
Downloadable Template for Card Fueling Imports
Import Fixed Assets from Excel
Add Function to depreciate multiple assets
Add Tax / Multiple depreciation methods to the asset screen
Allow for multiple methods of depreciation
Disposing Asset -GL Post Date?
Reversing Depreciation/Unretire Asset -GL Post Date?
[Fixed Assets] - Validation when choosing Depreciation Method
Limit the Depreciation Method
Depreciation method should be shared by multiple asset
Additional fields added that are required
Consolidated GL Entries
Importing chart of accounts – Description field is blank
Barchart and Bushel - Add Get endpoint for Vouchers and Splits to Scale
Script Error
Item - Add Bundle Details tab
CLONE - Data Import - Vendor Receipt EDI Import - read cost and retail from item setup if missing in the data file
Inventory count - Move Count No field to the standard postion
HDTN-246699 - IC Cleanup - move currency field under transaction number
#22, per weight UOM (per lb) is missing in the report in the Approx. value column
Comments column is missing in the inventory transfer item grid
Delivery Instruction: "Coffee to be delivered to" is in-correct in the plant delivery request
Add notes column in vendor location and customer location in load / shipment screen
Make Post/Unpost Preview Available in Load/Shipment Schedule
[Load Shipment Schedule] Add order screen should show created allocation number
Allocate In-transit containers
HDTN-248678 - Freight rates - testing feedback
FL - Create FL e file
IL - Add new RCs to Main Form RMFT-5
Add Resident on the Tax Option for Kentucky USA Local
CLONE - Overtime does not allocate to the same paycodes
CLONE - CLONE - Overtime does not allocate to the same paycodes
HDTN-244097 - AP Cleanup - group all required fields together
HDTN-243182 - Deferred tax - Need sp for creating payment schedule
iRely - Add Source of "Dealer Credit Cards"
iRely: Sales Reports > Improve Usability and close Gaps to Origin
Trucks in yard panel doesn't maximize 
CLONE - Barchart and Bushel - Add Splits to Scale
Import from CSV - Registers
Import from CSV - Store
Price Changes Report > For Manual Mark Up and Downs
Inventory Item > Price and Cost Effective Date Compatability
Update Item Data - Add District, Region, State
Inventory Item > Update Register with Effective Date Cost and Price compatibility
Spread out columns on the grid
Add special license menu "Sub Ledger Traceability" under Inventory -> Reports
Create a new module/menu for IDP
Update menu command for Open Derivatives Position Report
Downloadable Template for Tank Management Imports


Unable to delete work order
Barchart and Bushel - New SP and Endpoint for Customer Grain Storage Balances
Barchart - Add Fields to the ScaleTicket endpoint
Barchart - Add Fields to Contracts endpoint
Integration Activity Reporting
Agworks - Unable to Import Invoices
Agworks - Pagesize Not Working
Agworks - UOM endpoint Not Working
Agworks - Currency endpoint Not Working
Agworks - Filtering Issues
Agworks - Wrong Error Messgage
Agworks - Filter Not Working for Item endpoint
Agworks - Add Contract Related Ids to Prepayment Endpoints
Flashpoint Integration (D&D Energy) - Customer Endpoint Additional Fields
Flashpoint Integration (D&D Energy) - Carrier Endpoint
Failed deployment using latest 21.1RC and 21.1 Prod builds
QT - Need ShipTo on Contract Details
Agworks - Getting Date Conversion Error on Customer endpoint
Item Contract- Extra Bullets is displaying and no validation for empty customer no
Item Contract - Contract field does not import
Item Contract - Freight is not validated
Item Contract - Import should validate for incorrect Country
Item Contract - Incorrect Terms is not validated
Item Contract - Import is importing twice
Import Contract - Import 2 different items with same header fields
[Contract Balance] Incorrect Amount and Amount in Commodity Stock UOM after slicing priced contract
[Load In Ticket] - Voucher Was Posted upon Distribution of Ticket
HDTN-258428 - User is not able to create sequence for futures only contract
HDTN-258483 - Standard conditions auto-selected are not considering type
CLONE - Dollar Contracts - Remaining value not updating correctly
Dallmayr: Contract Sequence asking to save even without changes
[Contract Management] - Incorrect Qty Applied
HDTN-258629 - Pricing text is not printed in the contract document
CLONE - HDTN-256735 - Signature in price fixation letter and contract are too small. Increase the dimension.
[DPR] - Missing Purchase Basis Deliveries and Purchase Basis entries after ticket distribution
[Contract] - Multiple Price > No of Lots is not calculated
[Contract Report] - Contract per sequence report not working if contract is Multiple Price
21.1 - Pricing Type is incorrect in Contract Balance
CLONE - Contract Sequence asking to save even without changes
[Price Fixation Report] - Incorrect average displayed in the report
CLONE - DPR and DPR Summary Log - Purchase Unit Contract - Cancel a sequence resulted to incorrect Priced Contract Total
Incorrect Qty applied after creating a direct invoice.
[DWG] - Cannot post after price delete
[Contract] - Incorrect Qty Applied for load based contract
Released Qty should not be more than contract Sequence Qty
[Contract Balance] - incorrect balance
CLONE - Cannot create new environment using via i21Connect
[CT] Release Instruction Report did not retrieve any records
Cannot save contract
Cannot create new environment using via i21Connect
Import DCC using iRely-Enterprise for 1 Vendor is showing other Vendors Site even if not in Set Up
Fixed Assets - Depreciation Method should have details for each year
[History Tab] - Disposition Date was not populated upon Asset Disposal
Wrong Fully Depreciated data
Reversing Asset does not remove Disposition Date
[Depreciate Tab] - Depreciate Multiple Asset
Unable to create Asset
Duplicate Function - Incorrect Asset No is generated
No Fiscal Period is showing
CLONE - Origin modules in the left hand panel multiplies every time you click on an origin menu
[Inventory Receipt] - Unable to Load Details
Unable to open un-approved transaction from notification menu item
[Document Watcher -> Store Procedure Testing] Username not reflected when uploading file using the SP
Contract: Unable to save Sale Contract
Grid Filter not working in 21.1
IDP - Connection Settings should not open maximized
IDP - Rename the "OCR Form Tool" screen to "Form Recognizer" and remove the Close button
[Report Hierarchy] - Prompt Message Appears When Selecting Segments
[Bank Statement Log] - Failed to Load The Data
Import Primary Accounts links to import journals files
Bulk Load operation failed Uncommittable transaction is detected -Importing COA
Consolidate GL Entries: No Trial Balance Data
i21 Chart of Accounts Import via User Interface: Wrong Event data
Consolidated GL Entries - Active/Inactive Status is Not Merging on COA
Consolidated GL Entries - Excessive character "-" in the Account ID
Import GL from CSV - error importing Sample Export file
[Settlement Report] - Failed to print
No Old Cost Passed in Voucher
Unable to price basis contract after settlement
[Ticket] - Ticket not opening properly
[Ticket] - Cannot save edited ticket
[Ticket] - Cannot edit Description, Resolution and Comment
Invalid error in Invoice Voucher feed
Inventory Receipt Transfer Order - Cannot Post weighed transfers
Inventory Receipt Inbound Shipment - Seal no. was not saved in tblICLot table
Import Log - Total Rows does not match to the header information
HDTN-235071 Invalid error while adjusting the Lot's expiry date
HDTN-258944 - import Item Locations from CSV is not working in 21.1.0405.39
[Stock Details] - Incorrect Storage Unit displayed after Invoice Cancel
System loads all the condition in the inventory transfer screen without applying inventory transfer type filter
After price fixing, getting contract needs to be priced message in IR posting
Unable to post inventory receipt screen
Cannot Create Bundle Item
CLONE - Agworks - UOM endpoint Not Working
Import and Conversions - Cannot Import Origin Data
Upgrade Scripts in IC - Taking more than 30 minutes to run
Inventory shipment: 'An unexpected error has occurred' displays when posting
Imports and Conversions - Unable to Import Items
Imports and Conversions - Unable to Import Items UOM
[Inventory] - Screens not opening on build 21.11.0429.52
[Inventory Receipt] - Grids are missing from the IR screen
[Company Configuration] - Inventory Configs are not displaying with Error 500
CLONE - Upgrade Scripts in IC - Taking more than 30 minutes to run
Imports and Conversions - Unable to Import Opening Balances
Unable to Create Receipt for Unpriced Basis Contract
[Load/Shipment Schedule] Incorrect Status when Saving LS while status is updated externally
iRely: Receive Payment: Unable to open search screen
Customer not loading in Pick Container
Lot's pack UOM is not loading in Blend Production screen
Additional forecast consumption is not retaining value when click on generate button
iRely: Refunds - Unable to post a refund. Error is displayed.
iRely: Open Clearing Report: Clearing Amount is incorrect
[Price] Unable to price the contract with IR generated from load
Not capturing the data into integration pre stage table when weight claim is processed in the voucher screen.
[Open Clearing Report] - No details generated for APC report
[Open Clearing Detail] Outbound Load/Shipment Schedule does not appear on Transaction Number filter
[Voucher] - Voucher Import error when file contains an inactive vendor
Error on SQL Script Build
Upgrade of environment - Upgrading stuck in AP
[Import Paid Vouchers] Unable to import SAS file
[Open Clearing Detail] - APC generation issues (Incomplete/error data)
[Voucher] - Cannot post voucher
[APC] - RTN causes APC issue when DM is created
[Voucher] - Cannot delete voucher (linked to Load In ticket > Load)
Debit/Credit not balanced when passing dblOldCost
iRely: POS - Vague Error message when POS batch processing
iRely: [Receive Multiple Payment] - Unable to Post RCV
CLONE - Agworks - Unable to Import Invoices
CLONE - Agworks - Pagesize Not Working
CLONE - Agworks - Filtering Issues
Incorrect contract after invoice cancel then post credit memo
iRely: Distribution Detail Price doesn't automatically Populate even there's a Set up in the Item
iRely: 21.1 - POS - Small receipt printing
Invoices - GET Not Returning Same Field List as POST
iRely: Invoice - Cancel button is disabled if the Invoice is generated from POS
iRely: [Invoice] Editable applied amount on Prepayment and Credit Memo Tab
iRely: Unable to save or post Receive Payment when Payment Method is Check
iRely: Customer Aging Detail - Refunded customer prepayments are displayed in the report
iRely: Unable to post an invoice
iRely: Unable to send an email if Debit Memo Invoice
Strauss: Provisional Invoice: Unpost preview discrepancy
iRely: Receive Payment: Credit card is not displayed in Payment Method
Ability to bypass credit when using Batch Posting
iRely: - HDTN-255878 - Bundled Items Not creating Inventory/Cogs entries
[Inventory Receipt] - Soybean Moisture not computed
Function uspSCPostDeliverysheet error encounter upon posting
Checkout - Posting passes wrong value to Sales Invoice
Some data's disappeared after Edit Instructions text field and Save.
[Batch Posting] - Transactions are not loading
Incorrect strCommand in Master Menu for Store -> Lottery Inventory Report screen
Unable open Sub Ledger Traceability screen
[Email] Error Message appears when opening Email Screen
HDTN-259093 - Index Contracts not Pricing correctly when used in a transport load
[Transports Load] Unable to enter customer
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