
Changes to CF Invoice-Statement > Remittance Due Date
19.x Update Tax Table component for 2019 version (2020.06)


HDTN-241169 - Is there a way for the address for each vendor NOT to print on the bank reconciliation??
[Settle Storage] - Unable to remove storage charge


Magmedia Fixed pulling wrong transaction set.
Magmedia Fixed pulling wrong transaction set.
Purchase Summary > Same Transactions are sent as Invoice
Price Profile not being picked up
Extended Remote Tax exception not calculating correctly
19.1 HDTN-240438 - Ticket un-distribution error
Contract: Negative amount in the pricing screen
CLONE - [Sequence] Pricing details is not displayed unless item is selected and incorrect future month
Error message when receiving from office
Error in clicking Entity Tarriff Type
HDTN-240133 - Budget/ Income Statement Study
HDTN-240444 - GL Transactions tab - filter for (Equals) Account Name not working
Advice of Withdrawal: Invoice/Credit report is showing totally wrong on advice
CLONE - HDTN-241959 - AP remittance advice
[Remittance] Discount was not subtracted
HDTN-239130 - Transfer Storage does not calculate correct units
CLONE - Incorrect Contract Numbers
HDTN-234198 - voucher Items created from storage do not match with the posting of settlement storage.
[19.1 Clone] HDTN-240342 - Settlement Summary page does not calculate discount correctly
[Storage] - Cannot settle ticket with negative discount
Cost Adjustment is still reflecting on the Open Clearing Details report
Unable to resettle unposted storage.
19.1 Tax Issue after settlement against priced contract and basis
Cannot transfer DP to DP with the same entity
HDTN-240540 - Inventory Items - Not all items converted packages/unit of measure
CLONE - HDTN-240540 - Inventory Items - Not all pricing levels imported
CLONE - HDTN-240761 - Unable to checkout store
Lot alias of destination lot is changing after lot merge
HDTN-241851 - Inventory missing
Sql script Build error
Traceability is showing incorrect flow chart
Unable to post the work order due to rounding off issue in WIP
When importing Simmons MB file, Meter Accounts duplicate
HDTN-237828 - ​Post preview of pay vouchers does not work.
HDTN-240764 - 1099 reporting issues - totals are not reflecting debit memos as reductions in total amount paid
HDTN-241343 - AP to G/L is out of balance
HDTN-241334 - Open clearing report does not match general ledger
HDTN-241614 - 1099-INT Error Message
HDTN-241612 - 1099 Misc Error Message. TCC code setup required
[Voucher] Modified Due Date is being replaced by the original due date
Unable to process Basis Advance (transaction from settlement)
[Import Vouchers from Origin] - Cannot import
Position Report: Price Risk Incorrect when Include Price Risk/Company Titled is uncheck in Collateral screen
HDTN-241320 - Can't get DPI to populate
HDTN-239503 - Print Customer Labels only printed 3
HDTN-240456 - Data missing after As Of
Receive Payment: Write off will not post
Unable to post invoice if the item is lotted.
Outbound Tax Report: Date filter is not working and is reporting all transactions
Outbound Tax Report: Performance issue
Receive Payment: Unable to post a partial write off payment
HDTN-239489 - Scale log file errors
Unable to distribute ticket with delivery sheet (split)
Deployment of 19.1.0127.573 build to SQL2008R2 environment failed
TM > Lease > Equipment Usage Analysis only shows top 100 rows

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