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Include Mobile Billing (API) at installer (18.3Dev branch)
Include Mobile Billing (API) at installer (18.3Dev branch)
Contract status- Need to display allocated contract number in the allocated section
Implement Adding of Customer on uspEMCreateEntityById
[Voucher import] IIF import does not raise duplicate warning
Add a Delivery Sheet number column to Scale import
Split Percentage - How should we handle decimal discrepancy?
Call Details Report - Days outstanding - days to close
Call Details Report - Days open
Ticket - Allow the ability to past pictures into the description and resolution text
Import - Item - Pricing - Update non blank fields only
Item - Allow Inventory type category for Bundle type items
Item - Alternate UPC Codes
Screen - i21 Mobile Billing Menu > Payment
Create a Mobile Billing area on Company Configuration screen
Mobile Billing Standardization and Optimization
Import Lien Holders from Excel
DPI - transactions details not displayed on inquiry by detail if transfer from other storages
[Future 360] TC1 - Change initial margin logic
Sourcing report - PPV Summary
CLONE - New changes to Sourcing report
TC-1 Provide an unpost button in Match screen
Futures 360 - unrealized tab - show the broker column on the main screen by default
POS - Add an Pop up message
POS - Add the Sales receipt number to invoice entry Screen
POS - Sales Receipt - Adjustments to the sales receipt
Tax Report Grid > Add CF Information to simplify reconciliations
Credit card processing error is not descriptive enough to determine the problem
POS - Return process change
POS - Alternate UPC Codes
Ticket entry message-POS - customer is requesting that the Ticket entry message pop up on POS entry
POS - if customer is COD customer then Password protect the ability to process On account transactions
Customer maintenance - Misc Tab
AR setup - Add credit code override password
POS - Tab order
POS - If Require PO is checked - do not allow entry of transactions
POS - login - Issues getting to the appropiate drawer
POS - Add return to the printed receipt on a sales return
POS - Please Reorder the end of day screen
POS - Add help desk link to Point of sale screen
Ticket - default Ticket Type if Ticket Pool is opened from Load Out Ticket
Store Local Register App > Run Silently
Store Local Register App > Add Support for Downloading Pricebook Files
Update Register > Default Settings and Business Rules
[Register] - Read Inbound Passport using file pattern
Create new Trucks screen
Add POS EOD Starting Number
Create menus for Mobile Billing
Keep Search Screens Open



Quoting Report > Format Changes
Import Cards from CSU > No audit log record is showing on Cards
Quoting > Performance
CF Invoice > Statement Comment should not print if it is blank
Import Cards from CSU > Add Network
Import Petrovend > Add Field Mapping for Extended CSV file format
Quoting > Taxes and Pricing Issues
Generate Quotes > Add Check All Option
Add a new field Oregon Facility Number to Site screen
CF Invoice > Portal Remove Payment Column
CF Batch Posting > Populate Name and Location columns
Transaction > Add Hold by Card Option
Transaction > Better Visibility to Duplicates
Quotes > Clean-Up Issues
Invalid Trans > Add Error messages to Invalid Transactions Grid
Network Costs > Import from CFN add taxes to total network costs
Quoting > AR SP Quote Tax Exempt Indicator
Import CSU > Set Card Types on Updated Card Records
CF Invoice > Monthly Fees not Calculating
CF Invoice > Vehicle Card Labels to sort Single Cards Separately
Import Trans > Set Network Billing Date properly
Portal Trans > Add Missing information
[Grain Contract Print] - Add Other Charges to print
Create a new CT sp to validate basis contract
TC-1 Dont provide the message for add basis component when basis =0 or left blank
TC-1 error while slicing
M2M date in contract sequence should be made mandatory
CLONE - Changes to Annual Operation Planning screen
Grain Contract Print missing Commodity Decription
When importing ET invoices into i21, insert Ship Via
Add POS Message Type
Portal User > Accessing Multiple Customer errors
Emails Portal Login > Email Link to Use Company URL
Portal > Email Login Credentials invalid Company Name
Adjust the Chart flex into 35% and grid to 65%
Add filter on Change Company screen
Portal > Ability to restrict companies available
Column Text config to be used in exporting
Storage Measurement Reading doesn't post
Storage location ignoring product catagories
Inventory Valuation - Drill down function does not work
Storage Measurement Reading - Include in Rebuild Stock
Storage Measurement Reading - Update hyperlink of Transaction Number to call SMR screen.
Break-off uspICProcessToBill
Fields not Mandatory on Load Schedule
OH - Change the SP for some RCs from the Exporter Return (EX2)
OR - Diesel Report Page 2 needs a Report Total
OR - Gas Report RCs Excel export has a "no record" record
OR - Gas Report page 2 Line 2 does not take Sch1's total
OR - Change Gas Report calculations
OR - Gas Report page 2 Line 7 adjustments
OR - Add Invoice Number to 5BLK and 6BLK
OR - Change how we retrieve Explanation for Diesel Report Schedules 5CRD and 6CRD
OR - Change how 5CRD and 6CRD get values for 3 fields
OR - Report 3 decimals for gallons on 5CRD and 6CRD
OR - Oregon RC setup adjustment
WA - Washington RC Setup adjustment
Get Invoice Number when SI Source = Tank Delivery
Remove coding from MFT-1206
Voucher > from Contract - Billed UOM
Basis Advance - BA Vouchers don't automatically Post
In Futures 360, filter by Broker is not working
Derivative Entry Provide better error reporting when import fails
New issues with coverage inquiry
DPI- Open Storage should look at Maintain Storage history
[DPI] Customer Storages - Opening balance not displayed correctly
TC-1 sourcing report - UOM doesnt seem to work
TC-1 Sourcing report - Book and sub book filter doesnt work
[Future 360] TC-1 Export to excel numbers are stored in text format instead of number format
[Match Derivatives] TC-1 Provide total for commissions in match screen
[Match Derivatives] TC-1 - matched tab - next to transaction date also show filled date
Option life cycle - Export to excel - formatting issues
POS - User should not be tied drawer and end of day - we should balance on til or drawer
Credit Card Process Error - The token has expired
Credit Card - Read merchant settings from Locations
POS - End of Day - Adjustment to screen for Drawer changes
AR Tax Exempt Calc > CF Quote Tax Exempt Indicator
Calculate Service Charge > Reduce invoice balances by open credits are on account
Invoice: Printing standard Invoice
MCP Custom Transport Delivery Invoice not using the right Hazmat field
Invoice: Consumption Site Price Adjustment not being used in tank Delivery Invoice Entry
Portal Credit Card > Payment was Posted but was actually Declined by Vantiv
[Ticket] - Additional warning when voiding or changing entity on ticket
Pick List Comments not printing on Scale Ticket
Storage unit is not considering the product category
Transaction Type Id for Ticket and Delivery Sheet
Delivery Sheet - Ticket Fee is left aligned and is not shown with 2 decimals
Driver not saving
Import Checkouts from Passport > Add Error Logging for Invalid Data
Passport > Create Outbound Pricebook and Related files
Adding Menu for Contract Balance Report
Remove Ticket Details
Reset Number feature to be added in Starting Number
Portal User Role > Add Entity Number and Name



WHMobile client files are missing in the build
[Lien Holder] - Cannot export template
CF Invoice > Update AR
CF Invoice > Multi-select is not working in 18.3
CF Invoice > Fees displaying as a Date
Quoting > Missing Site Groupings
Quoting > Cancel Issues
Generate Quotes > Close Button doesn't work
Transaction > Duplicates Errors are not showing on Foreign Transactions
Import PacPride CSU > Multiple Time Issues on Card for Different Customers
CF Invoice > Miscellanous Description is not Printing
CF Invoice > MPG displaying as a Date
Transaction & Quote > Price is incorrect for Special Tax
Quote > Portal has access to hidden columns
CF - Linked Customers - Changing the company does not change the data
Import Transaction > console error upon opening
Number of Line Items in Invoice incorrect
Generate Quote > Unable to generate
CFN > Round Imported Taxes before calculating Net Price
No account assign for voucher item created from contract wash out.
TC-1 wrong data import in i21 - Months moved ahead by a future month
DTN Integration Not Working
CT - TC-1 Blue screen appears after every few mins
Contract Report SP optimization
TC-1 Purchasing group is not loading automatically
Contract Entry -Can't save sequence
Slice doesn't calculate end date correctly
Clean cost - when the voucher is created from the logistic inbound cost tab it is not showing the same in the clean cost
Feed is not going for pricing type cash
TC-1 AOP import error
Contract while printing the set name should not show contract atlas and same with price fixation also
HDTN-217591 - Thomason issue - Rolling basis contract from Sept 18 to Dec 18
Terms indicated in Customer xml is from entity location
Error received on Receive from Office - failed on tblMstBooking Master
Tax exemptions are not being past to ET
Special pricing Not flowing to ET
Energy Trac - Export > All Drivers are getting an error when trying to transfer fuel
[Import] - Other Invoice/s imported does not have tax value
[Import] - Cannot import invoice (invalid column name 'intkey')
[Vendor Import] - Unable to import Vendors
Error Importing Entity Splits
Brokers screen "Failed to Load Resources"
Contact does not show as Web Access Enabled
Linked Entities - My Company shows Failed to load the screen



Document manager- price confirmation and contranct confirmation is not saving in respective folders when the url is https
TC1 - DMS - Document Manager is not showing it in proper order
Linked Customers - Changing the company does not change the data
Connection hub doesn't ever connect
Can't open tickets
Portal Trans Grid > Saved View is not showing dates properly
Blue screen pops up and forced to restart the application
Company Configuration: Invoice email is not capturing the from email setup
Portal My Company - Allows to Change Company with invalid company
Login - Company drop down doesn't appear after logging out or logging in with invalid credentials
Portal | My Company - Drop down does not show the complete list and doesn't have a scroll bar
Unable to login origin users on RC build #30
POS Login: Unable to login to different location.
Carriage Return in Positive Pay
Errors Loading GL Screen with One Account
Amount disappearing on Recon
Bank Reconciliation - negative deposit
Reference Violation While Saving Account Group
[Check] spaces in check stub if there are 10transactions
18.3 Build update error
[Check] misalignment of CAD check
[Check] USD spaces in check stub if there are 10 transactions



HDTN-216755 - pricing not showing correctly on settlement sheet
Incorrect Ship From Information
[Settle Storage] - contract Other Charge is adding to the Voucher instead of subtracting.
No discount on settlement
[Settle Storage] - Other Charge item is not being deducted from Voucher
Storage statement SP need to be change to take effect of GRN-1026
Maintain Storage- Error when loading Maintain Storage with Delivery Sheet
Discount Code - updating when Ticket is updated
Net quantity in settlement report for contract line is wrong
Settle Storage - Could not post
Voucher > from Settle Storage - missing other charge
Unit Discount amount was changed after clicked on Cumulative Discount
Keep Search Screen Open is not working
Group by with totals issue
Rough Cut Capacity - Break into three buckets
Rough Cut Capacity - Add link to help desk
[Time Entry] - Date Filter not applying the correct filter.
Time Entry issues
Voucher - Date should not be earlier than receipt date - Clone
Unable to post inventory return- Clone.
Stock Status screen showing stock twice
Stock Details - Storage Location tab not showing negative stock
Adjustment - Item Change not working
Conversion - LB unit is not imported for grains
Alternate UOM - short upc should drive long in alternate screen
Item - Tank Management fields are missing for Bundles
Inventory receipt- If vendor prepayment is existing for a contract then the IR is not allowing to unpost
Stock details by location doesn't match stock details by unit
Scale ticket: Transfer in Error : unable to create an inventory receipt. CLONE -
SQL project build failed
In Inventory receipt the Cost and Line Total value changes when select the storage location
[Inventory Receipt] - Error message after clicking Post
18.3 RC - Cannot Open IR Screen
Cannot distribute Load Out Scale Ticket
System should not allow a user to unlink containers if Containers are linked in i21
Vendor prepayment amount is getting changed while creating weight claim debit note
While creating voucher from cost tab of load and shipment screen , the voucher is not showing the total amount
Cannot modify Equipment type
After Inventory transfer the new lot is not displaying in Pick lot
Batch Id is not setting the default value in the bag off screen
Parent lot concatenating when user produces a pallet using the same lot number
System is not showing merge transaction in the traceability diagram
IS transactions on Traceability are not correct
Lot Id sequence should start from supplied Parent id
CLONE - Error while splitting a pallet - 'Item UOM is invalid or missing.'
CLONE - Invoice - Auto Blending not working - Negative stock error
Recall report
When receive with past date, system creates lot code based on current date instead of past date
System should display the parent lot of the destination unit when merge on move is true
OR - Diesel report needs a few corrections/adjustments
OR - 6CRD output designer have sequence issue
Excel export should export when there is no record
Destination Facility for 5CRD and 6CRD has value
Equity Import - Imports only the last record in csv
unable to put in negative Regular Time on a check - 18.3
Issues with PTO not calculating correctly
HDTN-216382 - Voucher posting picking the wrong tax rate
Cannot Pay More Than Amount Due Error Message
Prepay Reversals are showing the Opposite Effect to the Open Payables Report
HDTN-217208 - Tax are not correct when voucher a load
CLONE - Cannot receive against a partially processed PO for non-inventory items
[Import Vouchers from Origin] - SQL Error when importing
voucher- Vendor prepayment - If the contract have more than one container then that much times the load number is showing
Linked Customers - Changing the company does not change the data of PO and Voucher search screens
Voucher entry - Checkoff tax
[Voucher]- "Pay to" is incorrect for a settlement of a delivery sheet with a split
Adding Freight Payables to Voucher Adds Tax that Should Not Be There
Error on installing 18.32.0914.309
[Voucher] - Error when clicking Pay button
Voucher - IR (Freight Vendor) Distributed to a DP Contract is NOT showing in Add Payables screen
Load Detail Reference is not saved on selecting load number in the vendor pre-payment
[Import Voucher] - One time import of voucher fails
[Voucher] - Cannot create voucher for 3rd party vendor
Cannot distribute Load In Scale Ticket with split distribution
18.3 - In the Voucher Detail Search screen in the column Load # it is not displaying the data
18.3Dev - Error deployment
Quality property - minimum and maximum range status issue
Inventory Receipt No is not changing when duplicated the Sample entry
Position Report - DPR Price Risk Doesn't Account for Derivatives
demo feedback - Wrong net position
Contract drilldowns/ coverage inquiry - transaction date is showing start date instead of contract date .
Option Life Cycle - Error in Exercise/Assign
Derivative entry import is not not happening when there are more records . showing time out
TC1 - coverage report not showing all futures months columns
TC-1 sourcing report - wrong data in price without basis component column
TC-1 Import file - wrong filled date was imported
TC-1 Concerns in sourcing report
TC-1 Coverage inquiry- as of date to look at filled date for derivatives
TC-1 commissions not considered while matching
TC-1 Derivative entry - after match screen opens using offset button - the offset check box should get unchecked
Settlement price search screen - show records in descending order
TC 1- Sourcing report - Make currency mandatory and add report currency column in the drilldowns
TC-1 360 screen not working correctly for as of date
TC-1 Futures 360 - matched tab - commissions shown without -ve sign , Net P&L goes wrong as well
TC-1 Sourcing report - UOM conversion not working
[Future 360] TC 1 - Dont show do you want to save message in inquiry screens
Position Report - Pre- Crush Detail does not load
All company configuration for Risk gone
POsition Report - Crush position not loading in position report
Error while saving derivative entry
Inventory Receipt > From Ticket - Cost is wrong when valid Basis Entry is blank
Position Detail - Vendor Position Warehouse receipt shows for other Entity
Position Report - Sales Basis is not decreasing once invoiced
Position Detail - Non - Licensed Storage is displaying licensed storage transaction
Position Report - Vendor Position Does not display Data
Position Detail - Data from view is not displayed properly
Position Report - Vendor Position does not show non exchange traded commodity
Position Detail - Sales in Transit is not displaying
Brokerage Account - Is not loading existing data in the grid
DPI - location should default to all
[DPI] IR is missing on Obligation Change in Inquir By details. Company Obligation doesn't increase.
Position Detail - Settlement - In House and On Storage after full settlement
Position Detail - Delivery Sheet - Split Percentage will not display properly
Position Detail - Transfer Storage is incorrectly displaying the In house and On Storage
Position Detail - Drill down - Should show in ascending manner
Position Detail - Sales In transit does not decrease once invoice is posted
Position Detail - Available for Spot, Price Risk and Basis Risk is incorrect after creating a Load Ticket for Contract Sales Basis
Position Detail - Sales Basis Deliver should decrease when IS's invoice has been posted
Position Detail - Net Receivable is doubled
Position Detail - Split distribution will not show Position Detail on Vendor Position
Position Detail - AP $ and Qty will not display
Position Detail - Price Risk, Basis Risk and Avail for Spot Sale do not match the Position Detail when filtered by Location
Position Detail - Drill down for Contract is not opening
Risk Merge Conflict
[Derivative Entry] Cannot assign contracts to Derivative transactions
Position Report - 18.1 Changes to fix in 18.3
Position Detail- Sales in Transit is incorrect
Sales Invoice Posting Issues
Sales Order - Instructions tab - comments are staining - CLONE
Allowing to save record in customer screen.
[Sale A/R] - Errors in pulling the contract to the Sales order
[Sale A/R] : Invoice - Quantity should have priced at $0.00
[Sale A/R: MCP-Sales order] : Selected contract number changing in error
[Sales A/R : MCP Sales order] : Quantity changing in error
[Sales A/R: MCP Sales order] ERROR : Internal Server Error
Unable to Invoice Sales Orders - error message on log file
[Sale A/R : MCP Sales - Invoice] - incorrect Quantity shipped
Sales Analysis Report: Costing is incorrect if from Scale Outbound ticket
[Sale A/R - Receive Payments] ERROR- Base amount are not equal. This needs data fix
[Sale A/R: Contract] - Failed to update the Applied qty
Invoice Screen: Shipped column is gone from default view
POS - Selection of Cash Drawer allowed even without Location
Customer Aging Report filters OR type is not working
Sales Invoice > Post History and Unpost Preview is missing on Debit Memos
Provisional invoice - While saving the already saved invoice it is showing error message
POS - Can not enter userid into login for POS
[Sale A/R : Sales order] Royalty qty is not being updated
Invoice - Auto Blending not working - Negative stock error
MCP Invoice format: Tax is doubled
POS - Drawer Login - you should not be able to pick drawer before location is picked
POS: Cash transaction
Invoice: Cannot select site # when creating new Tank Delivery
POS - Alternate UPC
POS - Cash receipt report and End of day report errors
Sales A/R : Customer with required PO# transactions are NOT WORKING
POS : PO# is getting carried forward
POS : Calculating Total wrong
POS - Sales Receipt - Adjustments to the sales receipt
CLONE - TR - Received Time Out error when posting or printing a TR Load
HDTN-217990 - Getting and internal Server Error when using batch prining to send invoice to e-mail
POS - End of Day - Multiple users
POS - EOD Screen not correctly calculating totals
POS- Switch Cashier
Invoice - Unable to post a final invoice processed from provisional
Invoice - Unable to post if 'Auto Apply Prepaids in Invoices' is checked
[Sales Order-Invoice] Multiple lines are created and incorrect footer status
Cannot distribute Sales Order Scale Ticket
[Scales-Distribute] No duplicate line for overage quantity if set scale quantity exceeds contract quantity
[Sales Order] Contract and sequence number was removed after selecting sequence number
Invoice - Remaining qty from Inventory Shipment cannot be posted
HDTN-216705 - Need Changes to the the Auto Apply Credit process
Sales Order - Cannot create Sales Order with Contract
Sales Order: Add-on quantity is not adjusting properly
Invoice (created from washout) - incorrect GL entries
[Quote-Save/Process] Unable to save or process preliminary quote
Credit Memo > from Contract Washout - Incorrect GL entries shown in Post Preview
Remove function of autopopulating contract when selecting item or change qty
MCP Invoice: Wrong Tax
[POS Receipt] Unable to print report
[18.3 Prod SQL Script] - Build error
[Invoice] Uneditable screen and displayed a console error message after adding an item in the grid
Invoice: Error in saving invoice after changing item
Sales Order - Unable to save a transaction, error message is displayed
Error in saving Invoice
Receive Payment - On unposting of credit card payment transaction, decline message is displayed
Invoice - Price Field is Getting Incorrect Value for Special Price
Receive Payment - Audit Log, Changed By displays customer name when paid thru credit card by portal user
Receive Payment - Posting a credit card transaction voids it
Loads not showing up in Scale
[Ticket] HDTN-216984 - Voided ticket won't print
Lock Location to the Scale Station
Wrong Calculation on Shrink
Unable to distribute Scale ticket
[Ticket Distribution] - Split ticket with freight, entity does not have correct units on IR
Add commodity to Delivery Sheet Search grid
Other cost item did not pass the accrue/price in IS
[Ticket Entry] - Do not allow Scale Date change after save.
Delivery Sheet - Decimal Discrepancy
Unable to distribute load out ticket with contract destination weight/grade
Import Ticket: Failing, error is encountered
[Ticket] - Error when adding contracts to ticket
Total Scheduled Qty cannot be less than zero
Cannot enter Discount Readings from Delivery Sheet
Script error on uspSTstgInsertMixMatchFile
Fields not displaying
[promotion item list] incorrect filtering of IC items in promotion grid
[Checkout] error in importing xml with passport register



Menus are not loading for few users
Portal User Role > Does not show assigned users
User Roles > Unable to Make Screens Read Only that are on Common Info
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