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Contract Header Fields (red cell indicates mandatory field)
Field NameDescription

Use this to automatically default fields to the template of your choice. Templates can be built / modified via the Contract Template maintenance screen.

TypePurchase or Sale
EntityEither a customer (Sale) or vendor (Purchase)
CommodityWhat you're selling
QuantityThe total quantity of the contract along with UOM
Contract DateIndicates the date when the document was created
Entity ContractYour customer or vendor's contract number
ContactContact person associated with the contract. An email can be sent from here.
INCO/Ship TermUsed to indicate who's paying for the freight. INCO location indicates where ownership changes.
Pricing Type
PricedA price contract allows for the entry of both the futures price and basis amount.
BasisA basis contract allows the entry of the basis component upfront along with the futures month.  The futures price be set before or after delivery.
HTAAn HTA (Hedge to Arrive) contract locks down the futures price but not the basis.  Typically, the future price is entered before delivery.
UnitA Unit contract will allow entry of quantity but not futures price or basis.
DPA DP (deferred price) contract will not allow entry of futures price, basis nor quantity.  Quantity will be incremented upon deliveries.
CashA Cash contract is treated the same as Priced but is for a commodity that is not board traded.
Contract NoSystem assigned
Contract TextText that prints on the contract. Example: terms & conditions.
SignedCheckbox: indicates that the farmer signed the contract.
PrintedCheckbox: indicates that the contract was physically printed.
Additional Info Tab
Insurance By 

Provisional Invoice%

Invoicing for goods ahead of time (similar to a down payment)
Weight for Invoicing 
Crop YearIndicates what crop year that the delivery came from
AssociationRelates to any governing association that is involved with the commodity (an agreement to be bound by the associations rules / regulations).
ArbitrationIf there is an issue (exports) which city / state do we agree for arbitration.
ProducerCould be buying from a dealer but want to know who was the original grower.
Claims to ProducerWho will be handling claims when they occur.
Internal CommentsInternal and won't print on the contract.
Printable RemarksWill show on the contract print.
Price Level 
Substitute Item 
Max Price 
PrepaidIndicate if there is a prepayment
Unlimited Qty Contract 
Multiple Price 
Documentation TabAllows the add of external documents to a given contract.
DMS TabSimilar to Documentation tab but allows more sophisticated managment of documents. This is an optional module.
Audit Log TabHistory of the contract history (field level changes).
Approval Tab 
Activities TabTask managment, intigrated into CRM.
History TabHistory at the sequence level.
Sequence Line Item ColumnsColumn NameDescriptionSequence

System assigned

StatusSystem assignedStart DateTime period for delivery (used mostly for planning).End DateTime period for delivery (used mostly for planning).Planned AvailabilityMore for manufacturing.Event Start Date Updated Availability LocationCustomer's physical location (from or to).BookA way to group business (contracts). Used in reporting and the Derivatives screen.Sub-bookThe next granular level to Book.Contract Item ItemThe specific item that is expected to be received for a given commodity.Item Specification Origin Purchasing Group Farm NoSetup specific farm that is associated with the sequence.Grade Garden Vendor Lot ID Reference Quantity / UOMCan have different UOM than contract header. Not typical.Net Weight / UOM Packing DescriptionExamples: bulk, bagged, etc.Original Quantity Unit/Layer Layers/Pallet No. of Sequences No. of LotsNumber of futures contracts needed to hedge this contract. Not typically used in grain.Container Type No. of Containers Market ZoneUsed for valuation of grain. Determines where the title (ownership) is transfered during shipment.Discount Discount TableSome grades shrink the volume, some affect the price and some can do both. Can also vary by customer and geographic location.Schedule Code Option SplitAllows the ability to split the sequence between mulitiple producers.Pricing
Note: the columns in this section will vary based on the contracts price type.
Fixation By 
Pricing TypeDefaults to the contract pricing type
Futures Market 
Mn/YrFutures month
FuturesFuture price
BasisFutures plus basis
Cash PriceComprised of amount and UOM
Total CostQuantity x Cash Price
ERP Item No 
ERP Batch No 
FX Tab
Invoice CurrencyCurrency that should be used for invoicing
Fx Valid From / To 
Currency Pair 
Exchange Rate 
FX Price 
Rate Type 
FX Price UOM 
FX Remarks 
Assumed FX for Marginal Risk Report 
Miscellaneous Tab
Ship Via 
Farm Invoice No 
Claims to Producer 
Provisional Invoice 
Quantity Final 
History Tab Activities Tab Events Tab 



locked in the basis but not the futures price (future month is locked).  Can be locked in after delivery.