
Add Credit Card Processing panel in System Manager Company Configuration
MasterMenu: Create Open Payable Details Report on Purchasing Menu
Open Screen Company Configuration - Default tab: Patronage
Smart Dates - Allow Any typed Date Format in Date fields
Home Menu Panels
Update SMS message for Two-Step Verification

New Feature

Program Basis Position Report


Add a record number column
Load Contracts Integration
Pricing Contracts - Create multiple sequences during pricing.
Load Contracts - Inventory Receipt & Inventory Shipment
Change Stock Status - Should change Stock Status of Stocks owned by the patron too
Adjust Volume - Show Category Description
Process Refund - Show category description in all tabs
Process Dividend - Show Certificate No.
Show on Timecard if User is Logging In or Out
Changes on "Open Payables Detail" report.
Implement Audit Log on Company Preference
Recalculate Tax Based on 15.4 Adjustments


Payment that is already added to a Bank Deposit not removed on Undeposited payment screen
HDTN-173320 - Creating bank import for bank reconciliation - tried importing and timed out
Failed deployment of 15.4.1208.389 on New QC - i21Server via Bamboo
Cannot login in build 389
It did not export all the records on the panel.
Filter Setup screen has no default fixed size.
iGuide Import Panel List screen has no default fixed size.
Panel Layout screen has no default fixed size.
Panel User List screen has no default fixed size.
User List screen has no default fixed size.
Cosmetic issue on Drill Down column of Panel Settings
Cosmetic issue on Remove button on Conditional Format tab
No Data to display on panel when reopening dashboard
Added and activated canned panels are missing.
Main dashboard did not open after adding/modifying Dashboard Tabs and clicking Panel Layout
Unable to activate Canned Panel
Unable to view panels from Active Panels tab at the lower area
Enforce max length of Company editor.
Filter is Not Working in TM > Lease Billing Form
Remove duplicate record in Messages/Notification
Hitting enter key did not parse the enter number into a valid date
Added alerts did not automatically display on Alerts panel
Deleting Quick Filter Tab resulted error.
Quick Filter tab is having error on search that has summary total configured (E.x. Voucher)
15.3 db Upgraded to 15.4 - Filter type not converted correctly
Print Each - does not print accounts in order (by Account Id)
intAccountId should not display
Origin Tab should be hidden
Add period
Buttons is displaying partially
Error message displays when saving a new ticket
Unable to produce Sanitized Lot
Error Message "Failed to load resources" appears after clicking Transfers tab
MI Local Tax in paycheck is not computing if there is State Allowance
Save messagebox is displaying when closing the Process Pay Groups screen after generating Paychecks
State field in Employee Template Tax should be disabled on selected Calculation Type
Cannot apply debit memo on prepaid and debits tab.
Do not allow to recur an Invoice transaction if don't have item/s and miscellaneous.
Price Display in Open Call Entries Form
i21 Integration - Multiple Customer Site are Displaying in Delivery Dispatching Screen
Error upgrading to Build 386 and 389
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