

Common Import / Export folder
[Bank Reconciliation] - Standardize look and feel

Revalue Currency

[POS] - Save after payment does not function properly

Reassign Functionality
Index maintenance screen - increase allowed number of characters
Contract Search - Add a status for incomplete orders
Mass Cancellation of Contacts
Company Configuration - Add option to select Contract print format
Coffee Contract print for Atlas
Balance to be hedged Report
Change Lots to Futures Equivalent, calculate partial lots
Ticket entry - when you search for contracts without a customer specified the search is slow
Add a display name for Futures and Options Month in master
Entity location - Add a 1099 Override tab
Add strCurrency for display field on EntityManagement.store.LocationBuffered
Make all fields from EM-2112 available on the Locations grid
Allow 'Group by with Totals' to be the default in the search grid
Screen - Enlarge the Close button twice as wide as it is currently
Menu - Add a small delay when closing the mega menu in case a user double clicks
Rename "Report" group in grid toolbars to "Export"
Search grids - Combine Excel, PDF, Text and CSV into a Dropdown named "Export"
Grid Columns - Are hard to navigate and select when there are more than can display on the screen
Handle window destroy/close event
Performance - Include the number of milliseconds it takes a screen to open
Performance - Remove Filter (F3) field from all the Search grids and only allow filtering per column
Menu - When opening screens can we have some kind of Loading image to show the user i21 is busy loading the screen
CLONE - Menu - When opening screens can we have some kind of Loading image to show the user i21 is busy loading the screen
Enhance the Drop Down/Lookup fields to Filter only on the first column and allow for custom sorting and filtering
Update Sencha Project to Version 4
GL Account Detail - Add fields to GL Account Detail
GL Account Detail - Header - Display info specific to bank transactions
[Chart of Accounts] Syncronization with multi company
[Fiscal year Syncronization] - multi company
[Trial balance] - Performance of the trail balance in the grid of the General Ledger
Voucher Import - standardize
Revalue Currency - Add CM
General Ledger Detail - extend for additional fields
Add constraint on current fiscal year
Make intEntityId Required
Need a way to spin Shipments and Receipts to price 0 dollar spot sales
Storage Schedules - Enable Duplicate button
Add company logo to settlement sheet
Settlement Sheet
Discount Tables - Duplicate
Hide the Quality Discount Control since It is has no business logic.
Display Inventory Receipt Number In Storage History Grid for the first Transaction
Settlement Report - Canadian improvements
1.Remove Offsite menu
Item Setup Pricing Level - Unit Price not copied when pricing method is none
Item -> Stock tab - hide Back Order & Consigned Sales
Item -> Pricing Level - Add Effective Date
Item - Ability to tag license type to item
Storage Location - Remove Container and SKU tab in the storage location editor screen.
Item -> Location - Add Gross/Net UOM drop down in defaults group
Item - Do not allow duplication of UPC
Cost Adjustment - Cost changes on voucher for Other charges marked as Inventory cost
Other Charges - Receipt - Should use receipt quantity instead of the hardcoded 1
Other Charges - Shipment - Should use quantity instead of the hardcoded 1
Utilities - Add button to import recipe
Receipt & Shipment - Add Post History tab
Inventory Valuation Summary - Add as a new tab in Inventory Valuation
Include Reserve stock fix in uspICFixStockQuantities
Transfer Order Print
Item Maintenance > Add fields to copy location grid
Transfer - Provide gross, tare, net weights, lot condition dropdown in Inventory Transfer screen
Item - Separate expense types from Inventory Types
Category - Move GL Accounts tab to second position
Item - Make description optional field for Comments type
Item - Copy - Include 'Use Weigh Scales'
Destination Weights & Grades - Transfer - Remove Destination weight checkbox
CLONE - Stock Details - Add Valuation button link - Add date filter
Direct Shipment - New flow - Add In-Transit Direct stock
Receipt - Need to add new source type for delivery sheet
Stock Detail - Relabel 'Extended Cost' to 'Extended'. Change calculation to include storage and consigned qty.
Stock Details - Add another tab to show stock in all uoms
Item - Hide pricing details for commodity items
Storage Measurement Reading - Stick reading changes
Inventory Receipt - drill from receipt line to contract
Remove Vouchers tab in the Inventory Receipt search screen
Pick List - Add Sub Location and Storage location
Inventory items : Ability to import commodity uoms
Category - Vendor Category x Ref - Make location optional
Item - Xref - Make location optional
Add Grade dropdown in the commodity tab of Item maintenance
Provide Ship button in Pick Lots and Stock Sales screen
Provide options to fill the quantity in warehouse services of load / shipment screen.
Split feature in Pick Lots screen
Provide an option to calculate warehouse service charges based on gross weights
LG - Standardizing Posting/Unposting behavior
Add: Gross Wgt Per Qty and Tare Wgt Per Qty
Stock Sales Improvements
Allocated, Unallocated, Invnentory View, Delivered not Invoiced search screens to be converted to reports
LCR - Allow user to set Starting Point and Ending Point in the Sequence
Item Specification column to be added in PO and SO sections of Allocation tab of Allocations screen
HDTN-163345 - Blend 100301 - Blend should allow all UOMs
Blend Management: Show expected quality score
Blend Production - add Recap functionality
MFG - Scheduling - Missing columns in scheduling
Transaction Details is not available in Yield view screen
FG Production - Add Lot ID field in FG production. This is required for filling partial pallet.
Work Order Mgmt - Cycle count - When there are multiple machines for a line required qty is not showing correctly
Tracability - add Sales order and invoice and dril
Error Message should inform user about what is missing. This one Blank
Traceability diagram for Non-Lot tracked items.
Recipe: Provide Custom Tab
Blend Production - Missing columns in Work Order Tab
Blend Production - Print button in production tab
Blend Production View
Missing columns in blend sheet printed from Blend Management
Missing columns in blend sheet printed from Blend Production
Inventory view - Add Garden Name and Cost UOM column
Lot Detail - Make few columns editable in Inspection Log
Lot Move history : Trace before the lot move is lost
Add New Lot screen
Create Inventory As On Date
Mailer - Add Account Status filter
Equity Pay - Add Qualified column in Payment Summary grid
Add ability to validate the field on user input before save event
Purchase Order - Duplicate button options
Create 1099-DIV report.
[Voucher] View Voucher - Add Voucher No to Window Title
[Voucher Detail Search ] Include Voucher Type in Voucher & Detail search screens
Add a drill down from the voucher to the scale ticket
PO - Add all fields to search tabs
Improve the email function to work like contracts so that when you open an email it automatically attaches a document.
Save the AP Vendor and Invoice Number
AP - When exporting we should call everything report not export
Remove Post/Unpost Preview BUTTON and use Post/Unpost Preview TAB
Add Validation and Alert for When Freight is Changed on the Voucher
Purchase order - When you add a po from a contract and you change the uom - the qty and price should update
Pay Voucher Details - Add Drill Down Hyperlink
Entity - Vendor Tab - Validate if EFT Information is Setup
[Voucher Detail grid] - Add purchase order and contract to the ap detail inquiry
[Voucher Grid] Remove Bank Account from Voucher Grid Replace with Last 4 digits
Origin Gap - Process to turn Voucher Debit Memo to Deposit
[Voucher Grid] Add Vendor ID Column to Voucher Tab Grid
[Voucher Search] -- Add the max commodity to the voucher Search
Voucher Search - Add pay to name to the voucher search grids so you can see who is being paid
[Pay Vouchers] Show Bank Account Number in Bank Account Field, Not Bank Name
PO - Changing location should remove only items which does not belong to new location
[Vouchers] - Voucher Date vs Invoice Date
Removing aging columns on payable reports.
[Voucher Entry] Add a type of voucher called basis Advance
Basis Advance Screen
Paid voucher adjustments
Voucher Entry - Naming and totals
Inquiry of paid vouchers by contract
CAB - Allow to manually enter value on 1099 amount on grid.
Code P&L by sales contract
Add a display name for Futures and Options Month in master
How to handle refund checks from Debit Memos
Process multiple payments via credit card
Call LG SP for COGS on Invoice posting for transactions from DropShip Load/Shipment
Invoice -> Vendor Rebate -> Add 5 new fields "Price Source", "Program Id", "Rebate Submitted", "Rebate Excluded" and "Vendor Rebate"
Sales Margin -> Vendor Rebate -> Add program Id and Vendor Rebate
Inventory by unit of measure
POS: Improve Item search
Ticket Search Screen - Add column for Manual Weight
Scale Station Settings Printing Option Error
ST - Implement ToAggregateAsync version
Post Vs Generate
Add "Radiant Item Type Code Screen" as option in Registers screen
Add Mark Up/Down tab to Checkouts
Update Register Screen should default data based upon user setup
Adding 'Symbol' column in Currency screen
If origin is turned off remove the import vouchers from origin menu option in AP
Starting Number for Issue Stock and Retire Stock
Voucher Vendor Prepayment posting.
Need to adjust to radio button for "Tax on Tax" in Tax Code Screen
Tax Code - Add all items to tax code search from tax code screen
Tax codes
Common info- company location - tab Storage location - Add a column "licensed"
Add Competitor menu under CRM Maintenance
Menu - Vendor Rebates
User Roles - Needs a Set Permissions confirmation message box
Add 'Basis Advance' to batch posting.
CLONE - Common info- company location -Add a column "licensed"
Add Customer Inquiry Menu
Create new payment method.
Dispatch Alert > Add Phone Number with Mobile Hyperlink
Vendor Rebate - Rebate design
Vendor Setup - To show Customer Name in the Customer Grid


Incorrect Validation Message when Creating New Contract Document
Issues in Contract Status screen
User role prevents auto-fill of data on contract sequence, but still allows entry manually
Add a new field on Entity Location > Details tab
Search grid fine tuning issues
[Revalue Currency]
[Revalue Multi-Currency] - Rounding Gain or Loss
Accrue fees from scale ticket
Settlement Report - Show partial payments
Discount Table Duplicate - Duplicate Schedule when duplicatinge table
Receipt- "Inventory Cost" setup from item is not copied to iR when created from a Contract
1099 Summary Report
Discount created on a PO does not flow through to Voucher
PO with discount posting gross PO value to Inventory rather than Net
Add warning message if Customer Storage - Shipped is more than the Open Balance.
Add separate toolbar buttons for btnUnpost / btnUnpostPreview and rename btnRecap to btnPostPreview
Add a new field in Company Location > Setup tab


Error on VSTS SQL Script Release 17.4DEV
Unable to upgrade new database to 17.42.1106.88 thru advanced installer
Screens are not opening
Import Trans > Performance Degraded since 17.1
[AP Check Printing] - Check Printing multiple vouchers for multiple
Error upgrading Source that is compatible in SQL 2008
Error in 17.4DEV and RC deployment
"Entity Contract" is not getting copied when Contract is duplicated
Contract is not automatically getting priced when sequence is cancelled.
Internal server error is showing at the time of saving a price contract
Cannot open screen properly
CRM - Build error in SQL Script 17.4RC
Cannot create Lead Source
Cannot create Campaign
Opportunity: Cannot save edited opportunity(Close by Date is hidden)
Opportunity: Graph is missing in Pipeline Forecast tab
Unable to Test Connection
Unable to create Panels
Cannot Open Dashboard Panel from menu
Customer Screen not opening
'User Portal: Email address is empty' error is displayed when saving a Customer Entity with portal user and valid email
Restructure the filter semantics
Error loading i21 application after .42 installation
User Entity tabs are blank
Dashboard Panels are missing in the menu
Cannot see any data in the search
Calendar screen does not open upon click
Opening then closing User Entity | External Module tab screen breaks i21
i21 is not loading on new user login
Clicking Sales module opens Financial Reports
[Customer Inquiry] - Customer Inquiry did not displayed after clicking on F9 key
Unable to view and close Physical Scale
showScreen function error
CLONE - Unable to create and edit Connection setup
Unable to manually distribute Spot Sale Load In Ticket
[Log in] Error in log in using security
Origin menus are not showing
Position Report- position details is not loading any details
CLONE - Invoice: Search for item in the grid area is not working
EULA and Company Registration screen are not showing after login
[Build] newly created segment did not reflect in build account screen
[Account Mapping] Unable to enter Account ID
[Build screen] Unable to uncheck the selected segments
[Import CSV] Unable to import csv
[GL account details search screen] Missing buttons
[FY] Unable to create new FY
[GL Account Details] No transactions appeared
[Build Account] Stuck at loading when building account
[GJ] Editing posted GJ removes the Dr and Cr value
Error updating using sql 2008r2
[Notification] Missing radio button
[Report] Unable to print GL Account details
Error Building 17.4 GL Missing tblGLConsolildatingCompany
[Voucher] Cannot Import on Voucher. Console error appears. Logs doesn't display.
Discrepancies in vyuICGetItemStockUOM
17.4Dev SQL Script deployment error
Cannot open Projects and Tickets
User cannot perform reply, save message as draft and edit ticket details
While importing data from CSV to table, system is not considering all the files under a folder
Qty in the Source location becomes fractional after moving a partial qty to another location for a raw material's pallet.
Inventory Shipment not pulling Ship from Information from Sales order
User is unable to open work order screen or blend management screen from inventory valuation
Inventory Shipment - Unable to load records
Error on 17.4 Dev sql script deployment
Inventory Shipment - Console Error upon selecting a customer cannot open add order screen
Item Setup - Location and Pricing Tab Not Displaying any Details
Stock Details - Cannot Search Item using Filter. Server Busy
Inventory Receipt - Cannot Post Direct IR Cannot Create Serial Number Error
BOL- Item description - multi-description has to be printed in carrier shipment order
Error on 17.4 Dev SQL Script deployment
LG- Build error in SQL Script 17.4RC
Capture source screen name in the work order table
Order Detail screen is not loading due to 30 sec time out limit.
Error 17.4Dev deployment scripts
Cannot create new company
MFG - Build error in SQL Script 17.4RC
Meter Reading Screen > Add Totals
Meter Billing > Currency was set to AUD should have been USD
Meter Readings Grid > Showing Multiple Lines for a single reading
MFT Build error in SQL Script 17.4RC
Error on 17.4Dev deployment
Error deploying SQL Scripts 17.4Dev
Issue Stock - Console error on new transaction
Setup > Customers tab - could not save customer patronage info
[Employee] Cannot save changes in Employee screen
[Process Pay Group] Error when Save button is clicked
[Timecard Approval] Time entries from Timecard are not processed
[Batch Posting] Error when opening Batch Posting screen
[Create Payables] Cannot open Create Payables screen
Error when opening different screens
[Workers Comp] No WCC is displayed in Workers Comp screen
AP cash discount not allocated to items on voucher and AP Clearing error
17.4Dev SQL Script deployment error
Error on 17.4Dev deployment script
[Script] - AP Database Script Build Error
[Pay Vouchers] - Cannot create deposit
[Vendor/Buyer/Lien] Console error when creating new record
[Vendor Inquiry] Cannot open screen. Console error appears.
[Purchase Order] No data display in search screen
[SQL 2008R2] Deployment error
[Voucher Checkoff Report] Transactions doesn't display on the report
Unapplied prepaid balance for the sequence
[Purchase Order] Search screen doesn't display data. Server busy displays pop out on the screen.
[Purchase Order] Cannot save if transaction has discount. Error Occurred.
[Vendor Inquiry] Cannot search inquiry on the screen. Server Busy appears on the screen.
Sample entry screen - not recording who approved or rejected the sample
Wrong report is being loaded
Previous report is displayed
[AP Reports] Cannot filter transactions
[Reports] - Wrong filter on Statement of Account Reports
Object reference error when printing report.
Derivative Entry screen is not opening
RK - Build error in SQL Script 17.4RC
Unable to save Basis Entry
Error on 17.4RC db deployment
Unable to post invoice with contract and sequence
Zero balance customers with statements still being printed
Invoice - Default warehouse location not inserting when creating new invoice
Batch Posting > Is not updating the batch ID on the transaction
Error on SQL Script - 17.4Dev
i21 screens are not loading after opening and closing a Sales Order
Batch Printing screen is not loading
Customer Contact List screen is not loading
[Customer] - Unable to create new customer
[Invoice] - Contract Number options are displayed under Item Number column
Internal Server Error is displayed when saving a Sales Order without a line item
Quote: Total and Subtotal values are not displayed
Unable to process Quote to Sales Order
Inventory By Unit of Measure Detail Report is not loading
When a menu is clicked, previously viewed search screen is displayed
Incorrect message is displayed when adding a credit card with no configuration setup
Price Group hyperlink error breaks i21
Price Group hyperlink error breaks i21
[Quotes] - Unable to process Quote to SO
[Sales Order] - Unable to duplicate SO
Failed to Load Data error while opening created Invoice
'Add Shipment' button is disabled
Invoice: Unable to enter Contract Number/ Sequence
Unable to save an invoice: Invalid column name 'tblSCTicket_intTicketID'
Invoice: Search for item in the grid area is not working
Deployment Failed 17.4 RC/DEV/Prod
Error deploying 17.4Prod (5)
Memo ticket Printing with title of Inbound
Unable to select Item on Ticket screen
Unable to save Scale Station Settings
No Inventory Receipt created on Load In Ticket
Unable to save ticket with contract
Ticket Format screen is broken
The current model no longer matches the model used to pre-generate the mapping views
[Register] Unable to create edit/ save register
CLONE - Batch posting select all is not working correctly
System Manager - Company logo file not displayed
Error Deploying 17.42.0828.10 on 02
Error deploying 17.4RC
Http ERROR 404.0 when generating license key
Errors upon logged in i21 / No menu display
User Profile | Details tab screen is blank
Change Password screen is not loading
New Orders always have previous days date for requested and call in date
TR > Receipt area > Replicate function causes missing Supply Point zip code
Supply Point - Unable to Save Newly created supply point
Cannot login in 17.4 DEV
VR - Build error in SQL Script 17.4RC
WHMobile application is not loading
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