In the Pricing tab, as you select pricing method, Retail Price will automatically be computed.

  1. None 
    1. Select None in the Pricing Method field.
    2. Will update the Retail Price field with an amount equal to the Standard Cost.
  2. Fixed Dollar Amount
    1. Select Fixed Dollar Amount in the Pricing Method field.
    2. Enter an amount in the Amount/Percent field.
    3. Amount entered in the Amount/Percent field will be added to the Standard Cost. Result of that will be shown on Retail Price field.
  3. Markup Standard Cost
    1. Select Markup Standard Cost in the Pricing Method field.
    2. Enter a percent in the Amount/Percent field.
    3. Formula to compute for Retail Price field is Percent entered in the Percent field plus 100% multiplied by the Standard Cost. 
      1. 40% is entered 
      2. Standard Cost is 10.00
      To compute for Retail Price field:
      (40% + 100%) x 10.00 = 14.00
      1.4 x 10.00 = 14.00
  4. Percent of Margin
    1. Select Percent of Margin in the Pricing Method field.
    2. Enter a percent in the Amount/Percent field.
    3. Formula to compute for Retail Price field is Standard Cost divided by 1 minus Percent entered
      1. 40% is entered 
      2. Standard Cost is 10.00
      To compute for Retail Price field:
      10.00 / (100% - 40%) = 16.67
      10 / .6 = 16.67

There are other Pricing Methods available in the Pricing Level tab, in addition to the ones above.

  1. Discount Retail Price
    1. Select Discount Retail Price in the Pricing Method field.
    2. Enter a percent in the Amount/Percent field.
    3. Formula to compute for Unit Price field is Retail Price - (Retail Price * Percent entered)
      1. Retail Price is 14.00 
      To compute for Unit Price field:
      14.00 - (14.00 * 2%) = 13.72
      14.00 - 0.28 = 13.72
  2. MSRP Discount
    1. Select MSRP Discount in the Pricing Method field.
    2. Enter a percent in the Amount/Percent field.
    3. Formula to compute for Unit Price field is MSRP - (MSRP * Percent entered)
      1. MSRP is 16.00
      To compute for Unit Price field:
      16.00 - (16.00 * 2%) = 15.68
      16.00 - 0.32 = 15.68

  3. Percent of Margin (MSRP)
    1. Select Percent of Margin (MSRP) in the Pricing Method field.
    2. Enter a percent in the Amount/Percent field.
    3. Formula to compute for Unit Price field is [(MSRP - Standard Cost) x Percent] + Standard Cost
      1. MSRP is 16.00
      2. Standard Cost is 10.00
      To compute for Unit Price field:
      [(16.00 - 10.00) * 40%] + 10.00 = 12.40
      (6.00 * .4) + 10 = 182.00
      2.40 + 10.00 = 12.40

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