
HDTN-299568 - Issues in PO feed to S4 on Partial Batch deletion in PO
HDTN-311153 - INC0069391: tins unable to be updated for PO4530001138
HDTN-307682 - Clear the data in tblQMImportCatalogue-this is causing app slowness
[Code Refactoring] Improve uspMFUpdateInsertBatch to create batches in bulk
Mixing Unit is wiped and Tealingo Item is changed when re-importing catalogue for pre-shipment
[Code Refactoring] Create separate SPs for the pre-shipment import
[Code Refactoring] Create uspQMUpdateTINBatchIdBulk to update Batch TIN Numbers in bulk
[Code Refactoring] Non-auction - Unable to Import
Total Quantity of Direct Pre-shipment Batch in Batch Views screen is 0
HDTN-309110 - Lack of LS for S73823 in Poland's side
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