Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titlei21 Framework
Date filter is not working in the Search screen
Stock Details menu buttons changes positions after relaunch
Setting allowSaveGridLayout to false should not initialize any layout configuration
Screens can open even while on EULA screen by browser's back button
Fields are cut off on Email URL screen
End Date is not showing on Event screen
Transaction screen is not opening after event is moved to a different date
Combo box should automatically show open upwards when there's no space below
Can view other records that user do not have access via floating search
Additional parameter for adding event calendar
Sorting Changes
CLONE - Blend Management: Search screen is malfunctioning
Collation issue
16.1 Missing item id on Dashboard buttons on Panel List search
i21 License and i21 Support on Alerts should not be links
Save Default Layout is throwing error in Live DPR Screen
Exclude modal windows from ScreenDock
Date fields are saving/sending time
New button click handler that doesn't pass searchTab information
Custom Fields - Sort not working
Replace double line with single line border on all triggers in 16.2 theme
Audit log shows incorrect time
Error when clicking Audit Adjust from Fiscal Year search Menu
AdvanceSearchGridViewController is not loading correctly with error on line 399
search config 'api' is giving error when we use function in multiple tabs
Cannot open 'IRELYADMIN' user entity when user Role Admin is minimized
Home panels sometimes do not appear after closing a screen
Console error appears when opening a screen
Build button is not working on Custom Fields screen
Tabs not enabling back once disabled
no tooltip appearance when hover
Multiple Search Tab to launch different Screens in New and Edit Mode
Issues on filter
Error when reordering tabs in Search screen
Cannot select multiple records when the first record in the grid is selected
Buttons not enabling back once disabled
Cannot open records on floating search by double clicking
Failed to load resources appears after changing the default tab of search screen
Paychecks Search screen crashes when refreshed with blank filter
Datefields does not accept null value
Unable to open records from Search screen when other screen is minimized
Time out error is coming while applying filter in search screen.
Combo Default Filter Value is not sending in request
Cannot export PO Details
Recently Viewed view more results screen is not opening
Console error appears when opening a screen from Global Result / Recently Viewed
Unable to login after changing password
Issues when closing expanded screen from dock panel
Red box not appearing on column after model level validation fails.
No Cancel button when closing an edited/added record.
Cannot maximize the grid of Batch Posting
Console error exporting to exporting in GL Build Accounts screen
Issues when maximizing a screen with 2 grids
Budget - move to next Amount field will show the cursor after 0
Year in Form 941 screen is in decimal
Failed to load data in Load Schedule search screen upon applying quick filter
Activity calendar freezes when calling activity.
Row color not get applied in new tab in Inventory View Search screen
CLONE - Filter is not functioning properly on batch posting screen
Time in and Time out in Time Approval displays Date instead
Two-Step Verification not working
Tabbing on a grid not working properly
Approver should not be included in the approval process if he is the one who created the transaction
API key/secret not working
titlei21 FRD



titlei21 General Ledger
Date without Activity does not show

Units not Updating tblGLSummary when unposting a Reversal

uspGLImportOriginHistoricalJournalCLOSED - string /binary would be truncated

titlei21 Inventory
Inventory Receipts – line level gross weight is assigned quantity while header level gross is edited: -

Inventory Shipment Pick Lot - Order and Source Number Not Displayed


Receipt -> Other Cost were removed after clicking Calculate button


HDTN-179505 - Incorrect Inventory for Item 10016 Lot 04475


Inventory Shipment is only checking order type not the Source Type (Regression Issue): -


Inventory Adjustment - could not move a lot completely


Inventory Adjustment - Lot Move to Different Location even if the Item doesn't have the Destination Location in Setup


Inventory Shipment - Display Lot Weight UOM


Inventory Receipt - Purchase Contract Cost Currency Incorrect on Add Orders Feature


Inventory Receipt - Cannot Change Lot UOM from PO Using Add Orders Window.


Inventory Receipt - Purchase Order using Add Orders Gross Net Qty Incorrect on First Entry of Lot Qty


Inventory Shipment - "Partial" Sales Order not Displayed in Add Orders Screen


HDTN-180950 - WO-626 item 11084 - Negative has to set to Yes for posting to work


One more additional transaction occurred for some of the lots


Shipment sorting must be descending (last record created on top)


Maximize the window for the BOL report.


BOL report. Fix the alignments.


Inventory Receipt - Vouchers search screen is not loading correctly


Inventory: Lot Move: Creating another parent Lot


Inventory Shipment - BOL Report - Fix printing for Net Weight and Change the value of BOL number to Shipment number


Purchase Order - IR - Voucher - GL Entries are not Balance after Changing Item Cost with Tax.


fnMultipy by 1 with very big decimal value is truncating values.


Inventory Shipment - Lot Quantity Issue on Unposting Shipment with same Lot Numbers

titlei21 Logistics
Receipt or delivered date is not displaying in Load Schedule: -
titlei21 Manufacturing
Display the BOL# in reservation details screen

MFG - PP - When Instant consumption is on then Lot create date should be current date.


Warehouse: System is not allowed to stage the lot


HDTN-181190 PK-1193


Inventory View - Lot Split Incorrect Posted Quantity Due to Incorrect UOM Passed by uspMFLotSplit


HDTN-181252 PK-1227 & PK-1228 (DN-1137)


After changing item, move the lot from one location to another location, system displayed error message


History is not displayed correct item after inventory receipt

titlei21 Payroll
Time Off Award issues

Problem with Filter button

Unable to Print normal Paycheck when a Direct Deposit check is Committed

First item is checked even when Filter field is blank in Employee Pay Groups

Ohio State Tax regardless of Municipality/School District selected

FK constraint conflicts with database when creating payables

Spaces between Page header and body (Fist Page)
Column Designer - format mask in question
Budget - Details button not available on duplicate account validation
Row Designer - sorting in progress is shown forever
Changing Row Calculation row to Percentage row type
Budget Causing Report to Generate Slowly
Invalid Formula when using Print Each and Column Calculation
Row Designer - Duplicate radio button color not matching the marked row
Row Designer - message states 3 rows with wrong type while marked row is only 1
Report Builder - Error printing a report
Row Designer - Source is defaulted to blank
Total Row Calculation is failing when it is referencing 3 Row calculations with sum formula
Not Always saving the filter accounts selected
Report Viewer - Could not print report if Print Each is enabled
Column formats should not allow NULLS in end offset
Failed to Load Resources when loading FRD search screens
When you drill on an account it relaunches the report screen over and over
Column Designer - could not clear Segment Filter field
Report Viewer - Column Captions for 2nd and so on columns are shown lower than the first
Financial Report Viewer - newly added fields do not work
Row Designer - import row is showing Imported Budget message
Percent Column Format is Multiplying by 10000 instead of 100
Row Designer - Column Name - Page Header is showing multiple lines column header as single line
Row Designer - row calculation row with -1 in the formula treated as invalid row
Trial Balance Detail Template - clear Format field on Row Name column type
Trial Balance Detail Template - Row Designer generated has incorrect Balance Side for Liability, Equity and Revenue account type
Drill down not allowed on report
Budget - budget detail had been cleared after upgrading 16.2 interim build
Budget - export successful message
GL Trend End dates are not right in the column designer
Trial Balance Template - Print Each is checked vs. Print Each is unchecked result to different Total Debit and Total Credit
Row Designer - change label to Override Row Calculation
Row Designer - imported row enables Hidden checkbox for all rows
titlei21 General Ledger
Percentage should accept up to 2 decimal places only
RE is not correct if there is actual transactions for RE account
Drill Down no longer works
Drill Down from Trial Balance does not pass correct dates
Totals should be in 2 decimal places
GL Account Detail screen should call the GL report coded in new report framework
Object reference error after log in
Printed by does not display
Grid data are not displaying when import Origin COA
To filter by Primary account is missing in GL by Account ID detail and Trial Balance reports
New Primary Segment should accept 0 in front
Drop Down Doesn't have Any Accounts on Journal Entry
GL Begining Balance and Ending Balance are summing up all rows
Reference Violation Upon Saving Journal Entry
Update Null Foreign GL column fields into 0 for existing transactions
Modify webconfig for RPT-935
When Duplicate Primary Segment is found
Update Primary should not continue if codes are not all entered with new primary value.
Spelling is incorrect
Units should be in 3 decimal places format
Cannot save new FY
Account Detail Does Not Load on Accounts With Many Transactions
GL Account Detail does not update ending balance properly
Cannot filter GL by Account ID detail by strTransactionId
Drill down on Voided Misc Check does not work
Allow User to only Post Transactions they created - turned ON - Allowed to unpost
Origin Drill down does not open via report viewer
Exporting message is displaying when closing Period
Can't open screen GL Account Detail through iRely.Functions.openScreen
Opening Balance is incorrect
Date without Activity does not show
Report has time out error
uspGLImportOriginHistoricalJournalCLOSED - string /binary would be truncated
Units not Updating tblGLSummary when unposting a Reversal
Not all internal users are included in the drop down.
Is the GL Account Detail the buffered grid
Cannot Import from Subleger - "String or binary data would be truncated."
Duplicate GJ does not update the doc date to the current date
tblGLAccountGroup did not update the intAccountCategoryId
Can not filter on unposted column in Journal entry grid
Incorrect transactions listed in GL by account ID detail report
titlei21 Grain
Inbound Scale ticket - Data Posting to Inventory Receipt
Scale ticket - discount and shrink calculation
sp for getting grades properly needs updated for scale
discount schedules set up of codes issues with increments - Greenbush
titlei21 Help Desk
No Save prompt is displayed when closing an unsaved Create Issue screen
Project - Modules Select all modules
CRM Activity fields/buttons momentarily display when opening HD Ticket screen
CRM: When user modifies an opportunity status to Closed then saves it, fields are not disabled
CRM: Date format in Activity Calendar should have the standard comma
CRM: Pipeline is misspelled in All Opportunities search screen
Ticket > Hours Worked Date grid column value defaults to current date + 1
Total All opportunities and pipeline
Incorrect Status Message when saving Out of Office Reply
Default field values on Supported Products from Customer is not being carried on Ticket screen
When exiting rate field in Billable Time Ticket Locks Up
Console error is displayed when saving a Ticket Calendar event
Ticket Event Date registered in Common Info > Calendar is incorrect
Unable to filter agent on Internal Notes tab
Incorrect spelling of itemid of Quoted Milestone Hours text field
Console error when clicking Save button on Ticket screen on siesta
Clicking CRM > Activities opens HD Ticket List
No Scroll Bar on Description Field in Create JIRA Window
Entered issue description on Create Issue screen did not cascade on jira
Email notification is not sent when contact closes or re-opens a ticket
Set minimum width for History tab > Subject column
Clicking editor Fullscreen button turns ticket screen to blank.
Unicode text characters in helpdesk ticket
Add duplicate function to Campaigns
Campaign type is showing all types
Duplicate Button doesn't maintain Product & Version
Project - Modules tab
Project - Key Data Tab
Add field in communication for Sender address
Remove 'Is Opportunity Type' column in Ticket Types screen
Make the contacts grid exportable on Campaigns
Cannot add a project - Values are not displayed in Type field
'Is Project Type' column not existing in Ticket Types screen
Size of text areas are not standard for Project - Customer Key Project Goals and Custom Modifications
Closing an unmodified Project displays Save prompt
'Type of Business' overlaps with 'Priority' label in Ticket screen
Contact can view a ticket from another company thru Release Notes link
titlei21 Inventory
Category - Account Id to Account ID
Item - Commodity field enabled for not stock keeping types of items
Scenario 11: Accrue=N, Price=Y, Inventory Cost=N
Inventory Count - Search screen and screen title to show in 2 words
Inventory Receipt > Purchase Contract Parent Lot Creation Error
inventory shipment - while unpost the shipment does not reduce the reservation qty
Inventory Transaction should use default currency when posting to tblGLDetail
dblGrossWeight is doubled after merging
Lot Merge calculating wrong dblWeight and dblWeightPerQty
Shipment -> uspCTShipped sp is not called by uspICPostInventoryShipmentIntegrations for order type Sales Contract and Source Type Scale
Posting an Inventory Receipt - Missing G/L
Inventory Transfer – After transfer, dblGross Weight becomes null for the new lot: -
Inventory Shipment Pick Lot - Order and Source Number Not Displayed
Receipt -> Other Cost were removed after clicking Calculate button
Shipment -> Mismatching of Location and Sub Location and Storage Location
HDTN-179431 - BOL doesn't print the complete Ship To address
Inventory Shipment - Cannot Post Sales Contract
HDTN-179505 - Incorrect Inventory for Item 10016 Lot 04475
Inventory Shipment is only checking order type not the Source Type (Regression Issue): -
Item -> HDTN-179780 - Duplicate Item - Pack Type does not copy over
Inventory Receipt Purchase Contract - Cannot Add Purchase Contract when Pricing type is UNIT
Inventory Receipt - Other Charges Costing Method Per Unit and Percentage Calcluation is Incorrect
Inventory Receipt - Other Charges Not Calculating using Per Unit as Cost Method when Gross/Net is Null
Inventory Shipment - Sales Order Partial Shipment Error
Inventory Receipt - Posting of Different Line Item Net Weight and Lot Details Net Weight
Item -> Setup -> Others - fields are cut off
Inventory Shipment Search Screen - Details Tab Failed to Load Resources
Lot Merge: Destination Lot Weight Per unit and No of Packs is recalculated
Item Change: displayed error when pass the new item's uom
Multiple Storage Type displayed in Commodity > Default Schedule Store field
Lot Move and Lot Merge: Destination Lot is having pound, while move / Merge with Bag. System displayed error message
HDTN-180419 - LOT-6540
Inventory Receipt - Advance Filter issue shown on Console.
Inventory Adjustment - could not move a lot completely
Application is not allowing to receive the exact qty for 40 '25 Kg Bag'
Inventory Receipt - Purchase Contract Cost Currency Incorrect on Add Orders Feature
Inventory Adjustment - Lot Move to Different Location even if the Item doesn't have the Destination Location in Setup
Inventory Receipt - Item Net Qty and Lot Net Qty Mismatch
Inventory Shipment - Display Lot Weight UOM
Inventory Shipment - "Partial" Sales Order not Displayed in Add Orders Screen
HDTN-180950 - WO-626 item 11084 - Negative has to set to Yes for posting to work
BOL report. Fix the alignments.
Maximize the window for the BOL report.
One more additional transaction occurred for some of the lots
Shipment sorting must be descending (last record created on top)
Inventory Receipt - Vouchers search screen is not loading correctly
Inventory: Lot Move: Creating another parent Lot
Inventory Shipment - BOL Report - Fix printing for Net Weight and Change the value of BOL number to Shipment number
Purchase Order - IR - Voucher - GL Entries are not Balance after Changing Item Cost with Tax.
Inventory Shipment - Lot Quantity Issue on Unposting Shipment with same Lot Numbers
fnMultipy by 1 with very big decimal value is truncating values.
Receipt - Lots wgt entered without gross/net uom. Need validation to stop it
Reposting the IR shows "Lot does not exists for the parent lot creation".
Inventory Receipt - Tax amount when Check Off is checked
Inventory Receipt - Replicate Balance Lots Create 850 Rows instead of 17 only
titlei21 Logistics
Pick Lot – after partial qty inventory shipment available balance is not showing in Pick Lot: -
Load Generation Validation on using a Contract
Modify webconfig for RPT-935 for Logistics module
Add audit log to Company configuration for logistics
Grid search filters: System did not allow more than one search item. I tried to bring up two specific supplier load #'s, but a second search field wouldn't come up
Duplicated Load does not show in scale after clicking the Load button.
Unable to open Load Schedule.Failed to Load the Data error message displayed
Contract to Container Auto Link (for many to One and vice versa case) feature is not working for drop ship and populating through sampling case: -
Weight Calculation is wrong while Contracts are not entered and Qty UOM and Weight UOM is different: -
Issue on Load/Shipment Schedule Search Screen - Vessel tab: -
Load is referred in Transport but, allowing to change Used by drop down option: -
For regular item, if container is manually entered in Sample screen, item and container is not populating in shipment schedule screen
For Drop Ship Case, load details grid is not disable and all the columns are not non-editable except Quantity column
Shipment Schedule - Errors in posting: -
Packing units are duplicated in container tab in Load / Shipment schedule screen
titlei21 Manufacturing
Blend Management: If the Valid period is not with range and Open the saved Blend Sheet, system is not displayed validation
Blend Production: Execution Order: Clicking on the Execution Order, it is becoming empty
Application is not validating the 'Weight per Bag' field of 'Lot Details' screen
Related Lot id is not showing properly in destination lot after Lot Merge Operation
Release to warehouse - Preference related to sending Email on Release of FG lots are not functional
Print Label option should be available in Lot Item change screen
Application skipping one sequence of lot id at the time of split
Blend Requirement: Closing Blend Requirement Manager, when Blend Requirement screen is open. System is displayed error meesage
Application should not allow to change the Item if reservation against the Lot is available
Pick List: Should allow to Stage only active lots
Pick List: Should allow to Stage only active lots
MFG - WO Management - 'Duplicate' work order creation feature should be available.
MFG - Backward Schedule - When expected date is past date then "not enough shift time" message is displayed
MFG - Backward Schedule - Scheduled start date should not be past date time.
MFG - Gantt chart - 'Dragging' tool tip is displayed when clicked on work orders in Gantt chart.
Only Processes of Type "Process Production" and "Others" should be listed in Produce screen
MFG - Production - Round off the quantity to 4 decimal values in the validation message
Inventory Shipment - Add net weight in BOL report and print shipment number as BOL number
Getting error "New Qty and Old Qty are same" during the lot move functionality
Lot History not displaying less than zero qty
Application is printing two labels while printing a label using Handheld device
On full move quantity, Reservation was not updating
WO Schedule - For New wo, validation message displayed when clicked on Latest Date and then on Priority Order.
Qty discrepancy after moving a lot from one location to another location
Lot reservation validation should fire while adjusting a lot from inventory view if available qty is less than the reserved qty after adjusting
MFG - Do not include packing material consumption for yield calculation
app.CurrentLocation is not reflecting logon location in binding when location changes
MFG - Performing consumption reversal and closing the WO is adding qty to the input lots, though the lots are not actually consumed
After receiving in 50 lb bag, system is displayed packing uom as pounds
MFG PP - Packing material consumption detail is not showing in the consumption grid in the workorder management when user dumps the input material in the consume screen.
Pick List: While clicking on Staging being commit error is displayed
GreenPush: Packing Material is not picking properly
The main screen disappears while opening a child screen
Application is not allowing to merge full qty
Incorrect No of packs after Lot Split
Modify webconfig for RPT-935 for MFG module
Blend Production: if the Workorder is created in future date, system is not allowing to produce
Reservation validation is not working
Change Lot item is expecting parameter
Recipe: Not able to add substitute item
Application is not allowing to Transfer a Kit
Lot Move / Lot Merge: while moving bag to pound, system is displayed error message
Application is changing the weight per unit while moving a Lot to another location
MFG - WO Schedule - Saving the schedule is changing the selected view in WO schedule screen,
Fractional issue while moving quantity
Source Storage Location and Source Sub Location are not showing in Lot History
Notes field in Quantity adjustment is not working
MFG - FG Production - Error message displayed when trying to produce a pallet with input item being non lot tracked
MFG - PP Consume - Error message displayed when trying to consume
Reservation calculation is wrong, because of that system is not allowed to stage the kit
MFG - WO Mgmt - Input Reversal button should be disabled for FG production
MFG - FG Production - When an output item with two inputs[both being item tracked] is produced then only one item is consumed
Incorrect Inventory view available Qty is displayed after reservation
Display the BOL# in reservation details screen
Forecast Screen: Entering forecast value in Decimal, system is displayed conversion error
Forecast: Ordered, Shipped and Forecast checkbox is cutting
Recipe: While deleting system is displayed error message
Failed deployment of 16.2.0517.130 on New QC - i21Server
MFG - Error message displayed when clicking on Produce in Process production produce screen
Previous item is not loading in Lot history after Item change
MFG - PP - When Instant consumption is on then Lot create date should be current date.
MFG - WO Mgmt - Tool strip buttons should be enabled/disabled based on the selected work order
MFG - Production Calendar - Error message displayed when trying to save new calendar
Application is not allowing to move
Warehouse: System is not allowed to stage the lot
HDTN-181190 PK-1193
Lot ID is getting duplicated
HDTN-181252 PK-1227 & PK-1228 (DN-1137)
Process Movement - Error message displayed when trying to move lot form one storage to other storage location
MFG - PP - Input reversal button in Consumption details tab should be disabled when Instant consumption is true and vice versa
Material Requirement - Change the module name 'Material Requirement' to 'Item Requirement'
Reservation is not showing against Lot after adding in Shipment
Lot residue qty change to 0.00001 instead of 0.01
Shift Activity - Machines are not listed in the Add Machine tab
Incorrect item displayed for produced lot transaction in lot history
Bag Off - Output lot is produced with incorrect quantity
Sorting Order in the new tab should be same as the main tab in Inventory View
FG Production - Error message displayed when trying to start a work order
HDTN-181585 - blending PK-1318 DN-115301
titlei21 Motor Fuel Tax
Failed deployment of 16.2.0531.179 on New QC - i21Server
Error upgrading FB db to from 16.1 to 16.2
titlei21 Patronage
Non-Voting Stock can still get refund - Process Refund
Less FWT still applied even though FWT option is uncheck - Process Refund
Archived refund data should maintain its current refund rate at the time it was saved.
Posted refunds should no longer be fetch - Process Refund
Customer volume should initialize to zero after posting refund. - Process Refund
Equity Detail screen fixes
Fix Calculation on Process Refund
Add % text on Service Fee - Company Configuration (Patronage)
Fix GL Account Fields - Company Configuration (Patronage)
Equity Details - Qualified check box inconsistent behavior
Qualified check box is clickable - Equity Details
All other Patronage Categories are visible when used under 1 Refund Rate - Equity Details
Equity Refund allowing negative value - Process Refund
Discrepancy on Equity Amount, does not match same value in Process Refund - Equity Details
Failed installation of 16.2.0526.161 due to error message
Display Item No instead of Item Description in the Payment Item Field - Company Configuration (Patronage)
titlei21 Payroll
Drop Down for Tax Agency in Tax Types screen does not bring up anything
Misaligned Payee Address in check stub
Status "Successfully generated x paycheck(s)!" displayed temporarily before it was replaced by "Ready"
Add Prompt to continue Processing Pay Groups that are already processed with the same date
Fields in Posted Paycheck are still editable and error message appears when changes are saved and unposted
Selected State for State Tax is West Virginia but displayed Washington in Employee Entity
SUI report Wage Total not equaling Earnings Report or Paycheck list
HDTN-179319 - Payroll Reports not correct
Posted paychecks using Batch Posting displayed successful posting again after recapping
Voided Check doesn't reflect in Check Audit
Add Time Card Screen can't be closed when Time Approval Screen is closed first
Process PayGroups > Create Paycheck, Taxes do not auto-calculate when Default checkbox in Employees > Earning is unchecked
Modify webconfig for RPT-935
Able to create and post Paycheck with incorrect date range from Paycheck and Process Pay Group Screen
Employee Pay Group does not display in Employee To Process screen
Selected all Taxes to add in Employee Template but none was displayed
Committed paychecks don't display in Create Payables
Send a Refund Checkbox in Form 941 Report not behaving properly
Url in Form 941 Report is clickable resulting to server error when clicked
Form 941 report No. of Employees field should not be editable
Overpayment field in Form 941a has value even with 0.00 difference
Timecard > Employee No dropdown stucked in "Loading"
PR Reports has no displayed Company Name and Address
Print in Form 941 does not work
Invalid object name 'tblEntity' error in PR Reports
Problem with Filter button
Error message should fire when Process Time Approval is hit if Pay Date is blank
Batch Posting Details screen is displayed even with no selected record to post
No Bank Details displayed in processing ACH Paycheck
Date Range not working in Time Approval
Job Code dropdown of Add Time Card from Time Approval stucked in Loading
Filter field in Recap Transaction From Batch Posting screen not working properly
Unable to Print normal Paycheck when a Direct Deposit check is Committed
Paycheck stuck in Saving of a blank paycheck
Failed to login user error in processing ACH checks
No Log Out Time Entry creates separate records each in Time Approval Screen
First item is checked even when Filter field is blank in Employee Pay Groups
Ohio State Tax regardless of Municipality/School District selected
FK constraint conflicts with database when creating payables
No error message prompt when paycheck with Inactive Bank Account is processed
Cannot process Time Entry in Time Approval Screen
Console error when adding Deduction Taxes during creation of new Deduction Type
Unable to commit paycheck
titlei21 Purchasing AP
Open Payables Report does not Print the selection criteria for running the report
Alternate approver doesn't Know there are vouchers to approve
HDTN-178021 - Error message on eCheck
HDTN-178434 - Pay vouchers screen - selecting vouchers
Voucher - Calculating dollars on Net Weight not number of Billed units
HDTN-178798 - Voucher batch entry screen is not reflecting the correct gl account
Voucher Amount calculation is wrong: -
Applying Debit Memo to a Payment Creates Two Payments and Cannot post one
Show partial payment information in Vendor Entity History tab
HDTN-178759 - Voucher - Unable to modify cost on an existing unposted voucher
Failed to load message prompts when a contact duplicates a transaction
Cannot post voucher when sub-currency is used - out of balance
Cannot save Voucher Batch Entry record
Cannot post voucher
Cannot post voucher when details were added from Add Receipt
Change 'post' to 'void'
Created voucher for difference is out of balance
Cannot Approve/Reject Vouchers
Provide a database view that will query for approval Purchase Order/s.
Voucher-Add inventory receipt screen is displayed same receipt twice.
Include the 'Pay To' address on the Pay Vouchers screen.
PO to Voucher Issues
Console Error opening GLAccount Detail By Drill down
PO - Default currency to the currency set for the vendor
Get Previous Detail is not working
Cannot post payment with debit memo
Receipt from transports are not displayed in Add Receipt screen
Incorrect amount is applied to voucher if prepayment type is percentage
Collation Conflict when Importing Vouchers
Default 'Pay To' field of voucher when importing.
Inventory Receipt - Purchase Orders are shown twice on Add Orders screen
Voucher - Adding Receipts with different currencies msg not supposed to show up
Modify message when creating voucher for IR with 0.00 amount
Inventory Receipt - Purchase Order (Process Button) Line Total Incorrect.
Voucher, if the add receipts has receipts in sub currency, and the voucher is in main currency . do not validate that receipt and voucher currency do not match
HDTN-181347 - Purchasing (i21AP) concerns
Upon Upgrading to 16.1 Debit Memos are Not Receiving A Pay to Address
titlei21 Report Manager
Printing the Inventory Lot lable, system is displayed time out error
From and To are not saving
endCallback is being triggered when next page was clicked
Multiple criteria shows on the criteria at the end of the report.
Error encountered when sending email from invoice screen
Console Error opening GLAccount Detail By Drill down
vyuGLAccountDetailReportParameter is queried after GL report Query
filter condition are not applied in reports
Missing Scroll Bar
Date filter in report viewer is not equal to the parameter.
Close button on report not working
Exporting of report in server side does not work
Invoice email not working
Simplified Report - Filter issue
Need to remove the extra // in the returned path on exporting a Report
titlei21 Purchasing AP
Purchase Order - Duplicate applying incorrect quantity
Incorrect amount is applied to voucher if prepayment type is percentage
HDTN-180626 - Error msg when committing checks
Voucher - Could not change cost of a lotted item
Voucher - Adding Receipts with different currencies msg not supposed to show up
Incorrect total for prepayment where contract is basis type
Tax Detail screen is empty
Modify message when creating voucher for IR with 0.00 amount
HDTN-180242 - Purchase Order Detail - Export to Excel Error
Vendor Prepayment - Grid combo issues
Voucher, if the add receipts has receipts in sub currency, and the voucher is in main currency . do not validate that receipt and voucher currency do not match
HDTN-181280 - Line items not adding on voucher
Amount is not converted to base if detail is using sub-currency
Missing receipt details.
titlei21 Sales
HDTN-181183 - Incorrect Currency when invoice created from Transports
HDTN-181197 - Invoicing from Inventory Shipment Screen (16.1)
Transport invoice comment defaulting to company location comment
Error when viewing/posting invoice (from TR) with contract
