This screen allows configuration of Storage Location for a Storage Type. These Locations can be storage bins, dock door, forklift etc. 

If a company location has sub locations, then storage locations will be for a sub location. Sub location has to be selected.

If company location does not have sub locations, then storage locations are for the company location

Relationship to third party warehouses:

To manage storage in third party warehouses, we will set up these warehouses as a sub-location of the basic location (profit center).  To indicate locations within a warehouse, use the Storage Location field.  Warehouses will also have to be set up as entities in order to process invoices.  For some functionality like "warehouse rate matrix" we will require a linking of the sub-location warehouse (where the product is held) to the entity warehouse (where the bill is paid). This may be done on the warehouse rate matrix screen, pending a general analysis of how warehouse bills will be processed.

  1. From Inventory module > click on Storage Units menu.
  2. The Search screen for Storage Units will be shown. Click New toolbar button.

  3. This will open a new Storage Unit screen.
  4. Enter the Name and Description of the storage Unit.
  5. Select the Storage Unit Type.
  6. Select the Unit and Sub Unit where this storage Unit be under/found.
  7. Select the Parent Unit as necessary.
  8. Fill in all other information as necessary.
  9. Save the record. You can click the Save toolbar button to save it. In case you miss to click this button and you click the Close toolbar button or the x button at the top right corner of the screen, i21 will prompt you if you would like to save it before closing the screen.

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