Here are the steps on how to add a new customer:

  1. Click the Sales | Customers menu. This will open the Create New Entity screen if there is no existing record yet. If not, click the New button on the integrated search grid.

    Note that the New button will open the Create New Entity screen. You can either fill out this screen, or simply close it and proceed with the succeeding steps.

  2. Fill out the Entity tab fields.

    1. Enter the Name, Contact Name, and Location Name. These are the required details on this tab.
    2. You can either enter the Entity No or let the system generate it for you upon saving the record.
    3. Make sure that the Entity Type is set to Customer.
    4. Fill out other details on Entity tab. You can be as detailed as you see necessary. Below is a sample record.
  3. Navigate to Customer tab | Detail tab and fill out the fields. Required detail on this tab is Terms. Refer to Customer Entity | Field Description | Detail tab to help you in filling out the fields. You can be as detailed as you see necessary.
  4. Navigate to Customer tab | Misc tab and fill out the necessary fields.
  5. Click the Save button. The Entity No field will get disabled.

Here are the steps on how to add a new customer:

  1. Click the Sales | Customers menu. This will open the Create New Entity screen if there is no existing record yet. If not, click the New button on the integrated search grid.

    Note that the New button will open the Create New Entity screen. You can either fill out this screen, or simply close it and proceed with the succeeding steps.

  2. Fill out the Entity tab fields.

    1. Enter the NameContact Name, and Location Name. These are the required details on this tab.
    2. You can either enter the Entity No or let the system generate it for you upon saving the record.
    3. Make sure that the Entity Type is set to Customer.
    4. Fill out other details on Entity tab. You can be as detailed as you see necessary. Below is a sample record.
  3. Navigate to Customer tab | Detail tab and fill out the fields. Required detail on this tab is Terms. Refer to Customer Entity | Field Description | Detail tab to help you in filling out the fields. You can be as detailed as you see necessary.
  4. Click the Save button. The Entity No field will get disabled.
  1. Click the Sales | Customers menu. This will open the Create New Entity screen if there is no existing record yet. If not, click the New toolbar button on the integrated search grid.

    Note that the New button will open the Create New Entity screen. You can either fill out this screen, or simply close it and proceed with the succeeding steps.

  2. Fill out the Entity tab fields.

    1. Enter the NameContact Name, and Location Name. These are the required details on this tab.
    2. You can either enter the Entity No or let the system generate it for you upon saving the record.
    3. Make sure that the Entity Type is set to Customer.
    4. Fill out other details on Entity tab. You can be as detailed as you see necessary. Below is a sample record.
  3. Navigate to Customer tab | Detail tab and fill out the fields. Required detail on this tab is Terms. Refer to Customer Entity | Field Description | Detail tab to help you in filling out the fields. You can be as detailed as you see necessary.
  4. Click the Save button. The Entity No field will get disabled.

Here are the steps on how to add a new customer:

  1. From the Sales folder, click the Customers menu. If there is no existing record yet, it will open a new Entity (Customer) screen. The Customer Entity search grid will be docked at the center panel.
  2. On search grid, click the New toolbar button to open a new Entity (Customer) screen.
  3. Fill out the Entity tab fields.

    1. Enter the NameContact Name, and Location Name. These are the required fields on this tab.
    2. You can either enter the Entity No or let the system generate it for you upon saving the record.
    3. Make sure that the Entity Type is set to Customer.
    4. Fill out other details on Entity tab. Below is a sample record.
  4. Navigate to Customer tab and fill out the necessary fields. You can be as detailed as you like. The required field on this tab is Terms. Refer to Customer Entity for the description of each field.

    The Contact NameEmailPhone, Alt Phone, Alt Email, Mobile, Fax, and Timezone fields will be treated and saved as part of the Entity Contact details.

    While the Locations Name, Address, Zip/PostalCityState/ProvinceCountryShip ViaTerms, and Warehouse fields will be considered as Entity Locations details.

  5. Click the Save toolbar button. The Entity No field will get disabled.

Here are the steps on how to add a new customer:

  1. From the Accounts Receivable > Maintenance, double click the Customers menu. If there is an existing record, it will open the Search Customer screen. Otherwise, it will open a new Customer screen.
    If the search screen opens, proceed to step 2. Else, proceed to step 3
  2. On Search Customer screen, click the New toolbar button. This will open a new Customer screen.
  3. Enter the necessary details. You can be as detailed as you like. The required fields are Customer NoNameContactLocationsTerms. Refer to Customer Entity for the description of each field.

    The ContactPhoneEmailMobile, Fax, Alt Phone, and Alt Email fields will be treated and saved as part of the Customer Contact details.

    While the LocationsAddress, Zip/PostalCityState/ProvinceCountryShip ViaTermsWarehouse, and Tax Code fields will be considered as Customer Locations details.

  4. Click the Save toolbar button. The Customer No, and other fields related to Customer Location and Customer Contacts will be disabled after saving the new Customer record.
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