
Pass Shipped flag as false to prevent pick lots recurring in Inventory Shipment popup screen

New Feature

Combination sorting on grids
Email Dispatch Info to Driver
Add reference to new Transport Load table in Logistics load table


Add offset columns to assign dates - should be easier than current method.
Load Contracts - Inventory Receipt & Inventory Shipment
Add document type in the Contract documents configuration
Inventory Receipt screen should bill by Quantity or Net
Inv Receipt - Save Tax group, Tax Class, Tax Code, Rate, and calculated tax
Item -> Pricing - Show 6 decimal places for all price, amount or rate fields
Posting & Recap GL entries for Stock Issue, Retire and Void Retire
Code for Location Exemptions
SO - Add 'Ship' button to process to Inv Shipment. 'Process' button will process to Invoice
BOL and PO need to pull into the invoice from SO
Tank Management Tax Group and Sales Tax Override needs to be used for Tax Exemptions
Discount Available, Discount Taken on Invoice


No generated transactions during recurring process
Console error when i21 menu loads
Collapse All is missing in 15.4.
Fix daily frequency in uspSMMigrateRecurringTransaction
Display Title is not working
Label Position is not working on double series chart
Panel not displaying data when Row Visible is set
Column Designer - could not set Start and End Offset for Budget column type
uspGLBookEntries still allowed to post when period is closed.
GL Account Detail First tab should say Chart Of Accounts
uspGLBookEntries still allowed to post when period is closed.
GL Account Detail First tab should say Chart Of Accounts
Item Screen -> Unit Qty of Stock UOM
Inventory Receipt -> Grid -> Input Fields
Discontinued Items Still Able to be Chosen
Contract Documents -> Duplicate Record and Document Type Blank Value
Transfers - Technical error
HDTN-174538 - Inventory Adjustment - zero dollar amounts?
Error after posting Process Refund
Unable to update Xtrareports parameter
Freight, PO No and Split not populated after Add Shipment process
Show 2 significant decimals for total
Exempt button on Item Taxes not properly functioning
Tax Code with tax class not matching the item category is not exempted
Tax: field is empty in Call Entry Printout
Price Level Should Not Be Required
Can't Print Letters in Budget Calculation
Multiple Site Records in Call Entry Printout
HDTN-174448 - 15.4 Inventory Receipt Error while attempt to post
Fix Broken Tax Group passing to Inventory Receipts
Line Item should load based on the Owner selected in Order header
  • No labels