Store Group is used to categorize the list of store records in i21. This is ideal for multiple store branches and you want to have them all listed to a group. You can choose however you want to create your store group records; bet it according to state, tax group, etc. 


  1. In Store menu, go to the Maintenance area → click Store Group
  2. The search screen for Store Groups will show.


  1. Click New button.
  2. The blank screen for Store Group will show. 
  3. Enter the following details:
    • Store Group* - Enter the desired store group name. 
    • Description - Enter a short description that best describes  your store group.
    • Stores - You can select multiple store records by clicking Add Stores button. A screen selection will show. Select all applicable store record and click Insert.


  1. Click Save
  2. You now have a list of stores under your Store Group.


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