Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The Sanitization Work order manager screen has the following menus:

OpenTo Open/Edit an existing order for Production
Pick OrderTo Open the Outbound Order for Staging
ExportTo Export to Excel, PDF or TEXT files
CloseTo Close the manager screen
RefreshTo Reload the data


Sanitization Production screen has the following menus:

SearchThis menu will load the serach screen to search for a particular order no. 
RefreshTo refresh the manager screen
DeleteTo delete the work-order
UpdateTo updated the work-order
StartTo Start the work order
Undo StartTo Undo the started work order
ProduceTo Produce Output Lot
PrintTo Print the Labels 
CompleteTo Complete the Work order
PrintTo print the selected Labels 
Open PickUsed to Open the Outbound Order
Put-AwayUsed to Open the Inbound Order
CloseUsed to Close the screen


Details Section has the following controls

Input Lot IDThe Input Lot ID for the selected line
Input ItemDisplays the Input Material Name
Produce Lot IDAllow uses to enter the Lot ID to be produced or generate automatically
Required QtyDisplays the Required Quantity
Staged QtyDisplays the Staged Quantity
No. of UnitsDisplays the number of units by dividing the Processed Qty and Weight per unit
Processed QtyAllow uses to enter the processed quantity
Wt. per UnitBy default it is empty, User should enter the weight per unit of the lot
Wt. Diff.%Displays the weight difference in percentage
Storage LocationAllow uses to select the storage location
Units per layerAllow uses to enter Units Per Layer of the Produced SKU
Layers per palletAllow uses to enter Layer per Pallet of the Produced SKU
No of PalletsDisplays the number of total pallets by calculating from pallets per unit and then deviding with No. of Units
Expected DateAllows user to modify the expected date 

The Print Option has the following controls: 

No Of LabelsAllows user to enter the number of Labels to be printed at the time of Producing the Outut
Print LabelThe Label Print can be turned Off/On using this check box
Print Container LabelThe Container Label Print can be turned Off/On using this check box

Input Section : 

The Input section has the following controls: 

Lot IDDisplays the Lot ID
Lot AliasDisplays the Lot Alias of the lot
Create DateDisplays the Create Date
Created byDisplays the Created by user name
CategoryDisplays the Material Type name
ItemDisplays the Material name
DescriptionDisplays the Description of the material
Order QuantityDisplays the Order Quantity
UOMDisplays the UOM
Lot StatusDisplays the Status of the lot
Storage LocationDisplays the Unit  name
Sub LocationDisplays the Location name
GardenDisplays the Garden name
Staged QtyDisplays the Staged Quantity
Weight Per UnitDisplays the Input lot's Weight per unit
Units per LayerDisplays the Units per Layer of the lot
Layers per PalletDisplays the Layers per Pallet of the lot
Qty in WeightDisplays the Unit Weight

The Output section  has the following columns:

Input Lot IDDisplays the Input Lot ID
Output Lot IDDisplays the Output Lot ID
CategoryDisplays the Material Type name
ItemDisplays the Material name
DescriptionDisplays the Description of the material
Output QuantityDisplays the output quantity to produce
UOMDisplays the UOM
No of PacksDisplays the Unit Count
Pack UOMDisplays the UOM of Unit Count
Weight Per Pack 


Storage LocationThe Selected Storage Location from details
Units per LayerDisplays the Units per Layer of the lot
Layers per PalletDisplays the Layers per Pallet of the lot
No of PalletsDisplays the total number of pallets

The Output SKU Section grid has the following columns:

ContainerProduced Container Id of the selected Produced Lot will be displayed
SKUThe SKU associated with the Container will be displayed
QuantityThe SKU Quantity will be displayed based on the Units Per layer and layers Per Pallet enetered under Detail section
UOMThe UOM of the SKU will be displayed
SKU StatusThe Status of the SKU will be displayed
Storage LocationThe Selected Storage Location will be displayed
Sub LocationThe Sub Location of the Storage Location will be displayed
Expiry DateThe Expiry Date of the SKU calculated based on the Item Life time will be displayed
