoice


Provide Option to not print Grades and reading on the scale ticket
Add Logo to ticket Print
Multiple Weights Setting


Ability to Create Shelf Tags
Shift Physical Entry and Reporting
Update Register should show what is being sent to the register
[import] save copy of imported file in server's drive
[Export] save copy of exported file in server's drive


Consumption Site > Ability to Re-assign Driver in Mass
Site > Grid > Add Lost Customer information for reporting
Customer Inquiry - Remove eTracker Option
TM Screen Report to Export Button
New data service to feed TM Orders to Mobile Billing
New Order field: Received Date/Time
Update "Received" status when Order is changed
Delivery Fill Report - Add Wait Message


Vendor rebate program setup
Open/Submitted/Exclude Tab - Add Company Location
Rebates - Credit memos to show negative quantity and units on screen and ftp file
Rebate - Remove Cost field from Open/Submitted/Excluded tabs



CF Invoice > Prevent trans with Posting Date > Invoice Date


Remittance Advice only prints 3 lines, leaves out City/State/Zip


Ratio Contract Pricing
[Price Contracts] - Add Applied column to the sequence details and Applied button to the Pricing tab.
Amendment Changes for Contract Print Of ATLAS Customer
[Contract sequence] - Disable sequence pricing type change after application


CLONE - Base View - View of terms info for cash discount
CLONE - Base View - Asset Accounting view needs updated for cashCode


Entity Location - Make Printed Name required.


Include "Technical Error Details" in Message boxes for things like "Failed to load Resources"




IR Freight charge calculate based on gross units


Create XML export for OR
CLONE - Sort by IL Reports MG and MS by Date
18.1 - IL E-file should report Negative gallons as Positive numbers


Time Off needs to take payout range into account when deducting from Available
Holiday pay hours should be deducted from Regular Standard Hours
W2s not showing City, Local and School Tax - 18.1
Box 12 on w2 not populating - 17.4
Need to add a column to the SUI report for Net Wages = Gross - Pretax
GL distribution for Taxes and Deductions need to follow Department and or % in Earnings Screen


Receipt - Basis, HTA, Unit and DP Contract receipts must not be available to voucher until price fixed.
[Voucher] Remove Contract Costs from Add Payables
[Basis Advance] - Adjust for Multi Currency


Program M2M lot not controlled version
Brokerage Account - From Date and To date of the Brokerage Commission is not working as expected
Options Life Cycle - should have transaction date in Details tab
Price Contract - DPR has wrong Net Payable
Coverage report logic for ratio contracts
Futures 360 --Initial margins- always show a -ve sign as it is always payable
Position analysis change -From price and To price from the derivative should be displayed in position analysis change


Prepayment associated to a contract should show under Prepaid and Credit Memos even when invoice is posted
[Invoice] - Changes needed regarding UOMs
CLONE - IS - Add Order shows processed SO items. It should show only open ones


Scale ticket quantity exceeded total customer storage, need to invoice for quantity taken
Customer Portal - Displaing Delivery sheets
CLONE - [Ticket Entry] - Do not override Freight details when a contract is selected



CLONE - Create import entry for AR import files
CLONE - Multi Company - Unable to create subsidiary database


Error build 18.1DEV SQL Script project
BuyBacks Rate - Records in the Rates grid will not be shown


CF Invoice > Transaction Data was duplicated 9x on Emailed Invoices


Bank Deposit - could not save or post
Process Payments - SQL error is displayed when processing payments
Unable to preview Tax Form Report


HDTN-204715 - Wrong invoice amount
On changing the pricing type in sequence, it changes all other fields under pricing
Atlas contract document print - Hide fields from print if no data entered
[DP Contract] - Disable Slice button for DP contracts
Price fixing letter- Atlas format should have Lots to be fixed detail when there is a partial price fixation
Visualization tab not loading in contract
Error message populates when user clicks on insert button on the contract screen (to create a sequence)
18.1Dev script publish error
Error deploying scripts in 02 (With Origin Integration)
intUnitMeasureId of tblCTContractDetail is set to Null against 'Multiple Price' Contracts from 2nd detail on-wards
CT 18.1 Prod build is failing


Customer License: Server time out error upon opening


CLONE - Default Location is being used when selecting vendor in Dealer Credit Card
CLONE - Default Location is being used when selecting vendor in Dealer Credit Card
No Voucher Created fro CCR Transaction - AP Type = Credit on Account + Shared Fees
No Bank Transaction (Net Price) Created in CM > Bank Transaction for CCR Transaction AP Type = Cash Deposited + Shared Fees
No Email Received when Posting CCR Transaction



Base Export - Export screen shows ET files when Base Engineering is set as system
CLONE - Base Import - Not Handling Overfill. Causes complete import failure.
CLONE - Base Import - Contract line on overfill invoices not using contract price
CLONE - Base Import - Tax on contract overfill applying incorrectly to both line items
CLONE - Energy Trac Import - Error due to unavailable contract amount
Database Upgrade failed during upgrade
CLONE - Base Export - Contract balance is rounding when it should not
Error on SQL Script deployment DEV AND RC
Error Installing 18.11.0211.13 Procedure uspETTranslateDigitalDispatcher























  • No labels