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Ticket Summary


  1. On the Menu Panel, click on Help Desk.
  2. Click on Call Detail Report Ticket Summary under Reports menu.
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      1. To display chart, click Show Chart. Show Chart button will change into Hide Chart button.
        Chart is hiddenImage Added
        Chart is displayedImage Added
    1. Initial filter should be by Date (From: [date today - 3 months] and To: [date today])Last 30 days) and Action
    2. To adjust filter, input agent and dates.
    3. Once filtered, graph should reflect the filtered agents.
    4. Click Detail grid row button to display ticket details assigned to the agent
      1. Default filters should be the agent and date from Ticket Summary screen
      2. Tickets should be grouped by Agent, Ticket Type, Priority
      3. Columns: Agent, Type, Priority.


      1. Open Tickets, Closed Tickets, Reopen Tickets, Total Tickets, Total Billed Hours, Billed Amount
      2. Click the hyperlink under Open Tickets, Closed Tickets, Reopen Tickets and Total Tickets will open their corresponding Ticket screen containing the tickets filtered using the Agent, Date, Type, Priority and Status.
        Image Added
    1. From the Ticket Summary grid, user can click the hyperlink under Open Tickets, Closed Tickets, Reopen Tickets and Total Tickets. Ticket screen will appear filtered by the Agent and ticket status.

    AgentThis is the name of the entity to which the call is Assigned to18.3
    DepartmentThis is the department from the users employee entity record.19.1
    Open CallsNumber of calls that are assigned to the agent and are in the "Open Status" independent of the date range of the report. this is just a metric of current open calls.18.3
    Open Calls - BlockerThis is the number of open calls that are blockers19.1
    Open Call MajorThis is the number of open calls with a status of major19.1
    Open Calls minorThis is the number of open calls with a status of minor.19.1
    Closed CallsNumber of calls that have been closed in the time period noted in the date range18.3
    Closed calls - BlockerThis is the number of closed calls that are blockers19.1
    Closed Calls MajorThis is the number of closed calls with a status of major19.1
    Closed Calls MinorThis is the number of closed calls with a status of minor.19.1
    Reopened CallsThis is the number of calls that were reopened during the period.18.3
    Reopened calls - blockerThis is the number of reopened calls that are blockers19.1
    Repoened Calls - MajorThis is the number of reopened closed calls with a status of major19.1
    Reopened calls - minorThis is the number of reopened closed calls with a status of minor.19.1
    Total CallsOpen Calls +Closed Cals18.3
    Total billable hoursuse the dates in the criteria to review the hours worked during that period, If the report range was June 1 to June 5 and the ticket date was June 5 but the hours were dated June 7 then those hours will not show on this report18.3
    Calls ratedThis is the number of calls that have a customer satisfaction rating18.3
    Average ratingThis is a 1 to 5 score - Very satisfied being 5 and very dissatisfied being 1. Add all the scores on all calls rated and divide by the number of calls rated.18.3

    Days outstanding

    Renamed Days to close

    Days to close :is the sum(Create date - current date) / number of closed calls. This reports on the days outstanding for closed calls


    Days openDays open :is the sum(Create date - current date) / number of open calls. This reports on the days that the current calls are open.
