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Create Origin Conversion for CF History
Convert Bank Reconciliation Report and Check Number Audit Report to Simplified Reports
Add callback function when committing ACH/NACHA transactions
Change the help button link (i21help) in the process payments screen
i21Launcher: Do not call if the machine is not a windows machine
Add Payroll Create Payables Menu
Add a intSubCurrencyCent field in the
Add Form 941 to Menu
Adding Integration Module to i21
Save all customer license information to table
Additional Menu Item for Calculate Commission Screen
Add Least Cost Routing Screen in Logistics module
Add strContactName in Company Configuration
Add an Approvals grid to the Company Locations screen
Add new menu item under Sales module for Commission Approval
Make the Collapse button available in Maximized mode
Update Country grid to include new columns
Starting Number for Least Cost Routing
Add Reminder for GL Unposted Transactions in tblSMReminderList
Changes in starting number for Logistics
Do not clear login credential when login attempt failed.
Add company name in GetCompanyLocationSubLocations store.
Add "Parentheses + Space" to the Country Format combo box in the Country screen
CLONE - User Date Format and Number Format options
Updates to Approval List
Need to create one transaction in the collateral screen while doing scaling distribution
Code "clean weights and cost" screen
Add new Columns on ContractDetail API (dblnetweight and strNetWeightUOM)
Add new Columns on ContractDetail API
Contract Management: Additional Info tab > Voucher
Hide process button for sales contract.
Add Exported, Exported Date columns in Contract Search screen
Add contract documents under contract folder in the menu
Exhange Rate is not displayed on Vendor Prepayment
In price contract screen, in the hedge section, introduce currency and uom.
Load / Shipment Schedule and Contracts integration
Clean cost inquiry, receipt dropdown, next to inventory receipt, show the PO number
Clean cost inquiry, Futures impact - if its a profit show it with a -ve sign and if its a loss show it with a +ve sign
Use common API for posting to AP from CCR
Need the common API for posting to AR from CCR
Need the common API for posting to CM from CCR
Server Side Code Revamp
eMail Credit Card Recon Notifications
Screen update to i21 standards and fix reference issues
Print Credit Card Recon Report
Add a intSubCurrencyCent field in
Add Country field to Entity Contacts and Create New Entity screens
Format all Phone Number fields based on the Country Mask
add fields for emvendorcombo.
Add "Approval List" column drop down to Approver grid on User tab
Vendor History: Additional Column Date Paid
Add a General tab to the Entity screen with an Approvals grid
Mass Update all the Country Phone Number Format fields with default values
CLONE - User Date Format and Number Format options
Create non-buffered store to display all Internal Users
Show Approval List for Vendor
Include Security Policy drill down link in User tab
Arrow keys move between grid columns
Tooltips for status of disabled buttons like Post
Upgrade to Ext JS 6
Display Required Fields with a blue left border control color
Limit the number of records that can be filtered in a Search grid to 5,000 or less
User Date Format and Number Format options
Provide facility to create PDF document for a given text.
Format mask for rounding
Remove GL Normalize scripts in db project
Update the Signature Keyword screen to work with any i21 module
HD - Support HTTP OPTIONS for all API action
Include strShortName,strCostType in store
Provide store that will pull the items of receipt.
Create a script/sp that will allow Delta to rebuild stocks from a specific date.
Shipment Schedule and Inventory Receipt integration changes
IR screen- Revert the logic which is validating that the container net weights should match with lot net weight
Able to Adjust Item's Qty using uspICInventoryAdjustment_CreatePostQtyChange procedure if Inventory tracked by Item level
Inventory Shipment functionality to be integrated in the new screen (Shipment Schedule)
All the fields of Shipment Details and Estimated Dates of vessel tab to be a part of header information in Shipment Schedule search screen: -
Shipping Instruction print -under vendor add vendor reference and customer add customer ref.
Posting for Least Cost Routing
Auto-generate delivery notice number in Warehouse tab
Print in-store letter for a selected line in the warehouse tab of load / shipment schedule screen
Least Cost Routing saved transaction to show TM Orders information reading from history table
Quality Report like we have in Soluble Production in ACS
Specify the UOM Id for Lot Move, Split, Merge, Qty Change, and Item Change
Load / Shipment schedule changes impact in Traceability
CRUD - Meter Readings
Post Meter readings
CRUD - Fueling Point Readings
CRUD - Consignment Rate
CRUD - Meter Accounts
CRUD - Fueling Point Price Change
Batch Post Meter readings
Create Screen for Form 941 - CRUD
Update Tax Table component to latest version 2016
Add the currency field in vyuPODetails
Adjust posting of Voucher because of the change in IC-1918
Allow users to process a new voucher for difference amount through vendor prepayment also
Modify AP webconfig for RPT-935
Change default values to 1 (unitQty)
When creating voucher for a purchase basis delivery, the price should populate from the purchase contract
Load / Shipment schedule and Quality Sample integration
Add Sub location id, sub location, load container id, manually entered container number in sample quality store
Validate quality masters and transactions imported from iTrade to i21
Add Warehouse, ICO Marks, shipper code, shipper columns in Contract Quality View
Remove usage of contract header
Add group by feature in all Quality view screens
Apply RPT-914 to 16.1
Create template for importing futures transactions. The transactions will be in a CSV format
need to have scale tickets placed on hold visible in scale
Spec for merging settlement, market basis, futures/options transaction, futures 360, option lifecycle
Program the new derivative screen
Show weighted average futures/basis/cash for inventory and the last column fix the calculation for weighted average
Basis position report - Add price UOM as a dropdown
New Stored procedure/ Changes to existing stored procedure to create Invoice for Grain
Modify AR webconfig for RPT-935
To Display Grain Storage Ticket Number in Invoice Line Detail grid.
For updating schedule quantity use uspCTUpdateScheduleQuantityUsingUOM instead of uspCTUpdateScheduleQuantity
Modify SC webconfig for RPT-935
Hyper link the Total sales, Total tax, TotalMOP, Customer Charges & Customer payments Fields on the balancing criteria section
i21 Checkout Recap
Modify webconfig for RPT-935



HDTN-180895 - Lot Traceability


New Feature

HDTN-180895 - Lot Traceability
Create data import process for Invoices


Update native combo box to grid combo box
Receipt -> Other Charges - Add "Open Maintenance" option to the Context Menu
Load Calendar - Add Supplier Reference # and Customer Reference #
Export menu is not working in Inventory view


Repost Utility

After running script in WM TE, Inventory qty is updated as 100 instead of 1000

HDTN-180420 - Invoice Footer is not printing on the invoice - data fix required for previous invoices entered


CF Import > Multiple Sites & Site Validations

CF Import > Credit Cards

HDTN-180692 - Cash management banks will not reconcile

Bank File Import Not Using Correct Amount Format

Error in 16.1Dev SQL Scripts

Upon commit in ach report, console error displays and transaction did not display in remittance info

When Committing too Many ACH Transactions

"Add an email to approver" prompt appears even if approver already has an email

User tab is missing on Users screen of security login

Inventory Receipt - Purchase Contract Other Charges Price and Accrue Checked with the Same Vendor Validation

Contract - Entity screen open twice when drilled down

Clean Cost screen does not show Other changes entry

HDTN-181142 - Show Find Panel on Dashboard Panels
Cannot export PO Details

Red box not appearing on column after model level validation fails.

Date without Activity does not show

Units not Updating tblGLSummary when unposting a Reversal

uspGLImportOriginHistoricalJournalCLOSED - string /binary would be truncated

Inventory Receipts – line level gross weight is assigned quantity while header level gross is edited: -

Inventory Shipment Pick Lot - Order and Source Number Not Displayed


Receipt -> Other Cost were removed after clicking Calculate button


HDTN-179505 - Incorrect Inventory for Item 10016 Lot 04475


Inventory Shipment is only checking order type not the Source Type (Regression Issue): -


Inventory Adjustment - could not move a lot completely


Inventory Adjustment - Lot Move to Different Location even if the Item doesn't have the Destination Location in Setup


Inventory Shipment - Display Lot Weight UOM


Inventory Receipt - Purchase Contract Cost Currency Incorrect on Add Orders Feature


Inventory Receipt - Cannot Change Lot UOM from PO Using Add Orders Window.


Inventory Receipt - Purchase Order using Add Orders Gross Net Qty Incorrect on First Entry of Lot Qty


Inventory Shipment - "Partial" Sales Order not Displayed in Add Orders Screen


HDTN-180950 - WO-626 item 11084 - Negative has to set to Yes for posting to work


One more additional transaction occurred for some of the lots


Shipment sorting must be descending (last record created on top)


Maximize the window for the BOL report.


BOL report. Fix the alignments.


Inventory Receipt - Vouchers search screen is not loading correctly


Inventory: Lot Move: Creating another parent Lot


Inventory Shipment - BOL Report - Fix printing for Net Weight and Change the value of BOL number to Shipment number


Purchase Order - IR - Voucher - GL Entries are not Balance after Changing Item Cost with Tax.


fnMultipy by 1 with very big decimal value is truncating values.


Inventory Shipment - Lot Quantity Issue on Unposting Shipment with same Lot Numbers

Receipt or delivered date is not displaying in Load Schedule: -
Display the BOL# in reservation details screen

MFG - PP - When Instant consumption is on then Lot create date should be current date.


Warehouse: System is not allowed to stage the lot


HDTN-181190 PK-1193


Inventory View - Lot Split Incorrect Posted Quantity Due to Incorrect UOM Passed by uspMFLotSplit


HDTN-181252 PK-1227 & PK-1228 (DN-1137)


After changing item, move the lot from one location to another location, system displayed error message


History is not displayed correct item after inventory receipt

Time Off Award issues

Problem with Filter button

Unable to Print normal Paycheck when a Direct Deposit check is Committed

First item is checked even when Filter field is blank in Employee Pay Groups

Ohio State Tax regardless of Municipality/School District selected

FK constraint conflicts with database when creating payables

Purchase Order - Duplicate applying incorrect quantity
Incorrect amount is applied to voucher if prepayment type is percentage
HDTN-180626 - Error msg when committing checks
Voucher - Could not change cost of a lotted item
Voucher - Adding Receipts with different currencies msg not supposed to show up
Incorrect total for prepayment where contract is basis type
Tax Detail screen is empty
Modify message when creating voucher for IR with 0.00 amount
HDTN-180242 - Purchase Order Detail - Export to Excel Error
Vendor Prepayment - Grid combo issues
Voucher, if the add receipts has receipts in sub currency, and the voucher is in main currency . do not validate that receipt and voucher currency do not match
HDTN-181280 - Line items not adding on voucher
Amount is not converted to base if detail is using sub-currency
Missing receipt details.
HDTN-181183 - Incorrect Currency when invoice created from Transports
HDTN-181197 - Invoicing from Inventory Shipment Screen (16.1)
Transport invoice comment defaulting to company location comment
Error when viewing/posting invoice (from TR) with contract
Scale weight won't return to zero
HDTN-180566 Cannot click on Invoice Detail to launch details of Sales Invoice
Currency in uspTRLoadProcessToInvoice was hardcoded to the value of "1"
Must type something in comment field in distribution header for invoice transport comment to print
No Freight/Surcharge line on Invoice from Transport Load
Cannot post distribution detail with contract and freight/surcharge







Release Notes for 16.2.0605.198
Release Date - Jun 6, 2016
  • i21 Card Fueling
 Create Origin Conversion for CF History
  • i21 Cash Management
 Convert Bank Reconciliation Report and Check Number Audit Report to Simplified Reports
 Add callback function when committing ACH/NACHA transactions
 Change the help button link (i21help) in the process payments screen
  • i21 Common Info
 i21Launcher: Do not call if the machine is not a windows machine
 Add Payroll Create Payables Menu
 Add a intSubCurrencyCent field in the
 Add Form 941 to Menu
 Adding Integration Module to i21
 Save all customer license information to table
 Additional Menu Item for Calculate Commission Screen
 Add Least Cost Routing Screen in Logistics module
 Add strContactName in Company Configuration
 Add an Approvals grid to the Company Locations screen
 Add new menu item under Sales module for Commission Approval
 Make the Collapse button available in Maximized mode
 Update Country grid to include new columns
 Starting Number for Least Cost Routing
 Add Reminder for GL Unposted Transactions in tblSMReminderList
 Changes in starting number for Logistics
 Do not clear login credential when login attempt failed.
 Add company name in GetCompanyLocationSubLocations store.
 Add "Parentheses + Space" to the Country Format combo box in the Country screen
 CLONE - User Date Format and Number Format options
 Updates to Approval List
  • i21 Contract Management
 Need to create one transaction in the collateral screen while doing scaling distribution
 Code "clean weights and cost" screen
 Add new Columns on ContractDetail API (dblnetweight and strNetWeightUOM)
 Add new Columns on ContractDetail API
 Contract Management: Additional Info tab > Voucher
 Hide process button for sales contract.
 Add Exported, Exported Date columns in Contract Search screen
 Add contract documents under contract folder in the menu
 Exhange Rate is not displayed on Vendor Prepayment
 In price contract screen, in the hedge section, introduce currency and uom.
 Load / Shipment Schedule and Contracts integration
 Clean cost inquiry, receipt dropdown, next to inventory receipt, show the PO number
 Clean cost inquiry, Futures impact - if its a profit show it with a -ve sign and if its a loss show it with a +ve sign
  • i21 Credit Card Recon
 Use common API for posting to AP from CCR
 Need the common API for posting to AR from CCR
 Need the common API for posting to CM from CCR
 Server Side Code Revamp
 eMail Credit Card Recon Notifications
 Screen update to i21 standards and fix reference issues
 Print Credit Card Recon Report
  • i21 Entity Management
 Add a intSubCurrencyCent field in
 Add Country field to Entity Contacts and Create New Entity screens
 Format all Phone Number fields based on the Country Mask
 add fields for emvendorcombo.
 Add "Approval List" column drop down to Approver grid on User tab
 Vendor History: Additional Column Date Paid
 Add a General tab to the Entity screen with an Approvals grid
 Mass Update all the Country Phone Number Format fields with default values
 CLONE - User Date Format and Number Format options
 Create non-buffered store to display all Internal Users
 Show Approval List for Vendor
 Include Security Policy drill down link in User tab
  • i21 Framework
 Arrow keys move between grid columns
 Tooltips for status of disabled buttons like Post
 Upgrade to Ext JS 6
 Display Required Fields with a blue left border control color
 Limit the number of records that can be filtered in a Search grid to 5,000 or less
 User Date Format and Number Format options
 Provide facility to create PDF document for a given text.
  • i21 FRD
 Format mask for rounding
  • i21 General Ledger
 Remove GL Normalize scripts in db project
  • i21 Help Desk
 Update the Signature Keyword screen to work with any i21 module
 HD - Support HTTP OPTIONS for all API action
  • i21 Inventory
 Include strShortName,strCostType in store
 Provide store that will pull the items of receipt.
 Create a script/sp that will allow Delta to rebuild stocks from a specific date.
 Shipment Schedule and Inventory Receipt integration changes
 IR screen- Revert the logic which is validating that the container net weights should match with lot net weight
 Able to Adjust Item's Qty using uspICInventoryAdjustment_CreatePostQtyChange procedure if Inventory tracked by Item level
  • i21 Logistics
 Inventory Shipment functionality to be integrated in the new screen (Shipment Schedule)
 All the fields of Shipment Details and Estimated Dates of vessel tab to be a part of header information in Shipment Schedule search screen: -
 Shipping Instruction print -under vendor add vendor reference and customer add customer ref.
 Posting for Least Cost Routing
 Auto-generate delivery notice number in Warehouse tab
 Print in-store letter for a selected line in the warehouse tab of load / shipment schedule screen
 Least Cost Routing saved transaction to show TM Orders information reading from history table
  • i21 Manufacturing
 Quality Report like we have in Soluble Production in ACS
 Specify the UOM Id for Lot Move, Split, Merge, Qty Change, and Item Change
 Load / Shipment schedule changes impact in Traceability
  • i21 Meter Billing
 CRUD - Meter Readings
 Post Meter readings
 CRUD - Fueling Point Readings
 CRUD - Consignment Rate
 CRUD - Meter Accounts
 CRUD - Fueling Point Price Change
 Batch Post Meter readings
  • i21 Payroll
 Create Screen for Form 941 - CRUD
 Update Tax Table component to latest version 2016
  • i21 Purchasing AP
 Add the currency field in vyuPODetails
 Adjust posting of Voucher because of the change in IC-1918
 Allow users to process a new voucher for difference amount through vendor prepayment also
 Modify AP webconfig for RPT-935
 Change default values to 1 (unitQty)
 When creating voucher for a purchase basis delivery, the price should populate from the purchase contract
  • i21 Quality
 Load / Shipment schedule and Quality Sample integration
 Add Sub location id, sub location, load container id, manually entered container number in sample quality store
 Validate quality masters and transactions imported from iTrade to i21
 Add Warehouse, ICO Marks, shipper code, shipper columns in Contract Quality View
 Remove usage of contract header
 Add group by feature in all Quality view screens
  • i21 Report Manager
 Apply RPT-914 to 16.1
  • i21 Risk Management
 Create template for importing futures transactions. The transactions will be in a CSV format
 need to have scale tickets placed on hold visible in scale
 Spec for merging settlement, market basis, futures/options transaction, futures 360, option lifecycle
 Program the new derivative screen
 Show weighted average futures/basis/cash for inventory and the last column fix the calculation for weighted average
 Basis position report - Add price UOM as a dropdown
  • i21 Sales
 New Stored procedure/ Changes to existing stored procedure to create Invoice for Grain
 Modify AR webconfig for RPT-935
 To Display Grain Storage Ticket Number in Invoice Line Detail grid.
  • i21 Scale
 For updating schedule quantity use uspCTUpdateScheduleQuantityUsingUOM instead of uspCTUpdateScheduleQuantity
 Modify SC webconfig for RPT-935
  • i21 Store
 Hyper link the Total sales, Total tax, TotalMOP, Customer Charges & Customer payments Fields on the balancing criteria section
 i21 Checkout Recap
  • i21 Transports
 Modify webconfig for RPT-935
  • No labels