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CT-6707CLONE - iRely: Call uspARUpdateOverageContracts when creating spot item.
CT-6125Add new configuration to allow saving of contract without sequence.
FRM-9984Remove i21 from all the message boxes
FRD-1599[Financial Report] - Research new report data source solution
GRN-2883Adjust the logging of DPR Summary Log miscellaneous fields
GRN-2827Remove the ability to change the :to location (destination location on transfers of customer storage)
IC-9899HDTN-266176 - Add LS # to Add Payables screen when transaction has an LS # associated
IC-9893Inventory count sheet - Not able to print all the items in orderwise storage number
MBIL-614[invoice] - payment method
MBIL-346Signature Capture
MBIL-589[invoice] - Pricing tier
MBIL-591Ionic version 6 (android 11 and api level 30)
MBIL-629[shift] - desc order of generated packages
PR-2480iRely: Batch Printing for W2s
PR-2571Implement updated 2022.06 tax table Blocker Build
PR-2562Implement updated 2022.05 tax table Blocker Build
PR-2500We're facing performance issues when processing paychecks
PR-252220.1x - Payroll Taxtable Update Version 2022.01
PR-2443Meyer Oil: Add import for Employee Deductions and Deduction Types to origin import
PR-2409iRely: Add import for Earnings and Earning Types to origin import
PR-2490Meyer Oil: Posey County (IN)
AP-10077Adjust the logging of DPR Summary Log miscellaneous fields
AP-10102HDTN-268398 - AgriCare TE: Cannot add Item Type = Comment to Purchase Order
AP-10029CLONE - HDTN-266176 - Voucher - IS number showing in Load number field
RM-4091Performance Degradation after 500k records
RM-4484DPI - Performance Degradation after 500k records
AR-13912iRely: Performance - AR Invoice Post performance enhancement
AR-14150CLONE - iRely: Support multiple transaction type during posting
AR-13795iRely: Add extra parameter for Spot price in uspARUpdateOverageContracts
AR-13911iRely: Performance - AR Sale Analysis Report performance enhancement
AR-13910iRely: Performance - AR Statement Report performance enhancement
AR-13908iRely: Performance - AR Batch Printing and Email performance enhancement
AR-13994MCP: HDTN-266536 - UI changes for power users
AR-13759iRely: Performance Logging for i21
SC-3291HDTN-234537 - Direct Ship Process
SC-4332CLONE - HDTN-234537 - Direct Ship Process (Performance Testing)
SC-4388[Enhancements] - Ticket In Out Report Per Location
SC-4351Ticket In Out Report Per Location
SC-4410Remove the required feature no fields for LSM Discount Mapping
SC-4375Need a validation when the scale ticket is undistributed to ensure it is not being done against a short closed contract
SC-4308HDTN-234537 - Create view for AP Clearing report (Direct Shipment ticket)
SC-4307The user needs the ability to spot the overage of on DWG when their is no application amount left on the contract.
SM-5339Add Charges and Premiums submenu for Grain Module
SM-5262[SM] - Ticket In Out Report Per Location


CF-2858Unable to load unposted transaction search
CF-2871Card Fuelling invoice- Duplicate entry showing in the invoice print
CF-2861HDTN-266649 - CF Import is duplicating records
CF-2839Webster & Garner: Failed upgrade to 20.1.1021.1136
CF-2863HDTN-266808 - Card Fuel Import Issue
CF-2838iRely: [Deployment] Failed Upgrade to latest 20.1Prod (20.1.1019.1131)
CT-6745HDTN-269407 - Remarks filed in Contract Print not displaying correctly
CT-6524[Summary Log] Incorrect Quantity After Deleting Pricing Layer
CT-6766HDTN-269672 - Contract Text - Should not be requiring pricing type
CT-6618Program Fix - Incorrect pricing type after slicing sequence
CT-6622Program Fix - No PBD entered for the unpriced qty settled on storage
CT-6833[DPR Summary Log] - PBD is entered for Priced contract after ticket was settled to storage
CT-6774HDTN-269754 - Approval rejection is popping up irrelevant messages
CT-6816[Search Contract] HDTN-269986 - System is allowing to cancel sequence when it is already allocated to p or s-contract
CT-6638Program Fix - [Summary Log] No Logs For Changed Qty after Re-opening Contract
CT-6159CT - M2M open qty exceeded lots if the contract is rolling to another month
CT-6798HDTN-269986 - System is allowing to cancel sequence when it is already allocated to p or s-contract
CT-6606[Summary Log] Purchase Basis is Logged After Undistributing Ticket for Purchase Priced Contract
CT-6727HDTN-268920 - speed and performance of contract grid and screen
CT-6583[DPR Summary Log] - Incorrect Bucket after unposting/reposting Inventory Shipment
CT-6713[DPR Summary Log] - Purchase DP bucket shows incorrect Action
CT-6528Sales Basis Deliveries is recorded for priced HTA
CT-6534CLONE - 20.1 - [Load In Ticket] - Voucher Was Posted upon Distribution of Ticket
CT-6621[DPR Contract Balance] - Incorrect after updating qty of the HTA Contract
CT-6632DPR Summary Log - Incorrect Action and Transaction Type for Create CM
CT-6689[DPR Summary Log] - Purchase DP bucket shows incorrect Action and Transaction Type
CT-6675Remove DMS deletion when clicking the Email > Contract
CT-6598Contract - In Details tab the column Shipment Status does not show 'Inbound Transit'
CT-6590HDTN-267711 - Price fixation clause to be changed in the Contract document
CT-6539HDTN-267194 - System didn't trigger approval on saving the contract
CT-6547HDTN-267242 - System didn't trigger approval on changing the quantity and price for P30731
CT-6512[Summary Log] No quantity in Sale Basis/Priced after editing pricing layer
CT-6702[DPR Summary Log] - Incorrect value for remove sequence
CT-6504Price Contract for HTA Not Showing in Price Contract Search Screen
CT-6587[Price Contract] Lots Not Calculated After Second Pricing of Contract
CT-6724[DPR Summary Log] Logs Entry For After Modifying Vendor Ref
CT-6604[Price Contract] Cash and Final Price are Not Calculated if Basis is Not Changed
CT-6543Price Contract for HTA Stays in Edited Status When Saved
CT-6502Incorrect Basis After Partially Pricing HTA Contract
CT-6401uspCTUpdateScheduleQuantity is returning a validation message but not fnCTValidateInvoiceContract.
CT-6422[Summary Log] Quantity is displayed under Sale Priced bucket after reopening the sequence for basis contract
CT-6518[Summary Log] No PBD entry after deletion of pricing for contract with applied quantity
CT-6432[Summary Log] No SBD entries if pricing type was manually changed before ticket distribution
CT-6424[Summary Log] Incorrect action description in Sale Priced/SBD bucket after ticket undistribution
CT-6429[Summary Log] Incorrect entries upon changing manually the sequence pricing type from "Priced" to "Basis"
CT-6469[Summary Log] Incomplete entries after redistribution of ticket
CT-6414[Sequence] Incorrect balance/applied quantity after short closing the sequence
CT-6406[Summary Log] Incorrect Sales Basis/Priced after removal of pricing layer
CT-6446Amendments and Approvals - Changing Cash Price triggers the approval process but no record in Amendments tab
CT-6280Incorrect hedge lots in Assigned Derivatives screen after slicing the contract.
CT-6411Cannot Save and Print Contract After Entering Print Remarks - Console Error Encountered
CT-6399Contract screen failed to load data
CT-6497Assign Derivative - Hedge Lots is incorrect
CT-6334Contract Balance Issue ( Code Fix)
CT-6430[Sequence] Able to change pricing type from "Basis" to "Priced" for contract with applied quantity if screen was not initially closed
CT-6243Price Fixation is not logged for contract 6460-1 for HTA contract
CT-6465HDTN-265514 - Investigate cause Contract Balance discrepancy returned by LG Health checkup queries
CT-6439HDTN-266564 - change of price and futures month did not trigger approval
CT-6495DMS file from email is not available on the BU
CT-6405[Summary Log] Incorrect action description for Sale Basis bucket with Inventory Shipment transaction type
CT-6420[Cancel] Allowed to edit existing pricing for cancelled sequence if price record screen was minimized
CT-6403[Summary Log] Display a log for uncancelled sequence after cancellation of other sequence
CT-6413[Summary Log] Entry is under Sale Priced after undistribution of ticket with basis contract
CT-6445Change of Priced Quantity creating wrong logs
CT-6407Program Fix - Unable to cancel DP Contract
CT-6549CLONE - Zeeland: Incorrect Values in Invoice After Posting DWG with QTY greater than the Ticket
CT-6336Contract Balance Issues (Wrong Pricing Types)
CT-6596[Summary Log] Displayed a Purchase Basis/Priced quantity after deletion of pricing for short-closed sequence
CT-6418HDTN-266414 - DPR showing contracts in wrong bucket
CT-6353Program fix - Contract Balance - Sales Basis Delivery in DPR does not match the Basis Deliveries in Price Contract
CT-6337Contract Balance Issues (Short Closed CB Log duplicate)
CT-6369[Contract] - HTA Contract Balance Log issue
CT-6485[Contract Balance Log] - Wrong Pricing Type after pricing sales basis load based contract
CT-6617[Summary Log] Displayed a quantity in Sale Basis/Priced after pricing deletion for short-closed sequence
CT-6293[Contract Balance] - incorrect Futures Price
CT-6488[Jenkins Test] Risk Management: ZEI_T70 - Rolling Purchase HTA Contract effect on DPR (UNSTABLE)
CT-6552[Pricing HTA] - Basis not displayed in Contract
CT-665020.1 - Minimize button appears in Price contract screen
CT-6491Missing log when Sale Unit contract is manually priced
CT-6535[DPR Summary Log] - Additional SBD with 0.00 value is entered
CT-6592[Summary Log] No PBD entry after posting IR for partially priced contract
CT-6306[Contract Balance] Incorrect contract balance after invoice return
CT-650520.1 - Pricing Type is incorrect in Contract Balance
CT-6627HDTN-267998 - Rolling contract changed basis on previously priced loads
CT-6460No Data Pulled in Contract Balance if Filtered with "To Date" Only
CT-6646Changing the price qty logs PBD in DPR summary log
CT-666720.1DEV - DPR Summary Log - Cancelling a sequence resulted to an extra record with 0.00 Qty
CT-6492Missing log when Purchase Unit contract is manually priced
CT-6679[Summary Log] Incorrect Action for Updating Price Contract
CT-6668Unit Contract - PBD logs is display after ticket distribution
CT-667320.1DEV - [Summary Log] Incorrect action description in SBD bucket after ticket undistribution for basis contract
CT-6371Purchase Basis Deliveries Discrepancy in 19.2 vs 20.1 Zeeland DPR
CT-6687DPR Summary Log - SBD did not display in Basis Deliveries tab after re-opening the sequence
CT-6711[Inventory Receipt-Voucher] Unable to generate voucher for partially priced contract
CT-6681[Summary Log] Purchase Basis Deliveries is Logged After Distributing Ticket for Priced Purchase Ratio Contract
CT-6694DPR Summary Log - Incorrect QTY after deleting the priced in contract
CT-6682Seq 1 Pricing Type Changed from Priced to Ratio After Cancelling Seq 2
CT-6683[Summary Log] Incorrect bucket qty and contract balance after deletion of pricing for DWG contract
CT-6680Decimal Discrepancy for Unpriced Lots After Slicing Sequence
CT-6238CLONE - HDTN-264689 - Ratio Pricing in Rapid Contract Entry
CT-6214HDTN-264689 - Index Pricing in Rapid Contract Entry
CT-6342[Contract] - Cancelled contract is still allowed to be priced
CT-6315HDTN-265458 - Price contract from Contract screen is opening for a different contract
CT-6237Cannot Apply Vendor Prepayment
CT-6320Voucher Prepayment - Amount Paid don't have values if the ticket has discount
CT-6205CLONE - HDTN-264447 - System didn't trigger approval when Futures month got changed
CT-6609HDTN-267840 - Purchase contract is not allowing to increase the sequence quantity after LS creation
CT-6321Approval Porcess is Not Applied in Duplicated Contract
CT-6286Futures months changed from Sep to Dec is related to this issue
CT-6345CLONE - [Contract] Incorrect Number of Containers after Slicing Contract
CT-6309CLONE - HDTN-264999 - Changes on "Provisional P&L" in sequence is not showing in Audit Log
CT-6355HDTN-265497 - Voucher is not saving while opening existing voucher and values are modified
CT-6285Contract Screen Not Refreshed After Pricing Contract
CT-6325Unable to change the commodity of the contract items after importing
DASH-2502HDTN-267241 - Dashboard grid is not showing data on using filter panel
EM-2859Creating New User - Contact and Location Mismatch after find Duplicates/Add
EM-2875[EM]- Failed to load data encountered during manual ticket distribution
FRM-10094HDTN-268603 - Unable to get Approvals to work on Contracts LSM-99
FRM-10133Frequent Repetitive Invoice random errors
FRM-10107HDTN-269081 - Incorrect date in the DMS while attaching document - P32229
FRM-10068Remove any reference to Log4Shell or Log4J Service in i21
FRM-10022Webster&Garner: [Jenkins] Transports: WEB_T91 - HDTN-257311 TS-11731 - UAP - Contract to Transports - Invoice Batch Printing (UNSTABLE)
FRM-9982HDTN-265328 - Internal server error message on attaching a document to DMS
FRM-10078HDTN-267971 - System is attaching documents automatically to DMS in contract
FRM-10082HDTN-268088 - DMS is overwriting already uploaded file when amendment mail is sent from the contract
FRM-10087DMS file is not present on BU based on the Data Integrity Check
FRM-10050HDTN-267121 - Folders are different in allocated p-contract and s-contract in Zug
FRM-10059DMS record and not showing/replacing the record if DMS in ZUG is has been replaced by the new record. 
FRM-10056[Intercompany DMS] No data reflected in user column
FRM-10063HDTN-267540 - PDF was not attached in the LSI mail sent out from LSI screen
FRM-10102Reference to Log4Shell or Log4J Service displayed in i21 folder
FRM-9978iRely: Unable to send email Invoice
FRM-10040CLONE - MCP: HDTN-266536 - UI changes for power users
FRM-9829Custom Views added to the menu are not saving the Show Totals or Sort Order
FRM-10030Contract - Details missing in Audit Log tab
FRM-9902Approval - Filter is being disregarded after clicking refresh button.
FRM-10038User - Cannot send the email directly. User needs to reselect the recipient
FRM-10032CLONE - Webster&Garner: User unable to see invoices in payment screen
FRM-10045Login does not redirect to AAD identity server
FRM-10092CLONE - HDTN-268411 - LS-81 and LS-134 are having reference to incorrect p-contracts in Zug
FRM-9359Unable to export grids
FRM-9998HDTN-265456 - i21 email is using sender as global name and user name inconsistently
FRM-10084HDTN-268118 - Export does not work
FRM-10003HDTN-265553 - Error while approving a contract in Romania
FRM-10002HDTN-265501 - Contract email screen is throwing a message to select recipient though it is selected
FRM-10008HDTN-265459 - Filters are not saved consistently in the search screens
FRM-10009Audit Log Changing in Contract Screen
FRM-10019HDTN-265982 - window does not close after clicking "print sample label" in sample entry screen
FRD-1706[Financial Report Viewer] - Incorrect TO DATE on GL Account Detail Screen when clicking Beginning Balance Drilldown
FRD-1725[Financial Report Viewer] - Report will not run
FRD-1715[Financial Reports] - Error when running Trial Balance Report
FRD-1685FRD font size issues
FRD-1638FRD - % calculations do not carry into the drilldown on hierarchy
GL-8727Bank Account - previous GL is not selectable
GL-8659[Fiscal Year] - Does not match fiscal period start date
GL-8758Process Payment: ACH File format not showing the bank routing number for balance ACH
GL-8710Process Payments: Optimize Archive File query
GL-8606Bank: Routing Number already exists when importing from Origin - screen issue
GL-8581[Process Paycheck] : When you post the data doesn't show up in the process paychecks
GL-8545Process Payment: CLONE - HDTN-266890 - Receive Payments Check No gets overwritten when AR ACH generated
GL-8522[General Journal] : Zeeland - Adjust Batch Id Length
GL-8646[GL Account Detail] - Zero Exchange Rate when Creating Bank Deposit
GL-8562Process Payment: HDTN-267080 - ACH REMITTANCE PAY-38049
GL-8689[General Ledger] -Trial Balance not matching GL Account Detail
GL-8641HDTN-268085 - Unable to Regenerate ACH
GL-8471Need to correct Routing numbers for all the customer who does not have 8 digits. we need to add prefix as 0
GL-8465HDTN-265178 - Bank Reconciliation
GL-8453Webster & Garner: OOB Undeposited Fund Report Balance
GRN-2902CLONE - HDTN-269323 - SWW Inventory Value at Grass Valley Elevator not equal to GL
GRN-2893HDTN-268919 - Error When Buying out of Storage
GRN-2730Deadlock error displayed in Settle Storage screen
GRN-2890HDTN-268880 - Unable to post transfer
GRN-2886Record has Changed Upon Partial Settlement
GRN-2841HDTN-265976 - removing UOM out of the column for settled storage units
GRN-2855CLONE - [Settlement Sheet] - other vouchers are not printing on the summary page.
GRN-2849Error Upon Settlement against Priced Contract
GRN-2877HDTN-267680 - Adjustments not showing up on Settlement sheet
GRN-2860Discounts are off after pricing contract (multiple price after settlement)
GRN-2867HDTN-266851 - Settled Storage - Stony Creek
GRN-2835Concurrency issue when a storage is transferred by more than one user
GRN-2865Need a validation on unpost settle storage related to a short closed contract
GRN-2873Storage settlement is posted when contract status is short close
GRN-2842HDTN-266069 - Production History Print
GRN-2879CLONE - HDTN-266125 - Storage Charge is doubling
GRN-2869Deadlock when posting and unposting storage settlement at the same time
GRN-2825Improve Storage Settlement Performance
GRN-2763Zeeland - Missing Cost Bucket error when settling DP storage that came from DP to DP transfer
GRN-2844HDTN-266125 - Storage Charge is doubling
GRN-2824HDTN-264646 - Settle Storage Pricing showing wrong
GRN-2870HDTN-266892 - Duplicate Storage Record Totals
GRN-2828Duplicate entries on DPR upon unposting of DS
IN-992HDTN-269465 - Inter-co script overwrites received qty in BU load/shipment schedules
IN-960HDTN-265514 - Investigate cause Shipping Instruction Qty discrepancy returned by LG Health checkup queries
IN-961HDTN-266061 - Inter-company scripts duplicated LSI in Poland
IN-965CLONE - Strauss: HDTN-265998 - User not able to post sales invoice - Negative Stock error
IN-967HDTN-266465 - Weight claims created by Inter-co in Zug should have current date
IN-968HDTN-266477 - More than 1 IR should not be created against same container for GR feed
IN-970HDTN-266617 - Poland approvers signatures are printed in Israel sales contract in Zug
IN-972Item inter company failed due to contract item no is blank.
IN-976HDTN-267006 - Create No Claim in weight claims when received weight is more
IN-982Data Integrity check mail
IN-983HDTN-268635 - Create Receipt in LS is throwing invalid storage unit error
IN-958HDTN-265761 - Transaction No. is blank for Price Contracts in Approvals screen
IN-962Unable to export PO xml file to SAP when the storage location has special character like '&'
IN-931HDTN-263819 - LS in S72100 on Poland did not update scheduled qty and reduced balance incorrectly
IN-945Contract: Document is not copied BU
IN-937[Slice] Sequence details in ZUG is not match with the BU contract after slicing
IN-954CLONE - HDTN-265055 - Updated avl. date in contract was not updated on changing ETA POD in LS
IN-977External Shipment Item Number is blank in Load Detail after sending the Shipment Feed to SAP
IN-963HDTN-266201 - Inter-company LS created in BU is not updating Updated availability date in sequence
IN-912Created Weight Claim is not displayed in CH
IN-957HDTN-265366 - Inter-company contract was not copied to BU side
IN-944Contract Weight is not updated in BU
IN-905HDTN-262532 - Internal server error on saving allocation
IN-918HDTN-263023 - Inter-company contract failed in Poland due to database error
HD-3667Inappropriate confirmation message when emailing helpdesk credentials
IC-9916Slow performance when unposting settlement with 20 storage tickets
IC-9993HDTN-246699 - Inventory rebuild error message
IC-10015HDTN-269071 - Conversion - AgriCare TE: Import Items/Locations/Pricing did not update Inv. Valuation correctly
IC-10030Origin Import : Error in Storage Locations and Storage Units Import
IC-10067inventory adjustment issue reopened
IC-10039[Jenkins Test] Ticket Management: ZEI_T15 - Select All in Settle Storage (FAILURE)
IC-9860Inventory Receipt Error
IC-9953inventory adjustment issue after recent update
IC-9972Zeeland Testing - inventory adjustment issue after recent update
IC-9994Stock Details - Storage units display issue
IC-9947Missing Inventory after update
IC-9973HDTN-268028 - Conversion (TE): AgriCare Nutrition - Opening Balance Import error
IC-9981Import and Conversions : Error in Opening Balance Import from Origin
IC-9946HDTN-267291 - Conversion (TE): AgriCare Nutrition - Opening Balance import not working
IC-9908HDTN-266436 - Inventory Rebuild script is not working
IC-9933Inventory Shipment - Cannot Post Stock is Not Available 20.1Dev
IC-9938MCP - Missing index in tblICInventoryStockMovement
IC-9920MCP - Slow performance when unposting settlement with 20 storage tickets
IC-9820CLONE - Improve Storage Settlement Performance
IC-9906HDTN-266436 - Need an inventory rebuild to close August
IC-9931iRely: Present in Valuation but not in DPR.
IC-9900HDTN-246699 - Item - pricing level is not accepting multiple tiers
IC-9914Inventory Transfer - Stock not available message at posting and post preview
IC-9825Improve Storage Settlement Performance - vyuICGetInventoryValuation is generating a large number of reads to table tblICItemUOM
IC-9867Inventory Item LP not able to save the record after price changes.
LG-3221HDTN-270320 - Freight entered on load is not defaulting to the item set up.
LG-3216HDTN-270160 - LSI is printing empty page when comments entered are lengthy
LG-3121Currency Field is Missing
LG-3188Failed Deployment on SQL2008R2 Server using build 20.11.0121.426
LG-3185HDTN-269113 - Item UOM invalid or missing message in LS screen
LG-3177HDTN-268870 - LS status not changed to 'Invoiced' after posting sales invoice
LG-3163HDTN-267805 - When user attaches documents to P30343 system is showing up under P30643 in DMS
LG-3128HDTN-266533 - P&L report should not consider full net weight for claim voucher type
LG-3176HDTN-268689 - Invoice formatting issue - shipment data is cutting
LG-3127HDTN-266530 - Purchase wise P&L report: Missing invoiced costs in total column and variance check
LG-3159HDTN-267698 - error while processing IR
LG-3120HDTN-266315 - To be recovered is showing 0 in P&L Report
LG-3137CLONE - DMS file from email is not available on the BU
LG-3116HDTN-266202 - Shipment Status not changing to "Invoiced" when posting Provisional Invoice
LG-3138HDTN-267005 - Weight claims is created on receiving the 1st container itself
LG-3155HDTN-267539 - User is not able to change the transaction date in weight claims before posting
LG-3162HDTN-267810 - Decimal display issue in Weight Claims credit note document
LG-3125HDTN-266474 - LS is not having Audit Log entry when posting on BU
LG-3090HDTN-265420 - P&L Report to use same P-contract weight for computing reserve A and B
LG-3113HDTN-266049 - Reserve A and B are computed incorrectly in P&L Report
LG-3099HDTN-265554 - Voucher button is hidden in the LS screen after posting invoice
LG-3072HDTN-265055 - Updated avl. date in contract was not updated on changing ETA POD in LS
LG-3057Contracts Other Charge does not cascade in Load Shipment processed from Shipping Instruction -201
MFG-4449MCP: Not able to post transport load (TR-9739)
MFG-4459HDTN-266913 - Demand planning report is showing wrong list of contracts in Month column drill down
MFG-4461HDTN-267061 - User is not able to create demand summary view for NDKW in Zug
MFG-4480Invalid error in Existing Purchase
MFG-4481HDTN-268504 - demand planning report - existing purchase link is throwing error
MFG-4340Unable to un-post the cycle count adjustment
MBIL-650i21 - Mobile Billing - Invoice total not updating
MBIL-645[order] - Order not pulling when changing driver
MBIL-648[invoice] - Display cash and check only on payment method
MBIL-613[i21 invoice] - unpost requires payment method
MBIL-590Release APK
MBIL-592[shift] - missing locations
MBIL-594[invoice] - modify contract fields
MBIL-599[invoice] - void invoice
MBIL-601[invoice] - Grand Total
MBIL-606[shift] - unable to remove item in load inventory
MBIL-608[invoice] - invoice contract issue
MBIL-624[i21 invoice] - navigation not working
MBIL-625[i21 shift and payment] - navigation not working
MFT-1641IN MFT-360 schedule 2 for Gasoline is missing required tax criteria
MFT-1643IN MFT-360 schedule 2 for Gasoline is not showing report as per selected tax criteria
PAT-1089iRely: Unable to post an Issue Stock
PAT-1084iRely: Validation on posting an Issue Stock
PAT-1087Voucher - Paid EP is still displaying in Add Payables
PR-2559CLONE - Meyer Oil: CSV Imports for Employee Setup 3 of 6 - Earnings Tab
PR-2511Anniversary Date- Check scenario of Time off accrued hours and TimeOff hours used calculation during awarding.
PR-2487Meyer: Payroll GL distribution
PR-2503Meyer - TimeOff (VAC) hours used not calculating - (Award On - Anniversary Date)
PR-2436Meyer Oil: CSV Imports for Employee Setup 3 of 6 - Earnings Tab
PR-247920.1- Paycheck Calculator Tax Version Indicator not updating
PR-2447Pence Oil: HDTN-266003 - W4 info
AP-10182AP Account is out of balance
AP-10097[Summary Log] Incorrect bucket qty and contract balance after deletion of pricing
AP-10122HDTN-268929 - VPRE-719 unrestricted checkbox
AP-10128HDTN-269102 - Ed Staub: Not able to select Bank Account or Vendor on Pay Voucher Details screen
AP-9975HDTN-265722 - Need help with a problem on a combined grain re-settlement for Mary McAllister (see attachment)
AP-9926AP Voucher Entry Error
AP-10021[Voucher] - Allow opening of voucher with missing Ship To
AP-10022CLONE - Issues with VPRE-563
AP-10162MCP: AP balance job failed
AP-9961Screen minimize changing selections when restored
AP-10066HDTN-267620 - Unable to Unpost Voucher
AP-9915debit an credit amounts not balanced
AP-9943Unable to unpost Pay Voucher
AP-9931HDTN-265017 - i21 Performance Issues - Purchasing/pay vouchers
AP-9957HDTN-265271 - i21 Performance Issues - Vendor ID not generated on Voucher
RPT-1370Outbound Tax Report- Downloading Csv in txt format only.
RPT-1369CLONE - HDTN-267314 - Customer statements not generating
RM-4556HDTN-269985 - In-transit value is wrong in Strauss Coverage Report
RM-4148M2M - Basis / Futures not Pulling In
RM-4425Program Fix - 4774 - 1 Difference of 330.15 bushels between DPR vs CBR
RM-4439Derivatives diagnostic discrepancies on 11/15/2021
RM-4412DPI not loading Data
RM-4441HDTN-266851 - Double derivatives were saved after internal server error
RM-4416Decimal discrepancy between DPR Crush position and Derivative Transactions
RM-4366Derivatives trades are not picked up in Search screen
AR-14216Posted Payment Aging Days Disappears
AR-14281[Jenkins Test] Sales (AR): ZEI_T436 - AR-11910 - [Invoice] - Error on post: Balance cannot be less than zero (UNSTABLE)
AR-14296[Jenkins Test] Sales (AR): ZEI_T345 - AR-11859 - Invoice: 'Balance cannot be more than quantity.' is displaying when posting invoice (FAILURE)
AR-14245Old paid CM still showing in aging
AR-14190HDTN-268716 - Extra NACHA File Payments in Receive Multiple Payment Screen if Filtered
AR-14242Sales Invoice - Item UOM Conversion is not happening correctly
AR-14225Pence Oil: Transactions not displaying on Open Item Statement returning no data to print
AR-14275Zero balance Statements printing blank
AR-14217Tax is disappeared when tab is pressed to move from Tax group field
AR-14244HDTN-269474 - When i21 is unresponsive do not allow posting of same transaction multiple times
AR-14161HDTN-268405 - Finance Charge was not calculated correctly
AR-14182LSM Commodities: Failed upgrade to 20.1.0107.1211
AR-14156[Jenkins Test] Sales (AR): ZEI_T216 - [Multiple Pricing] - Generated invoice has duplicate line items (UNSTABLE)
AR-14164[Jenkins] Sales (AR): MYO_T17 - HDTN-251969 ACH (FAILURE)
AR-14154HDTN-268270 - Invoices not showing up on the inventory valuation report
AR-14202Webster & Garner: Failed upgrade
AR-14129Sales Invoice - Taxable Sale is zero but tax is computed
AR-13803Zeeland: Invoice: The message 'Customer may exceed credit limit' is constantly displayed for customers with sufficient limit
AR-14098United: Not able to filter the statement based on the account status code.
AR-14017United Oil: Customer statement is showing wrong balance forwards
AR-13981CLONE - Webster&Garner: User unable to see invoices in payment screen
AR-13924iRely: When we converted customers from origin to i21 it is showing different name in i21.
AR-13937MCP: HDTN-266033 - Tab on item grid within invoice is going to line of business, needs to go across the item row first.
SC-4459HDTN-269957 - Grade factors not driving to Canadian Scale Ticket
SC-4445HDTN-269654 - "ysnSent property on 'tblEMEntity" error on Ticket Entry
SC-4376[Jenkins Test] Ticket Management: ZEI_T4 - There's a validation message in Spot price eventhough no units assigned on Spot
SC-4341HDTN-265482 - Show Totals don't Export to PDF and xls
SC-4314HDTN-264342 - Ticket distribution error with prepay
SC-4371HDTN-266628 - MCP sites are down at the grain sites (possibly electron not letting us open a scale ticket)
SC-4359Unable to save record due to reference violation
SC-4355HDTN-266068 - TK# 57877
SC-4321HDTN-264612 - Scale ticket 53509 distribution error message
SC-4367CLONE - HDTN-258780 - Spotting less then a ton
SC-4350HDTN-265769 - Print button after posting Delivery Sheet
SC-4219CLONE - HDTN-262298 - Storage record doubled up for farmer
SM-5315CLONE - e-mailing statement issue
SM-5282Mobile billing menu is not showing in the united oil even if it is available in the license
TM-3279Confirmation of info exported from consumption site
TM-3309Unable to Create an Order
TM-3257Lease billing and minimum usage setup not working
TM-3263Unable to print tickets
TM-3292Confirmation of info exported from consumption site.
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