A Meter Account for customer location must be setup first to be able to create Meter Reading.

To access Meter Account screen, go to Meter Billing > Meter Account and click New or open existing record.


Customer : Select customer from combo box

Customer Location : Select customer location from combo box

Terms : Select terms to be used from combo box

Price : Select from Gross or Net price type

Consignment Group : Select consignment group from combo box

Company Location: Select Company Location from combo box

Grid Details:

Key/Meter No. : Enter key/meter number on the text field

Item : Select Item from combo box field

Worksheet Seq : Enter alphanumeric character on the text field

Meter Customer Id : Enter alphanumeric character on the text field

Meter #/Fueling Point : Enter alphanumeric character on the text field

Meter Product No. : Enter alphanumeric character on the text field

Last Meter Reading : Enter numeric value on the text field

Last Total Sales Dollar : Enter numeric value on the text field



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