New Feature

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Retained Earnings in GL Account Detail report
HDTN-176937 Add a total in Recipes
1099 electronic filing
Import Credit Card Reconciliation Posted transactions into AP Bills
Item Tank Required Option
Invoice amount has to be calculated based on net weight
HDTN-176900 - Need Customer Aging Report with detail, ie invoice and payments to balance to AR as of date
Warehouse Lite - new function to stage lots for kit pick list


Provide an SP or SQL Function to retrieve the 'default' currency in a database.
Allow xtype account combo box to allow account category without filter
Minor Adjustments for GL Reports
Work Order Planning: Once the work order is create from the sales, we should a copy of recipe at time of saving
Add W2 field in Deduction
Voucher: Prepayment - eliminate Null values for contract and items views.
DPR per calendar month


Next Check Number did not update after wasting a check
No drill down for Paycheck transactions
Deactivated Bank Account is still showing on the list
Modify generic error message when generating ACH file with incomplete EFT Information
Add Check Date to Be Used in Bank File Format for PayRoll NACHA Files
Expose some fields in ACH Bank Format
Add Transaction Code type in ACH Check Record Tab
Add date and time in tblSMActiveScreen for better idea of when the active screen becomes runaway sessions
Consolidate the user preferences into the user profile
We should be able to format totals with commas and to the number of decimals we want
Could not set Retained Earning account as RE Account Type when Print Each is checked
Add beginning and ending balance Dollars and Units, if applicable in account id total section and report total of GL Account detail by ID Report
Retained Earnings Account in GL Account Detail screen
Allow account ids except from AR, AP and Cash Account categories
Item -> Setup -> Manufacturing - Add 'Max Wgt per pack' field
Use Max weight from item congfiuration (item->setup->Manufacturing) during consumption of packaging material
Implement Audit log on company preferences (PR only)
State Quarterly Wage and Tax Report
Load Contracts - Purchase Order
Recurring changes
Invoice should reduce In Transit Outbound stock if shipment is involved

Data Fix

Inventory Valuation; Inventory PERC - HIGH PRIORITY
Datafix for the negative Discount in Delta db


Removal of currency from CM screens should not be allowed
Deposit Summary report does not show company name
Adjust the default screen size of Bank screen to make all fields visible
Print Check Verification should display per user
HDTN-176364 - magnifying glass in bank rec not working
Object reference not set to an instance prompt message displays
No date included in the imported bank file format (XOP)
HDTN-176618 - unpost bank transfer
Check Record Tab should be selected upon selecting bank statement format
ACH Entry Hash Total does not calculate correctly
HDTN-176847 - AP orgin
Able to reconcile the Paycheck Direct Deposit even if it's not yet committed
Upon posting bank deposit, debit and credit amounts are not balanced prompt appears
Active screen panel doesn't show when opening the first origin screen
Optimize End User License Agreement loading or put a loader.
Can't load Transports' Company Configuration
Active screen panel doesn't show on login even if there are active origin screens
Date Accepted is wrong in [tblSMLicenseAcceptance]
Blank error message on Forgot Login
Additional menu under sales module: Customer Aging Detail Report
Doubled Customer Aging Detail menu
Documents are not loading in the contract report
Column Settings are incomplete after importing from iGuide Desktop
Cannot save panel with commented order by
Imported Chart Panel is not displaying records
Internal Server error when saving tabs
This Year Date Condition is not working on canned Panel iRely Grain - Open Contracts
Column Names are incomplete
HDTN-176182 - Not able to merge users with vendors
Create new user should not be allowed if integration is turned on
Grid layout: Not saved and error when deleting
Missing item id on Dashboard buttons on Panel List search
Cannot Switch Between Screen Grid's Custom Layouts
Cannot Filter Specific Item on Grid Combo Box
Blank screen when saved grid layout is applied
Parent data is not set to dirty resulting to no changes and unable to save
Getting error while saving layout
Console error after clicking Site button
Error when using advanced filter on Customer Aging Detail grid
Balance Side for Percentage row are missing after upgrading to latest build
Export to CSV is exporting the values the journal entry had before it was unposted and reposted
Trial Balance Detail sorting
Error will display when account is not 12 periods
Message not allowed to post is displayed yet progress bar is shown
GL Account Detail report not accounting for beginnning balance.
Negative Zero Balance in GLAccount Detail screen
Invalid column name 'NegativeDebitUnits'.
Gl by Account ID Detail Report Shows 0 for Beginning Balance and Ending Balance
Incorrect summation on GL Account Detail
Framework closing scale when no tickets and undo used
Manual distribution is having an issue with the Storage Schedule
Manual Distribution screen should be Modal.
Save message is popping up after hitting on the Auto Assign button in the Manually Distribute Tickets screen.
In Ticket Formats screen, Plant Ticket option is filling up with an unwanted ")" when selected.
storage only has commodity, not item, impossible to keep phyiscal stock
grid control error on save handling
Add URLRoutingModule on Grain web.config
When a Storage ticket is processed from Scale, Item field in Storage screen is blank.
Manual distribution screen is not popping up
Error updating db in the latest build
Collation issue
In Scale Station Selection, Status is not getting changed.
inventory receipts- Entity ID is saving wrongly when it comes form scaling. it should be vendor / customer ID
In Scale Ticket screen, if ticket number = alphanumeric then we are not able to distribute the ticket
In Scale Ticket screen, drop lists aren't enabled when Ticket number is entered manually.
Ticket list should be running as a thread and update as changes occur
Recently Viewed Help Desk Tickets do not open
Console error displays when opening an existing ticket
All modules are displayed in Ticket > Modules field when Product is null
Upon opening, Ticket is automatically assigned to currently logged-in user
Application is creating a new serial lot number after moving the Partial quantity
Inventory Receipt > Incorrect Amount in GL Entries
Bill of Lading Print Displays Unsaved Data
Application is recalculating the weight per unit while moving to other Location
Inventory Valuation - sum of Value does not tie up with Running Balance
Totals were not round to two decimals.
Inv Transfer - Do not allow Storage Location without Sub Location
HDTN-176691 Creating mixer process from Work Order Creation
Shows Shortage of Inventory Message on staging when bulk items are added to Pick List
Application is not allowing to release a FG pallet after this is moved to any other location
Application should round off the quantity to 0 when less than 0.001
Change the precision of the lot qty from (18,6) to (38,20)
Pick List Report Print - Qty column getting cut
Payroll Remittance Advice report does not email to Employee
Maryland Local Taxes in paycheck is not calculating properly
Batch Posting allows 50 records only to display and process
Inactive location can still be selected in Ap transactions
Cannot save newly created voucher batch entry
Status does not return to Ready for Submission
Cannot approve PO approval
Due Date Changes on Voucher Upon Opening
Trifee - Failed importing vouchers
Approver 2 can approve voucher even without Approver 1's approval
Approval panel should be disabled if type is not equal to voucher
HDTN-176669 - Unable to post voucher
HDTN-176716 - failed to import bills from apivcmst
Cannot Post Voucher Out of Balance
Tax Group Not Showing on Line Items from IRs, but is calculating correctly
DM Invalid Amount Applied, When a DM was not applied
Check Voided Hit the GL, But Not Bank Account
Unable to filter conditions
Direct Printing Callback
Close button on Error Detail is not displayed
Save Button of Parameters or Fields is not working
GL Reports are not loading properly
Invoice - Transaction Form name passed during posting to inventory tables are wrong
Cannot read property 'destroy' of undefined
Implement FRM-2701
Missing columns on Batch Posting and Receive Payments search grid
Blank UOM on non-inv item from TR
Batch Posting not showing Recap for Payment transaction
Remote Transactions for Taxes
HDTN-176224 - On Order and Committed values does not reflect partial fulfillments
Ship Via not carried over to Invoice
Duplicate Invoice issues
Over credit limit during unship
Split invoice is saving more than 2 decimals
Incorrect Quantity on IS
HDTN-176623 - Calculate Service Charges error message - Object Object
Write Off Account still not working
Can post Tank Delivery with blank Performer
Need to move to GL based on post date
Date in Recap
Add a grand total
Arrange by invoiceId
Date to show payment date
Newly created Credits not shown in report
Unposted payments not removed from report
Customer Aging Report: Forgiven invoices on Service Charges are not included on aging
SC no longer calculated when SC has been calculated previously
Incorrect total AR on report
Credit not properly filtered
Modify Customer Aging Report and Customer Detail Aging report to match AR-2401 changes
Posting of payment with payment date less than invoice post date
Special pricing setup is not accepting the correct rack price setup in transport.
Calculate service charges is not calculating correctly when paid on last day of grace period
On Hand not updated during invoice posting
Cannot post invoice with split
manual distribution not loading storage types and auto assign error
contract not loading all fields
HDTN-176479 - Leases are not generating invoices
Remove Button in To Do Items is Disabled
Error When Generating Customers in Budget Calculation
Monthly Budget Field is Not Updating
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