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Create Origin Conversion for CF History
Convert Bank Reconciliation Report and Check Number Audit Report to Simplified Reports
Add callback function when committing ACH/NACHA transactions
Change the help button link (i21help) in the process payments screen
i21Launcher: Do not call if the machine is not a windows machine
Add Payroll Create Payables Menu
Add a intSubCurrencyCent field in the
Add Form 941 to Menu
Adding Integration Module to i21
Save all customer license information to table
Additional Menu Item for Calculate Commission Screen
Add Least Cost Routing Screen in Logistics module
Add strContactName in Company Configuration
Add an Approvals grid to the Company Locations screen
Add new menu item under Sales module for Commission Approval
Make the Collapse button available in Maximized mode
Update Country grid to include new columns
Starting Number for Least Cost Routing
Add Reminder for GL Unposted Transactions in tblSMReminderList
Changes in starting number for Logistics
Do not clear login credential when login attempt failed.
Add company name in GetCompanyLocationSubLocations store.
Add "Parentheses + Space" to the Country Format combo box in the Country screen
CLONE - User Date Format and Number Format options
Updates to Approval List
Need to create one transaction in the collateral screen while doing scaling distribution
Code "clean weights and cost" screen
Add new Columns on ContractDetail API (dblnetweight and strNetWeightUOM)
Add new Columns on ContractDetail API
Contract Management: Additional Info tab > Voucher
Hide process button for sales contract.
Add Exported, Exported Date columns in Contract Search screen
Add contract documents under contract folder in the menu
Exhange Rate is not displayed on Vendor Prepayment
In price contract screen, in the hedge section, introduce currency and uom.
Load / Shipment Schedule and Contracts integration
Clean cost inquiry, receipt dropdown, next to inventory receipt, show the PO number
Clean cost inquiry, Futures impact - if its a profit show it with a -ve sign and if its a loss show it with a +ve sign
Use common API for posting to AP from CCR
Need the common API for posting to AR from CCR
Need the common API for posting to CM from CCR
Server Side Code Revamp
eMail Credit Card Recon Notifications
Screen update to i21 standards and fix reference issues
Print Credit Card Recon Report
Add a intSubCurrencyCent field in
Add Country field to Entity Contacts and Create New Entity screens
Format all Phone Number fields based on the Country Mask
add fields for emvendorcombo.
Add "Approval List" column drop down to Approver grid on User tab
Vendor History: Additional Column Date Paid
Add a General tab to the Entity screen with an Approvals grid
Mass Update all the Country Phone Number Format fields with default values
CLONE - User Date Format and Number Format options
Create non-buffered store to display all Internal Users
Show Approval List for Vendor
Include Security Policy drill down link in User tab
Arrow keys move between grid columns
Tooltips for status of disabled buttons like Post
Upgrade to Ext JS 6
Display Required Fields with a blue left border control color
Limit the number of records that can be filtered in a Search grid to 5,000 or less
User Date Format and Number Format options
Provide facility to create PDF document for a given text.
Format mask for rounding
Remove GL Normalize scripts in db project
Update the Signature Keyword screen to work with any i21 module
HD - Support HTTP OPTIONS for all API action
Include strShortName,strCostType in store
Provide store that will pull the items of receipt.
Create a script/sp that will allow Delta to rebuild stocks from a specific date.
Shipment Schedule and Inventory Receipt integration changes
IR screen- Revert the logic which is validating that the container net weights should match with lot net weight
Able to Adjust Item's Qty using uspICInventoryAdjustment_CreatePostQtyChange procedure if Inventory tracked by Item level
Inventory Shipment functionality to be integrated in the new screen (Shipment Schedule)
All the fields of Shipment Details and Estimated Dates of vessel tab to be a part of header information in Shipment Schedule search screen: -
Shipping Instruction print -under vendor add vendor reference and customer add customer ref.
Posting for Least Cost Routing
Auto-generate delivery notice number in Warehouse tab
Print in-store letter for a selected line in the warehouse tab of load / shipment schedule screen
Least Cost Routing saved transaction to show TM Orders information reading from history table
Quality Report like we have in Soluble Production in ACS
Specify the UOM Id for Lot Move, Split, Merge, Qty Change, and Item Change
Load / Shipment schedule changes impact in Traceability
CRUD - Meter Readings
Post Meter readings
CRUD - Fueling Point Readings
CRUD - Consignment Rate
CRUD - Meter Accounts
CRUD - Fueling Point Price Change
Batch Post Meter readings
Create Screen for Form 941 - CRUD
Update Tax Table component to latest version 2016
Add the currency field in vyuPODetails
Adjust posting of Voucher because of the change in IC-1918
Allow users to process a new voucher for difference amount through vendor prepayment also
Modify AP webconfig for RPT-935
Change default values to 1 (unitQty)
When creating voucher for a purchase basis delivery, the price should populate from the purchase contract
Load / Shipment schedule and Quality Sample integration
Add Sub location id, sub location, load container id, manually entered container number in sample quality store
Validate quality masters and transactions imported from iTrade to i21
Add Warehouse, ICO Marks, shipper code, shipper columns in Contract Quality View
Remove usage of contract header
Add group by feature in all Quality view screens
Apply RPT-914 to 16.1
Create template for importing futures transactions. The transactions will be in a CSV format
need to have scale tickets placed on hold visible in scale
Spec for merging settlement, market basis, futures/options transaction, futures 360, option lifecycle
Program the new derivative screen
Show weighted average futures/basis/cash for inventory and the last column fix the calculation for weighted average
Basis position report - Add price UOM as a dropdown
New Stored procedure/ Changes to existing stored procedure to create Invoice for Grain
Modify AR webconfig for RPT-935
To Display Grain Storage Ticket Number in Invoice Line Detail grid.
For updating schedule quantity use uspCTUpdateScheduleQuantityUsingUOM instead of uspCTUpdateScheduleQuantity
Modify SC webconfig for RPT-935
Hyper link the Total sales, Total tax, TotalMOP, Customer Charges & Customer payments Fields on the balancing criteria section
i21 Checkout Recap
Modify webconfig for RPT-935



CLONE - Need to return contracts list all converted to the same uom
need to save uom with all units saved on storage and offsite records
Modify consume SP to consider both lot tracked and non lot trackted items.
Create a stored procedure that returns charges applicable at the time of invoice
Need to return contracts list all converted to the same uom
Add Category to Checkout Pump Totals Tab
Revamp Integration Points to other modules


New Feature

Add Fields to CF Transaction Screen for better review/auditing
MICR Check Fractional Routing number
Positive pay generation and logging
Add config for signature line on account
Add Motor Fuel Tax Category dropdown to Tax Code screen
Payment methods should be system defined
Create an Electronic Agreement screen to display the EULA and electronic signature agreements
Global Logo for login
Create a reusable Email screen that any module can use to send emails
Add Longitude and Latitude fields in Company Locations screen
Add Meter Billing on Modules
Add Security Policy for Users
Create an Approvals screen to manage all the pending and rejected approvals
Enable Origin Conversion Option for Inventory Module
Add Meter Reading on Batch Posting transactions
Add a competitor entity search in CRM that allows you to see competitors
dd an alert that would trigger if scale tickets are not distributed after x days
Contract Sequence Transfer screen (Each container will be a sequence)
Reassign Functionality
Fixed not received report/inquiries – add all column related to long trades
Legal approval for a signed contract w/ Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA)
Energy Trac View for Contract Data
Please adjust contract report
Email message from contract entry screen.
New Other Charges Cost Types - Contracts needs to filter which is allows
Create Contract Import Function
a way to set auto refresh on the panel level
Implement Export ability on group drill down
Improve how the close button looks
Create i21 table for ET Metrics
Import for Customer Entity Tax Exemptions from CSV/Excel
Add the line of Business from CRM to the entity
Launch entity from the contact screen
Add competitor entity type
Entity - Salesperson Signature
Add Longitude and Latitude columns in Locations tab of Entity screen
Filter a User who is also another Entity Type to only see their records
Add Security Policy combo box to User tab and remove User cannot change password option
Add CRM Information to the contact screen
Encryption on SQL Data using AES-256
Add Approvals as a framework component
Use Shift Key to select multiple rows in the Search grids
Attachments linked to one or more rows in a grid
Drag Cell in Search grid to automatically add a Filter
Finalize Disconnected Model for any screen/module
Ability to add control to search screen
Maximize grid on screen for easier data entry
Open multiple windows of the same Record
Need to open a Floating Search Screen from a Main Screen
Comments with portal users
Drag Search Tabs to reorder
VOIP 8x8 Integration with i21
Create a reusable user-customizable grid component
When you save a tab or search screen the sort order does not save
Add library to resources: SheetJs - A javascript library for excel file manipulation.
CLONE - HDTN-178434 - Pay vouchers screen - selecting vouchers
Import and Export in Column Designer
Add additional caption lines
Need for Speed
When you drag beyond screen results the screen should scroll
Drill Down from the Account level to the Grid
The template for trial balance should be simplified.
Compress report settings screen into generate report screen.
Defaults when you create a new Column
Defaults when you create a new row or new column
Ability to have a custom date at row designer
Be able to see balance on the "GL Account Detail" Grid
Retained Earnings in GL Account Detail report
Add currency rate type on the GL Transaction entry screen
Account inquiry should show foreign currency amounts
(GL SIDE) - Global Function for GL Detail Screen
Add account Description field to GL Details Search
Add hyperlink to Primary account setup
Add additional fields to GL Detail search
Huge imporovement on trial balance inquiry would be to add totals
create invoice for storage charges when doing transfers
Grain needs to be accessible from the portal sign in...
Preload the Line of Business from the Entity
Add the competitor and current solution to the opportunity
Add Calendar tab to Activity search.
Add a email to box into Activity
Optimize layout of the activity screen
Create multiple activities
Add line of business to the opportunity
Extend the type box for campagins
When we enter a new customer cursor should be in filter box
We need to have a response type and comment on campaign contacts
Change to campaign screen to look at contacts not customers.
Create Multiple activities
Default the CRM entry screen to internal notes - in general this is where you would look to add comments
Add campaign to the Opportunity and Activity
Make due date required on the activity
Opportunity status should default to open
Opportunity should default to the activity opportunity when you create multiple activities
Creating multiple activities should open to the screen with the type ready to click the down arrow
Execute SQL, Import & Export File, Database Operation, File Operation
Impact due to sub-currencies in Receipt screen
Import items from csv - HDTN-176156
Inv Shipment - Pick List Report
Clean cost entry does not hold intContractDetailID.
Report -> Bin Vizualization
Receipt - posting Sub currency changes in Other Charges
Greenbush/Versalles Go Live Requirement - Inventory Other Charge Type additions...
Item -> Other Charges Items should allow commodity selection
If containers are manually entered in sampling screen, they should populate in the container dropdown in Shipment screen
Item selected in the sampling screen should auto populate in shipment screen
Least Cost Routing
Print standard text in the bottom on Carrier Shipment Order.
In Allocation search screen - Allocated tab to show only pending to deliver allocations with 'Delivered' unticked
Add Calendar Control in Load Schedule Search
New screen to combine Load Schedule, Shipping Instruction, Inbound Shipment
Least Cost Routing: Provide markers for all orders and allow user to select specific orders for routing
Efficiency Weekly Summary Report - Development
Process Movement - Development
Change Lot in the pick list during picking
Shipment Pick list report
MFG - Production - Expiry date should not be considered while picking the input lot if it is null
Recall Report
HDTN-180895 - Lot Traceability
Refactor FET/SET/SST fields on RC Screen
Create voucher for process refund
User should be able to capture the actual amount and system should calculate miscellaneous cost by subtracting contract cost and actual amount.
Open payables detail report
Open Clearing Details Report
Incoming inspection in Lot Detail screen
Ability to Email report document
Direct Printing
EOC-Add a new column ‘expiry date’ in option lifecycle -> Open Positions. It should come from last trading date for the underlying options month. Highlight such records in red color.
Futures options transactions screen- Add 2 new fields first notice day and last trading date. They should be part of the grid and values should populate automatically when user selects the futures month
Code 16.2 Commission Schedule Screen
16.2 Create Commission Report
Energy Trac - Customer AR Balances
Create data import process for Invoices
Entity Name and Location Name printing on Bill To
Code for Quote Page Builder
Sales Invoice to have a Invoice Type for Meter Billing Module
(BILLABLE) Create Custom Statement for Delta Liquids
Create 16.2 Calculate Commissions Screen and Calculations
Create 16.2 Commission Approvals
Add fields to integrate Invoice to Meter Billing
Invoice/Sales Prepaids in 16.2
We should add an alert that would trigger if scale tickets are not distributed after x days
direct processes and load processes are using different conversions
scale search not using framework options for search grid and still showing keys.
pass uom with units to storage and offsite when creating storage
Leased Equipment Usage Analysis
Site Search Grid > Add Fill Method
Update Origin -> TM Conversion for Julian Calendar (Global)
Database Changes - Order > Add Field for RouteId
Provide API to Get Orders for Routing
Orders Web Service > Send Routing Sequence
Provide API to Update Driver and Routing Sequence on Orders
TM Orders > Add Link to Least Cost Routing Screen
Method to use to open drill down screen
Continue If For Message Box


Card Fueling Invoice to be Auto Numbered with Unique Sequence per customer
Import Cards from CSV
Import Vehicles from CSV
Import Accounts from CSV
Add Error on Network Imports if Network Tax Code X-Reference to iRely Tax Code is not setup
Card Fueling Invoice > Only show Headers once per page
Merge Account Name into Title Bar
Network > Add Category to Tax Code X-Ref
Need to Un-reconcile bank accounts
Clear Range button.
Refresh the screen when drill down screen is unposted and reposted
Check Format in process payments should display the right report name from simplified reports
We need the check written amount to move down one line for one customer
Ability to force deleting active screens even if the source machine is different
Remove the Recurring Transactions from Purchasing
Ability to combine roles in one role
Move Sales "Import Company Locations" to Origin Conversions > Purchasing after Import Vendors
Convert FOB Point combo box to grid type combo box
Modification to location should send changes to origin tables if location is converted
Additional Menu item Quote Page Builder
Message Box For Incorrect License
Append '&showCriteria=true' to strCommand of GL Reports
Add 'Deferred Payable Account'
scale menu option updates
Login Screen: Remember the last company selected
Additional Menu for CRM
Energy Trac - Terms Data
Energy Trac - Tax Group view
Reminder List strNameSpace field increase field length
Don't allow duplicate entry for Require Approval For
Get i21 version from iRely.BuildNumber.
Contract Adjustment screen
User should be able to change the differential and basket after pricing / logistics
Cost Type - List Ship Via vendors for items marked with cost type freight.
Contract Signature
Contracts - Create DP contract from DP scale ticket.
Roll Contracts - Counterparty, UOM and Futures/Month Year
Contract Search Grid column - missing crop year
Add Company Configuration for CCR
To add the option ‘3D Pie Chart’ to the charts style
Filter Editor conditions to use Search conditions
implement drilldown on charts
Improve the Group Drill down
Validation of query should happen before saving not while saving
Filtering through Show Find Panel after hitting enter key
Adjust label font on chart panels
Remove Date Variable field on Panel Settings
Data CAP
Panel: Date filter getting cut off
Display only columns where Area = Data for Pivot Grid Panel
Group drill down should be the same as the typical drilldown
Filter Editor should implement the AND/OR logic same as the search grids
Update native combo box to grid combo box
Toggle Collapse and Expand options for Grouped Records
Change column sorting of tab grid and iguide grid to standard framework sorting
Set 'Filter' as the default value of Area Column in Pivot Grid Panel
Licensing changes to Customer screen
Need to include inTaxGroupId,strTaxGroup in customerbuffered,emlocationbuffered stores
Create "Tie Budget to Customer Aging" Checkbox
Can not merge two customers
Need to add SCALE and STORAGE options to contact types...
Remove Pricing Field, only include Pricing Level
Split: Allow save only when entity is of the same type
Energy Trac - Customer Info
Don't allow duplicate entry for Require Approval For for both General and User Tab
Sunset AdvanceFilterGrid and use AdvanceSearchGrid instead
Multiple Calendar
Ability to download calendar to Outlook
When you export to excel the heders of the export should go into the excel page headers and footers only
Show New config for every Tab on Search Screen
Extend GetParameter class to allow developer to add additional parameters
Add newButtonText config for customization
Trend lines at the beginning of a 12 month income statement
Make the template selection cool
Create a method to repeat header description from the column on each page
Unique File Name on exported report
Need * -1 calculation in row calculation to switch the sign of an account
Type field on new Report Header and Footer
Row Calculation intersects the Percentage column
Column Designer - Filter Type is wrong for GL Trend column
CAB MARCH - Ability to have custom formula override to a specific row cell
Close Chart of Account screen when Row Designer screen it was opened from is closed
Row Designer - Highlight rows with incorrect row calculation message prompt
Row Designer - rows not included in any formula message prompt
Report Designer - changes on Verify Accounts/Account Monitor screen
Description for Line Graph
Add a section to the Company Configurations to remind a user that there are unposted balances in the General Ledger
Insert wash account entries when historical gj is out of balance
Add the account balance to the General Journal Detail screen
Cursor to Start in Post Date field when you hit New in General Journal
GJ search screen should have Currency column
Make the Recap tab exportable
GL Difference and Ending Balance is incorrect if Accounts to reports are mixed account types
Add 'Deferred Payable' Account Category.
Add the Document Field to GL Account Detail Transactions Grid
Offset Account Id message is confusing
Buy DP storage and apply to open Purchase Contract, offsite dp to open sales contract
In all grain programs change captions to be hot links
Futures market - when doing get price auto save before calling the SP
SP for Inventory Shipments against on-store to impact storage - go live requirement
add bill function for bill storage - grn-263
discount schedule page add control for codes
Add new option for storage schedules to allow allowance date(s)
Grain should have a standard sp for calculating and returning grain
Issue with Editable Grids in the 16.2 latest build - errors on grid in discounts
Use cost type of other charges type items to set up/select Discount Codes
add bill discounts to grain storage
Helpdesk Users Have My Tickets Showing by Default, Should be Open Tickets
Ticket Groups > Add Escalation and Owner to Search Grid
Contact information in Opportunity
Should this verbiage be delete or remove
Project, Go Live and Milestone data are not being carried over after duplicating the ticket
Pipeline Forecast > by Salesperson
Inventory Receipt - Improve the message when there is duplicate Lot Number and Lot UOM does not match that of existing lot number
Valuation reports - Items without transactions should show in the report with zero value
Receipt - Rename labels 'Received' to 'Received so far' and 'Receipt Type' to 'Order Type'
BOL Print - Should print qty and uom for non lot tracking items too
Scale In - Create a lot automatically for lot tracked item
HDTN-179539 - Printed BOL needs header repeated on subsequent pages
Inventory Receipt - Leave Gross/Net UOM blank if not set from Contract or PO.
BOL Print - Change format to match SO & Invoice print
Inventory Receipt Purchase Contract - Display Gross and Net qty from Inbound Shipment
BOL Print - Add parent lot number
Item - when other item of type discount
Item - Add alert 'Stock Unit' required for Patronage category
Inventory Receipt - Move Tax Field after Line Total
Inventory Data Import - Rename Accounts to GL Accounts
Stock Sales Improvements
Logistics - Portal access
Implement standard report formatting on all logistics reports
Add 'Used By' dropdown in Load / Shipment schedule screen to differentiate load for transport or scale ticket
Add Sub Location dropdown option in load detail grid for both purchase and sales side
On selecting contract in generate load, copy the costs from selected contract into individual loads
Create SP for Logistics that will update the non-bundle items if it changes on the contract
Improvements in Load / Shipment schedule screen
If the Shipment Status of a load is 'Received', disable the Post button.
Recipe - Make Item, Location, Process and Mfg Cell non mandatory
Auto Blending - Need stored procedure for auto blending recipes from SO
Cost of Goods Manufactured
MFG - FG Production - Validation message correction
HDTN-177154 - Mixer Process Attributes - Partial Quantity Storage Location (15.4)
HDTN-178945 - Pick Lists Pull from Shipping Dock
Recipe - Customer description (name) column unavailable - Add all available field to search
MF Schedule Menu restructure
Add Recipe to Sales Order - Development
Add cost parameters in recipe screen
Bulk Item Reservation while creating Pick List (HDTN-178453)
MF Configuration Menu Restructure
sales order pick list - Development
MF Work Order Menu Restructure
MF Inventory View Restructure
Traceability diagram - Alignment fine tuning
Show Substitute Items along with main item in Lot Combo in Pick List
Demand Analysis Menu Restructure
Yield Menu Restructure
Implement standard report formatting on all MFG reports
Process Refund Fixes
Equity Detail Screen Adjustment and Spacing
Equity - Add field Qualified to table and screen
941a Quarterly Federal Tax report
GAP Need to have the option to create checks without deductions
GAP Need to be able to create a check with altered Taxes/Deductions
941b - Detail report for 941a
"No SS or Med Tax" checkbox should automatically be checked and disabled when earnings subject to tax is all 0.00
Need to add Direct Deposit designation on Employee
Time Approval Revision - Process Hours to Pay Group
Implement MICR in Paycheck reports
Voucher - Add Inventory Receipt screen to show Vendor Location
Voucher - Impact of currency in other charges
No message is thrown to inform user that importing is already finish
Improve importing performance
PO print - change the formatting to match SO print.
Implement exchange rate and sub-currencies on vendor prepayment
Not able to change the expense amount for vouchers associated with inventory receipts
HDTN-179224 - Add Details to Voucher Grid
Remove "Problem Posting Payment" in prompt message
Use Cost Currency column and not Sub-Currency checkbox on Voucher
Show currency on the 'Add Payable' screen.
Cannot create prepayment for unlimited contracts
Additional parameters in stored procedure of AP Bill
User should be able to change the sample type after saving the transaction
Capture contract item in sample entry screen
Add condition on report filter for IN
Merge Report Criteria and Viewer in one screen
Disable From column when the Condition is 'As Of'
Live DPR - Position Detail title for All Locations
When you enter cash receipts you should have a checkbox for selection
Focused field when screen is opened
Recurring changes
Select All on Batch Printing
Load Contract Sales Orders
HDTN-169320 - i21 Review
Add Select All in Import Billable from Help Desk
Apply payment on account
Need to separate Tank Delivery as a Source Type from a Transaction Type
Hyperlinks in Sales Analysis
SO - Add Blend button to do auto blending
Limit AR Bank Accounts to Users/Locations restrictions
Customer Aging Report Remove From Option
Add Contract balance to the Invoice
Quote Template - Improvements
Code for Partial Tax Exemption
Add date field in Recap Screen - for Accruals
Add Print to Receive Payment Detail
Batch Printing - Allow default Transaction Type and Exclude email config
Sales Orders - Invoice Lot tracked items return two error messages
Add Template button on Import Transactions from CSV screen
Code 16.2 Commission Plan Setup Screen
Add Tax Exempt % on Item Taxes screen
Use new reference for Transports From Invoice
Sales Invoice to have a Invoice Type for Card Fueling Module
Implement Titles and Organization in Quoting
Add Recipe to Sales Order
Include Credit Card Recon in Stored Procedure of AR
Add Expiration Date on Quote report
Create Kiosk Print (standard)
Create Half Sheet Ticket
Create Grading Tag Print
Create Kiosk Print (80mm/small)
Create Plant Ticket Print
distribution should review print requirements in scale station setup and print as indicated
discount grid logic reworked to save entered values...
Transfer out/transfer in not working...
Scale search screen - Add Receipt # & Shipment #
Scale - Portal Access
Scale In - Create a lot automatically for lot tracked item
Required for Greenbush - If no "other charges items are set" disable...
Greenbush Requirement - When scaled item is lot tracked SP should default expiry date based on setting in the item.
Need to get information for distribution to show at the scale
Farm/Field ID - Pass to Inventory Receipt or Shipment.
Issue with Editable Grids in the 16.2 latest build - scale discount grid validation
Void,Undo and Print toolbar buttons are still enabled in voided Scale Ticket
change how freight works for selecting and creating cost lines
Go Live Requirement - Apply discounts when cost type to downstream
Scale must put all IR and IS in as contract types none as direct except storage
Products should sync based on Class Fills Setup
Call Entry Max Price Contracts
Event History When Activating a Site
Device > Linking multiple Devices to a Single Lease
Budget - Filter to only Items in Price Section
Add Link to Sales Invoice from Delivery History
Add Daily Use to Budgets Calculations
Update the Digital Dispatcher CSV exports
TM Consumption Site > Show Default Contact Email address
Generate Orders Search Criteria limitations
Generate Orders Collapsible Panel
Hide Lease Print Button
New Button in Lease Search Screen
Additional Improvement When Linking Multiple Devices to Single Lease
TM Sync - Update Burn Rate on first delivery of the new season
intDispatchId to be Added in History table
Import Rack Prices
Expand the Transport Loads to have a All Fields available in Search Grid
Update Inventory Receipts to automate Freight Cost Allocations
Add Link to Customer Entity from Quote
Quote > Mass Print and Mass Confirm
Hide Create Order Button until implemented in 16.3
Quote > Update Map button to standard framework option
Quote > Show A/R Info
Obsolete Order History Button
Update Generation/Confirmation for Mass Processing
HDTN-179793 - Rounding on # of packs for super sacks - Provide option to select UOM in Handheld Lot move screen



Repost Utility
After running script in WM TE, Inventory qty is updated as 100 instead of 1000
HDTN-180064 - Please get rid of the 2 unposted VOP Records
Agrowstar Open Payables Not Matching GL


'Loading' notification is continuously displayed in Report Viewer - Invoice
Invoice Transaction Time filter is missing
Customer Invoice > '1/1/0001' is displayed in Report Viewer when Invoice Date is blank
CF Report Viewer does not open; console error is displayed
Blank date on imported CF account displays as 01/01/1900
Add New Cards from Grid > Make them active
Error is displayed when importing Account (csv) containing only required values
Card for Own Use and Expense Item values are not imported
Net Price Calculation issues
MCP Sample 1 - Local Index Retail + Pricing
MCP Sample 4 > Gross Price on Cost + markup not correct
MCP Sample 5 > Ext Remote Price is not working
Capture Import/Recalculate Errors
Transactions > Margin Calculations
Transaction is not included on the report when it does not have vehicle no.
Origin Data Conversion Cleanup
CF Import > Multiple Sites & Site Validations
CF Import > Credit Cards
CF Import > Import Time
Transaction cannot be recalculated
Import Origin Base Setup: 'Successful' is misspelled in message box
Import Origin Base Setup: Count of failed imports is incorrect
Site group associated to Daily Index Prices can be deleted
Incorrect Margin calculation for unposted Local/Network transaction
Unable to recalculate and save a transaction
Pricing rows are not visible when Transaction screen is in default restore size
Advanced filter not working in Transaction search screen - Network column
Transaction screen freezes when an imported remote transaction is recalculated
Limit the number of checks generated at one session to 10,000
Clearing a transaction from a previous recon changes a bank rec that has been reconciled
Move up and down in bank file format not working when a field is removed
HDTN-178826 - Check Date and Amount is printing directly underneath amount and date
Unable to create ACH file when selecting all employees - in FARMS Co 02
Unable to recap while check printing is in progress
Remove number after payee's name
Total should be 2 decimal places only
Add only permission did not apply to second new record
Process Payment screen from Paycheck screen populates the list instead of just the paycheck to print
Console error displays upon recap in bank trnsaction
When there is a Payroll Print Job Waiting, Cannot Print Miscellaneous Checks
Move Address Down a Line On Checks
Cannot create Bank Deposit, Bank Transaction and Miscellaneous Cheks
Other fields affected by selecting value in dropdown
Prompt displays in closing bank transaction
Modify CM webconfig for RPT-935
Debit and credit amounts are not balanced appears upon recap
MICR Checks are printing off the page
HDTN-180315 - Cash Management cannot see the deposits
Error Message When Clearing Some Bank Transactions
HDTN-180692 - Cash management banks will not reconcile
Bank File Import Not Using Correct Amount Format
Error in 16.1Dev SQL Scripts
Update vyuCMOriginUndepositedFund to also include Invoices of type "Cash" and "Cash Refund"
Upon commit in ach report, console error displays and transaction did not display in remittance info
Generate button not working in Process Payments screen for normal paychecks
Cannot print ACH process type in process payments
Bank Account number can be edited in MICR setup screen
Build #147 is failing because of uspCMGetClearedDeposits
When Committing too Many ACH Transactions
Check Layout tab is visible even if micr printing is disabled in bank account
Bank Account number was not displayed in Bank Reconciliation and Bank Account Register
Failed to send email of Remittance Advice from Process Paychecks (AP)
Tax Codes: Can only filter Taxable by Other Taxes using the first letter of the word
After Patch Updates Have to Re-Add Sales Report to the Menu
Currency is not added automatically on Main Currency dropdown
Add itemID on Import button on Favorite Menu screen
Menu panel on security login is not showing properly when retracted
There is no screen for purchase order approvals
Favorites Menu panel does not update immediately after import
Importing Favorites from other location shows successful
HDTN-178766 - User is set as only allowed to post their transaction
Incorrect message when creating DB while system is outdated
Saved credentials on chrome overrides the ID and Password on Company Configuration
Company Configuration controls and borders are being cutoff
Non-admin users can open System Manager screens via imported favorites
Favorites on 1st location were erase after importing on other role location
Remove LocalMySql in Company List of Login screen.
License Generator screen is cut off
Data entered in 'FG Release Mail To Address' field is not saved.
Company Code already exists message issues
New database was not added to web.cofig
Expanded folder shown when expanding a menu in User Role screen.
Unable to save Currency Exchange Rate.
Menu scroll bar is missing
Already exists message appears when creating contact role
Error on Recapping a transaction in Batch Posting screen.
The sort order of the modules in Company Configuration should match the menu
Default location is not imported on origin users entity record
User is displayed multiple times on Users tab of User Roles
Cannot import user role after cancelling the previous import of the same file
Can unlock screen with incorrect password
Icon disappears when the module is selected
Cannot select user role when clicking User Role combo box on Import Origin User
Vendor Prepayment - could not post due to GL account missing
Cannot unlock screen after 1 failed try
Application should close all open screen while changing the Company Location
Company Locations: Override Patronage check box is not aligned
Error encountered on Field Mapping
Cannot save Currency Exchange Rate
Menu icon issues
Change error message on duplicate location number
Contact Role can be deleted even if it is being used
Change Legacy to Origin
Error Upgrading DB with Origin Integration from 15.4, 16.1 to 16.2 - Procedure uspSMSyncCompanyLocation
Already exists appears when editing an existing role
Enable GL in Company Configuration
Internal server error when creating company locations
Adjust Recurring Transaction API
X icon on Menu panel's filter is not showing properly
There is no save button on Announcements
Login process slowdown when there are users exceeds the allowed number of users.
Invalid key popup appears for a different company ID
Cannot login imported origin user
Login timeout occurred when origin database is not found.
Cannot login Origin user
Company ID is not displayed in the field when entered in lower case in webconfig
User tab is missing on User Entity
"Add an email to approver" prompt appears even if approver already has an email
Correct Current Password is not recognized in Change Password
User tab is missing on Users screen of security login
Imported Company Location was not added on user's locations
Error when filtering on Company Registration
Cities - City master is not showing all the records in the grid. Only 50 records are showing .
Cannot delete unused contact role
Can delete a role used in a user's location
Approval List should be required when Require Approval For is filled
Duplicate Contact Role is blank
Scroll bar is disabled on Email screen
Change comma to period "Unable to login, Please...."
Password sent thru Forgot Password is encrypted
Message is not retained when forwarding an email
Approval's rejected tab should not allow to edit reason column.
Open Button on Batch posting of Meter billing is not working
Approval's closed tab displays more than on its actual count.
allow if intApprovalListId is Null
Default Country saved is not correct
Create menu for Open Clearing and Open Clearing Detail Report
Zip Code: Failed to load resources when viewing saved layout with filter
Company Location issues using Security login
Cannot login on i21 without origin integration
Transaction does not require approval by default
Unable to send email from Contracts.
Deployment of 16.2.0526.159 failed
Error upgrading to latest build after importing an origin user from previous build
Version shows as Undefined when Remember Me is enabled
After successful installation of 16.2.0601.181, login screen is not populating: -
Cannot edit the email message when forwarding
Error upgrading FB db to from 16.1 to 16.2
Do not allow user to reduce the contract quantity if shipping instruction or logistics has been recorded for it
Producer not showing in Report
Clean Cost is not showing proper value
Contract inquiry, futures impact is not correct (sub currency issue)
Contract - allows to create a Prepayment even w/o Contract Sequence
Must populate the amount if Cost Method is "Amount"
Unable to distribute Ticket where the Contract is not selected
Inventory Receipt - Purchase Contract Other Charges Price and Accrue Checked with the Same Vendor Validation
Unable to edit contract sequence when contract is duplicated with sequence.
Contract Sequence- Weight is coming wrong while Qty is selected MT in Contract Sequence:-
Contract inquiry- PO price is not displayed in case FX not entered in the sequence
Cash Price is not calculating.
Hedge option in price contract is throwing error for multiple fixation scenario
Slice feature is not adjusting the number of lots
Contract - Entity screen open twice when drilled down
Clean Cost screen does not show Other changes entry
Sequence Slice is not working based on available qty of contract
Duplicate contract- should not copy Prepaid
Should not allow to slice a Basis contract which is priced.
In Price Contract screen, sequence no does not show the correct contract no/Sequence no after Transfer a sequence.
Simultaneous fixation does not show save data.
Add non-clustered index keys on Contract header and detail tables.
Short futures created from Contracts are showing instrument type as OTC
Preloaded data is not being displayed. While try to create new records, application gives error"Already Exist"
Cosmetic issue on Show Find Panel field
Update Query of Canned Panel: iRely GL - General Ledger History Summary
Update Query of Canned Panel: iRely Store - On Sale Items
Error Invalid column name strLocationName on specific panel
HDTN-177136 - Dashboard panel data not showing up in 15.4
Records are not being filtered as the user types
Conditional Formatting does not work properly on Pivot Grid Panel
Could not sort Owner column in Panel List
Panel on a deleted column on Panel Layout cannot be added to other columns
Activate button is missing
Sorting columns on conditional format tab is not working
Date columns on panels were displayed differently after applying conditional formatting
Print Preview does not match the number of Rows Retrieved
Personal canned panels appear on canned panels tab even after upgrade
Incorrect default value of Back color and Font color
Console error occurs when opening panel settings of activated canned panel
Previously selected item on the list of Footer and Format drop down on Column Settings tab of Panel Settings remain clicked
Gauge Chart Panel fails to load when Chart Series 1 and 2 has the same Title/Legend
Other Filter setup in Details tab of Panel Settings is not applied to Chart Series 2 of Settings tab
HDTN-179360 - DASHBOARD - No records display when panel query is using stored procedure
Incorrect page when navigating from one panel to another
Drill down fails to load on grouped column with alias containing symbols
No Data to Export when exporting panel having multiple aggregate summary due to huge URL length size
Conditional Formatting does not work properly on date using condition other than equal sign (=)
Filter Editor does not work
Panel drop down on page layout does not work
HDTN-180516 - i21General Ledger - Pivot Table is not showing records
Cosmetic Issue: Drop down is not shown properly on Dashboard Preferences
Cosmetic Issue: Drop down is not displayed properly
The same Panel can be displayed on a single tab but in different columns
Auto Refresh in Panel Settings does not automatically take effect once ticked
Cannot export record to excel on Pivot Grid Panel
Print preview for Pivot Grid Panel has no proper column header
Custom Date filter does not work
Incorrect print preview for group drill down
Cannot input column/table name in Filter Field in case of query using Alias
Filter Editor does not automatically apply on panel when Rows Retrieved <> 0
Filter condition changes when clicking OK button on Filter Editor
Save button is visible to User Dashboard Role
Year to Date Filter does not exist in Date Filter on displayed panel
Error importing contacts
Assigning Admin Rights to User after there is already an admin removes portal access
Cutoff Percent field
Pay To Addr field is empty.
Create New Screen can be minimized
Cannot select other location as default location
HDTN-179232 - Terms on "Velvet" vendor
Selected Default location on combo box dropdown multiplies when refreshed
Fields in Time Off Hours panel from Employee > Time Off tab is editable
Saved Line of Business does not apear in Customer Entity screen
Entity Cleanup for Credit Card Recon
All entities appear on Duplicate Entities screen after clearing the filter
Account Number in Employee > Direct Deposit tab accepts alphabetic characters
Entity > Ship Via > Surcharges allow for total lines to be > 100%
Description from Deduction Information panel in Employee > Deduction Tab is editable
Failed to Load data when opening User Profile
Error upgrading database to build #103
Entity Split - Split details disappear when opening multiplie records
Entity Contacts are not loading
Encrypted password should have a value of false in column not encrypted
Cannot find the object "tblEMEntityCredential" because it does not exist
If employee has time entry - some fields should be required
Unable to login after changing password
Importing of Customer with salesperson created in i21
'Entity No. already exists' appears when editing Central Plains Co-op record
Already exists appears when opening Admin Portal role
Country selected on Create New Entity was not carried over to new Entity
Error upgrading db after enabling user portal on previous build
only allow vendors to be selected for Deduction types
Add a bullet point on error message
Opening of Entities result in console error when clicked
Internal Error when deleting a user entity
Cannot delete entity contact that is not used
Cannot open Phone Number Details on User Profile
Entity Location is not using the correct Default Country
Some Employee Earning does not appear on Linked Earning field
Console error appears when selecting an Entity Type Filter
Date filter is not working in the Search screen
Stock Details menu buttons changes positions after relaunch
Setting allowSaveGridLayout to false should not initialize any layout configuration
Screens can open even while on EULA screen by browser's back button
Fields are cut off on Email URL screen
End Date is not showing on Event screen
Transaction screen is not opening after event is moved to a different date
Combo box should automatically show open upwards when there's no space below
Can view other records that user do not have access via floating search
Additional parameter for adding event calendar
Sorting Changes
CLONE - Blend Management: Search screen is malfunctioning
Collation issue
16.1 Missing item id on Dashboard buttons on Panel List search
i21 License and i21 Support on Alerts should not be links
Save Default Layout is throwing error in Live DPR Screen
Exclude modal windows from ScreenDock
Date fields are saving/sending time
New button click handler that doesn't pass searchTab information
Custom Fields - Sort not working
Replace double line with single line border on all triggers in 16.2 theme
Audit log shows incorrect time
Error when clicking Audit Adjust from Fiscal Year search Menu
AdvanceSearchGridViewController is not loading correctly with error on line 399
search config 'api' is giving error when we use function in multiple tabs
Cannot open 'IRELYADMIN' user entity when user Role Admin is minimized
Home panels sometimes do not appear after closing a screen
Console error appears when opening a screen
Build button is not working on Custom Fields screen
Tabs not enabling back once disabled
no tooltip appearance when hover
Multiple Search Tab to launch different Screens in New and Edit Mode
Issues on filter
Error when reordering tabs in Search screen
Cannot select multiple records when the first record in the grid is selected
Buttons not enabling back once disabled
Cannot open records on floating search by double clicking
Failed to load resources appears after changing the default tab of search screen
Paychecks Search screen crashes when refreshed with blank filter
Datefields does not accept null value
Unable to open records from Search screen when other screen is minimized
Time out error is coming while applying filter in search screen.
Combo Default Filter Value is not sending in request
Cannot export PO Details
Recently Viewed view more results screen is not opening
Console error appears when opening a screen from Global Result / Recently Viewed
Unable to login after changing password
Issues when closing expanded screen from dock panel
Red box not appearing on column after model level validation fails.
No Cancel button when closing an edited/added record.
Cannot maximize the grid of Batch Posting
Console error exporting to exporting in GL Build Accounts screen
Issues when maximizing a screen with 2 grids
Budget - move to next Amount field will show the cursor after 0
Year in Form 941 screen is in decimal
Failed to load data in Load Schedule search screen upon applying quick filter
Activity calendar freezes when calling activity.
Row color not get applied in new tab in Inventory View Search screen
CLONE - Filter is not functioning properly on batch posting screen
Time in and Time out in Time Approval displays Date instead
Two-Step Verification not working
Tabbing on a grid not working properly
Approver should not be included in the approval process if he is the one who created the transaction
API key/secret not working



Date without Activity does not show

Units not Updating tblGLSummary when unposting a Reversal

uspGLImportOriginHistoricalJournalCLOSED - string /binary would be truncated

Inventory Receipts – line level gross weight is assigned quantity while header level gross is edited: -

Inventory Shipment Pick Lot - Order and Source Number Not Displayed


Receipt -> Other Cost were removed after clicking Calculate button


HDTN-179505 - Incorrect Inventory for Item 10016 Lot 04475


Inventory Shipment is only checking order type not the Source Type (Regression Issue): -


Inventory Adjustment - could not move a lot completely


Inventory Adjustment - Lot Move to Different Location even if the Item doesn't have the Destination Location in Setup


Inventory Shipment - Display Lot Weight UOM


Inventory Receipt - Purchase Contract Cost Currency Incorrect on Add Orders Feature


Inventory Receipt - Cannot Change Lot UOM from PO Using Add Orders Window.


Inventory Receipt - Purchase Order using Add Orders Gross Net Qty Incorrect on First Entry of Lot Qty


Inventory Shipment - "Partial" Sales Order not Displayed in Add Orders Screen


HDTN-180950 - WO-626 item 11084 - Negative has to set to Yes for posting to work


One more additional transaction occurred for some of the lots


Shipment sorting must be descending (last record created on top)


Maximize the window for the BOL report.


BOL report. Fix the alignments.


Inventory Receipt - Vouchers search screen is not loading correctly


Inventory: Lot Move: Creating another parent Lot


Inventory Shipment - BOL Report - Fix printing for Net Weight and Change the value of BOL number to Shipment number


Purchase Order - IR - Voucher - GL Entries are not Balance after Changing Item Cost with Tax.


fnMultipy by 1 with very big decimal value is truncating values.


Inventory Shipment - Lot Quantity Issue on Unposting Shipment with same Lot Numbers

Receipt or delivered date is not displaying in Load Schedule: -
Display the BOL# in reservation details screen

MFG - PP - When Instant consumption is on then Lot create date should be current date.


Warehouse: System is not allowed to stage the lot


HDTN-181190 PK-1193


Inventory View - Lot Split Incorrect Posted Quantity Due to Incorrect UOM Passed by uspMFLotSplit


HDTN-181252 PK-1227 & PK-1228 (DN-1137)


After changing item, move the lot from one location to another location, system displayed error message


History is not displayed correct item after inventory receipt

Time Off Award issues

Problem with Filter button

Unable to Print normal Paycheck when a Direct Deposit check is Committed

First item is checked even when Filter field is blank in Employee Pay Groups

Ohio State Tax regardless of Municipality/School District selected

FK constraint conflicts with database when creating payables

Purchase Order - Duplicate applying incorrect quantity
Incorrect amount is applied to voucher if prepayment type is percentage
HDTN-180626 - Error msg when committing checks
Voucher - Could not change cost of a lotted item
Voucher - Adding Receipts with different currencies msg not supposed to show up
Incorrect total for prepayment where contract is basis type
Tax Detail screen is empty
Modify message when creating voucher for IR with 0.00 amount
HDTN-180242 - Purchase Order Detail - Export to Excel Error
Vendor Prepayment - Grid combo issues
Voucher, if the add receipts has receipts in sub currency, and the voucher is in main currency . do not validate that receipt and voucher currency do not match
HDTN-181280 - Line items not adding on voucher
Amount is not converted to base if detail is using sub-currency
Missing receipt details.
HDTN-181183 - Incorrect Currency when invoice created from Transports
HDTN-181197 - Invoicing from Inventory Shipment Screen (16.1)
Transport invoice comment defaulting to company location comment
Error when viewing/posting invoice (from TR) with contract
Scale weight won't return to zero
HDTN-180566 Cannot click on Invoice Detail to launch details of Sales Invoice
Currency in uspTRLoadProcessToInvoice was hardcoded to the value of "1"
Must type something in comment field in distribution header for invoice transport comment to print
No Freight/Surcharge line on Invoice from Transport Load
Cannot post distribution detail with contract and freight/surcharge








 Date filter is not working in the Search screen
 Stock Details menu buttons changes positions after relaunch
 Setting allowSaveGridLayout to false should not initialize any layout configuration
 Screens can open even while on EULA screen by browser's back button
 Fields are cut off on Email URL screen
 End Date is not showing on Event screen
 Transaction screen is not opening after event is moved to a different date
 Combo box should automatically show open upwards when there's no space below
 Can view other records that user do not have access via floating search
 Additional parameter for adding event calendar
 Sorting Changes
 CLONE - Blend Management: Search screen is malfunctioning
 Collation issue
 16.1 Missing item id on Dashboard buttons on Panel List search
 i21 License and i21 Support on Alerts should not be links
 Save Default Layout is throwing error in Live DPR Screen
 Exclude modal windows from ScreenDock
 Date fields are saving/sending time
 New button click handler that doesn't pass searchTab information
 Custom Fields - Sort not working
 Replace double line with single line border on all triggers in 16.2 theme
 Audit log shows incorrect time
 Error when clicking Audit Adjust from Fiscal Year search Menu
 AdvanceSearchGridViewController is not loading correctly with error on line 399
 search config 'api' is giving error when we use function in multiple tabs
 Cannot open 'IRELYADMIN' user entity when user Role Admin is minimized
 Home panels sometimes do not appear after closing a screen
 Console error appears when opening a screen
 Build button is not working on Custom Fields screen
 Tabs not enabling back once disabled
 no tooltip appearance when hover
 Multiple Search Tab to launch different Screens in New and Edit Mode
 Issues on filter
 Error when reordering tabs in Search screen
 Cannot select multiple records when the first record in the grid is selected
 Buttons not enabling back once disabled
 Cannot open records on floating search by double clicking
 Failed to load resources appears after changing the default tab of search screen
 Paychecks Search screen crashes when refreshed with blank filter
 Datefields does not accept null value
 Unable to open records from Search screen when other screen is minimized
 Time out error is coming while applying filter in search screen.
 Combo Default Filter Value is not sending in request
 Cannot export PO Details
 Recently Viewed view more results screen is not opening
 Console error appears when opening a screen from Global Result / Recently Viewed
 Unable to login after changing password
 Issues when closing expanded screen from dock panel
 Red box not appearing on column after model level validation fails.
 No Cancel button when closing an edited/added record.
 Cannot maximize the grid of Batch Posting
 Console error exporting to exporting in GL Build Accounts screen
 Issues when maximizing a screen with 2 grids
 Budget - move to next Amount field will show the cursor after 0
 Year in Form 941 screen is in decimal
 Failed to load data in Load Schedule search screen upon applying quick filter
 Activity calendar freezes when calling activity.
 Row color not get applied in new tab in Inventory View Search screen
 CLONE - Filter is not functioning properly on batch posting screen
 Time in and Time out in Time Approval displays Date instead
 Two-Step Verification not working
 Tabbing on a grid not working properly
 Approver should not be included in the approval process if he is the one who created the transaction
 API key/secret not working
  • No labels