Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


When you create a new row the column name appears multiple times if the row exists
Unit Conversion - Units column does not convert
titleHelp Desk
Console error is displayed when deleting a campaign
Console error is displayed after saving Create Multiple Activities screen
Phone, Mobile, Email not displayed in activity email signature
Duplicate source can be added
Values from Customer - Supported Products are not displayed when creating new ticket from project
Project field value is not displayed when Ticket screen is opened on first instance
Company field value is not copied when ticket is duplicated
When an agent (not the Assigned) closes a ticket, no email notification is sent to previously assigned agent
Email notification is not sent when contact reopens a ticket
Incorrect error message when duplicate module is added in Project > Details > Modules
Clicking Refresh button causes Hours Worked grid records to disappear from view
Unable to create an issue via Ticket > JIRA issue - Create issue screen
Ticket Statuses and Priorities screen freeze when adding records
No value is displayed in Ticket Priorities - JIRA Priority column drop-down list
Special character or (') is saving into weird junk text
Pasting from Outlook Pastes Odd Characters into the Ticket
Clicking 'Next Page' button causes other modules/screens not to open
Storage Locations -> Measurment Tab Combo Box Console Error
HDTN-177013 - Inventory Receipts - Weight in Lot Tracking sectio
Inventory Shipments – issue regarding Qty, Qty UOM and Line Total: -
shipment - should not show lots with no stock
Inventory Data Import Template - Remove End Month Cost Column from Item Pricing Template
Inventory Data Import - Upload Multiple Item Pricing, Pricing Method is not Uploaded Correctly
Inventory Data Import - Import Inventory Count Commodity Not Saved
stock details show other charges non-inventory items
Import Inventory Data - Add Validation to Prevent Uploading of Existing/Duplicate Records
Item Setup Location - Maintenance Screen Opened from Hyperlinks is at the back of Setup Location Screen
Inventory Receipt - Open Item Button Not Working
Inventory Shipment - Pick Lot Order Qty Blank
Inventory Receipt Purchase Contract - Other Charge Amount is Not Computing when Using Add Orders
Inventory Transfer - comboboxes in Items grid allow selection even if there is no item specified
HDTN-182162 - Unable to save shipment without picking lots
Inventory Count - multiple issues
Inventory Count - Was able to Post Item even Recount is Checked and Error in Recap.
Inventory Count Print Variance - Physical Count value is 0.
Voucher - Cost adjustment is posting wrong gl entries
Drop ship case records are coming blank sometimes: -
Optimize search screen query for Load / Shipment screen
Load/Shipment Calendar - Clicking on load/shipment calendar is not opening the corresponding load/shipment: -
Load/Shipment Schedule - Duplicate feature has not to be dependent on company configuration: -
Comments is missing from Load Schedules search grid
Inbound Load/Shipment Schedule - 'Bill Customer' and 'Bill To' fields for warehouse instruction inbound should be hidden: -
Pick Lot - need to remove contract view from back end: -
Shipment Schedule - Vessel tab search screen is showing duplicate records if there exists multiple contracts in order tab: -
Shipment Schedule - Generate Load hyper link is not working: -
Allocation -> Generate Load created Drop Ship Load are not opening from search screen: -
Cannot generate Load Schedule from Contract- Object Reference error message displayed
Failed updating Dalmayr db from 16.1 to 16.2
Load/shipment Schedule - Sample Status is not displaying: -
On fetching geocodes from ALK Maps, if address is not valid, move to next order ignoring this order.
Disable remove button in sequence grid after posting in least cost routing screen
Grouping issue in Load/Shipment Schedule search screen: -
Remove the Print menu from Split screen toolbar
RE: HDTN-182288 - DN-122004
Double Lot Qty adjustment causing discrepancy on cost buckets
Qty is not showing properly in the Item plan report
Failed deployment of 16.2.0629.6
titleMeter Billing
Wrong Error is showing when Saving a blank record.
Error when trying to Save a record that has the same Item on another Meter Account record
Remove Insert and Remove button on Meter Readings
titleMotor Fuel Tax
Report preview grid and all reports shows nothing
Error in report preview page no transaction data is being rendered
Total dblVolume is incorrect from what is expected.
unable to link an earning code on a template
Time Approval - Supervisor should only see employees who have them setup as supervisor
Approved time in Time Approval is going to OVT not REG
created checks in Process paygroups and FIT tax is WAY OFF
titlePurchasing AP
Payment was not created for $0.00
Created voucher via voucher batch was not deleted
Open Clearing and Open Clearing Detail reports - Open or Partial Vouchered IR are not shown on these reports
Voucher: Cannot open screen dblOldCost Error
Voucher: Missing Contract values on the dropdown
Open Clearing and Open Clearing Detail reports - incorrect amount shown on Aging Details
Recurring Transaction screen does not open for new record
dblAmountApplied from tblAPAppliedPrepaidAndDebit is not rounded off
AP Reports - Hyperlink on transaction was not applied on succeding pages
titleReport Manager
Save changes alert prompts the user when closing Report Viewer without changes
From Name in Company Configuration is not used when Emailing report
Open Clearing and Open Clearing Detail reports - Apply Filter is clicked for so many times before data is shown
Printed Grading Tag is cut off and does not include the Discount Code
Archive has console error
Email Notification does not send
titleRisk Management
Derivative Screen - M2M Entry screen is not opening .
Future Option Transaction Screen is not allowing to save
Disable Price field for contract item
Payment Method not required on Receive Payments screen
Other charge with unchecked 'Price' still displayed on Add Shipment
Commission Plan: Issues on GL Account field
HDTN-180855 - i21 Open Item Statement
Tax Report Grid totals not balancing
Invoice Emails Are Being Sent With the Wrong From Name in the SMTP Settings
HDTN-181251 - Sales Orders were closed last week and now they are open
Invoice report: alignment of tax details, bol, and contract details
Revision on unship message
Hide Card Fueling from the invoice Source list
HDTN-181652 - Terms not calculating date correctly for Day of the Month Due
Controls are enabled on a processed SO
Blank Order UOM of imported billable hours
Remove Insert button Item Taxes screen
Payment Method of prepayment/overpayment is using its originating payment method
Receive Payments: Payment is showing positive amount on double click
Incorrect paging of Quote report when printed via Batch Printing
Cutoff box on Batch Printing screen
Service Charge not calculated when Status Code is used
SC not calculated when payment was made days after the due date
WM - Sales analysis report showing wrong cost
Manually exempted tax not carried over to Invoice from SO
Cannot save/post invoice
Yes button on message opens Calculate Commission screen
0 amount Undeposited Funds always impacted on invoice
Cannot pay Debit Memo
Cannot apply prepayment to an invoice via Invoice screen
Change invoice type on reports
Tax Report: Missing Date filter
Invoice History report: Incorrect grand total and total record when filtered by invoice number
Invoice History report: not all invoices are displayed on report
HDTN-182038 - Customer Pricing pulling in wrong price from Special Pricing
Payment report: Forgiven Service Charge included on Pending Invoice computation
Customer Inquiry report/screen: incorrect Unapplied Credits, Pending Invoice, and YTD Sales
Customer Aging/Detail report: Credits is incorrect
Cannot create service charge when integration is enabled
Open any Service Charge No Data on the screen
Payment History report: incorrect Unapplied Amount and Total Records
Balance Forward report not showing logo
Balance Forward report: incorrect Grand Total
Show Tax Report grid total
Cannot import transactions from CSV
Wrong contract id passed in drill down
It does not follow the selected printing option of used Scale Station Setting when printing Ticket
Scale Station ID is not displaying in Scale Ticket Report
Scale - Available quantity validation message after entering Gross weight
auto assign in manual distribution is failing to take in to account entered options
Scale - Display Discount Code not Discount Description
Discount Code is not displaying when Item is selected in Scale Ticket
DP Units are stored in Open Storage by default in manual distribution
No printing option displayed for 120mm Kiosk Ticket format
Console error message when saving Scale Station Setting
Wrong default distribution type displayed after selecting an item
titleTank Management
Should Not Be Able to Transfer Device to Inactive Site
Open and close will ask to save record
Transport Quote not showing on Batch Printing | Detail tab
Could not get Zipcode of Vendor on Transport Load
Cannot Delete Transport Load
ReAdd dblQuoteTotal field in vyuTRGetQuoteHeader
Error on Unposting Transport load using Sales contract