1. Open an existing entity record from any entities.
  2. Navigate to Split tab.
  3. Open a new Entity Split screen. There are 2 ways to do this:
    1. Click the Insert button.
    2. On Entity Split screen, click the New toolbar button.
  4. Enter the details. You can be as detailed as you see necessary. 

    Split NoEnter the split code that will identify this record. Accepts 4 numeric characters. Zeroes will be added if incomplete.
    Exception CategoriesYou may leave this field blank or enter the class of products on which the first customer on the list will pay 100%. When an invoice is created that involves a split and has an AG exception class, then that product will not to the other customers. Only the first customer in the split will pay 100% of that product.
    FarmSelect a farm to be associated with the Split
    DescriptionA brief description about this split.
    Entity TypeFilters the Entity No to show only which type of entities to be selected
    Entity NoSelect the entity, from the combo list box, that will share in this split.
    NameThis is a read-only field and will display the name of the selected Entity number.
    Split %Enter the percentage of the split associated with each customer. The total split for all customers entered must equal to 100%.
    OptionSelect the default option that each entity will take when adding a grain ticket.
    Storage Type CodeThis selection will only be enabled if the Option selected is Storage Type.
  5. Once done, click the Save toolbar button.
    The newly added record will be displayed on the Split tab of its respective entity.


  1. Open an existing entity record from any entities.
  2. Navigate to Split tab.
  3. Open a new Entity Split screen. There are 2 ways to do this:
    1. Click the Insert button.
    2. On Entity Split screen, click the New toolbar button.
  4. Enter the details. You can be as detailed as you see necessary. Refer to Entity Split for the definition of each field.
  5. Once done, click the Save toolbar button.
    The newly added record will be displayed on the Split tab of its respective entity.
  1. Open an existing entity record from any entities.
  2. Navigate to Split tab.
  3. Open a new Entity Split screen. There are 2 ways to do this:
    1. Click the Insert button.
    2. On Entity Split screen, click the New toolbar button.
  4. Enter the details. You can be as detailed as you see necessary. Refer to Entity Split for the definition of each field.
  5. Once done, click the Save toolbar button.
    The newly added record will be displayed on the Split tab of its respective entity.
  1. Open an existing entity record from any entities.
  2. Navigate to Split tab.
  3. Open a new Entity Split screen. There are 2 ways to do this:
    1. Click the Insert button.
    2. On Entity Split screen, click the New toolbar button.
  4. Enter the details. You can be as detailed as you see necessary. Refer to Entity Split for the definition of each field.
  5. Once done, click the Save toolbar button.
    The newly added record will be displayed on the Split tab of its respective entity.
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