The Import Transaction from CSV screen can be used to import Sales Order, Invoice, Prepayment and Overpayment transactions from a csv file. Use a csv file with correct format to make it valid for this importing process. Use this csv template. Note that the asterisked columns are required details.

Mapping of CSV fields to Invoice/Sales Order

CSV ColumnTransaction FieldNotes
Invoice NumberComments 
Transaction Type Enter the transaction type such as Sales Order, Invoice, Prepayment, or Overpayment.
Customer #CustomerEnter the Customer Entity No.
Location NameLocationEnter the Company Location Name
TermsTermsEnter the Terms name. If left blank, the system will get the customer's default terms.
Freight TermFreight TermEnter the Freight Terms name.
Ship ViaShip ViaEnter the Ship Via name.
Salesperson #SalespersonEnter the Salesperson Entity No.
BOL #BOL Number 
PO #PO Number 
CommentItem Description (grid area) 
Tax GroupTax Group (grid area)Enter the Tax Group name.
Invoice DateInvoice Date 
Due DateDue DateIf left blank, system will recompute based on Invoice Date and Terms.
Post DatePost Date

If a value is provided, the generated Invoice will be posted.

If left blank, system will use the Invoice Date.

Ship DateShip Date 
Invoice SubtotalSubtotal (footer area) 
TaxTax (grid area) 
Invoice TotalTotal (footer area) 
Discount AmountDiscount (grid area) 
Amount Due  


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