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i21Launcher: Do not call if the machine is not a windows machine
Additional parameter for uspSODuplicateSalesOrder
Improve the DB Upgrading - uspSMUpdateUserRoleMenus
Import Driver Files - List of Files available to import
Import Driver Files - Process BH file to Sales Invoice
Import Driver Files - Process BD File to Sales Invoice
Voucher screen- Show the price in new currency if FX and invoice currency has been selected in FX tab, contract sequence screen
Program the new derivative screen
Future 360- Create a check box for "Show Expired Months " and based on that restrict the display of expired months in future 360
While matching futures transactions, if the date and time stamp is same for more than one trade, the next sort should be on price. Highest price gets matched first



Inventory Receipt/Shipment - Update status of distributed scale ticket
cash manager bank report listing will not print in numerical order

New Feature

Settlement sheet
Drill down to screen
Payroll canned panels
Ability to resize panel height on dashboard
CLONE - Limit Location Selections based on User Role Company Locations
Finalize Disconnected Model for any screen/module
VOIP Integration with i21
Creating Invoice for Bill Storage, Sell Offsite and Creating Voucher for Settle Storage Screen
Energy Trac View for Inventory Items
Report -> Bin Vizualization
Green Coffee Position Report/Inquiry
Receipt Report/Inquiry
Recall Report
Create a query based on Inventory Receipts
EOC-Get Market Prices in Settlement price screen (Futures)
Code for Balance Forward Type Customer Statement
BILLABLE - HDTN-176153 Carquest Import in AR Invoices
Create 16.2 Commission Approvals
Scale - Create a call to Contract SP that will create a DP Contract if the Vendor does not have one.



Mark transactions as Invalid if they fail the duplicate check
HDTN-176610 - cash manager bank report listing will not print in numerical order
HDTN-179680 - Cash management Bank Transaction add Attachments capability
Modules for Other Customers
Add Column "Category Exemptions" in Tax Group setup
Default header quantity UOM in Contract Sequence.
Add ItemNo, number of sequences, number of completed sequences etc columns in Contract - Futures view
Summary Search Grid
Batches Search Grid
Add field to use for buffered grid indexing.
Auto update Display Dashboard when default tab is changed in User Profile
Enable panel resizing when "Save Dashboard Layout" is checked instead of "Save Grid and Pivot Layout"
Way of arranging records according to ASCENDING or DESCENDING using Order By Field
Farm Field Location Value
Receive Payments - Invoice No not in numeric order
add bill function for bill storage - grn-263
Add bill discounts for grain storage records and create voucher for premium and invoice for discounts
strorage screen udpates...
Defaulting of the assigned to
Receipt - Add field 'Quality Schedule'
Ability to Import Prices from General CSV format
Inv Receipt - Print Pallet tags all at one go.
Receipt -> HDTN-179322 - Extend Cost to min 5 digits on Inventory Receipt Details Grid
INv Receipt - on receipt type of transfer order for IR - do not filter orders by locations - required 16.2
Inventory Receipt - Gross & Net wgt should be auto calculated when Gross/Net UOM is selected
Inventory Receipt - Tax is not recomputing after changing the Location with a diffrent tax setup.
Inventory Receipt Detail - Item No. Filter Should not Display Other Charges
Import Inventory Count Details
Inventory Count - Recap button - Add Error message if there is no item with variance
Load Calendar - Add Supplier Reference # and Customer Reference #
Least cost routing improvements
Show orders after 1st, 2nd, 3rd refill in 3 different icons
Add sequence, comments in orders popup in least cost routing
Company Preference for Recipe Cost Type (Average, Last, Standard etc.) and used in Recipe Costing
Filter Recipe Based on Customer in Add Recipe Screen From Sales Order
Show Cost in Quantity UOM in Recipe and Add Recipe to Sales Order Screen
Format Summary (Price & Qty) in Add Recipe Screen
No message is thrown to inform user that importing is already finish
Improve importing performance
Set the pay to address of voucher when no setup on vendor screen.
Cannot create prepayment for unlimited contracts
Convert ap reports to use new Simplified Reporting
HDTN-182315 - Need to add data to report
Payment has prepayment for contract.
Make Invoice Number a hyperlink type
Implement FRM-3251
Supply the Window object to PickList Screen in Sales Order
Supply Customer Name to Add Recipe Screen as parameter
 Scale - Ability to edit ticket after inventory receipt has been deleted.
 Follow up to sc-6 for getting printers assigned
Discontinue setting Lat/Longitude from Zip Code
Orders Web Service: Add Comments and Percent Left
Contract Overfill on Receipts and Sales
Transport Quote > Printing formatting tweaks

Data Fix


WM - Set Negative Allowed to 'No' for all items
HDTN-180420 - Invoice Footer is not printing on the invoice - data fix required for previous invoices entered




Unrounded Bank Transactions Throwing off Reconciliation
Cannot Import Bank File When there is a Large Number of Uncleared Items
Clear Transaction Screen cut off
Unable to clear an ACH paycheck - PCHK-174
Active Origin Screens panel did not close after Refresh
Batch Posting: "This record no longer exists" when drilling into Bank Deposit
Starting Numbers: Preview shows as 'False' when location is enabled
Form company location (under common info), there is a field "location number". Not able to find this field in control permissions to set it as mandatory
User is not added on the user tab of a sub role
Announcement is still displayed even if "Do not display is checked"
Batch Posting screen did not open after processing an Invoice
Terms not calculating date correctly for Day of the Month Due
i21 lock screen is not showing properly when lock down count message is up
Unable to login after getting locked from idle time
Error message does not appear when pressing Enter key on keyboard
Clicking the Password expiration notification logs out the user
Cannot login users using the default security policy
Change Password still accepts incremental password
Lock user account after xx invalid login attempts is not working
User is prevented to login even if business hours is not yet done
Can save Currency Exchange Rate with the same Rate Type and Effective Date
Can still check/uncheck the module list on existing license records
Cannot open transaction from Approvals screen
Contact Portal Role can add a sub user role
Batch Posting in Sales need Customer Data, not Vendor
Modules does not appear as checked when registering a duplicate license
Multiple Origin Terms Code error message
Delete User Role that is no longer used
Selecting Reject in the Approval screen must require a Reason
All Approvals Amount fields should round to 2 decimals
Approvals Date columns should use a standard i21 date format
Create Menu for AP Simplified Reports
CLONE - User - Change Password - Clicking Apply should display a message box with any Security Policy errors
Console errors appear when registering a license key with customer-added module(s)
"Internal Server Error" when saving duplicate Module name
Currency Exchange Rates screen is not opening
2 record of newly created location were added on aglocmst
Merged contact admin still has System Manager menu
Password should expire at the start of the day
Tax Group Id column not present on CompanyLocationBuffered store
Contract search screen is showing same contract number repeating twice.
Price contract is displaying wrong futures price and final price.
Price contract is always converting lots to integer instead of round in case of multiple price fixation
Contract Process button - Inventory Receipt Gross/UOM
No. of lots is not saving and displaying if multiple price fixation is checked
Dealer Site Item from Company Configuration are not displaying
CCR Email notification does not send to customer's email address
Delete toolbar button is still enabled even if the transaction is posted
16.2 Changing from Grid to Pivot Grid style did not remove setup Column Settings
Chart Panel : Default Label Position does not show when newly created panel is reopened on Panel List
Conditional Formatting does not work
Sorting does not work when clicking column header
Saving the modification on Preference > Dashboard under User profile has no 'Saved' confirmation
Error occurs when deleting last entry on Other Filter
Incorrect message content
Value set in Rows Visible does not match the records displayed
Console error occurs when shared panel is viewed through Panel User List Screen
Date format does not match between parent panel and drill down panel
Sorting does not stick when refreshing panel even when "Save Grid and Pivot Layout" is checked
Cannot select other location as default location
rename import template filename
All modules appear on the License > Module list even with no license
Cannot select multiple rows on Tax Exemption grid
Import Tax Exemption: Issue with Start Date, State, and Partial
Missing default value on Date Format and Number Format
Entity Management - Change password still accepts incremental password
United States turns to Anguilla in User Profile
Cannot login user after admin changes the password
No record reflected in Employee > Timesheet Tab even with posted paycheck
Merging 2 entities should not create 2 portal admin
Rename Approvals panel in General tab to "Web Portal Approvals"
User - Change Password - Clicking Apply should display a message box with any Security Policy errors
Error when adding a existing module name in tblARCustomerLicenseModule but different application name.
CLONE - Console error appears when deleting records with search screen
Other users were displayed on Watcher's list when pressing enter key on filter field
Default Layout does not open when menu is selected.
Issues on filter
Issues when closing expanded screen from dock panel
Sales Analysis, Filtering by Salesperson distorts alignment
Filter is not deleted on Add Screen/Control Permissions screen
Aggregate Summary is not working in Search Screen when grouped
Time slider is not showing properly
Not able to export in Contract search screen
No validation in date filters
search configuration setup as a function doesn't refresh on location change
Calendar screen closed when Add button is clicked
Event Title should appear in the title bar instead of the user name
Calendar event is enabled on invitee's view
Cannot set public calendar to read only
Saved grid layout on docked search did not appear on floating search
Unable to sync Invitees when calling a common function in Framework - iRely.Functions.addToCalendar(...
When you create a new row the column name appears multiple times if the row exists
Unit Conversion - Units column does not convert
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