
[Depreciation] Asset depreciation period taking previous month's for imported assets
[Depreciation] Incorrect value depreciation when asset have Import Depreciation to Date.
[Dispose] Tax Lines with bonus and import dep cause disposal exceeding cost to be unbalanced.

Incorrect Time displaying in the exported file
24.1 - LogRocket is not working
HDTN-331374 - Error in accessing Helpdesk
Mobile View displays in HD or in any environment from 24.x and higher.
No Default Company in Login Page
TE24 Database Twice the Size of 01
Unable to upgrade to latest 24.1ProdDev
HDTN-340049 - Floating Search not working on 24.x
HDTN-340747 - Error on upgrading from 22.1ProdDev environment to 24.1ProdDev build

FRD - Error from Drilling down on 2nd Page from Report
FRD - Report Hierarchy - Successfully generate the report but the it doesn't tick the checked box

Duplicate Screen name
Auditor Transaction By Transaction ID - Continuously Loading
Ecom Agroindustrial Corp. - Failed to create iRelyi21TE3 environment
HDTN-339927 - GJ record no. add plus 1 from 30 become 32

[24.1 Dev] GII Summary - CO Paid Increase is getting deducted after Settlement Reversal
[Manual Recode: 24.1] - HDTN-329947 - FFS - TE 22.2.0201.714 - Plenish Item not displaying on new settlement form
[24.1 Dev] GII Summary - CO Paid Increase is getting deducted after Settlement Reversal - DS

Ticket - Estimated hours and Actual Hours do not add add up
Cannot view whole time entry screen
[Times/Hours] - Entries do not match Agent's time entry
[Ticket] Unable to create a jira via Ticket
When creating a Jira ticket from Help Desk it doesn't copy the screenshots properly

HDTN-315043 - Unable to post inventory receipt
HDTN-315043 - Created Samples From IR not Showing on Sample Screen
HDTN-310075 - 'Truck No.' Blank in Lot Details
Add validation Message in IR Post Button
HDTN-314644: IC Basis Components details - Issues
Work Order Status not updating after Inventory Shipment is saved.
Lot Tracking details lost upon saving
Unable to display Vendor Xref options
HDTN-338048 - Inventory Details displaying duplicate records when we create LSI and then LS
HDTN-312658 - Starting Numbers for Receipt at Plants - Issues
Unable to Un-Post Transaction
CLONE - Failed upgrade in 24.1 ProdDev
Error in 24.1ProdDev
Error running Liquibase upon upgrade
[Company Config] No data for IC, MFG and Risk

HDTN-323802 - Generate Purchase Release not showing all the UOM, conversion is not happening for LB (LG - 3131)
Issues with uspLGCreateUpdateLoadShipment
uspLGCreateUpdateLoadShipment Audit Log Issue
Delivery From and Delivery To displays time differently compared to Operating hours
HDTN-335252 - Orders will not dispatch in LOGISTICS > DISPATCH CALENDAR
HD Closed The User encountered an error while attempting to import release data.
Dispatch Calendar - Ship Via, Truck and Driver filters not working
HD Closed The user is not able to update ETA POD in Logistics release screen
HDTN-266813: Release > Audit Log - recording of CRUD operations is not available
Release - Incorrect Date values being displayed in the exported CSV file
HD Closed Storage location dropdown do not display in release screen
Trailer retains value after updating the Quantity
HDTN-339778 - Dispatch Schedule: Supplier and terminal change when selecting the Load button
The user should not have the ability to create a release until the contract has been approved.
Dispatch Calendar - filters not working as desired 1/2
Dispatch Calendar - filters not working as desired 2/2
[Dispatch Calendar] Division/Region/Territory is unable to filter the loads correctly
HDTN-337131 - Woodford T24 TMO orders not in Logistics

Unable to display Vendor Xref options

Blend Requirements - Unable to Create Auto Blend
HDTN-331300 - Search contract detail from demand analysis view shows incorrect info.
Work Order Management - Items are not showing
HDTN-328227 - Shipment qty is not moving to prior month as per SoW
Create Auto Blend - No active recipe found
HDTN-332422 - Unable to export the data in the demand analysis view
Can't view report in Print Ticket and Print Pick List (Sales Order)
24.1RC Manufacturing Module is not Responsive
MFG - 24.1ProdDev - Deployment failed
HD Closed TN-337073 - Demand by Shipment is not considering the entire column while advancing position
HDTN-339544 - Blend Production has an error upon clicking produce.
HD Closed The user cannot see the items in the demand screen.
24.1RC Manufacturing Module is not Responsive

No Generated XML file/Downloadable File
Forms not showing

No Dependent tab in Employee and Paycheck screen
24.1 - Add Masking on Employee Dependents Tab and Paycheck Dependents Tab
LiquiBase error on Updating to 24.1
Failed Deployment 24.1RC #244
Unexpected error running Liquibase: Validation Failed
[Employee W2] - School District not displaying for Pennsylvania
[Form 1095-C] - Dependent's birthdate is incorrect in the report
[Employee Dependent] - Birth Date was changed after refreshing/reopening the screen
[Generate Form 1095-C] - Error showed when generating Form-1095-C in 1094-C screen

Linked Sample is not being displayed
HDTN-315043 - Inventory Receipt Copy Quality issues
HDTN-267055 - Quality Claims enhancements - Issues 3
Incorrect Storage Location is displayed in Quality Claim Print view
Issues in Lot Quality View
HDTN-338287 - Contract Quality View not loading
HDTN-338288 - Lot Quality View not displaying all the records
Lot Quality View screen is stuck in loading

Cannot open Form 1095-C

HDTN-325516 - RM-4433 is not working as per SOW. (Unassigned Futures against Shipment Month Report)Hi Team, * All
HDTN-328918 - Missing ?Expire? option in the Futures Month vs Book Association master to expire the shipment mon
HDTN-330163 - (RM-4433) Highlight the row where future month and shipment month are not matching as per future month vs book
HDTN-330176 - Unable to save the data in the risk inquiry view
HDTN-330884 - Unassigned Futures against Contracts Report (RM-4434) Highlight the row.
HDTN-267296 - "Batch No" should be unique
HDTN-332584 - Futures month and UOM are not saving in the new build
HDTN-334203 - Saved record is not loading when click on "Refresh" button in the risk inquiry view
HDTN-334960 - Terminated Hedges lot is incorrect
Risk Management > Derivative Entry > Book Allocation: Failed to restrict saving of more than the original number of lots.
HDTN-336001 - Active Hedges and Assigned Hedges are not multiplying correctly in Exposure by Shipment Month
HDTN-338334 - Long derivatives not showing up in Match Derivatives screen
HD Closed The entry for derivatives is not visible on the Assign Derivative screen.
Error on upgrading Environment to 24.1Prod build
HDTN-340835 - Mark to Market: issues
CLONE - HDTN-339391 - Error occurred while upgrading ConvTE to 24.1.0426.262

Scale Collation Issue - Table
[24.1] Manual Recode- Cannot Process Zero Priced Spot Ticket when distributed split Ticket
24.1 Manual Recode - [Ticket] Unable to Manually Distribute Ticket
[24.1 RC] Printed Scale Ticket is displaying Readings column when Suppressing Readings and Discounts (Full Sheet)
[24.1 Dev] Unable to Print Ticket with Ticket Format: Half Sheet - No Suppression

24.1 - Email Log: "undefined" displayed in the TO field
24.1 - Unable to modify the Ship Via in Dispatch Truck screen
24.1 - Multiple instances of i21 on this browser
Missing scroll bar on the Module panel
Unable to edit fields in Exchange Rate Details grid
No added Fixed fee
Ship Via - Unable to open and save record
24.1 Unable to Upgrade to Latest Build
Futures Month Vs Book screen is not showing
HDTN-338051 - Starting Nos. configuration not saving properly when storage location is selected

HDTN-331034 - Reading Source for tank monitor not reflected in 24.1 and higher versions
HDTN-334232 - Could not Upgrade to 24.1Dev Build
HDTN-335073 - Tank Monitor Device allowed to attach to multiple accounts
HDTN-336078 - Consumption Site details does not load
HDTN-336599 - Woodford Oil| TE24 Liquibase Failed Validation
HDTN-339196 - Pump fee doesn't applied upon adding new site on the consolidated order

Invoice Detail button is still disabled after posting the transaction
HDTN-334019 - eBOL reconciled checkbox and invoice reconciled check box missing in TR in 24.1
Unable to post TR LOADS
Error is encounterd when importing csv file on Import Bill of Lading.
HDTN-335110 - Sales Person - Need to Flow in Transport load once Mobile is billing is completed
Posted TR load has missing Distribution header/Detail w
Transport Load - Load Date/Time always sets to 12AM
24.1ProdDev - Deployment failed
(24.1RC) Contract QTY Scheduled is not updating after removing contract in TR Load
(24.1Dev) Unabale to import BOL
(24.1Dev) Siurchrage By Mile Item was not reflected in Dist. Detail - LS > TR Transaction
(24.1PRODDEV) Console Error when opening Tier Pricing Menu
(24.1ProdDev) Tier Pricing was not saved if the Item is Blank in tiered Pricing By gallons Set in Cust. Set up in AR
Transport Load's Duplicate Button not working.
24.1 - Unable to Open Bulk Plant Freight
Duplicate Surcharge by Miles Item when Reselecting Receipt Link


Update Work Order Status after Inventory Shipment is saved.
HDTN-313295 - Auto Blend setting needs to be on Item Location - Part 1 of 2. - 24.1

Limit Supplier and terminal on Logistic pages 1/2
Dispatch Calendar - allow an order to be dragged from a driver back to the order well 1/3
Dispatch Calendar - if multiple pick ups or deliveries are to the same location only show one box 1/4
Limit Supplier and terminal on Logistic pages 2/2
Dispatch Calendar - allow an order to be dragged from a driver back to the order well 2/3
Dispatch Calendar - allow an order to be dragged from a driver back to the order well 3/3
Dispatch Calendar - if multiple pick ups or deliveries are to the same location only show one box 2/4
Dispatch Calendar - if multiple pick ups or deliveries are to the same location only show one box 3/4
Dispatch Calendar - if multiple pick ups or deliveries are to the same location only show one box 4/4

24.1 - Payroll Taxtable Update Version 2024.08

HDTN-331017 - Fee Schedule update in validation for Pump Off
HDTN-331017 - CORD impact - Fee Schedule update in validation for Pump Off

Design and Create Letter of Credit tab 'Parties/Amount/Shipment' screen enabling the user to capture the LC details.
Design and create UI for Letter of Credit's Logistics, Treasury, and Bank screens.
Incorporate Audit log and Activities screen under Trade Finance Module.
Create LC Search Screen in Trade Finance Module to create New LC's.

HDTN-328786 - Tier Pricing Search Screen
HDTN-328786 - Tier Type Screen
HDTN-328786 - Use Tiered Pricing Option
HDTN-328786 - Create Tiered Pricing SP from TR

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