- Account structure:
- iRely Recommends the following structure for your chart of accounts
- Primary Account (5 Digit numeric code)
- Location ( 4 digit numeric code)
- LOB (3 digit Numeric Code
- iRely Recommends the following structure for your chart of accounts
- iRely does not support an alpha-numeric chart of accounts
- This style of account is difficult to use from a data entry perspective
- The sorting and grouping function in the chart of accounts in not optimized for this pattern
- Financial report design is more difficult with an alpha numeric pattern
- iRely does not support the primary account being in a position other than the first position
- Financial reporting has been optimized based upon having the primary account in the first position
- The location should be in the second position of the chart of accounts
- This is the Facility or location that you wish to create a profit and loss statement by
- General Ledger accounts are defaulted to transactions based upon the location that a transaction is being processed for
- The LOB or line of business is the third segment
- This segment gives you the ability to auto assign accounts based upon the item category configuration
- this will allow you to create a profit and loss by line of business in a simple manner.
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