
Special Commission set up base on margin on sales
[Opportunity] Special Commission base on margin on sales
[Commissions] Special Commission base on margin on sales
HDTN-353968 Order on the Site Status will be "Routed" when Dispatch is "Routed/Scheduled"


Unable to Import Vendor thru API
Unable to import the BAI File
[Opportunity] late screen response in adding of new opportunity
[Opportunity] optimization of relates opportunity selection
24.1 - [Dealer Credit Card] 0 Gross and Net upon import
When we click add-ons and Licensed modules there is console error
HDTN-353882 - Unable to use GL accounts
HDTN-352144 - Error shows up when selecting the same commodity and trying to save it.
Saving Pick List throws error
[24.1] Unable to Save Bulk Produce
After process DS in Mobile billing distribution detail missing in TR
24.1 - [Department] - Time Start/End converts to UTC
HDTN-350865 - Vendor API allows duplicate import of Entity No even if already exists as Vendor
Calculate discounts missing on EFT import window for 24.1
HDTN-354081 - EFT should not be allowed to import until all pay vouchers are matched
CLONE - Unable to import Vendor Tax Exemption Template
HDTN-352324 - All releases available in the Quality Sample when select releases with sequences should appear
Smoke - Attribute disappearing from Sample Type screen upon saving
Cannot post invoice " The statement has been terminated."
Release PO# missing from Invoice
Customer Number is not available tblARCustomer table after importing from API
HDTN-349677 - [Receive Payments] Unable to post/save payment
HDTN-309155 - FFS - Customer Storage displays per Storage Ticket
Invoice Print Report is blank in 24.1Dev
[Customer] Licensed modules and add-ons are not showing in customer profile
Balance Due field missing in Volume Discount Terms
HDTN-348140 - No Audit log record for updating retain and runout record from Activities menu
HDTN-347881 - Created a Delivery adjustment with item not available in CS - 24.1 Version and up
HDTN-353949 - BOL Import Date/Time Tolerance doesnt work
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