Unposting via Audit Adjustment
Here are the steps on how to unpost journals via the Audit Adjustment screen:
- After posting an Audit Adjustment (see How To Post Audit Adjustment), click Unpost button from the toolbar.
- Once the journal is unposted, Posted status is removed from the screen. All toolbar buttons and editable fields are again enabled.
- You are now ready to make changes to your Audit Adjustment.
Unposting via Post preview tab
Here are the steps on how to unpost Audit Adjustments via Recap form:
- After posting Audit Adjustment (see How To Post Audit Adjustment), click Post preview tab.
- Click Unpost toolbar button to start the unposting process.
- Recap screen will close automatically. Posted status is removed from the screen and all toolbar buttons and other editable fields will now be disabled.
- You are now ready to make changes to your Audit Adjustment.
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