Here are a sample Transport Load and its report preview

Print using Transport Loads | Print button:

  1. Open the Transport Load record you wish to print.
  2. Click the Print toolbar button to see a preview of the Invoice report.

Here are a sample Transport Load and its report preview



Print using Transport Loads | Print button:

  1. Open the Transport Load record you wish to print.
  2. Click the Print toolbar button to see a preview of the Invoice report.

    Print using Report Manager | Print button:


    Use this method if you are given by your system administrator access to the Report Manager screen.


    1. Open the Report Manager screen.
    2. Select Accounts Receivable under Group panel.
    3. Select Invoice from the right panel of the screen.
    4. Click the Print toolbar button to open the Report Parameters screen for the Invoice.
    5. On Report Parameters screen, enter the criteria for the report then click the Preview button.




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