Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Report Fields
Field NameDescription
ResourceThis is the individual that is performing the service or planning the hours
TicketThis is the help desk tickets - help desk tickets are the source of this report
CustomerThis is the customer on the related ticket
Estimated hoursThis is the sum of the hours from the Estimated hours on the help desk ticket detail
Planned hoursThis is the number of hours
Field NameDescription
Voucher Line Item ColumnsColumn NameDescriptionLoad #

Inbound Shipment record number if selected detail is associated to an Inbound Shipment

ContractContract number if selected detail is associated to a contractContract SeqSequence of the detail in the contract selected.PO #Purchase Order rerord number if selected detail is associated to a purchase orderItem No.Item No. of the item selectedDescriptionDescription of the item selectedMisc DescriptionIf Item No is selected, this also displays the item's description. If item is not available in Items table, user can directly enter miscellaneous item in this field.UOMUOM set for the selected item. If detail is associated to other transactions, then it will default to the UOM used in that transaction. If not, it is defaulted to the stock unit of the item. For misc items, default is blank.OrderedQuantity received for the item.BilledQuantity billed for the item.Sub CurrencyChecked if Currency Unit used for the item is sub currencyCurrency UnitThis is the currency used when item was received. It can be in main currency or in sub currencyRate TypeThe rate type used if currency used in the transaction is different from the functional currency set for the company.Exchange RateIf currency used in the transaction is different from the functional currency set, this is the rate used to convert the amount to base currency when posted to GLCostThis is the cost of the item per UOM selectedCost UOMThis is the unit of measure of the costGross/Net UOMUOM for Gross/Net if used in a selected item associated in a transaction.Net WeightNet Weight of the item recieved.Discount

Percent discount applied manually. (But this is just a display. Discount on payment will still be computed based on terms and date or will still get the discount entered in Terms Discount field if overridden.)

TaxTax computed based on the tax setup if available for the company location used, by vendor or by vendor locationTotalLine total, Cost * Billed qtyActualIf voucher is associated to a contract and additional charges were applied, this is where actual amount is entered. (Column is hidden by default)Difference

Difference of Actual - Total amount. (Column is hidden by default)

Account IDExpense or AP Clearing account used where GL entry will be posted. Account DescriptionDescription of the Expense or AP Clearing account usedCommentsAccepts any comments entered.Storage LocationThis is the storage location of the itemExpected DateDefaulted to today's dateSource NoIf voucher is associated to other transaction, this displays the record no of the source transactionBOLBill of Ladding no1099 FormThis displays the form in which voucher transaction will be included in the 1099 report1099 CategoryAvailable only for 1099 MISC, 1099 PATR and 1099 MISC.
Voucher Footer Fields
Field NameDescription
SubtotalSum of all lines Amount Before Tax
TaxSum of Tax Calculated
TotalSubtotal Plus Tax
Amt PaidTotal of payments made on the voucher
Amount DueTotal minus Amt Paid


Terms DiscountCalculated discount
OverrideThis is the manual override flag to allow you to manually enter discount
Due if paid byThis is the amount that is due if you pay by the due date